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Choose the correct explntion without using glossry- ldquo; designting fund kept for mking lons pyments etc

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1. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “ designating a fund kept for making loans, payments, etc. and regularly replenished as from repayments; designating credit, as for a charge account, that is renewed for a stated amount as regular proportional payments are made” is … 
2. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a binding contract, moral responsibility; a duty imposed legally or socially” is … 
3. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a demand for something rightfully due” is … 
4. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a formal exhibition or presentation; operation or functioning, usually with regard to effectiveness, as of a machine” is … 
5. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a place where treasure is kept; room or building where valuable objects are preserved” is … 
6. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a principle, theory, law, etc. serving as a basis; essential part” is … 
7. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a reward or price; an additional amount paid or charged; a payment" is … 
8. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a standard or point of reference in measuring or judging quality, value, etc.” is … 
9. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “able to bend without breaking; not stiff or rigid; easily persuaded or influenced; adjustable to change” is … 
10. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “any woven fabric; esp., a length of cloth being woven on a loom or just taken off; the woven or spun network of a spider” is … 
11. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “anything owned that has exchange value” is … 
12. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “assets minus liabilities; net worth; capital” is … 
13. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “coming after, following in time, place or order” is … 
14. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “complete, all embracing, universal” is … 
15. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “continuance in time; the time that a thing continues or lasts” is … 
16. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “departure from a particular viewpoint, practice etc; difference of opinion, disagreement” is … 
17. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “event; incident” is … 
18. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “fame, repute” is … 
19. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “having or showing ill will; unfriendly; antagonistic; not hospitable or compatible” is … 
20. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “in cash or readily convertible into cash” is … 
21. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “in the interest of; for” is … 
on behalf 
22. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “of or characterized by opposition, disagreement, hostility, etc.” is … 
23. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “profit made of an exchange of goods” is … 
24. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “shared in common; joint” is … 
25. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “something lent, esp. a sum of money lent, often for a specific period and repayable with interest” is … 
26. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “taken all together” is … 
in aggregate 
27. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “the act of choosing; choice” is … 
28. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “the act or instance of interfering” is … 
29. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “the fact of being likely to happen or something that is likely to happen; probability” is … 
30. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “the hard, central part of an apple, pear, etc., that contains the seeds; the central or innermost part of anything” is … 
31. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “the state that shifts quickly and unpredictably; instability; something fleeting” is … 
32. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “the way something turns out; result; consequence” is … 
33. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “things bought and sold; goods; commodities; wares” is … 
34. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to be in agreement (with something); conform (to something)to be similar, analogous or equal” is … 
to correspond 
35. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to come into or acquire (something undesirable), i.e. debt” is… 
to incur 
36. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to confine within bounds; restrict” is … 
to limit 
37. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to confront with boldness, courage etc. ; to realize and be ready to meet (a condition, fact etc.)” is … 
to face 
38. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to divide up (investments, liabilities, etc. among different, companies, securities, etc.)” is … 
to diversify 
39. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to divide up (investments, liabilities, etc.) among different companies, securities, etc.” … is … 
to diversify 
40. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to force to go; to push forward; to force to work” is … 
to drive 
41. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to form an image of in the mind; visualize; imagine” is … 
to envisage 
42. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to go or be beyond (a limit, limiting regulation, measure, etc. ; to be more than or greater than” is … 
to exceed 
43. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to handle and use (a tool and weapon), esp. with skill and control; to govern or rule” is … 
to wield 
44. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to make a choice” is … 
to opt 
45. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to point out, mark out; indicate; specify” is … 
to designate 
46. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to select something as for testing quality” is … 
to sample 
47. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to set against; place opposite, in balance or contrast” is … 
to oppose 
48. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to turn aside (from a course, direction, standard, etc.)” is … 
to deviate 
49. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “unmixed with anything else; merely; entirely” is … 
50. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “withdrawal from work, business, etc.” … 
51. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «административный контроль» 
managerial control 
52. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «акции мелких быстрорастущих компаний» 
small capitalization growth stocks 
53. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «банки, чьи процентные ставки используются при расчете ЛИБОР и др. ставок-ориентиров» 
reference banks 
54. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «быть настороже» 
to be on the lockout 
55. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «быть подверженным риску» 
to be exposed to risks 
56. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «валовые вложения в основной капитал» 
gross fixed capital formation 
57. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «валютный контроль» 
exchange control 
58. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «валютный рынок» 
foreign exchange market 
59. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «вложение капитала» 
capital expenditure 
60. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «движение иностранного капитала» 
international capital flows 
61. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «законное платежное средство» 
legal tender 
62. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «инвестиционная деятельность» 
investment activity 
63. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «исполнить опцион» 
to write an option 
64. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «источники кредитования» 
credit facilities 
65. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «количественная оценка инвестиционных активов» 
quantitative security valuation 
66. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «купить на срок» 
to buy forward 
67. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «ломбардный кредит (кредит под обеспечение легко реализуемыми ценными бумагами 
secured credit 
68. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «миграция рабочей силы» 
labour migration 
69. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «многосторонние корректировки» 
multilateral adjustments 
70. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «наличный рынок» 
spot market 
71. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «обменный курс» 
rate of exchange 
72. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «оказывать воздействие» 
to exert an impact 
73. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «ослаблять интерес» 
to dampen interest 
74. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «отмывание денег» 
money laundering 
75. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «паритет покупательной силы валют» 
purchasing power parity 
76. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «первичные ценные бумаги» 
primary securities 
77. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «плавающий курс» 
floating rate 
78. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «последние валютные котировки» 
latest currency quotations 
79. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «правовое поле» 
regulatory environment 
80. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «принимать риски» 
to accept risks 
81. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «прирост капитала» 
capital gains 
82. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «процентные ценные бумаги» 
interest-bearing securities 
83. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «револьверный кредит» 
revolving credit facilities 
84. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «рынок валютных опционов» 
currency options market 
85. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «совместное предприятие» 
joint venture 
86. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «сокращение объема вмешательства государства в финансовую сферу» 
financial deregulation 
87. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «срочная ссуда» 
term loan 
88. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «структура денежной массы» 
currency mix 
89. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «тайная деятельность» 
concealed activity 
90. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «управление дебиторской задолженностью» 
receivables management 
91. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «управление запасами, материально-техническим снабжением» 
inventory management 
92. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «управление краткосрочными обязательствами» 
management of current liabilities 
93. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «управление основными средствами» 
management of fixed assets 
94. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «управление портфелем ценных бумаг» 
investment management 
95. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «управление текущими активами» 
working capital management 
96. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «управлять риском» 
to manage the risk 
97. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «форвардный рынок» 
forward market 
98. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «цена исполнения» 
strike price 
99. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «ценная бумага, представляющая собой долговое свидетельство» 
debt security 
100. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «экономия, обусловленная ростом масштаба производства» 
economies of scale 

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