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а nd fork; sld plte nd fork;knife; bred nd butter plte; butter knife; spoon; wter nd wine stemwre фужери; nd linens

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 Different Styles of  Table Settings

There are 3 Different Table Settings:

  1.  Formal Table Setting is the table setting for festive family dinners, holiday celebrations, weddings and semi-formal events.

Formal table setting includes dinner plate (мілка тарілка) and fork; salad plate and fork;knife; bread and butter plate; butter knife; spoon; water and wine stemware (фужери); and linens.

  1.  To the left of dinner plate are salad fork (when salad is served before the main course), and dinner fork.
  2.  Above salad fork and dinner fork are bread and butter plate and butter knife.
  3.  At the center: service plate (вел. тарілка), with napkin or soup bowl at the center. Appetizer or the other first course is placed on top of the service plate.
  4.  When it is time for the main course, the used appetizer, soup or salad plate is removed along with the service plate. The entree is immediately served on the dinner plate.
  5.  To the right of dinner plate (outside in): soup spoon (if serving an appetizer in lieu of soup, oyster fork to the right of knife), place or dinner knife.
  6.  Dinner spoons and forks may be placed horizontally above the place setting, with spoon facing right and fork facing to the left, or may be brought in on the dessert plates.
  7.  To the right above knife (from left to right forming triangle): water goblet (бокал), (white) wine glass, and champagne flute.
  8.  Cup and saucer with teaspoon may also be brought in with dessert, or served separately.
  9.  What is a formal table setting?
  10.  What is placed to the left?
  11.  What is placed to the right?

  1.  Casual Table Setting is designed for everyday use and is suitable for any meal.

Casual table setting includes dinner plate and fork; salad plate and fork; knife; spoon; water and wine glasses; and linens.

  1.  To the left of the dinner plate: napkin, salad fork, place fork (найб. з виделок). Napkin can also be placed on top of the plate.
  2.  At center: Dinner plate with salad plate or appetizer - if one is to be served - should already be in placed.
  3.  Set bread and butter plate to the upper left of a dinner plate. Lay butter spreader (ніж для масла) horizontally across bread and butter plate with handle to the right.
  4.  To the right of dinner plate: teaspoon (can be placed on the table or brought in later with dessert), dinner knife.
  5.  To the top of dinner knife and teaspoon: water goblet and wine goblet may be placed.
  6.  What is a casual table setting?
  7.  Where is a teaspoon placed?
  8.  What is placed in the centre?

  1.  Buffet Table Setting is setting for a meal at which guests help themselves from a number of dishes and often eat standing up. A buffet table setting includes flatware, multiple dinner plates, stemware, and linens (number of settings will depend on number of guests expected).
  2.  Buffet table style is the easiest to serve a large number of guests.
  3.  The food being served and the logical sequence of serving yourself usually determine the layout of the buffet table.
  4.  Dinner plates should come first followed by entree.
  5.  Napkins should be large enough for placement on guest's laps and, along with flatware. It is also helpful to guests to have flatware wrapped in napkin or tissue.
  6.  Leave enough room between serving bowls so that guests can rest their plates as they move through the line.
  7.  Set up a side table for coffee, tea, and other beverages.
  8.  Dessert can also be set at a side table or the main buffet can be cleared and reset for the dessert.
  9.  What is a buffet?
  10.  How should we arrange the space in the room for a buffet?
  11.  What for do we need a side table?
  12.  There are also such kinds as serving a table for breakfast, serving a table for lunch and dinner

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