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Plnt beet bens cbbge ~ редиска баклажан буряк квасоля капуста lettuce grlic onion culiflower prsley pumpkin ~ листя салату часни

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                                        Заняття  №10

Різноманіття продуктів харчування (продукти рослинного походження). Прикметник



  1.  apple, apricot, pear, plum, peach – яблуко, абрикос, груша, слива, персик
  2.  cherry, grapes, banana, orange, pineappleвишня, виноград, банан, апельсин, ананас
  3.  tangerine, lemon, pomegranate, kiwiмандарин, лимон, гранат, ківі
  4.  melon, water melon, grapefruitдиня, кавун, грейпфрут


  1.  tomato, cucumber, carrot, potatoпомідор, огірок, морква, картопля
  2.  radish, egg-plant, beet, beans, cabbageредиска, баклажан, буряк, квасоля, капуста
  3.  lettuce, garlic, onion, cauliflower, parsley, pumpkinлистя салату, часник, цибуля, цвітна капуста, петрушка, гарбуз


  1.  strawberry, raspberryполуниця, малина
  2.  blackberry, currantчорниця, смородина


  1.  hard drinks, soft drinksалкогольні, безалкогольні напої
  2.  tea, black coffee, white coffeeчай, чорна кава, кава з молоком
  3.  juice, cocktail, mineral waterсік, коктейль, мінеральна воді
  4.  on the rocksіз льодом
  5.  wine (white, red, dry), brandy, champagne, vodkaвино (біле, червоне, сухе), коньяк, шампанське, горілка

  1.  to prefer – надавати перевагу
  2.  cereal, noodles, salad –крупа, локшина, салат
  3.  to have a snack –перекусити
  4.  the canteen – їдальня
  5.  the first course – перша страва
  6.  the main course – головна страва
  7.  dishстрава, блюдо
  8.  bread, butter, cheese, egg, sugar, salt – хліб, масло, сир, яйце, цукор. сіль

Exercise 1: Read and translate text:

I prefer to have meals at home. At the weekend I like to get up late and have a good breakfast of omelette, pancakes, or cereal or noodles or something like that. I like fruits for breakfast very much. I prefer apples, pears, grapes, banana and grapefruit, although it is very sour. I have a cup of strong tea or black coffee and a couple of sandwiches. I like sandwiches with a lot of vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbages or even onion.

As I spend a lot of time at college (usually eight or nine hours) it's necessary to have a snack at midday. That's why I have to go to the canteen to have lunch. There are a lot of dishes in our canteen. It has become a tradition with our canteen to have mashed potatoes every day with a glass of juice and a lot of fruits.

But I enjoy my evening meal at home as I said.

To begin with, I like salads – tomato and cucumber salad or mixed salad where there are a lot of potatoes, radish, tomatoes and egg-plants. For the first course in our canteen we have soup. For the main course we have meat, or fish dishes. We also have a lot of vegetables — green peas, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers.

For dessert we have some fruit, fruit juice or just a cup of tea with a slice of cake.

On Sundays I like to go to McDonald's with my friends. I like everything there: cheeseburgers, hamburgers and Big Macs, apple pies and fruit cocktails. But unfortunately we can't go there very often, because it's not healthy to eat such food.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences:

  1.  I prefer to have meals at … \ in …
  2.  I like to have breakfast of …
  3.  I like such fruits for breakfast as …  very much.
  4.  I have a cup of strong tea …
  5.  I like sandwiches with …
  6.  There are a lot of dishes in our canteen. They are:
  7.  I like salads with …
  8.  For the first course I like …
  9.  For the main course I like …
  10.   For dessert I prefer …
  11.   My favourite fruit is …
  12.   I like such drinks as …

Exercise 3: Answer the questions:

  1.  What time do you get up?
  2.  Do you have enough time for breakfast? What do you eat for breakfast?
  3.  What is your favourite dish?
  4.  What fruits do you know?
  5.  What fruit do you like most of all?
  6.  What berries do you know?
  7.  What vegetables do you like?
  8.  What do you usually drink?
  9.  What is your first course?
  10.  What is your main course?
  11.  What you like to eat for dessert?
  12.   Do you like salads?
  13.  What do you prefer: cereal or noodles?
  14.  What is your ideal food? What is it?

Exercise 4: Read some facts about different fruits and vegetables:

  1.  In China, apricots grew 4000 years ago and peach over 2000 years ago.
  2.  It is not known for sure where the lemon originated but India, Burma and southern China are the most likely places.
  3.  Pears grew wild in Britain.
  4.  Greece is one country where olives first grew.
  5.  Pineapples are native to Brazil.
  6.  Cauliflower comes from China, where they were about the size of a cricket ball.
  7.  Carrots are one of the world's most popular vegetables. But did you know that until about the 1600s carrots were purple?
  8.  Onions were grown in the Middle East thousands of years ago and slaves, building the pyramids in ancient Egypt  ate onions, garlic and radishes.
  9.  Potatoes originated in South America and were taken to England and Europe by explorer Francis Drake in the 1500s. At first people in England and Europe didn't eat the potatoes, they just grew the plant because they thought it looked pretty!
  10.  Tomatoes come from South America and Spanish explorers took them to Europe in the 1500s.

  1.  What facts did you know?
  2.  What is the most interesting information for you?
  3.  Which information is unimportant for you?

Exercise 5: Questions to the text «Food Around The World»

  1.  What factors does the food depend on?
  2.  In what country the rice and noodle are eaten most of all?
  3.  In what country herrings and sardines are eaten most of all?
  4.  What do people from central Europe eat?
  5.  What about German and Poland?
  6.  How many courses do American and European people eat with knives and forks? What about Chine and India?
  7.   Is it possible nowadays to transform food very easy? Why?
  8.  What is the origin (походження) of banana, rice, strawberry?
  9.  Is the question of food a problem nowadays? Do all countries have enough food?

Grammatical Topic

                         THE ADJECTIVE (Прикметник)

  1.  Прикметники в англійській мові не змінюються ні за числами, ні за родами, ні за відмінками: a round table – круглий стіл, round tables – круглі столи. Прикметники змінюються лише за ступенями порівняння: основна форма прикметника, вищий ступінь порівняння прикметника та найвищий ступінь порівняння прикметника.
  2.  Форми вищого і найвищого ступенів порівняння прикметників можуть бути простими та складеними. Прості форми утворюються за допомогою додавання закінчення –er у вищому ступені порівняння прикметників та –est у найвищому + артикль the: coldcolder –  the coldest   -   холодний – холодніший – найхолодніший. Складені форми ступенів порівняння прикметників утворюються додаванням до основної форми прикметника слова more – більш  у вищому ступені та most – найбільш у найвищому + артикль the: dangerousmore dangerousthe most dangerous   -  небезпечний – небезпечніший або більш небезпечний – найнебезпечніший або найбільш небезпечніший.
  3.  Прості форми ступенів прикметника мають:

а) усі односкладові прикметники:

   shortshorterthe shortest

б) двоскладові прикметники, що закінчуються на –y, er, le, ow:

   heavy – heavier – the heaviest

   clever – cleverer – the cleverest

   simplesimplerthe simplest

в) двоскладові прикметники з наголосом на другий склад:

   politepoliterthe politest

Якщо прикметник закінчується на німе  –е, то пере закінченням –er та est воно випадає: large largerthe largest

Якщо односкладовий прикметник закінчується однією приголосною з попереднім голосним, то така кінцева приголосна перед закінченням –er та est подвоюється: hothotterthe hottest, bigbiggerthe biggest

Якщо прикметник закінчується буквою y з попередньою приголосною, то перед закінченням –er та esty змінюється наi: drydrierthe driest

  1.  Складені форми ступенів прикметника мають усі багатоскладові прикметники (більше двох складів) та двоскладові прикметники з наголосом на першому складі, крім тих, що закінчуються на –y, er, le, ow:   difficultmore difficultthe most difficult

Exercise 1: Make the right degrees of comparison (Утворіть правильний ступінь порівняння прикметників):

  1.  Short, long, dirty, clean, dark, light, thin, cold, dry, silly, tall, strong, happy.
  2.  Beautiful, great, large, brave, cheap, pretty, careful, stupid, barrow, young.
  3.  Rich, interesting, expensive, quick, easy, rude, cheerful, fast, lazy.

Exercise 2: Open the brackets: (Розкрийте дужки):

  1.  The rooms are (clean) than they used to be.
  2.  It’s (cold) here than in Kyiv.
  3.  This is (expensive) book of them all.
  4.  This is (interesting) film of them all.
  5.  The Nile is (long) than Dnipro.
  6.  These people are (polite) than in my town.
  7.  Is Michael (intelligent) than Susan?
  8.  What is the name of the (high) mountain in Europe?

