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Автор ~Вилия Козленок 3 ~Лейсан Мама ~Маша

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                           The Wolf and seven Goats.  

АвторВилия                                              Козленок 3 –Лейсан 

МамаМаша                                               козленок 4 – Расиля 

ВолкДенис                                               козленок 5 – Галия 

Дед Мороз –Динар                                          козленок 6 – Аида 

Коленок 1Зиния                                          козленок 7 – Лилия 

Козленок 2Нурсиля 


Once upon a time there were lived 7 goats with their Mother. They lived very happy and friendly. (Козлята сидят дома: одна читает книгу, другаяза столом ест, другие играют. Мама начинает собираться). 

Every day Mother goes to the forest and brings food for their children. Seven goats lock the door and don’t go out.  

- Well, my dear children, I have to go, bring milk and food for us. Stay at home, please, and don’t open the door if the Wolf comes, - мама. 

- Why, mummy? I want to play in the yard, - коз.4

- No! Wolf is walking near and he can eat you, - мама.  

- We shall not open the door to the Wolf, - коз.5

- That’s good my dear kids, - мама

- Don’t worry, - коз.2

- Good-bye, - мама. 

- Good-bye, - коз.1

Автор: It was the Christmas Eve. In the yard marvelous snow is falling. And the children decided to decorate the fir-tree. (Начинают украшать). 

- Soon there is Christmas. What do you think what present will give us Santa? коз.6

- Don’t know. May be toys, may be some sweets, - коз.3

Стучится волк. 

- Who it may be? коз.7

- May be our mother?коз.1

- Open the door! I want to enter! –волк. 

- No! She hasn’t rude voice, - коз.6

- My kids it’s your mother,волк. 

- It’s Wolf! коз.7

- We will not open the door, - коз.4

- Why? –волк.  

- We know you are Wolf- коз.5 

- Mother said that we don’t let you in, because you are cruel, - коз.2

- Go away! коз.1

- We will not open the door, - коз.3 

- Don’t be afraid. The Wolf has gone, - коз.4

(Волк уходит. Козлята продолжают украшать).  

    -  Mother was right. Wolf is a cruel and cunning (хитрый) thing, - коз.5

    -  I think he won’t get Christmas presents, - коз.3

- Yes. He is too bad, - коз.1

- I look forward Christmas every year and want sooner to get present, - коз.4 (скорее хочу получить подарок)

Автор: Wolf really was impudent. He at first found Santa Clause and attacked him, when he was going about presents. Put on the Santa Clause’s red clothes very quickly and came the goat’s home. (Переодевается и стучится волк). 

      - Open the door, dear children! I’m Santa Clause, - волк. 

- It is Santa! –коз.7

 - The real Santa came! коз.1

 - Open the door quickly! коз.3

 - Hello, children! (заходит)

- Santa Clause! –все коз.

 - I brought you presents, sweets from far-far places, -  волк. 

- We wait for you very much! коз.6

«Дед Мороз» садится. Козлята садятся возле него. 

     - What do you brought us? коз.5

- In order to get present at first, you should show us what you can do, - волк. 

- Ok, I will tell you a poem, - коз.7 (рассказывает стих)

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

     -   We will dance for you! –танцуют вокруг елки (коз.1,2,5,6)

     -   Well, I see you are very good children, - волк. 

-  But, where are our presents? коз.2

-  Did you deceive us? коз.4 

Козленок подходит к Деду и обнаруживает, что он не настоящий. 

-     He isn’t Santa Clause! коз.5

     -     He deceived us!коз.3

     -     He is Wolf! коз.1

Выгоняют Волка, волк оставляет одежду Деда Мороза. 

     -   No-no, I’m Santa Clause, - волк.  

- Go out from our home! коз.6

- You are not real Santa Clause! коз.4

- Go away!  - коз.1

Автор: So, cruel Wolf was punished, he decided never come to there place any more, because he found that very smart children live there. 

Soon Mother came back home, but she wasn’t alone. She came with real Santa Clause. Santa Clause put on his clothes, that was lost in the forest, and gave presents to brave children. This time the goats got their presents truly.     

(возвращается мама с дедом морозом, и он раздает им подарки)

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