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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

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от 25%



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Скидка 25% при заказе до 2.6.2024




1.  Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

(family name)        (first name)

2. Year of birth

3. Gender M          F 

4. Residence address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Correspondence address (if different from the above): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Phone number:______________________

7. E-mail: ________________________________________

8. Short title of the research project


9. Which thematic area does it correspond—please mark the appropriate box:

Russia's relations with the EU and Poland - policy areas, forms of cooperation (on the central, regional and cross-border level);

Migration into and from Russia, border control, visa and migration policy, integration of  migrants and relations with the host society, migrants’ rights;

Dialogue between the government and non-governmental organizations, trade unions, employers’ associations, involvement of social partners in policy-making, public consultations;

Situation of young people on the labour market and policies supporting youth (education, family, housing, participation in public life);

Urban policies (e.g. improving accessibility and quality of public space, supporting local communities and activism);

Position of women and anti-discrimination in education, social policy and public participation (current state of play and challenges to overcome);

Position of minorities (ethnic or social) and anti-discrimination in education, social policy and public participation;

Citizens' participation in decision-making (electoral laws and standards, functioning of political parties, referendums and other forms of participation);

Russia's and EU's development aid policies (priorities, possibilities for cooperation, relations with international donors).

10. Please provide in the space below a short description of your civic involvement so far (e.g. activities for benefit of social groups in need, in defense of civil and human rights).

11. Please describe your experience in carrying out research on public issues. If none, demonstrate your interest in undertaking such analysis.

12. What trainings, summer schools, internships have you taken part in?

13.  How do you expect the Program is going to help you develop professionally?

14. Please attach to the application form the following documents:

  •  An updated Curriculum Vitae, describing previous research experience
  •  A research proposal (not exceeding 500 words), answering the following questions:
    •  what is the specific policy problem that needs to be addressed?
    •  what Russian ministry, public agency or another decision-making body has the power to act on this problem?
    •  how has the government tried to resolve the issue and what still needs to be done?
    •  how could the experience of Poland (and other foreign countries) be useful in this regard?
  •  Two letters of recommendation from the affiliated organisation/ institution or a person who is familiar with the applicant’s activities or previous research experience.
  •  A sample of earlier paper (max. 5 pages) in English (if available)

15. How did you learn about this initiative?

  •  IPA/Levada-Center webpage
  •  direct contact by Levada-Center representative
  •  another website (which? …………………………………)
  •  former fellows
  •  mailing list
  •  other (please specify ………………………………………)

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Applications should be submitted via email to the following address denis_volkov@bk.ru, volkov@levada.ru (reserve) or no later than on 31 January 2014

Late applications will not be considered.

In case of any questions please contact project coordinators:

Łukasz Wenerski: lukasz.wenerski@isp.org.pl

Denis Volkov: denis_volkov@bk.ru, volkov@levada.ru 



1. Учебные и воспитательные цели
3. тематике. Подготовила Учитель математики Фролова Л
4. Откуда есть пошла земля русская
5. О порядке совершенствования стипендиального обеспечения обучающихся в федеральных государственных образо
6. .053.3558.ПЗ 2
7. по теме- Подобие треугольников 8 класс 1 вариант Укажите условия при которых и были бы подобн
8. Сучасний стан готельного господарства України регіональний аспект (на прикладі Харківського регіону)
9. Как уходит душа
10. а Расчет первой ступени сепаратора непрерывной продувки Уравнение теплового баланса-
11. Истоки и сущность японского экономического чуда
12. Виды фармакологии- Кл
13. тема оплаты труда Сущность сдельной формы заработной платы состоит в том что ее размер зависит от количес
14. Предмет, цель, задачи и методологические особенности организационного поведения как прикладной науки
15. Владимирский юридический институт Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний УТВЕРЖДАЮ Заме
16. Программируемый периферийный интерфейс Генерация звука с запретом и без запрета прерываний
17. Электронные системы управления автомбилем
18. . Багатство української мови Усе життя наше пов~язане з мовою
19. Суть вибіркового спостереження Вибіркове спостереження є найбільш поширеним видом несуцільного спостере
20. варианты- Фати Пати Фату Пату