                                                Заняття №11

Різноманіття продуктів харчування (продукти тваринного походження). Прикметник



  1.  meat, ham, baconм’ясо, шинка, бекон
  2.  pork, beef, veal, poultryсвинина, яловичина, телятина, птиця
  3.  beefsteak, sausage, chain sausage, fatбіфштекс, ковбаса, сосиски,сало
  4.  chop, cutlet, dumplings? Stuffed cabbage відбивна, котлета, пельмені, голубці
  5.  fat meat, lean meatжирне м'ясо, пісне м'ясо
  6.  stew meat, baked meat,  – тушковане, запечене м'ясо
  7.  roast chicken, turkeyзапечена курка, індичка
  8.  fried fish, stewed fish, stuffed fish, tinned fishсмажена, тушкована, фарширована, консервована риба
  9.  to bake, to boil, to butter, to fryпекти, варити, намазувати, смажити
  10.  to chop, to crack, to cut, to peel кришити (шаткувати), розбивати, різати, чистити (овочі)
  11.  to dress, to stew, to stuffзаправляти, тушкувати, начиняти
  12.  to mix, to meltперемішувати, розтоплювати
  14.  milk, cream, sour creamмолоко, вершки, сметана
  15.  boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, cheese, cheese spreadварені, смажені яйця, сир, плавлений сир
  16.  crab sticks, pepper крабові палички, перець
  17.  garnish, mashed potatoes, potato in jacketsгарнір, картопляне пюре, картопля в мундирі
  19.  biscuit, cake, chocolate, pie, pudding, rollсухе печиво, торт, шоколад, пиріг, пудинг, булочка
  20.  bar of chocolate,  box of chocolate – плитка шоколаду, коробка шоколадних цукерок
  21.  ice-cream, pancakes, sweets, candies, rusks, waffleморозиво, млинці, солодощі, льодяники, сухарі, вафля

Exercise 1: Read and translate the dialogue:

                                                 At dinner

Mother:  The dinner is ready. Come along, both of you, and let us begin. It’s high time to have dinner.

Father:  I’m ready too. I feel very hungry.

Alex:  So am I. I could eat a horse.

Mother:  Well, we haven’t got a horse for you, but what we have got is very nice. Tour favourite dishes will be here right now.

Alex:   What are they? I’ve got so many.

Mother:  For the first course we have chicken soup and mixed salad, for the second–  mashed potato with vegetables, chain sausages and stuffed fish.

Alex:   And for dessert?

Mother:  I have fruits, apple pie and a cake.

Alex:   Oh, it’s wonderful! It’s a pity that you don’t cook all these dishes so often! May I go and get them now?

Father:  Don’t be so impatient. Wait till we finish the second course. Where is the salt, please?

Mother:  Alex, pass the salt to father, please.

Alex:   Here you are, Dad.

Father:  Thank you, son.

Mother:  Alex? Why don’t you eat salad?

Alex:   You know, that I don’t like cucumbers, they are everywhere in this salad.

Mother:  Here is your soup.

Alex:   Thank you, mother. May I trouble you with the piece of bread?

Mother:  Brown or white?

Alex:   Brown, please. The soup is delicious today!

Father:  Where are the napkins?

Mother:  They are in the drawer. I always forget to put them out.

Father:  Never mind. Alex will catch them.

Alex:   Here are the napkins, Dad. Mum, now may I have fruit with a pie and a cake?

Mother:  Take it from the fridge.

Alex:   Oh, apricots and banana!!! It’s great!

Father:  Thank you, dear for the most delicious dinner.

Mother:  Now , Alex, I want you to help me to clear the table. Take all these plates, spoons and knives to the kitchen.

  1.  How many family members are in the dialogue?
  2.  Where is the family sitting? What is the event?
  3.  Are the other members hungry or no?
  4.  What did the mother prepare for the first course?
  5.  What did the mother prepare for the second course?
  6.  What did the mother prepare for the dessert?
  7.  What is the favourite dish of her son?
  8.  What does he dislike?
  9.  Why is Alex so impatient?
  10.  Where was the dessert all the time?
  11.  What did the mother ask her son to do after the dinner?
  12.  Who prepares dinner in your family?
  13.  What do you have for the first \ second course \ dessert?
  14.  What is your favourite dish?
  15.  What do you dislike?

Exercise 2: Match appropriate words:

Verbs                                     Food

  1.  Bake                             a) Chicken
  2.  Boil                               b) Turkey
  3.  Chop                             c) Fish
  4.  Cut                                d) Banana
  5.  Fry                                e) Onion
  6.  Grill                              f) Potato
  7.  Peel                               g) Meat
  8.  Roast                             h) Lemon
  9.  Slice                              i) Carrot
  10.  Squeeze                         j) Cake

Exercise 3: Fill in the words from the box and read the recipe.

                  put (x3)           cut             eat           slice(x2)

Tomato and Cheese Sandwich

… to open the bread roll,

… the tomatoes.

… the cheese.

… tomato slices on the bread.

… some cheese on top.

… the top of the bread roll on top.

Now … your sandwich. It’s delicious!

Grammatical Topic

                         THE ADJECTIVE (Прикметник)

Особливі випадки утворення ступенів порівняння прикметників

Основна форма

Вищий ступінь

Найвищий ступінь



far (далекий)









the worst

the best

the farthest

the oldest

the eldest

the least

Форми elder та eldest вживаються, коли йдеться про членів сім’ї ( my elder brother – мій старший брат), але якщо при порівнянні є слово thanніж, то вживається форма older, а не elder (he is three years older then his sister).

Exercise 1: Make the right degrees of comparison:

Tall, high, dry, clean, good, pretty, long, short, hot, polite, young, old, little, big, small, bad, interesting, huge, wide, far, strong, difficult, attentive, helpful, cheap.

Exercise 2: Translate into English:

  1.  Його машина дешевша, ніж моя.
  2.  Наша кімната найменша в квартирі.
  3.  Моя сестра молодша за мене.
  4.  Їхній будинок найгарніший.
  5.  Її сукня гірша, ніж моя.
  6.  Зима холодніша ніж літо.
  7.  Його будинок вищий мого.
  8.  Це питання складніше ніж минуле.
  9.  Найкраща пора року – літо.
  10.  Візьми це крісло. Воно легше.

(ст.. 28 Барановська)

                                         Заняття №12

Прийоми їжі. Прикметник


  1.  a snack – закуска
  2.  to have a snack – перекусити
  3.  breakfast, dinner, lunch, tea, supper – сніданок, обід, другий сніданок (ланч), чай як прийом їжі, вечеря
  4.  substantial meal – суттєва їжа
  5.  to have breakfast, dinner, supper – поснідати, пообідати, повечеряти
  6.  raw, sour, spicy, sweet – сирий, кислий, гострий, солодкий
  7.  tasty, tasteless – смачний, несмачний
  8.  strong tea, weak tea – міцний чай, слабкий чай
  9.  to consist ofскладатись з

Exercise 1: Read and translate text:

There are four meals a day in English: breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is at about 8 o'clock in the morning, and consists of porridge with milk and salt or sugar, eggs – boiled or fried, bread and butter with marmalade or jam. You can eat also a cornflakes and toasts. Some people like to drink tea, but others prefer coffee. Instead of porridge they may have fruit juice, or they may prefer biscuits. For a change you may have a fish.

The usual time for lunch is 1 o'clock. A businessman in London usually finds it impossible to come home for lunch, and so he gets to a café or restaurant. This meal starts with soup or fruit juice. Then follows some meat or poultry with potatoes – boiled or fried, carrots and beans. Then a pudding comes. Instead of the pudding they may prefer cheese and biscuits. Last of all coffee – black or white. Englishmen often drink something at lunch. Water is usually on the table. Some prefer juice or lemonade. Sometimes we can have steak and chips with a glass of light beer with lunch.

Tea is the third meal of the day. They call them «afternoon tea». It is between 4 or 5 o'clock, the so-called 5 o'clock tea. Afternoon tea you can hardly call a meal, but it is a sociable sort of thing, as friends often come for a chat while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit. On the table there is tea, milk or cream, sugar, bread and butter, cakes and jam.

Dinner is the fourth meal of the day. In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. The usual time is about 7 o'clock, and all the members of the family sit down together. Dinner usually consists of soup, fish or meat with vegetables – potatoes, green beans, carrot and cabbage, sweet pudding, fruit salad, ice-cream or cheese and biscuits. Then after a talk they have black or white coffee.

But the greater part of the people in the towns, and nearly all country-people, have dinner in the middle of the day instead of lunch. They have tea a little later – between 5 and 6 o'clock, and then in the evening, before going to bed, they have supper.

So the four meals of the day are either breakfast, dinner, tea, supper; or breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences:

  1.  There are …  meals a day in English: …
  2.  Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is at about …
  3.  You can eat for breakfast: …
  4.  How can you understand: For a change …
  5.  The usual time for lunch is …
  6.  For lunch people eat …
  7.  For lunch people drink …
  8.  … is the third meal of the day.
  9.  Afternoon tea is …
  10.   We can eat during tea time …
  11.   … is the biggest meal of the day.
  12.   Dinner usually consists of …

Exercise 3: Answer the questions:

  1.  How many meals a day do the English have? What are they?
  2.  What is breakfast (time, products)? What can we eat \ drink for breakfast?
  3.  What meals is lunch?
  4.  Why is so hard for businessmen to go home for lunch?
  5.  What can people eat \ drink for lunch?
  6.  What is afternoon tea? What other names can it have? Why?
  7.  What do people have during tea time?
  8.  Why is tea time a pleasant moment during a day?
  9.  What is the biggest meal of the day?
  10.  What can people eat \ drink for dinner?
  11.   What meals are there in Ukraine?
  12.   What do you eat for breakfast \ dinner \ lunch \ supper?

Exercise 4: Make the right degrees of comparison:

Old, little, careful, happy, beautiful, pretty, bad, good, far, big, short, difficult, wide, long, comfortable, cosy, strong, weak.

Exercise 5: Translate into English:

старший друг                    найдовший шлях                  сильніший спортсмен

гарніше плаття                  складніший приклад             найзручніша кімната

найгарніша дівчина          цікавіша книжка                    кращий день

найменша проблема          найнебезпечніша дорога     гірший фільм

Він хороший учень

Студенти виконати складнішу вправу.

Я купив гарну книжку. Я купив кращу книжку. Я купив найкращу книжку.

