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FirmwreDownloderexe - This ppliction ctully downlods the firmwre

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Congo Face Panel Firmware update Instructions

Step 1: Required Files

Before starting the firmware update procedure, make sure the following files are located on a USB memory stick.

Firmware_Downloader.exe : This application actually downloads the firmware.

Congo_UI_1_3_01_09_0_01RC.SRC :  This the actual firmware file.

Step 2: Start up the console for firmware update

  •  Begin with the console powered down.
  •  Plug in an external USB Keybard and mouse.
  •  Hold down the “?” button on the face panel.
  •  Power up the console.
  •  Wait untilCONGOlogo disappears from the ML screen and gets replaced with a entering diagnostics mode, or the diagnostics mode itself appears.
  •  Release the “?” button. Keep watching the console monitors.
  •  When the Congo desktop image appears on the monitor, immediately press and hold the ESC key on the external keyboard (not on the facepanel) until a Windows Explorer window appears on screen.
  •  Insert a USB drive containing the unzipped firmware files.
  •  Navigate to the proper directory on your memory stick (an attached memory stick usually shows up as drive E).

Step 3: Firmware upload

  •  Press the “?” button on the face panel repeatedly, until the message
    “Update Firmware [ NO]” appears in the ML display.
  •  Press theSetupbutton in order to change [ NO] to [YES].
  •  Press the “?” button again in order to accept this.
  •  start the Firmware_Downloader.exe  application.

Caution: This application has to be started within 30 seconds after the completion of the above step.

In the upload application a status line will be visible.

- Wait until the USB connection is established. This might take up to 30 seconds.

- After successful connection, the "file" button will be enabled.

- select the correct version of the *.src file, and press the download button.

After successful completion of the download process, the board should boot straight to its normal operation, any further action is not required.

Caution: Do not turn off power to the console during the above operation.

If power is lost in the middle of firmware upload, it is usually possible to re-start the upload from step 4 again. If this is not possible for some reason, the board has to be sent back to ETC for service.

If the firmware upload is initiated by accident, simply wait for a couple of minutes.

The old firmware will still be present if the actual download process hasn't been started.

Step 4: Restart the Console

The console may be restarted using the soft power key on the back of the console. Press and hold the switch until the console shuts down, then press it again to restart it. 

If your console has a hard power switch on the back, it is easier to restart the console in this case using CTRL-ALT-DEL on the external keyboard. Click the Shutdown button in the dialog and select Shutdown or Restart. Then confirm the dialog to restart Congo.

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