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2012 Intermedite level How lucky re you 3 rd conditionl ssistnt professor Mngzin Zhnel Ruliyevn Red the questionnire nd mrk yo

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Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Hand out

English                                                                 DGHT

2 credits                                                               the 1 term

Practical lesson№ 22                                         2011-2012

Intermediate  level

How lucky are you?

3 rd conditional

Assistant professor   Mangazina Zhanel Rauliyevna

Read the questionnaire and mark your answers

How lucky are you?

Read the following statements and write a number 1-3 in the box

3 = This is usually true about me.

2 = This is sometimes true about me.

1 = This is hardly ever true about me.

Now look at what your scores mean. Do you agree with the results?

  1.  I enjoy talking to people I haven't met before.
  2.  I don't worry or feel anxious about life.
  3.  I enjoy trying new food and drink.
  4.  I listen to my instinct.
  5.  When I need to calm down I just go to a quiet place.
  6.  I try to learn from my mistakes.
  7.  I try to get what I want from life.
  8.  I expect people I meet to be pleasant, friendly, and helpful.
  9.  I'm an optimist. I look on the bright side of life.
  10.  When things are bad I think things will get better soon.
  11.  I don't think about bad luck I have had in the past.
  12.  I expect good things to happen to me in the future.

Your score

12-18 You are naturally unlucky and you don't attract good luck. You need a more positive and more adventurous attitude to life.

19-27 You are quite lucky but you could be luckier. Look back at

situations where you were lucky "or unlucky and analyze why. Try

to learn from the past.

28-36 You are probably someone who is lucky. But you could

become even luckier. Don't be afraid of taking risks, as they will

probably end up being positive for you.

Read the story.

Good Luck Bad Luck!

There is a Chinese story of a farmer who used an old horse to till his fields. One day, the horse escaped into the hills and when the farmer's neighbors sympathized with the old man over his bad luck, the farmer replied, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?" A week later, the horse returned with a herd of horses from the hills and this time the neighbors congratulated the farmer on his good luck. His reply was, "Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?"

Then, when the farmer's son was attempting to tame one of the wild horses, he fell off its back and broke his leg. Everyone thought this very bad luck. Not the farmer, whose only reaction was, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?"

Some weeks later, the army marched into the village and conscripted every able-bodied youth they found there. When they saw the farmer's son with his broken leg, they let him off. Now was that good luck or bad luck?

Who knows?

Everything that seems on the surface to be an evil may be a good in disguise. And everything that seems good on the surface may really be an evil. So we are wise when we leave it to God to decide what good fortune is and what misfortune, and thank him that all things turn out for good with those who love him.

Author Unknown

Grammar.  Third conditional

if clause

main clause


If I had studied harder,

I would have passed the exam.

I failed the exam, because I didn't study hard enough.

Using the third conditional. The third conditional is used to talk about things which DID NOT HAPPEN in the past. If your native language does not have a similar construction, you may find this a little strange, but it can be very useful. It is often used to express criticism or regret:



If you had driven more carefully, you would not have had an accident.

Criticism: You had an accident because you didn't drive carefully enough.

If we had played a little better, we could have won the game.

Regret: We didn't play well, so we lost the game.

If you had saved your money, you could have bought a computer.

Criticism: You didn't save your money, so now you can't afford a computer.

If it had snowed, we could have gone skiing.

Regret: It didn't snow, so we couldn't go skiing.

Make the 3 rd conditional sentences

If the horse _______ into the hills it_________ with a herd of wild horses.(escape, return)

If the farmer’s son_______  ______  he _____ ______ ______ (break, conscript)

If the farmer's son ______  ______ to tame one of the wild horses, he _____   _____  ______off its back and broke his leg.(attempt, fall)

PRONUNCIATION. Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm.

1 If you'd told me earlier, I would have gone too.

2 If the weather had been better, we would have stayed longer.

3 If I hadn't stopped for petrol, I would have arrived before he left.

4 We would have been late if we hadrft taken a taxi.

5 She wouldn't have come if she'd known he was here.

6 It would have been cheaper if we'd booked last month.

Speaking. Discuss these Common Superstitions

Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day

A rabbit's foot brings good luck

To find a four-leaf clover is to find good luck

If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck

If a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck

To break a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck

To open an umbrella in the house is to bring bad luck

To find a horseshoe brings good luck

Step on a crack; break your mother's back

You can break a bad luck spell by turning seven times in a clockwise circle

Garlic protects from evil spirits and vampires

Our fate is written in the stars





attempt to tame

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Home assignments: New English File Intermediate work book p.64 Ex. 1 (a,b,c,d), 2 (a,b)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: If we had had (have) more time, we’d have visited Anne and Dave.

1 I ________ (not / finish) my homework if you hadn’t helped me.

a)  wouldn’t have finished

b) hadn’t finish

c) didn’t finish

d)wouldn’t finish

2 If she ________ (not / pass) her driving test, she would have been really disappointed.

a) wouldn’t pass

b) hadn’t passed

c) hadn’t pass

d) didn’t passed

3 We ________ (look after) the children last night if you had asked.

a) would have looked after

b) have looked after

c) looked after

d) looked

4 He would have resigned if he ________ (not / be) promoted.

a) was not

b) were not

c) hadn’t been

d) wouldn’t been


Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Hand out

English                                                                 DGHT

2 credits                                                               the 1 term

Practical lesson№ 23                                         2011-2012

Iintermediate  level

Mass media

Compound nouns

Assistant professor   Mangazina Zhanel Rauliyevna

Speaking TV and RADIO

How many TV channels do you watch?