Моя кімната найбільша в квартирі.

Наша кухня найзручніша в світі.

Це найсмачніша страва.

                                          Заняття №13

Рецептура страв та їх приготування. Прислівник


  1.  recipe for a dishрецепт страви
  2.  to bake пекти                                            to boil – варити
  3.  to fryсмажити                                          to butter – намазувати
  4.  to grill – смажити на грилі                         to roast – засмажувати
  5.  to crack – розбивати                                   to chop кришити (шаткувати)
  6.  to peel – чистити (овочі)                             to cut – різати,
  7.  to dress заправляти                                 to stuff – начиняти
  8.  to stew – тушкувати                                    to mixперемішувати
  9.  to melt – розтоплювати                         to sprinkle збризнути, посипати
  10.  to beatзбивати (вершки, яйця)         to whip збивати (вершки, яйця)
  11.  to grate – терти на терці                       to break an eggрозбити яйце
  12.  salty, sweet, bitter, fresh, fattening, healthy –  солоний, солодкий, гіркий, свіжий, калорійний, здоровий
  13.  oil, pepper, vinegar, onion, garlic олія, перець, оцет, цибуля, часник
  14.  white egg, yolk of an eggбілок, жовток
  15.  to sieve the flourпросіяти муку
  16.  to add yeastдодавати дріжджі
  17.  to knead the doughмісити тісто

Exercise 1: Read and translate text:

                                                  The pizza

Main Ingredients:                          Red pepper: 1 large, sliced

                                                          Chicken: 2 boneless cooked chicken,            

                                                          Onion: 1 large

                                                          Vegetable oil: 1 tbsp

                                                          Mushroom: 1 cup, sliced

                                                          Sauce: 1/2 cup

                                                          Cheddar cheese: 150 grams

                                                          Mozzarella cheese: 150 grams

                                                          Tomato Sauce: 1 cup to cover the pizza dough

                                                          Salt and pepper


1.Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. Slice the yellow onion. Oil the oven board.

2. Sieve the floor and add to it the yeast with sugar and knead the dough. After 20 minutes roll out dough on a lightly floured surface. Transfer it to the oven and bake until puffed and beginning to color 5-10 minutes.

3. Mix cooked chicken cubes with sauce until evenly coated.

3. Spread the pizza sauce over the pizza dough and top with mushrooms, peppers, onions and chicken. You may add also sausages, ham, cucumber, tomato or olives .

4. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese, salt and pepper and bake for 15-20 minutes or until crust is golden and cheese has melted.

                                          New York cheesecake

250g  plain sweet biscuits

125g  unsalted butter, melted

750g  cheese, at room temperature

215g (1 cup)  sugar

1/2 tsp  vanilla extract

2 tsp lemon

2 cup  plain flour

4 eggs

300ml sour cream

120g    fresh or frozen raspberries

Step 1                Preheat oven to 160°C.

Step 2                Place the biscuits in the bowl of a food processor and process until finely crushed. Add the butter until well combined. Transfer to the lined pan. Use a straight-sided glass to spread and press the biscuit mixture  over the pan, leaving 1cm at the top of the pan. Cover with plastic and place in the fridge for 30 minutes to chill.

Step 3                Meanwhile, use an electric beater to beat the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and lemon  in a large bowl until just combined. Beat the flour. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well. Stir in the sour cream until just combined.

Step 4               Pour the cream cheese mixture into the base. Place the pan on a baking tray and bake for 1/2 hours or until just set in the centre. Turn oven off. Leave the cheesecake in oven for 2 hours or until cooled completely (this will prevent cheesecake from cracking). Place in the fridge for 4 hours to chill.

Step 5              Top the cheesecake with the raspberries.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences:

  1.  To fry an egg I need …
  2.  To fry potatoes I need …
  3.  To prepare soup I need …
  4.  To make coffee I need …
  5.  To eat my food I need …
  6.  To make my dinner in just two minutes I need …
  7.  My favourite dish is …
  8.  To make my favourite dish I need …
  9.  What can we do with meat?
  10.  What can we do with vegetables?
  11.  What can we do with fruit?
  12.  What can we do with fish?

Exercise 3: Match the methods of cooking with the definitions:

1. baking              a) cooking in steam; used for puddings, fish, etc.;

2. boiling              b) the term in meat cookery by which the meat is first browned,  then has a small quantity of water added;

3. braising            c) cooking meat or fruit in a small amount of water and its own  juice;

4. frying               d) cooking foods in enough water to cover them, at a temperature lower than 100 C;

5. roasting            e) cooking in fat; used for chips, doughnuts, etc.;

6. simmering       f) the food is placed in the oven; used for preparing cakes,breads;

7. steaming          g) is done by placing the food in the oven or over coals and cooking until it is tender; used for cooking meats;

8. stewing           h) cooking foods in enough water to cover them, at 100 C.

Grammatical Topic

                         THE ADVERB (Прислівник)

  1.  За значенням прислівники в англійській мові поділяються на 5 основних груп: прислівники часу (adverbs of time):  today (сьогодні), yesterday (вчора),  now (зараз),  soon (незабаром), late(пізно),  before (до того як); прислівники місця (adverbs of place): here (тут), there (там), near (поблизу); прислівники повторюваності та частотності  (adverbs of repetition and frequency): often (часто), never (ніколи), sometimes (деколи), ever (будь-коли); прислівники ступеня (adverbs of degree): very (дуже), little (мало), too (занадто), much (багато); прислівники способу дії (adverbs of manner): quickly (швидко), well (добре), slowly (повільно).
  2.  Найчастіше прислівники утворюються від інших частин мови (здебільшого від прикметників) за допомогою суфікса ly:

quick  швидкий  –  quickly швидко

careful обережний  –  carefully обережно

year рік  –  yearly щороку

  1.  Буква  –y перед суфіксомly змінюється наi:

happy щасливий  –  happily щасливо

day день  –  daily щодня

  1.  Деякі прислівники збігаються за формою з прикметниками: fast – швидкий, швидко, loud – голосний, голосно. Їх легко відрізнити від прикметників, тому що прислівник, як правило, відноситься до дієслова, а прикметник – до іменника:

They get up early  –  Вони встають рано

They like early vegetables  –  Вони люблять ранні овочі

Exercise 1: Make the adverbs from the given words:

careful, fast, calm, late, slow, quick, careless, beautiful, wonderful, bad, rapid, day, happy,cool,health.

Exercise 2: Transform the following sentences using adverbs instead of the given adjectives (Перетворіть подані речення на конструкції з прислівником, замість поданих прикметників):

Model: His answer is good – He answers well.

            John is a slow eater – John eats slowly.

  1.  Mary’s translation of the sentence is correct. 2. My friend is a quick walker.

3.She is a careless cooker. 4. His arrival (приїзд) was unexpected (не очікуваний). 5. My friend is an excellent dancer. 6. His death was sudden (раптова). 7. Her speech at the meeting is wonderful.

            Заняття №14

Правила етикету за столом. Прислівник


  1.  table mannersправила етикету за толом
  2.  not to put elbows on the table – не класти лікті на стіл
  3.  not to eat off the knife – не їсти з ножа
  4.  not to lick the spoon – не облизувати ложку
  5.  not to talk with a full mouth – не розмовляти з повним ротом
  6.  not to sip the soup – не сьорбати суп
  7.  not to chew and swallow aloud – не жувати та ковтати голосно

Exercise 1: Read and translate text:

                                            Basic Table Manners

Things you should do:

  1.  1. if you are at a dinner party wait until your host(ess) starts eating or invites you to do it;
  2.  2. chew and swallow all the food in your mouth before taking more or taking a drink;
  3.  3. chew with your mouth closed;
  4.  4. break bread and rolls with your fingers not with your knife;
  5.  5. you may use a piece of bread on a fork to soak up sauce, never hold the bread in your fingers to go this;
  6.  6. you may eat chicken or pizza with your fingers if you are at a barbecue, or very informal setting. Otherwise always use a knife and a fork;
  7.  7. say "please" and "thank you" when you want something to be passed to you.
  8.  8. talk about pleasant subjects;
  9.  9. be good-mannered and kind. If you do not like the food, you should never say so.

Things you shouldn’t do:

  1.  1. not to put elbows on the table;
  2.  2.not to eat off the knife;
  3.  3. not to lick the spoon;
  4.  4. not to talk with a full mouth;
  5.  5. not to sip the soup or tea;
  6.  6. not to chew and swallow aloud;
  7.  7. never put too much food in your mouth;
  8.  8. never blow your nose with your hands;

  1.  Are table manners important? Why?
  2.  What is the most important table manners’ tip for you?
  3.  What is the less important table manners’ tip for you?
  4.  How do you think why are tips 3, 7, 8 of “Things you should do” important?
  5.  What other table manners do you know?
  6.  How would you behave if someone near you blows his nose during the dinner? Are you patient or impatient?
  7.  How would you behave if someone near you sips a cup of tea loudly?
  8.  How would you behave if someone near you talks a lot with the full mouth?


Mark statements  T (for true), F (for false)

A man should tuck his napkin into his belt.

It is all right to cut all your meat at one time.

It is acceptable to put elbows on the table.

It is all right to eat with one hand and drink with the other.

It is impolite to share a dessert with your friend at a restaurant

It is all right to sneeze into your napkin.

You should not blow your nose into your napkin.

It is impolite to stir hot soup.

You should not comb your hair at the table.

It is impolite to wipe your lips with a napkin.

