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Trnsformtion 3 Introduction to the Romntic Period including its historicl nd economic bckground the role nd subject mtters of the poets nd Romntic rt

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William Blake: Songs of Innocence & Experience: a selection of critical essays / Ed. by M. Bottrall. London : MRomanticism

NB: The course starts at 8.15.

The aim of the course is to give a survey of the Romantic Period in Britain. Three writers will be in focus, and the texts of the course represent different literary genres: illustrated books for children, political poems, a literary essay, a lyrical drama, short poems and a novel.

The overall structure of the course is double. Most weeks have one period with a lecture plus one period dedicated to student activities, e.g. discussions, group discussions, and presentations of a short text.

Jørgen Riber Christensen

1. Mary Shelley and Frankenstein (1818). A summary of the novel.

    Mary Shelley's biography in brief.

2. Frankenstein - continued.

Frankenstein - the film tradition.

Discussion: Mary Shelley, "Transformation"

3. Introduction to the Romantic Period including its historical and economic background, the role and subject matters of the poets, and Romantic art.

4. William Blake, Songs of Innocence and Experience (1789-94).

Discussion: Blake, "The Little Black Boy" (1789)


5. Songs of Innocence and Experience cont.

Discussion: "The Garden of Love" (1794)

6. "The French Revolution" (1791), "Visions of the Daughters of Albion" (1793), and "America, a Prophecy" (1793).

Discussion: P.B. Shelley, England in 1819 (1819)

7. P.B. Shelley: Prometheus Unbound (1820). (A summary)

Discussion: William Wordsworth, The Tables Turned (1798)

8. "Adonais" (1821), "A Defense of Poetry" (1821)

Discussion: John Keats, La Belle Dame sans Merci (1819)

The books: (which have been ordered at Centerboghandelen)

William Blake, Songs of Innocence and of Experience, OUP (Oxford Paperbacks).

Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, Penguin Classics (around 70 kr., but 1831 edition) or

Leonard Wolf, ed., The Essential Frankenstein, A Plume Book, N.Y., 1993, (1818 edition).

Apart from "The French Revolution", "Visions of the Daughters of Albion", and "America, a Prophecy" the rest of the texts may be found in The Norton Anthology

Go to the text download page to find most of the texts....

Geoffrey Keynes, ed., Blake Complete Writings, OUP (Oxford Paperbacks), 1972.

Thomas Hutchinson, ed., Shelley Poetical Works, OUP (Oxford Paperbacks), 1970.

Shelley, "A Defense of Poetry" in D.J. Enright, English Critical Texts, OUP, 1962, pp. 225-255, full text.

Suggestions for further reading:


S. Foster Damon, A Blake Dictionary, Thames and Hudson, London 1973.

David V. Erdman, Blake - Prophet against Empire, Princeton University Press, 1977.

J. Bronowski, William Blake and the Age of Revolution, Routledge, London 1972.

Ruthven Todd, William Blake the Artist, Studio Vista, Dutton, London 1971.

Kathleen Raine, William Blake, Thames and Hudson, The World of Art Library, London 1970.

Margaret Bottrall, William Blake: Songs of Innocence and Experience. A Selection of Critical Essays, Macmillan, London 1970.

Anders Iversen, ed., The Impact of the French Revolution on English Literature, Aarhus Universitetsforlag 1991.


George Levine, The Endurance of Frankenstein. Essays on Mary Shelley's Novel, University of California Press, Berkeley 1982.

William F. Veeder, Mary Shelley and Frankenstein: The Fate of Androgeny, University of Chicago Press, 1986.

Brian Aldiss, Billion Year Spree, Corgi, London 1975.

Maurice Hindle, Mary Shelley Frankenstein, Penguin Critical Studies, Harmondsworth 1994.


Desmond King-Hele, Shelley His Thought and Work, Macmillan, London 1971.

Paul Foot, Red Shelley, Sidgwick and Jackson, London 1980.

Richard Holmes, Shelley The Pursuit, Quartet Books, London 1974.

Graham Hough, The Romantic Poets, Hutchinson University Library, London 1953.


Aidan Day, Romanticism, Routledge New Critical Idiom, 1996.

Hugh Honour, Romanticism, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1981.

H.T. Dickinson, ed., Politics and Literature in the Eighteenth Century, Dent, London 1974.

Peter Coveney, The Image of Childhood, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1967.

M.H. Abrams, The Mirror and the Lamp. Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition, OUP, 1953.

Christopher Hill, The Pelican Economic History of Britain, vol.2: Reformation to Industrial Revolution, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1969.

E.J. Hobsbawm, The Pelican Economic History of Britain, vol.3: Industry and Empire, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1969.

G.D.H. Cole and Raymond Postgate, The Common People 1746-1946, Methuen, London 1956.

Dorothy George, England in Transition, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1953.

E.P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1968.

Francis D. Klingender, Art and the Industrial Revolution, Paladin, London 1972.

J. Riber Christensen, M. Løndahl and O. Vadmand, Life and Literature, Gyldendal, Kbh. 1991, pp. 26-36.

R.T. Wallis, Neoplatonism, London 1972.


Percy Bysshe Shelley's Ozymandias and Horace Smith's poems

The William Blake Archive

The Study Mary Shelley's Writing

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Previous Page acmillian, 1970.

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9. з курсу Історія слов'янських народів 10 триместр Теми рефератів
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14. РЕФЕРАТ дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора педагогічних наук
15. тематике используемых при тестировании
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20. Задание 1 Написать членов семьи с указанием Ф