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Sister or twinbrother Why if you vlue your fmily Why You hve to tlk for 22

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Student card№1

Give a 2 minute talk on your family

Remember to say:

  1.  what is a family for you?
  2.  about your present family situation
  3.   if you would like to have a twin-sister or a twin-brother (Why?)
  4.   if you value your family (Why?)

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished.

Student card№2

Give a 2 minute talk on environment

Remember to say:

  1.  what is the most serious environmental problem in our area? Why?
  2.  what can be done to reduce or solve this problem?
  3.  what other environmental problems we face?
  4.  if  individual citizens can do anything to solve these problems? Why\ Why not?

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished.

Student card№3

Give a 2 minute talk on living in a big city or in the country

Remember to say:

  1.  what advantages there are in living in a big city?
  2.  what disadvantages there are in living in the city?
  3.  if  you like the place where you live? Why?
  4.  if you would you like to live in the country? Why?

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished.

Student card№4

Give a 2 minute talk on studying

Remember to say:

  1.  what school experience you have.
  2.  if you like to go to school (Why/Why not)
  3.  what  your favourite subject is (Why?)
  4.  if you are an ideal student or not (Why/Why not )

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished.

Student card№5

Give a 2 minute talk on risky sports

Remember to say:

  1.  what risky sports have become popular nowadays
  2.  why people risk their lives
  3.  if you are a risky person. (Why/Why not )
  4.  what risky sport you would like to try (Why?)

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished.

Student card№6

Give a 2 minute talk on holidays and celebrations

Remember to say:

  1.  what national holidays you especially like, why
  2.  how  you celebrate special events in your family.
  3.  what your  last  family gathering was like, describe it
  4.  if you like formal or informal celebrations

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished.

Student card№7

Give a 2 minute talk on  accommodation

Remember to say:

  1.  what  flat/house you are living at  now.
  2.  if you have your own room, what is special about it.
  3.  what kind of accommodation you prefer to obtain in future.
  4.  what special atmosphere you are going to create in the accommodation of your dream.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished

Student card№8

Give a 2 minute talk on education in Great Brittan

Remember to say:

  1.  when the compulsory education starts
  2.  what types of school education there are in Great Brittan
  3.  what subjects pupils study
  4.  what exams they have

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished.

Student card№9

Give a 2 minute talk on fashion

Remember to say:

  1.  if you can tell anything about people from the clothes they wear
  2.  if it is important for you to be fashionably dressed (Why/Why not)
  3.  if you prefer any particular kind of clothes (Why?)
  4.  if you agree that good clothes open all doors

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished.

Student card№10

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen until you have finished.

Give a 2 minute talk on shopping

Remember to say:

  1.  if you like going shopping. ( why\ why not?)
  2.  what your favourite shops are.
  3.  if you prefer shopping in small shops or in big supermarkets and department stores, why?
  4.  if you like to go shopping alone or with someone else? Why?

1. Исправительная колония 22 Гла
2. реферативный журнал
3. Тема- Вимірювання обсягу короткочасної памяті за методом Джейкобса Дисципліна- Когнітивна психологі
4. ВАРИАНТ 7 1 Больная Ц
5. Утверждаю Согласовано Проректор по УМР Г
7. Магические квадраты
8. Основи охорони праці затверджено на засіданні кафедри ОПЦБ протокол 1 від 28
9. а Фамилия- Агулова
10. Тема Розрахунок поліспаста механізму підіймання вантажу Сумарний рейтинговий бал 6
11. О русском языке
12. Изучение феноменологии
13. теоретический горизонт
14. .11.2003 N 153ФЗ от 29.06
16. ветвление Команда ветвления
17. Крымские горы
18. Философия неравенства НА Бердяева
19. Особливості книговидання і функціонування засобів масової інформації в сучасній Україні
20. евангелие ~ 2