Grammatical Topic

                         THE ADVERB (Прислівник)

  1.  Прислівники мають теж ступені порівняння.
  2.  Вищий ступінь порівняння односкладових прислівників утворюються за допомогою закінчення  –er, найвищий –закінчення  –est: latelaterlatest, fastfasterfastest.
  3.  Ступені порівняння прислівників,що мають два і більше складів, утворюються за допомогою слів more (у вищому ступені) і most (у найвищому ступені): carefullymore carefullymost carefully.
  4.  Ступені порівняння прислівників well добре і  badly погано утворюються від інших коренів:

well – better – best

badly – worse – worst

Exercise 1: Write down the correct form of the word in brackets (adjective or adverb).

  1.  Tom is (slow) . He works .
  2.  Sue is a (careful) girl. She climbed up the ladder .
  3.  The dog is (angry) . It barks .
  4.  He acted (excellent) . He's an  actor.
  5.  They learn English (easy) . They think English is an language.
  6.  Max is a (good)  singer. He sings .
  7.  It's (awful)  cold today. The cold wind is .
  8.  The little boy looked (sad) . I went over to comfort him and he looked at me.
  9.  I tasted the soup (careful)  but it tasted (wonderful) .

Exercise 2: Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill the gap with the adverb:

  1.  Joanne is happy. She smiles … .
  2.  The boy is loud. He shouts…  .
  3.  Her English is fluent. She speaks English … .
  4.  Our mum was angry. She spoke to us … .
  5.  My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives … .
  6.  The painter is awful. He paints …  .
  7.  Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano … .
  8.  This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house … .
  9.  She is a good dancer. She dances really … .
  10.  This exercise is simple. You … have to put one word in each space.

Questions to the text «Food, Glorious Food»:

  1.  What is junk food? How often do you eat such kind of food?
  2.  What can you eat instead of junk food?
  3.  Why is the way you chew so important? Why is it not good to eat fast for?
  4.  Why are al biscuits and sweets bad for your mind and body? What can we eat instead of sweets to increase the level of energy?
  5.  What should we do to eat the right food at the right time?
  6.  What food from the text is important for the body and organism?
  7.  What food from the text is harmful for the body and organism?
  8.  What should we do to be healthy?

to be satisfied – бути задоволеним

sensitive – чутливий

a wide variety of – широке розмаїття чогось

instead of – замість

to eat in a hurry – їсти поспішаючи

to send a message to your brain – відправити повідомлення, сигнал до мозку

to absorb – поглинати

unfortunately – нажаль

to increase – збільшити

to contain – містити


Здорове харчування. Займенник


  1.  healthy foodздорова їжа
  2.  to develop, to be slim, in a good fit and moodрозвиватися, бути струнким, в хорошій формі та настрої
  3.  to prevent fromзапобігати
  4.  sea products, cerealморські продукти, крупи
  5.  to be an essential part ofбути невід’ємною частиною
  6.  to cut down onобмежувати в

Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:

Healthy food helps people to develop, to be slim, in a good fit and mood. It prevents us from illnesses, it gives us energy and it is the source of power. What people eat is very important. To be healthy is not so hard, the first thing you can do – you can start from food.

You should eat fish and other sea products. So in the morning it is good to have some cheese with kefir, then tea with two sandwiches. At dinner vegetable soup, a salad and fried fish are very perfect decision. For supper you can eat a salad and fruit.

For somebody food is a source of pleasure, for others - a source of energy. Healthy food should be quite simple. We should know that we do need fat to live, it's an essential part of our diet and physically we couldn't exist without it.

So people should eat all kinds of milk products, especially kefir, cheese. Cereals are also an essential part of healthy lifestyle. Also it is important to consume different kinds of salads, dressed with olive oil or sour cream and all kinds of potato dishes. Eat less salt, sugar and fat, which can be in meat, dairy products; crisps, cakes, biscuits and chocolate. But bitter chocolate or home-made jams can be also useful for everyone. To be healthy means also to drink a lot. People should drink natural juices or mineral water, it is very necessary for your skin and organism. To have good red dry wine is also a good procedure to be healthy. Many doctors say that red wine in reasonable quantities is very good for health. Eat regularly — your body needs a steady flow of energy. Don’t forget about vitamins and minerals in your food.

The food we eat depends on lots of things. Taste is a big factor. Culture, religion and health also play a part in what food we eat. Advertising and social factors also have a big influence.

Finally, there are three main messages to follow for healthy eating:

First, we should eat less fat. Secondly, we are to cut down on sugar and salt.

Thirdly, we must eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and drink a lot. Be healthy!

Exercise 2: Answer the questions:

  1.  Is healthy food important? What can it to for us?
  2.  Is it hard to be healthy? What can we start from?
  3.  What should we eat for breakfast \ dinner \ supper?
  4.  What should people eat to be healthy?
  5.  What should people drink to be healthy?
  6.  What is food for you: a source of pleasure or a source of energy?
  7.  Do you eat healthy food? What healthy products do you eat?
  8.  Why is to drink a lot so important and healthy?
  9.  Why are fruits and vegetables important?
  10.  What does food depend on?
  11.  What are the main factors to be healthy? What should people do?

Exercise 3: Fill in:

                                                 Healthy Food

It’s very important to choose the right food nowadays. Healthy and balanced diet is … for every person. When the body is healthy, the mind will also be healthy. Different types of food … of different nutrients for our body. Some of them have carbohydrates, some proteins or fats, some vitamins and … .

Many people think that fat is bad for people and they try to cut … it. There is even a special line of products, called low-fat. The problem is that we do need some kinds of fat, but  such fats from animal products, like red meat, … and cheese, can be really bad for health. Friendly fats can be found in avocados, nuts, olives and fish, and in some other … . Some people cut down on too much sugar and salt, which is also a good idea. One of the healthiest types of food is … and vegetables. More and more people tend to grow fruit and vegetables in their own gardens, instead of buying them. Another problem is modified food. It’s much … than ordinary food, which is why people often buy it, but such food can cause dangerous diseases. The food depends on people’s culture, religion, beliefs, health and other factors such as: less fat, sugar and … ; and more water, vitamins, fresh fruit and vegetables.

  1.  down on  2) useful   3) products  4) fruit   5) salt    6) consist  7) minerals   8) butter  9) cheaper

Exercise 4: Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below:

bill      fast food       cookery books           eat out          ingredients         tip

dish     menu            take-away                  waiter           snack                 recipe

I’m a terrible cook. I’ve tried hard but it’s no use. I’ve got lots of (a)____, I choose a (b) ____ I want to cook, I read the (c) ____, I prepare all the necessary (d) ____ and follow the instructions. But the result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or some other quick (e) ____. So I often (f) ____. I don’t like grand restaurants. It’s not the expense, it’s just that I don’t feel at ease in them. First the (g) ____ gives me a (h) ____ which I can’t understand because it’s complicated and has lots of foreign words. At the end of the meal when I pay the (i) ____ I never know how much to leave as a (j) ____. I prefer (k) ____ places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and sit down and eat straightaway. And I like (l) ____ places,

where you buy a meal in a special container and take it home.

Exercise 5:  Not everyone is happy with their experience when eating out. Look at the list of complaints below and decide which category you would put each one in then fill in the table below:

the carrots were raw            a fly in the soup                          burned meat

thin wine                             salt cellar was empty                   loud music

it was too slow he was rude     the lights were too bright            dirty carpets

overcooked vegetables           it wasn’t bubbly                            cigarette smell

it wasn’t chilled enough         it was sour                                     it was too greasy

tables too close together         no towels in the toilet

his fingernails were dirty               something spilled on the table-cloth


the carrots were raw






Grammatical Topic

                         THE PRONOUN (Займенник)

  1.  Займенники в англійській мові поділяються на 11 груп: особові (personal pronouns), присвійні (possessive pronouns), зворотні (reflexive pronouns), взаємні (reciprocal pronouns), вказівні (demonstrative pronouns), питальні (interrogative pronouns), сполучні (conjunctive pronouns), неозначені (indefinite pronouns), заперечні (negative pronouns), означальні (defining pronouns), кількісні (quantitative pronouns).

  1.  Особові займенники мають два відмінки: називний та об’єктний:

Називний відмінок

Об’єктний відмінок

I – я

he – він

she – вона

it – воно (він, вона)

we – ми

you – ти, ви

they – вони

me – мене, мені

him – його, йому

her – її, їй

it – його, йому, її, їй

us – нас, нам

you – тебе тобі, вас, вам

them – їх, їм

I like this book.             This book is for me.             Give me this book, please.      

He has not a picture.     I buy this picture for him     Give him this picture.

She likes dogs.               This dog is for her.              Give her a dog

They like salad.             This salad is for them          Give them a salad

Займенник he вживається замість іменників чоловічого роду: father, boy.

Займенник she вживається замість іменників жіночої статі: sister, girl.

Займенник it замінює іменники – назви неістот, не живих предметів, тварин та рослин: The house is large. It is new – Будинок - великий. Він новий.

  1.  Присвійні займенники мають форму: залежну та незалежну:

Залежна форма

Незалежна форма

Українські відповідники















мій, моя, моє, мої





ваш, ваше…. твій,твоя…


Присвійні займенники в залежній формі вживаються перед іменником:

my book – моя книжка, my table – мій стіл   my window – моє вікно

his bed – його ліжко, his town – його місто

its window – його вікно (напр.. про будинок This house is big. Its window is large. – Цей будинок є великим. Його вікно велике.)

our house – наш будинок,  our computer – наш комп’ютер

their houseїхній будинок

Присвійні займенники в незалежній формі не вживаються перед іменником:

I have a lot of books. All these books are mine. – Я маю багато книжок. Всі ці книжки мої.

