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Belirli geзmis zmn Definite Pst Perfect Simple Negtive Definite Pst Perfect Simple Interrogtive Definite Pst Perfect Sim

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The Abilitative Tenses

Abilitative Mood 

Definite Past Perfect, Simple Tense 

Tьrkзe -- Belirli geзmis zaman 

Definite Past Perfect, Simple - Negative 

Definite Past Perfect, Simple -- Interrogative 

Definite Past Perfect, Simple -- Negative Interrogative 

gelebilirdim --
I could have come, I would have been able to come

gelemezdim --
I couldn't have come, I wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilir miydim? --
could I have come?

gelemez miydim? --
couldn't I have come?

gelebilirdin --
you could have come, you would have been able to come

gelemezdin --
you couldn't have come, you wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilir miydin? --
could you have come?

gelemez miydin? --
couldn't you have come?

gelebilirdi --
he could have come, he would have been able to come

gelemezdi --
he couldn't have come, he wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilir miydi? --
could he have come?

gelemez miydi? --
couldn't he have come?

gelebilirdik --
we could have come, we would have been able to come

gelemezdik --
we couldn't have come, we wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilir miydik? --
could we have come?

gelemez miydik? --
couldn't we have come?

gelebilirdiniz --
you could have come, you would have been able to come

gelemezdiniz --
you couldn't have come, you wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilir miydiniz?
-- could you have come?

gelemez miydiniz?
-- couldn't you have come?

gelebilirdiler --
they could have come, they were able to come, they would have been able to come

gelemezlerdi (gelemezdiler) --
they couldn't have come, they wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilirler miydi? --
could they have come, were they able to come?

gelemezler miydi? (gelemediler mi?) --
couldn't they have come?

Related Examples:

Ingilizce ögrenebilirdim.
I could have learned English.
gmur yagmaya baslamadan önce eve varabilirdik.
We could have gone home before it rained.
Iz kardesim bir avukat olabilirdi.
My sister could have been a lawyer.
Soför kazayI atlatabilirdi.
The driver could have avoided the accident.
Saat onda u
grayabilseydi, benimle konusabilirdi.
Had he been able to drop by at 10, he would have been able to talk to me.
ImI kendim yapsaydIm çok para biriktirebilirdim.
I could have saved a lot of money if I could do the maintenance myself.

Ingilizce ögrenemezdim.
I couldn't have learned English.
Taksiye binsek bile oraya zaman
Inda varamazdIk.
Even if we took a taxi, we wouldn't have gotten there in time.

SorularI anlayabilir mi?
Could he have understood the questions.

SorularI anlayamaz mIydI?
Couldn't he have understood the questions?

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