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Horseless crrige powered by gsoline nd riding on four bicycle wheels

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Famous people, the USA Henry Ford

Automobile manufacturer Henry Ford was born the first of six children on 30th July, 1863 on the family's farm Dearborn, Michigan. He set off at the young age of sixteen to the nearby town of Detroit to work as a machinist's apprentice. Then he returned to his home in Dearborn and worked as a part-time employee for Westinghouse Engine Company.

Ford's marriage to Clara Bryant in 1888 required him to get a better paying job. In 1891 he started as an engineer for Edison Illuminating Company and was promptly promoted to Chief Engineer. The job required Ford to be on call 24 hours a day. In his on-call time he began to experiment with internal combustion engines and created the Quadricycle, the first "horseless carriage", powered by gasoline and riding on four bicycle wheels. This invention led to the founding of Ford Motor Company.

In 1903 with S28,000, eleven men, and Ford as Vice President and Chief Engineer, Ford Motor Company was incorporated. In 1908 the company produced the famous Model T, a reliable and affordable vehicle for the mass market (Henry Ford and his engineers used the first 19 letters of the alphabet to name their automobiles, although some of the ears were never sold to public). By 1918, half of all cars in the U.S. were a Model T.

Henry Ford died on 7th April, 1947 and his presidency was passed down to his grandson Henry Ford II.

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