He forgot a pencil. I gave him mine. – Він забув олівця. Я дав йому свого.

  1.  В англійській мові немає такого присвійного займенника, що відповідав би українському займеннику «свій». Український присвійний займенник «свій» на англійську мову перекладається різними іншими присвійними займенниками залежно від особи, якої він стосується:

Я користуюсь своїми записами:      I use my notes.

Ти користуєшся своїми записами:    You use your notes.

Він користується своїми записами:   He uses his notes.

Вона користується своїми записами:  She uses her notes.

Ми користуємось своїми записами:   We use our notes.

Ви користуєтеся своїми записами:       You use your notes.

Вони користуються своїми записами:   They use their notes.

Exercise 1: Translate into Ukrainian:

  1.  my book, her answer, their food, our home, his flat, our idea, your question;
  2.  Give him his book. This room is mine. These flowers are for her. I understand them. Give us a help. I believe you. I love her.
  3.  This country is really large, its forests and lakes are beautiful. Now this room is yours. I can take your coat. Listen to me.

Exercise 2: Make all forms from the pronouns:

Model:      I (я):  me (мене, мені),  my (мій, моя, моє),  mine (моє)

Exercise 3: Insert personal pronoun (Вставте особовий займенник):

  1.  On my way home I met Peter and told … about my idea.
  2.  I need this book. I can not prepare for my lesson without … .
  3.  I don’t know where this topic is. Could you show it to …?
  4.  We want to spend our holidays in the country, will you join …?
  5.  If you give me your address, … can write … .
  6.  I know this woman. … works at the factory.
  7.  If I see Helen, I will ask … to call you.
  8.  I like this dress. Where did you buy …?
  9.  I am waiting for … .

Exercise 4: Paraphrase the following sentence:

Model: This is my book. – This book is mine.

  1.  This is our school.
  2.  This is my room.
  3.  This is your table.
  4.  This is her salad.
  5.  This is our bus.
  6.  This is his soup.

                                               Заняття №16

Швидке харчування (фаст-фуд). Займенник


  1.  to cause health problems – спричиняти проблеми із здоров’ям
  2.  to be harmful to – бути шкідливим
  3.  to influence – впливати
  4.  to spoil health – псувати здоров’я
  5.  to taste – смакувати
  6.  expensive, cheapдорого, дешево

Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:

                                              Is fast food bad?

There is no such thing as a "bad" food, but there are some foods you should try not to eat regularly, because it is very harmful. Fast food is high in calories, fat and cholesterol. Eating such food too much over a long period of time can cause health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and others. Such food has more sugar and salt. There is a lot of oil, although it tastes good but it is harmful to your organism. A lot of people like to eat hamburgers and drink coca cola. But what is tasty is not always healthy. Fast food makes you fat. Fast food also has no vitamins, and minerals which are so important for our bodies. Such food influences psychology. That’s why many people become very nervous.

Fast foods are easy to cook quickly. People who are busy all the time have no time to cook. Many fast foods are made in factories, and frozen so that we can reheat or quickly cook them at home. Of course we can buy lots of fast foods in the supermarkets too, because it is not so expensive. But we should remember that our health is the most important thing and we should find time for healthy food.

Exercise 2: Answer the questions:

  1.  How do you think, can food be bad?
  2.  Is fast food bad for the organism? Why?
  3.  What does fast food consist of?
  4.  What can fast food cause?
  5.  How can fast food influence your psychological state of mind?
  6.  What are disadvantages of fast food?
  7.  What are advantages of fast food?
  8.  What is fast food for you?
  9.  Do you like fast food? How often do you eat it?
  10.  What is your favourite type of fast food?
  11.  What do you prefer: healthy food or fast food?
  12.  What should we eat to be healthy?

                                          Types of fast food:

Name of the food

Historical information


It’s impossible to imagine American take-away food or snacks without popcorn. Clear as a day, it is made from corn. But what about the first part of the word “pop”. Actually, when you put corn on a fire, the water inside makes the corn explode. This makes a “pop” noise. That is why we call it popcorn.

The Hot Dog

The original name of the hot dog was the frankfurter, after the German city of Frankfurt. In the United States frankfurters, sausages on buns, have the name of “dachshund”. It is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs. Dachshund sausages first became popular in New-York especially at baseball games. The men walked up and down and said “Get your hot dachshund sausages here!” The newspaper cartoonist Tad Dorgan saw the men with the dachshund sausages and got an idea for a cartoon, but he didn’t know how to spell the word “dachshund” and under the picture he just wrote: “Get your hot dogs!” The sausage in bread looks like the German dog, a “dachshund”.

The Hamburger

The hamburger has no connection to ham, but with the German town of Hamburg, which was famous for its steak. German immigrants to the United States introduced the “hamburger steak”. Hamburger steaks were served on buns for the first time. Than, hamburgers have become well-known and favourite all around the world, because of McDonald’s, where hamburgers were the main food on its menu. The first restaurant McDonald’s was opened in San Bernadino, California, in 1949.


The world famous fresh drink Coca-Cola first was used in medicine. It was a mixing of coca leaves and cola nuts. This mix wasn’t a success and then another druggist, Jacobs, had an idea of selling Coca-Cola as a soda drink. He mixed the syrup with soda water.

Grammatical Topic

                         THE PRONOUN (Займенник)

  1.  Зворотні займенники утворюються додаванням закінчення self (в однині) та selves (в множині) до присвійних займенників my, your, our, особових займенників him, her, it, them та неозначеного займенника one: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, oneself.

You call yourself a gentleman – Ти називаєш себе джентльменом.

I told myself that it was true – Я сказав собі, що це була правда.

He does not like to talk about himself. – Він не любить говорити про себе.

Let me introduce myself. – Дозвольте відрекомендуватись.

  1.  Наголос у зворотних займенників падає на self, selves.
  2.  Деякі дієслова із зворотнім займенником перекладаються на українську мову часткою – ся(сь): I dressed myself – Я одяглась. А також такі займенники можуть перекладатись українським еквівалентом сам:  Ive done it myselfЯ зробив це сам.
  3.  В англійській мові є два взаємних займенники: each other та one another, що мають однакове значення – один одного, один одному.

We love each other very much Ми любимо один одного дуже сильно.

We love one anotherМи любимо один одного.

They take each other’s hands – Вони беруться за руки.

  1.  До вказівних займенників належать: this – цей, that – той, such – такий, the same – той самий. Займенники this та that мають форму множини: these – ці, та those – ті. Займенник this (these) вживається стосовно предметів,що знаходяться близько від того, хто говорить, а також тоді, коли йдеться про щось близьке в часі. Займенник that (those) вживається стосовно предметів,що знаходяться віддалено від того, хто говорить, а також тоді, коли йдеться про щось більш віддалене в часі.
  2.  Між займенником such і обчислюваним іменником в однині вживається неозначений артикль: Such a nice day! I have never seen such a bird.

Exercise 1: Complete the sentence using reflective pronouns:

Model: I’ve repaired my TV … –  I’ve repaired my TV myself.

  1.  I’ll go to the post-office …
  2.  She cooks breakfast …
  3.  We’ll water (поливати) the flowers …
  4.  The soldiers build the bridge (міст) …
  5.  Mother said to the boy, “You must always make your bed …”
  6.  In your place, I should go there …
  7.  The professor did the operation …
  8.  The doctor went to Lviv …

Exercise 2: Put into the plural:

1.This is an apple. 2.That is a house. 3.That is a cat. 4.This is a chair. 5.Is this a table? 6.This is a garden. 7.This is a bus and that is a building.


Заняття №17

Харчові пріоритети сучасної молоді. Займенник


  1.  to becomeставати (кимось), робитися
  2.  to be on a diet – «сидіти», бути на дієті
  3.  to cut down on sweets – обмежувати себе в солодкому
  4.  to be a sweet tooth – бути ласункою
  5.  to feel hungry \ thirsty – почуватися голодним \ спраглим
  6.  at dinner \ to have something for dinner – за сніданком \ з’їсти щось на сніданок
  7.  delicious – смачно
  8.  Tastes differпро смаки не сперечаються

Exercise 1: Read and translate the dialogue:

                                  Once He Decided To Be A Vegetarian

Joe:  Hey!  Peter came to me today to let me know that he decided to become a


Kristin: Oh, really?

Joe: Yeah, he told me he’s finally seen the light.

Kristin: Well, what helped him arrive at that decision?

Joe: Well, I mean his girlfriend’s been a vegetarian for about a year now.

Kristin: Yeah, that makes sense.

Joe: He told me that he wanted to speak with me about it because I was an authority on the subject.

Kristin: Well, you pretty much are. You’ve been one for many years now.

Joe: But if it’s a person who’s not a vegetarian and they’re not interested, it pretty goes in one ear and out the other.

Kristin: Right, and for me, I just don’t like to feel like I make somebody do it.

Joe: Well, he wanted to know how I actually, uh, became a vegetarian.

Kristin: Well, what’d you tell him?

Joe: Well, I actually began to think back to when I was in college, uh.  I had some friends who were vegetarians and they also tried to convince me to stop eating meat.

Kristin: Mm-hm.

Joe: But, I started to read some literature on my own and there’s a lot of good reasons to go vegetarian. I mean…

Kristin: Yeah, yeah, there are.

Joe: You know, there are environmental reasons. There are also health reasons

obviously. I mean it reduces the risk of heart problems and high blood pressure.

Kristin: Right.

Joe: Um, another thing was connected with animals. I think it is really inhumane to the animals.

Kristin: Yeah, yeah.

