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I Otherwise they will be killed in the ner future These bers s well s eight other ones were rescued by mrried couple Ivn Leschenko nd Ljubov Leschenko living in Primorsky Kry Russin Fr Es

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Dear Sirs / Madams!

We need your help in solving the following problem.

The matter is that at present two Himalayan black bears need to be transported from Primorsky Kray, Russian Far East, to the Wildlife Protection Centre “VELES”, situated in the Leningrad region, Russia.

Otherwise, they will be killed in the near future!

These bears as well as eight other ones were rescued by a married couple, Ivan Leschenko and Ljubov Leschenko, living in Primorsky Kray, Russian Far East. They took care of the bears in spite of urgent need of money, absence of local authorities’ assistance and advanced age.

Then Ivan Leschenko died. Ljubov Leschenko was left alone, single and unsupported. It was difficult for her to care about the Himalayan bears but she did it.

Later, in August 2013, six of ten bears were sent out to the natural habitat by the Department of protection, monitoring and control of fauna of Primorsky Kray.

The rest four bears were kept in two cages and looked after by the forest rangers of the local forestry.
On the 4-th of December 2013, the rangers found the blood tracks…two bears were shot dead in the morning that day. The dead bears were carried out by those, who killed them, in order to be flayed. The bears, that survived, witnessed the murder. We can only imagine what horror they had to live through…

We don’t know how those six bears, which were sent to the natural habitat, live now but those two bears in the cage, which survived, are falling under danger of death right now!

We have very little time, the bears need to be transported before the 10-th of January 2014.

Besides, one bear is heavy with young now and is going to give birth in a short time!

Here is the list of what we have already done and what we still need:

We have already done:

1. We have already bought 30 tons of equipment for the open-air cages to keep bears.

900 000 rubles

2. We have also bought the shaped tube for the open-air cages

150 000 rubles

We still in need of the following:

To transport two Himalayan bears.

The total weight of two bears with the cage is 1000 kg.

1. Aeroplane at the rate of 153 rubles/kg

153 000 rubles

2. Processing papers

2 200 rubles

3. Loader operation (for 3 hours)

4 500 rubles

4. Terminal handling in Moscow

18 000 rubles

5. Transportation by vehicle from Moscow to Saint-Petersburg

15 000 – 20 000 rubles

6. Forwarding 

10 000 rubles

Total amount

217 700 rubles

1. It is also a good idea to have a set (50 ͯ 50; 2 tons) for bears

64 000 rubles

2. Profiled logs for bears lair (4m3)

24 000 rubles

Total amount

305 700 rubles

Total amount (in euro)

6 931

Our requisites:
Федоров Александр Борисович, 188667, Ленинградская обл., п. Рапполово, ул. Овражная 

2. WebMoney:
WMZ- Z154216107621 (USD)
WME- E522835038552 (Euro)

3. Manigram: Федоров Александр Борисович (Fedorov Alexander Borisovich)

Looking forward to your reply!

Sincerely yours,

mob. +7 921 9534916

e-mail profsoyuzstroi@mail.ru


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