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beginning of XXI cent The Beginning of seprtism movement on British Isles begn with the incident in the city of Londonderry in 1968 when the peceful ctholic demonstrtion for equl rights ws brok

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The Separatism movement in Great Britain in late XX- beginning of XXI cent.

The Beginning of separatism movement on British Isles began with the incident in the city of Londonderry in 1968, when the peaceful catholic demonstration for equal rights was broke up by British police forces. This was the call for IRA to strike against British rule, which led to the troubles and big number of victims for many years. Much attention was delivered to Northern Ireland, as it was a new call, but now for two other provinces,1 where people considered themselves to suffer from British rule. These were Scotland and Wales. As Scotland became dependent from Britain in XVII cent. the question of independence was not vital due to wide assimilation of Brits and Scots. Wales was under British rule for much longer period, and welsh people considered themselves to be the part of British society. Only Scottish and Welsh nationalists created a new goal for their own nations, which was the devolution.  National issues of Wales and Scotland on one hand have many things in common but on the other hand they have many differences. All three2 provinces belong to depressed economic regions of the United Kingdom. The main   specified feature of Ulster conflict is its ethno-political nature, as it's the conflict between two communities, Catholics and Protestants3. If Northern Ireland had political autonomy, neither Scotland nor Wales had even representatives in British parliament till 1885 and 1964. If Scotland still had its system of law, church and system of education, Wales, that was conquered by England in early Middle Ages nearly never existed as independent state.      The new program of British government during Wilson's cabinet was aimed at establishing national assembles for Wales and Scotland. His successor James Callagen made a new step - referendums on the issue of assembles for both provinces, but he didn't succeed.       When in 1979 conservative party won the parliamentary elections and Margaret Thatcher became PM, she clearly showed her position on questions: Thatcher was not going to give in. During her cabinet was signed the Hillsborough Agreement of 1985, that was an enormous step in Northern Ireland peace process. The next significant act was signed in 1993 and known as Downing-Street Declaration, where the principle of 'opened doors' was stated.

10 April 1998 was signed a Good Friday Agreement by Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern. [main statements will be presented on the board]

The process of devolution in Scotland and Wales was a success. Both provinces received their national assembles with wide powers. Scotland is only one region that got to the stage of referendum on independence in 2014. This referendum will decide the fate of the UK and maybe will become an example for Northern Ireland and Wels4.??

1. Перестроить предложение – путаное.

2. Первое предложение абзаца – о Шотландии и Уэльсе, откуда три провинции? нужно либо добавить Сев. Ирландию, либо скорректировать цифры – слушатели потеряют мысль

3.Католики, протестанты, средние века – все с большой буквы; Соединенное Королевство – с опред. артиклем

4. Wales?? (Wels - is the second largest city of the state of Upper Austria)

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