Joe: I read literature that talked about how these animals are suffered…

Kristin: Yes, you are right. So, I think you should tell him, that he is a teenager only, and he needs all products, especially meat which has important ingredients for the organism. Milk and dairy products are very useful for our bones. Fish, meat, cheese and other food are an essential part of person’s developing.

Joe: I’s tell him it, of course.

Exercise 2: Answer the questions:

  1.  What is the function of meal? What can meal give us, do for us?
  2.  Is it good to be a vegetarian?
  3.  What advantages \ disadvantages does vegetarian eating have?
  4.  Is it good to be on a diet? What positive and negative features do you see in it?
  5.  Is it good to eat fast food \ highly caloric food (a lot of sugar, fat and calories)? What positive and negative features do you see in it?
  6.  Do you healthy food? What is it?
  7.  Do you like sweets and chocolate? Are they important?
  8.  How do you think, should we eat everything what we want?
  9.  What is more important: taste or use of the food?


  1.  Why do fast food dishes have enormous popularity nowadays?
  2.  What are the pleasant and unpleasant aspects of cooking for you?
  3.  Is it common for men to be cooks?
  4.  What kind of restaurants do you like to go to?
  5.  How would you describe your relationship with food? Have you ever been on a diet? If yes, explain your motives and feelings about it.
  6.  What do you know about anorexia and bulimia?
  7.  Why does anorexia affect women, not men?
  8.  Can you give any examples of the countries suffering from famine?

Exercise 3: Discuss the main points of different food, say positive and negative features and your attitude to each of groups. Numerate them from the healthiest to the less, as you think, and vice versa (навпаки).

Vegetarian food

Low-caloric food (to be on a diet)

Fast food (hamburger, chips, fried potatoes, cheeseburger, steaks)

Healthy food

Foreign food (pizza, noodle, sushi,)

Chocolate, sweets. Highly caloric food

Grammatical Topic

                         THE PRONOUN (Займенник)

  1.  В англійській мові є такі питальні займенники: who – хто, what – що, який, which – який, котрий, whose – чий.
  2.  Питальний займенник who має ще об’єктний відмінок whom: Who is there? – Хто тут? With whom do you live here? – З ким ти тут живеш? Whom do you trust? – Кому ти віриш?
  3.  Питальний займенник what вживається стосовно неживих істот, абстрактних понять та тварин. What is it? It is a cat. – Що це? Це – кіт.
  4.  Питальний займенник which вживається стосовно істот та неістот, коли мається на увазі вибір: Which of these stories do you like? – Яка з цих історій вам подобається? Which room is yours? – Яка кімната твоя?
  5.  Прийменник,що сполучається з питальним займенником, здебільшого ставиться після дієслова: to wait for: What are you waiting for? – На що ти чекаєш?
  6.  Займенники  who (whom), whose, what та which вживаються не лише в питальних реченнях. Вони служать також для зв’язку підрядних речень з головними, тобто виконують функцію сполучних займенників. До них також належить займенник thatякий.

The boy who sits next to window is excellent student. – Хлопець, що сидить біля вікна,є відмінником.

  1.  Сполучний займенник which у підрядних реченнях вживається лише стосовно істот та неістот, якщо стосується людей, тоді використовується сполучний займенник what:

I know this girl, who sings – Я знаю цю дівчину, що співає.

I read this book, which you gave me – Я читаю цю книжку, яку ти мені дав. (що ти мені дав).

  1.  До неозначених займенників належать some, any, one, а також складні займенники somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything.
  2.  Займенники some, any (кілька, декілька, деякі) вживаються:

I have some stamps – Я маю кілька поштових марок.

Have you any stamps – У тебе є поштові марки?

Have you any books? Yes, I have some. No, I haven’t any.

  1.  Якщо займенник some вживається перед злічувальними іменниками в множині, то він означає кілька, деякі, дехто: There are some shops in our village – У нашому селі є кілька крамниць. Якщо займенник some вживається перед злічувальними іменниками в однині, то він означає який-небудь, якийсь: I read it in some book – Я читав це в якийсь книжці.
  2.  Складні займенники somebody, someone (хтось, хто-небудь), something  (щось) вживаються в стверджувальних реченнях (I give you something) та у питальних реченнях, що виражають пропозицію або прохання (Can I have some milk?)
  3.  Складні займенники anybody, anyone (будь-хто), anything (будь-що) вживаються в питальних та заперечних реченнях (I dont see anything. Are there any fruit?) та у стверджувальних реченнях, де any має значення будь-який: You can buy stamps at any post-office. – Ти можеш купити марки в будь-якому поштовому відділенні.
  4.  Неозначений займенник one не стосується конкретної особи, він вживається щодо людей взагалі. One must read this book – Кожен має прочитати цю книжку. One must do it – Треба це зробити. Також займенник one вживається замість раніше вжитих іменників, щоб уникнути їх повторення: Which house do you like? – That one. Який будинок тобі подобається, Он той.

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with some or any:

  1.  I have … English books. 2. Are there … arm-chairs in the room? 3. There isn’t … chalk (крейда) in the classroom. 4. There is … milk in the jug (кувшин). 5. Mother has … butter. 6. There aren’t … mistakes in my dictation. 7. There are … lakes in this district. 8. Have you … French newspaper?

Exercise 2: Translate the questions into Ukrainian, pay attention to the underlined (підкреслені) words:

  1.  Who is your mother? 2. What do you know about fast food? 3. What are you dreaming about? 4. Whom do you trust? 5. Which of these products do you buy? 6. Are there any pictures on the wall? 7. Do you have something for me? 8. Have you any brothers or sisters?

Exercise 3: Paraphrase the sentences using the indefinite pronoun one:

Model: It is necessary for everyone to go in for sports. – One must go in for sports.

  1.  It is necessary to be careful while crossing the road.
  2.  It is necessary to read newspaper every day.
  3.  It is possible to find any book in this library.
  4.  It is impossible to master (оволодіти) a foreign language without working hard.
  5.  It is impossible to forget that day/
  6.  It is necessary for everyone to air the room.
  7.  It is impossible to go for a walk now.



Українська кухня. Займенник


  1.  the hospitalityгостинність
  2.  cuisine  кухня
  3.  eating habitsзвички у їжі
  4.  brothбульйон
  5.  to be rich in бути багатим на
  6.  the substantial meal – суттєва їжа

Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:

                                   Ukrainian National Dishes

The hospitality of the Ukrainian people is well-known throughout the world. When a foreigner comes in Ukraine first he particularly knows- it is our cookery – national dishes and meal times. He should know that in this country national dishes are not the same as in his country, eating habits differ from one country to another.

The usual meals in Ukraine are breakfast, dinner and supper. They are not at a definite hour. Breakfast is the first meal of the day. But it is often informal meal. Most people do not have a full breakfast, and some have no breakfast at all, except a hot drink. The lighter evening meal is called supper.

The most substantial meal is dinner. The Ukrainians can’t imagine it without the first course. To begin with they may have either the Ukrainian borshch (beet and cabbage soup), dumplings, fish soup, chicken broth, cabbage soup (thick soup made of meat broth, new cabbage, potatoes and onions), okroshka (cold kvass soup with vegetables and chopped meat or fish). Then follows the main course. The Ukrainian national cuisine is rich in different delicious things such as: holubtsi (cabbage leaves stuffed with meat and rice in sour-cream sauce), Kyiv style cutlets (chicken cutlets filled with butter), varenyky (either with cherries, blackberries, cottage cheese or mashed potatoes etc.), kholodets’ and others.

In the many Ukrainian homes dinner is followed by a cup of tea with a slice of lemon, jam or sweets. The well-known Ukrainian soft-drink is uzvar (kompot).

“Ukrainian food is of extremely good quality, and it really tastes of something – unlike American food, for example, which all tastes the same” says an English television’s famous cook who has visited our country. But let us remember: “One should eat to live, not live to eat”.

Exercise 2: Answer the questions:

  1.  What is well-known throughout the world?
  2.  What are the usual meals in Ukraine?
  3.  Are they at a definite hour?
  4.  What is the first meal of the day? Does everyone have it?
  5.  What do the Ukrainian have for breakfast?
  6.  What is the most substantial meal of the day?
  7.  What is the first course?
  8.  What is the main course?
  9.  What do the Ukrainian have for dinner?
  10.  What Ukrainian national dished do you know?
  11.  What Ukrainian national dished do you like \ dislike?
  12.  What Ukrainian national dished do you like to cook?
  13.  What do the Ukrainian drink?
  14.   What is supper? Does the whole family gather at supper?
  15.  How do you understand the proverb: “One should eat to live, not live to eat”?

Exercise 3: Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

  1.  There are many tasty dishes in Ukrainian cuisine.
  2.  One of the most popular dishes is borshch.
  3.  Borshch is a vegetable soup made out of beets, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, dill.
  4.  Breads and wheat products are very important to Ukrainian cuisine.
  5.  Uzvar is traditional compote made of dried fruit, mainly apples, pears.
  6.  "Holubtsi", or stuffed cabbage, is another favourite dish. "Varenyky" filled with potatoes, meat, cheese or berries such as blue-berries or cherries are also very delicious Ukrainian dish.
  7.  Of course, every region of Ukraine has its own recipes and traditions.