Do you have cable/satellite TV?

What kind of programmes do you enjoy/hate?

Do you think state TV is better or worse than the independent channels?

Do you…

Follow at least one soap opera

Have a favourite radio station

Change channels when the adverts come on

Always watch the same news bulletin and weather forecast

Read the text.

Mass Media.

Newspapers are especially important nowadays and we can’t imagine our life without them. There are dozens of them on every news-stand. There are newspapers for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men and women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening, fishing, hunting, for those who keep pets and so on. Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance, some aim to entertain their readers. Many newspapers express certain political opinion and people choose them according to their own political beliefs. In short, you can always find a paper which suits your interests. The advantage of all the newspapers is that they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information. But it is bad that very often newspapers are full of dramatic events about natural disasters, plane crashes, murders and robberies. Having read such articles, you feel depressed and it seems that the world is being ruined. One more disadvantage is that newspapers are full of gossip about different celebrities and their private lives. There are also a lot of photos of them in their most intimate moments. I think it shouldn’t be allowed, besides half of this information is unreliable.

The main source of news for millions of people is television. With its help we can see everything with our own eyes. It is the window on the world which gives us an opportunity to “travel” all over the world. TV gives us food for thought, introduces us to new ideas and activities. It has the power to educate and broaden our minds. It helps us to relax after a hard day’s work and to escape from reality. There is always a great variety of programmes on TV: news and sport programmes, talk shows and TV games, documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances. But nowadays there is a lot of violence on TV. As George Mikes once said, TV teaches us “how to kill, to rob, to shoot and to poison.” We watch hits where people are killed before our very eyes. It dulls our sensitivity and when we learn about one more tragedy or catastrophe, we perceive it as something quite natural, just like an everyday affair. Some people become TV addicts and they won’t give up TV for anything in the world. Nowadays some children are so addicted to TV that they are not interested in anything else: they don’t read books, communicate with adults and other children, they move less, speak less and they even think less. Though there are a lot of excellent educational programmes for children and programmes designed for schools. They help children to extend their knowledge, expose them to different people and places and to develop their imagination.

Many people prefer the radio. It is good to listen to it in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.

The Internet has recently become another important source of information. It is regarded as the latest addiction to trap thousands of people which has been blamed for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even suicide. Psychologists now recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illness that could cause serious problems and ruin many lives. Many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on computer games.

Exercise №1.

Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE:

1) You will hardly find a newspaper which suits your interests.  

2) The advantage of all the newspapers is that they are full of gossip about different celebrities and their       private lives.

3) Television helps us to relax after a hard day’s work and to escape from reality.

4) Some people become TV addicts and they won’t give up TV for anything in the world.

5) Thanks to television children become more active and creative.

6) Programs about violence make people more sensitive.  

7) The Internet is regarded as the latest addiction to trap thousands of people.

8) Some of the addicts are disabled people who are already hooked on computer games.

Exercise № 2.

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

disadvantage, sensitivity, imagination, to dull, to provide, violence, disaster, celebrity, disabled, hooked, intimate, to educate, catastrophe, to communicate

We need to ………. people so that they understand the importance of a good, healthy diet. (educate)

You don't have to use your ………. when you're watching television. (imagination)

He's a national ………. (celebrity)

She has always shown a ………. to audience needs and tastes. (sensitivity)

My fear and anxiety ………. my mind. (dull)

She's on ………. terms with people in government. (intimate)

There is too much brutality and ………. on TV these days. (violence)

Her son is ………. and she has to take care of him all the time. (disabled)

Your main ………. is your lack of job experience. (disadvantage)

Some parents who are concerned about computer games believe their children are ………. (hooked)

The money will be used to ………. the school with new computer equipment. (provide)

Now that we live in different cities, we ………. by e-mail. (communicate)

news-stand –

газетный киоск


документальный фильм

feature film

художественный фильм

violence –


to dull –


TV addict


to hook

– цеплять крючком, зд. делать зависимым

disabled people

– люди, потерявшие трудоспособность

background information –

“закулисная информация”

1. тема автоматизацii облiково аналiтичних робiт в управлiннi товарними запасами
2. . деятельность в области права гос
3. 1 Древние Века 1
4. Монтаж сборного железобетонного каркаса промышленного здания
5. Абонентами сети могут являться как физические лица так юридические предприятия и организации
6. ЛЕЧЕБНОЕ ДЕЛО с 20 января 2014 г
7. Печи сибиряков-старожилов Верхнего Приобья конструктивные особенности и семантика
8. Аномалии конституции
10. Экспериментальная и теоретическая физика ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ЗАКОНОВ СИЛ ВНЕШНЕГО ТРЕНИЯ Мет
11. тема норм які регулюють господарські відносини тобто відносини в які вступають організації підприємці у п
12. Тема- Радіоізотопні методи обстеження
13. Акцентуації характеру
14. ТЕМА 11 ВАЛЮТНА СИСТЕМА Валютна система
15. Тема 5 Юридические лица как субъекты гражданских правоотношений
16. ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ ДЛЯ ПОДВОДНОГО ВОЖДЕНИЯ ОПВТ По техническим возможностям оборудование для подводного во
18. Завоевания Чингисхана и его военачальников
19. Регистрация предприятий
20.  Створення будьяких виробів промисловості починається з розробки конструкторської документації