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Renissnce style of pinting spns hundred yers or more

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From The Mirror                                                                                                                                         30. 06. 2009                            

Painting Styles

By Jacob Smith

When we speak of painting styles coming and going, we often think in terms of a decade or so of prominence in this century, perhaps twice that length of time in the previous century, and a generation or two in the century before that. As painting has developed in the art of man, the lifespan of a given style of painting has decreased in duration geometrically. Broadly speaking, for instance, the so-called "Renaissance" style of painting spans a hundred years or more. The mannerist style of painting that followed it somewhat less than that, perhaps 75 years, while the Baroque era lasted anywhere from 75 to 100 years depending upon which art historian you prefer. Moving back a century or so, early Christian art, sometimes called Byzantine art was little changed for perhaps 1000 years. Talk about a style with legs! A Madonna and Child fresco painting from the Catacomb of Priscilla in Rome dates from the third century. It features a sitting Madonna holding a child-like Christ on her lap. Stylistically, it is little different from one painted in the 1300's by the Italian artist, Duccio. The Duccio panel is rich with heavy gold leaf and much more linear in design with the Madonna enthroned in what would appear to be a circular seat that would appear to have been modeled after the Coliseum. The third century fresco, in contrast, lacks a halo and actually seems more naturalistic than the Duccio figure. It seems possible, if not certain, that Duccio might have been familiar with the catacomb fresco. Whatever the case, though different, there is little doubt that stylistically, they are cut from the same cloth thousand-year-old cloth. Pursuing Madonna and child paintings down through Giotto, (a student of Duccio) to Massaccio (a student of Giotto) to his student, Piero della Francesca we can watch generation by generation as the Byzantine slowly gave birth to the Renaissance like a mother giving birth to a child.

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From The Guardian                                                                                                                                 21. 04. 2009

Why Artists Paint

By Steve Harriet

 There are probably as many reasons why artists paint as there are artists painting. Here is another "Top Ten" list, but unlike those of the David Letterman variety, this one is not written with tongue in cheek. The subject is too important to be taken so lightly, because it gets down into what we are as artists. We may not all agree as to the exact rankings, and there may be some I've not experienced myself, but for the most part, I think the list comes pretty close.                                       

1. To Learn. It's not the only way we learn, but it's the best way. And those of us who don’t paint for this reason risk stagnation.                                                                                                                                 

2. As therapy. Setting aside the "compulsive" painter, we all have, at times, painted to make ourselves feel better, to get out in the open feelings, ideas, and images we could never express any other way. This is the most personal and selfish reason we paint. 

3. For self-expression. Artists are quite expressive, (usually) both orally as well as visually. The picture may be worth a thousand words but a thousand words or so never hurt. Often both are necessary to say what the artist has on his or her mind.

4. For the money. Many would deny it, and at least as many more would place it much further down the list, but I think it is and should be near the top. More than anything else, whether we like it or not, it validates an artist's existence. It is a very important element of who we are as artists.
        Modern artists have
 changed the practice of painting including, for example, collage. Some modern painters incorporate different materials such as sand, cement and even wood for their texture. In the liberal arts tradition, music is also used to broaden skills of non-musicians by teaching skills such as concentration and listening. In the final analysis, we do it for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, though not necessarily in that order.

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From The People                                                                                                                                    27.05. 2008

Painting as a Spiritual Expression

By Raymond Mullins

 Is a painting no more than a piece of paper with lines and color or is it more than that? In the hands of the master painter, who is painting in the spirit; the lifeless piece of paper with its lines and colors, is transformed into a creation that has life, just as the master creator gave life to his creation. The painter transmits the essence of his spirit to his creation, the “painting.”

A painting is the expression of the heart and soul; it transmits cultural messages and the mysteries of the universe. It is born out of the desire of the artist to represent the forms of nature and man through the spirit of the artist as he perceives his world.

An artist not only captures the forms of nature, the artist’s spirit interacts with the spirit of the animals or men he is painting. His painting captures both the spirit and the message of its subject. One can see it in the expression, the eyes, and the gestalt of the painting. All good paintings communicate an emotion or message to the observer. It might be a message of love, harmony or tranquility; or it might be a message of danger, fury, or sadness. It could be a lesson, or something that all of us as humans can identify with, such as a desire to be loved.

The painting as art served ancient peoples as a medium to purify and refine the human spirit. The well studied and observant artist through his own meditation gives life to the animated states, feelings, and spiritual essence of the animals and humans he paints. The purification or refinement of the observer’s spirit occurs through the inspired artist’s ability to communicate the subject’s (man or animal): spirit, animation, feelings, thoughts, and the scene or stage of the subject, with all of its colors and form.

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From The Observer                                                                                                                                              12. 08. 2007

Van Gogh's Mental and Physical Health

By Theodor Grimly

Hundreds of physicians and psychiatrists have tried to define Van Gogh's medical conditions over the years. The following are some of the more probable mental and physical diagnoses. The story of Vincent van Gogh's tragic life, filled with mental evils and artistiс triumphs, lingers almost becoming that of legend. His work is still astounding millions around the world daily, and though he sold only one painting in his life, his influence on the outcome of art has been amazing and overwhelming.

Bipolar disorder

Due to Van Gogh's extreme enthusiasm and dedication to first religion and then art coupled with the feverish pace of his art production many believe that mania was a prominent condition in Van Gogh's life. However, these episodes were always followed by exhaustion and depression and ultimately suicide. Therefore, a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or manic depression makes sense with the accounts of these episodes in Van Gogh's life.


Hypergraphia is a condition causing one to need to write continuously; this disorder is commonly linked to mania and epilepsy. Some believe that the massive collection of over 800 letters Van Gogh wrote during his lifetime could be attributed to this condition.


Because Van Gogh strived for realism in his paintings he was often painting outdoors especially during his times in the South of France. Some of his episodes of hostility and the nausea and "bad stomach" he refers to in his letters may have been the effects of sunstroke.

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