Exercise 4: Imagine you are given a shopping list. Think what products you must buy. Make your own shopping list. See the example:

a loaf of brown bread                                            a bottle of vinegar

0.5 kg of cheese                                                   2 medium-sized herrings

1 kg of pork                                                          a tin of sardines

3 lemons                                                               2 kg of potatoes

0.3 kg of ham                                                       a large chicken

1 small cabbage                                                    biscuits

a tin of condensed milk                                        a bag of flour

a bunch of radishes                                               a 0.5 kg pack of sour cream

a drum of margarine                                             0.2 kg of butter

Exercise 5: Work in groups. Discuss the following questions:

1. What do you think about eating out? Do people eat out because they can’t cook or because they want to stay in public or for some other reasons?

2. Take-away food is getting more and more popular in Ukraine. Can you name any advantages and disadvantages of this trend? Which are more numerous? What are the most popular takeaway meals in Ukraine? What is your favourite and least favourite takeaway meal? Why?

3. What do you understand by the term “good food”?

4. Before visiting a new place one may hear certain things about its culinary traditions. How often do these things come true when one actually visits this place? Can you recall any similar situations from your own experience?

Exercise 6: Read and answer the questionnaire. Give your reasons.

Discuss in pairs or groups your attitudes and tastes.

1. When you buy food, which is more important?

a) appearance       b) price                    c) quality

2. If you buy apples, which kind do you choose?

a) red                   b) green                    c) the cheapest

3. When you have a meal, what do you enjoy it most for?

a) the food           b) the company        c) the relaxation              d) the television

4. If you were on a desert island what food would you miss most?

a) chocolate        b) steak                     c) bread

5. If a waiter suggests water, which do you ask for?

a) sparkling        b) still                       c) tap

6. When you look at the menu in a restaurant, what do you usually choose?

a) a dish you know                    b) a dish you don’t know

7. If you ‘re having dinner in a restaurant, will you always have a dessert?

a) yes                                          b) no

8. If someone offered the following unusual food, which would you try?

a) cheese ice-cream          b) strawberry crisps              c)neither

9. If someone suggested a quick meal, what would you choose?

a) fast food         b) sandwich          c) a picnic        d) something more substantial

10. What would you be happiest to leave out of your present diet?

a) meat      b) vegetables and fruit        c) desserts       d) wine

11. If you could put flavour on stamps, what would you choose?

a) chilli         b) cheese         c) banana       d) another      e) none

12. If someone said “Never eat anything you can’t pronounce” what would you say?

a) I cannot agree more                          b) Nonsense!

Add up your scores using the following table. Then look at the profiles below.

1  a)2;    b)1;    c)3;                              7  a)1;    b)2;    

2  a)2;    b)2;    c)1;                              8  a)3;    b)2;    c)1;

3  a)3;    b)2;    c)1;   d)0;                     9  a)0;    b)1;    c)2;  d)3;

4  a)1;    b)2;    c)3;                            10  a)2;    b)3;    c)1;  d)3;

5  a)2;    b)2;    c)1;                            11  a)1;    b)1;    c)1;  d)0;  e)0;

6  a)0;    b)2;                                      12  a)0;    b)3;    

25 – 30 points

You are a true gourmet. You are adventurous in your eating habits and not afraid to try something new. You appreciate good food and if you opened your own restaurant you would probably be successful.

15 – 25 points

You are quite conservative in your eating habits, but you know what you like and you enjoy your food. If you tried eating a few different things you might be pleasantly surprised.

0 – 15 points

You don’t much mind what you eat as long as there is plenty of it. However, you feel safest with foods you know. Why not try something different for a change? If you try something new, you may find that you like it.


Grammatical Topic

                         THE PRONOUN (Займенник)

  1.  До заперечних займенників належать: no, nobody, no one, nothing, none. Nobody was thereТам нікого не було. Заперечний займенник і так несе у собі заперечення, тому часточки not вже не потрібно. Заперечний займенник no вживається перед іменником: She has no table.
  2.  Складні заперечні займенники nobody, no one ніхто, нічого та nothing ніщо, нічого, none жоден: No one answered – Ніхто не відповів. Nothing special – нічого особливого. He said my nothingВін нічого мені не сказав. None of these rooms were ready – Жодна з цих кімнат не буда готова (ні одна з цих кімнат).
  3.  Займенники all всі, весь, вся, все, both обидва, each, every, everybody кожний, everything все, other, another інший є означальними займенниками.  All the students were present – Всі студенти були присутні. We worked all day – Ми працювали весь день. All are present – Всі присутні. All was done – все було зроблено. Each has his own room – Кожен має свою власну кімнату. Everybody should know it – Кожен повинен це знати.
  4.  Займенник other має значення інший: The other books are more interesting – Інші книги цікавіші. Займенник another має не лише значення інший, другий але і друге значення: ще один: This pen doesnt write. Give me another. – Ця ручка не пише. Дай мені іншу (у значенні ще одну).
  5.  До кількісних займенників належать many, much багато, few, little  мало, a few, a little  кілька, трохи. Всі вони мають ступені порівняння:

many – more – most

much – more – most

few – fewer – fewest

little – less – least

  1.  Займенники many, few вживаються перед злічувальними іменниками в множині: There are many students in the room – В кімнаті є багато студентів. She has few books – Вона має мало книжок.
  2.  Займенники much, little вживаються перед незлічувальними іменниками: There is much snow on the ground – На землі багато снігу. I have very little time – У мене дуже мало часу.
  3.  Наявність артикля перед займенниками few та little змінює їх значення:

We have little sugar – Ми маємо мало цукру.

We have a little sugar – Ми маємо трохи цукру.

They have few chairs – У них є мало крісел

They have a few chairs – У них є кілька крісел

Exercise 1: Translate the sentences:

  1.  Nobody writes this rule.
  2.  She has no sense of humor.
  3.  He said me nothing.
  4.  There is no sun in the sky.
  5.  All know this sentence. All was done well.
  6.  Everything is clear.
  7.  Pollution is another problem.
  8.  The other guests were satisfied.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with few, little, a few, a little:

  1.  I couldn’t buy this coat because I had … money left.
  2.  Let us buy some ice-cream, I have … money left.
  3.  … pupils speak English as well as she does.
  4.  There were very … people in the streets.
  5.  We can’t play because we have too … time.
  6.  Give me … apples.
  7.  They spent … days in the country and then returned to Kyiv.
  8.  Ask Ann to help you to translate the text, she knows French …
  9.  Mary works hard at her English. She makes … mistakes in her speech.
  10.  Can you lend me … money?

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with much, many:

  1.  Jane hasn't got … time.
  2.  Do you know … words in English?
  3.  He didn't eat … meat.
  4.  There isn't … butter in the fridge.
  5.  How … eggs did the hens lay?
  6.  Samantha has as…  money as Bruce.
  7.  How … lessons do you have on Mondays?
  8.  There was too … noise in the streets.
  9.  I cannot see … stars in the sky tonight.
  10.  Do you have … friends abroad?

Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with few, little:

1. Ann is very busy these days. She has … free time.

2. You take … photographs when you were on holidays.

3. I'm not very busy today. But I have got … spare time to do smth..

4. The museum was not very crowded. There were … people.

5. Most of the town is modern. There are … old buildings.

6. The weather has been very dry recently. We've had  …rain.

Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with much, many:

1. Have you got … books?

2. I don't have …  time to do sport.

3. How … people came to the meeting?

4. Are there … students in the class?

5. I didn't see  … of the film because I fell asleep.

6. How … coffee did you buy?

7. How … cups of coffee did you buy?

8. Not … students passed the exam.

9. They didn't give me… information.



Особливості кухні мови, яка вивчається (Британія). Числівник


  1.  to prefer – надавати перевагу
  2.  to like \ to dislikeподобатись, любити \ не подобатись
  3.  the first course, the second course – перша страва, друга страва
  4.  the main course – головна страва
  5.  to have breakfast, dinner, supper – поснідати, пообідати, повечеряти
  6.  at breakfast \ at dinner \ at supper –за сніданком, обідом, вечерею
  7.  to have something for breakfast,  dinner , supper–з’їсти щось на сніданок, обід. вечерю
  8.  delicious – смачно
  9.  tasty, tasteless – смачний, несмачний

Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:

                                                 English Cuisine

English people have a special cuisine. Traditional English dishes include fish and chips, roast beef, steak, pudding and some others. It’s natural that all types of food can be found in English restaurants nowadays. For example, fans of Japanese food will easily find sushi in English cities, fans of Italian food, will easily find all sorts of pasta and pizza in England.

However, many people want to try traditional British cuisine when visiting England. For breakfast English people prefer either oatmeal or cereal with milk, fried eggs with bacon, a glass of orange juice or a cup of fresh coffee. During lunch many people are away at work, or at school, so they carry their lunch with them. It usually consists of a couple of delicious sandwiches with ham, cheese and fresh vegetables, and a small pack of juice. Many Englishmen drink 5 o’clock tea with cookies. For dinner families usually gather around the dining-table to chat and to share some tasty dishes. Among them steaks or fish, steamed vegetables, rice, fresh salad, and a glass of wine or beer, depending on tastes. Children drink either water, or tea. English families often go out for an evening meal, especially on Friday nights.

Traditional English cuisine contains many interesting recipes, but probably the most famous of all is “Fish & Chips”. This dish consists of fried chops from fish and French fries. On special occasions English people often serve roast turkey and traditional pudding.

Exercise 2: Answer the questions:

  1.  What do traditional English dishes include?
  2.  Can we find all types of food of different countries in English restaurants? How do you think, is it good or bad?
  3.  What do the Englishmen eat for breakfast?
  4.  What do the Englishmen eat for lunch?
  5.  What do the Englishmen drink?
  6.  What do the Englishmen eat for supper? Does the whole family gather together to have supper?
  7.  What do the Englishmen eat on special occasions? What kind of occasion can it be?
  8.  Do you like English food? What is the main delicious English dish for you?

