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Вариант 9 1 Choose the correct vrint- Mny cmers in Jpn every yer nd they re very expensive

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Вариант - 9

1. Choose the correct variant: Many cameras … in Japan every year and they are very expensive.  

A) Are made  

B) Made

C) Having been made  

D) Are being made   

E) Have been made   

2. American people celebrate Independence Day on the … .

A) 14th of February

B) 31st of October

C) 4th of July

D) 1st of April

E) 8th of March

3. Complete the sentence: Jane _____ me for two weeks.

A) will be phoning   

B) haven’t phoned

C) is phoning   

D) hasn’t phoned  

E) have phoned  

4. Please hurry up! We’ve been waiting … an hour.

A) about

B) at  

C) during

D) since  

E) for  

5. Give the degrees of comparison : bad

A) bad \ the baddest

B) badder \the baddest

C) worse \the baddest

D) worse \ the worsest

E) worse \ the worst

6. Choose the right variant: Is that my key, or is it ... ?

A) yours

B) are you

C) she

D) the yours

E) the your’s

7. Find the right variant:

When my grandmother … young, she … an actress.

A) was/is       

B) was/were      

C) were/were

D) were/was         

E) was/was       

8. Choose the right number:  He lives on (7) floor.

A) The seven

B) Seven

C) The fifth

D) The seventh

E) The fourth   

9. Choose the right variant:

William Shakespeare is the greatest … of all times.

A) playwright and poet          

B) advocate

C) statesman      

D) surgeon      

E) painter        

10. The Whispering Gallery is remarkable for its … .

A) library

B) colour

C) size

D) light

E) acoustics

11. You can hear the sound at Big Ben every … in London.

A) 10 minutes

B) twice an hour

C) half an hour

D) 15 minutes

E) hour

12. Complete the sentence:

These flowers _____ three times a week.

A) are watered

B) are watering

C) is watering

D) water

E) is watered

13. Basketball …an international sport.

A) were

B) is                

C) has            

D) am          

E) are                

14. Find the correct answer: Look at … beautiful flowers!

A) that

B) they

C) those

D) them

E) this

15. Water _____ at 100 degrees.

A) boils

B) will have been boiling

C) have boiled

D) will boil

E) is boiling

16. England is …

A) a nation

B) an island

C) a country

D) a geographic name

E) part of  a country

17. Complete the sentence:  What  _____ you ____ at the moment?

A) are / did    

B) are / do   

C) is / doing

D) are / does  

E) are / doing        

18. Choose the right variant:

When I came to my friend's place he … watching TV.

A) was

B) is  

C) are

D) am

E) were

19. Choose the right variant: I met my … friend yesterday.

A) better

B) coodest

C) cooder

D) best

E) the best   

20. Find the right variant.

….. there an institute in your home town ten years ago?

A) was

B) were

C) as

D) are

E) does

21. Normally the ______ school is divided into Infants (5-7) and Juniors (7-11).

A) primary

B) high  

C) secondary

D) higher

E) villagy  

22. The … is the highest judicial body on civil and criminal cases in Kazakhstan.

A) Local Court    

B) Supreme Court      

C) Maslihat          

D) Astana     

E) Federal Court

23. Choose the right variant:  I’m busy at the moment. … at the computer.

A) I working  

B) I work  

C) I’m working  

D) I’m work

E) I worked  

24. Choose the correct item:  Astana is the great educational centre in the Republic, there are many… and… there:

A) universities, shops

B) universities, colleges

C) colleges, shops

D) universities, buildings

E) buildings, shops

25. Find the right variant: I’m very glad that Jenny ____ speak French.

A) must

B) shall        

C) should        

D) can   

E) have to    

26. ‘Hamlet’ was written by … .

A) Robert Burns   

B) Jack London       

C) Robert Frost

D) Shakespeare     

E) George Byron     

27. Choose the right variant: People in Kazakhstan celebrate … on March 22.

A) Longest day of the years

B) Independence Day

C) Republic Day

D) Constitution Day

E) Nauryz

28. Choose the right pronoun: I translated this text ... .

A) they

B) you

C) myself

D) he

E) my

29. Put the verb into passive voice: I  ____ often _____ to parties.

A) am not …. invited

B) does not …. invited

C) am not ….. invite

D) is not ….. invited

E) are not …. invited

30. Stars in the USA flag denote … .

A) cities

B) districts

C) colonies

D) states

E) political parties

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