Exercise 3: Read and discuss the attitude of different people about British food:

John: (25 years old)

Some people criticize English food. They say it's unimaginable, boring and  tasteless, they have chips, which are filled with everything and totally overcooked vegetables. The basic ingredients are so full of flavour without natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? I don’t like such food, and I prefer healthy food.

Peter: (30 years old)

If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say "Fish and chips" then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn't lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found at home. So it is difficult to find a good English restaurant with a reasonable prices.In most cities in Britain you'll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In London you'll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek... This is because English have no "cuisine" themselves, but this is not quite the true.

Jim: (16 years old)

I like British cuisine very much. I can not imagine my life without chips and meat with vegetables!!!What about steaks? It is unbelievable and very delicious!!! I can find also food of the other countries, for example, my favourite pizza. I like also tea and pancakes, which I can find in any English restaurant! The most popular is jelly, which is used from gelatin products and it is very tasty gelatin dessert.

  1.  What do you think about John’s, Peter’s and Jim’s attitude to the English cuisine?
  2.  Can age influence their opinion?
  3.  What is your attitude to the English cuisine?
  4.  What do foreigners say when they criticize English food?
  5.  Do English people use a lot of sauces?
  6.  From a foreigner's point of view, what typically English dishes?
  7.  Do all English eat in restaurants?
  8.  What kind of restaurants can you find in Britain?
  9.  Is it the true that English have no cuisine?

Exercise 4: Fill in:

fast food     climate     French cuisine      bread     United States

British cuisine is shaped partly by the country's temperate ... and its island geography; and partly by its history, European invaders, and a colonial power in places such as North America, China and India.

Traditional foods with ancient origins, such as ... and cheese, roasted and stewed meats, meat and pies, and freshwater and saltwater fish, are now matched in popularity by potatoes, tomatoes and chillies from the Americas, spices from India, and stir-fries based on Chinese. ... is now admired and copied. Britain was also quick to adopt the innovation of  ... from the ... , and continues to absorb ideas from all over the world.

Grammatical Topic

                         THE NUMERAL (Числівник)

  1.  Числівники в англійській мові поділяються на кількісні та порядкові. Кількісні числівники бувають прості (simple), похідні (derived) та складені (composite).
  2.  Простими є числівники від 1 до 12, а також 100, 1000 і 1000000:
  3.  one                                               9 – nine
  4.  two                                              10 – ten
  5.  three                                            11 – eleven
  6.  four                                             12 – twelve
  7.  five                                              100 – a (one) hundred
  8.  six                                               1000 –a (one) thousand
  9.  seven                                           1000000 – a (one) million
  10.  eight
  11.  Похідними називаються числівники, утворені за допомогою суфіксів. Числівники від 13 до 19 утворюються додаванням суфікса –teen, а також мають певні винятки:

three – thirteen (13)                                   seven – seventeen (17)

four – fourteen (14)                                    eight – eighteen (18)

five – fifteen (15)                                        nine – nineteen (19)

six – sixteen (16)

Числівники назв десятків утворюються за допомогою суфіксу –ty:

two – twenty (20)                                      six – sixty (60)

three – thirty (30)                                      seven – seventy (70)

four – forty (40)                                        eight – eighty (80)

five – fifty (50)                                         nine – ninety (90)

  1.  Числівники, що позначають числа, які складаються з десятків і одиниць, також вищих розрядів (сотні, тисячі, мільйони), є складеними.

Між десятками і наступними за ними одиницями ставиться дефіс:

sixty-one (61)      seventy-eight  (78)      forty-three (43)      fifty-nine (59)

У складних числівників перед десятками в будь якому розряді ставиться and:

235 – two hundred and thirty-five

4007 – four thousand and seven

581,462 – five hundred and eighty-one thousand four hundred and sixty-two

Exercise 1: Read and write the following numerals:

  1.  3; 13; 30; 4; 14; 40; 5; 2; 20; 8; 18; 90;
  2.  21; 82; 35; 33; 96; 79; 53; 10; 15;
  3.  143; 234; 654; 34; 456; 786; 999;
  4.  7,123; 23,456, 4,567; 7,564; 1,345;
  5.  234,567; 341,456; 675,345; 981,456;
  6.  13; 345; 6,785; 89; 0; 14.

Exercise 2Answer the following questions:

  1.  How much is 17 plus 19? 2. How much is 25 plus 32? 3. How much is 120 plus 56? 4. How much is13 minus 3? 5. How much is 11 minus 5? 6. How much is 145 minus 65? 7. How much is 456 plus 34?


Заняття №20

Особливості кухні мови, яка вивчається (США). Числівник


  1.  cuisine  кухня
  2.  to be rich in бути багатим на
  3.  cooking traditions and national recipesтрадиції приготування та національні рецепти
  4.  to serveподавати
  5.  to order – замовляти
  6.  to taste – смакувати

Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:

                                    What is “American” food?

The answer is that it is a part of Italian, British, German, Mexican and even Chinese… When people from other countries came to live in the US, they brought different cooking traditions, their national recipes. Some of them opened restaurants. Today Americans enjoy food from all over the world.

Maybe the US is most famous for “fast foods”. And that’s why very often   traditional American food is associated with fast food, including hamburgers, French fries, hot dogs, pizzas and some other quick and easy-made dishes. The first fast food restaurants served hamburgers, but now they serve other kinds of food too. Inside there is often a “salad bar”, where you can help yourself to eat a lot of salads, because the main rule of salad bars is to pay one price and eat as much as you want. Another traditional American food is doughnuts. However, they were brought to the USA by Dutch immigrants in the 19th century. One can find all sorts of doughnuts in American cafes. During the day Americans eat lots of ready-to-cook food.

Americans eat a lot, and when they go to a restaurant, they don’t expect to be hungry afterwards. Most restaurants will put a lot of food on your plate — sometimes it can be too much. But if you can’t finish it all, don’t worry: they will give you a “doggy bag” and you can take it home.

Most Americans now have a light breakfast instead of the traditional eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice and coffee. But on weekends there is more time, and a large late breakfast or early lunch is often eaten with family or friends. For lunch some families eat fresh salads, sandwiches or tinned soups, which require simply heating. Dinner is the most nutritious meal. Traditionally families cook pasta or roast beef with rice, serve fresh salads, drink a glass of water, juice or wine and sometimes have a dessert with tea. Some families order a take-away food, such as pizza, sushi, Chinese food, etc.

Exercise 2: Answer the questions:

  1.  Can we say that American food is international food? Why?
  2.  What is American food associated of?
  3.  What was the first dish in the fast food cafés, restaurants?
  4.  What is a “salad bar”? What is its main idea?
  5.  What is another famous traditional American food?
  6.  What is a “doggy bag”? Why is it used?
  7.  What do the Americans have for breakfast?
  8.  What do the Americans have for lunch?
  9.  What is the most nutritious meal?
  10.   What do traditionally families cook and order?

Exercise 3: Compare food from different countries. Discuss the main points:

Ukrainian food

British food

American food

The traditional dish

The most famous dish

Food for breakfast

Food for dinner

Food for supper

Occasional dish


Specific items

Grammatical Topic

                         THE NUMERAL (Числівник)

  1.  Порядкові числівники, крім перших трьох (first, second, third), утворюються з відповідних кількісних числівників додаванням суфікса –th:

four – fourth                                                  nine – ninth

five – fifth                                                     fifteen – fifteenth

six – sixth                                                      twelve – twelfth

seven – seventh                                             sixty – sixtieth

eight – eighth

У складених порядкових числівниках форму порядкового числівника має лише останнє слово:        twentyone   -    twentyfirst

three hundred and sixty-four –  three hundred and sixty-fourth

  1.  В англійській мові номери сторінок, параграфів, розділів, частин книг, актів п’єс позначаються звичайно не порядковими, а кількісними числівниками, які ставляться після іменника, який у таких випадках вживається без артикля:

page twenty-five              сторінка двадцять п’ята

part three                          частина третя

  1.  Кількісні числівники позначають також номера будинків, квартир, кімнат, тролейбусів, розміри одягу, взуття:

Size thirty-seven              розмір тридцять сьомий

  1.  Дати в англійській мові позначаються кількісними числівниками:

1978 –                             nineteen hundred and seventy-eight  

          або в усному мовленні просто:      nineteen seventy-eight  

Число місяця позначається порядковим числівником з означеним артиклем та прийменником of:

1 грудня 1991 року – the first of December  nineteen ninety-one

Exercise 1: Translate:

перший, сьомий, двадцять третій, четвертий, другий, дев’ятий, сто вісімдесят перший, одна тисяча двадцять восьмий, третій, п’ятий, чотириста сьомий, вісімнадцятий, 2 червня 1934 року, 14 листопада 1467, 7 квітня 1890, сторінка сімдесят друга, глава п’ята. Кімната сто десята.

1. Реферат- Новое уравнение теплопроводности
2. Задание 11 Социальный контроль
3. Инфляция, социально-экономические последствия инфляции
4. Особенности осмотра места дорожно-транспортного происшествия
5. Автоматизований аналіз злочинності
6. Организация сбыта товаров в вертикально интегрированных предпринимательских структурах
7. Одаренность это системное развивающееся в течение жизни качество психики которое определяет возможнос
8. Физическая подготовка теннисиста2 1
9. Лабораторна робота 4 ПРИНЦИП НАКЛАДАННЯ ТА ПРИНЦИП ВЗАЄМНОСТІ Мета роботи- експериментально та аналі
10. Конспект лекцій Лекція 12