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Russian Railways: Company’s Presentation

JSC Russian Railways is a strategic player in the Russian economy in terms of its financial leverage and social importance. At the same time, the Company has long been a vital link between East, West, North and South Eurasia. With an ambitious strategy of reform that is still under way, Russian Railways is now aiming to win new positions on the global transport market.

Russian Railways is entirely state-owned and has a monopoly on passenger and cargo transportation within Russia. The Company carries nearly 1.3 billion passengers and 1.3 billion tonnes of freight annually, accounting for over 3.6% of Russia’s GDP and handling around 80% of all transportation in the country. The company has an unshakable position on the logistics market and is one of the biggest transport enterprises in the world, with a network of 85,500 km of track across Russia’s 11 time zones, second only to the USA.

The Company’s vital strategic role in Russia is explained by the country’s northern geographical location, its huge territorial extent and vast natural resources, many of which are in remote, harsh and sparsely populated regions of Siberia and the Russian Far East badly served by roads and far removed from the main population centres in European Russia. Railways are therefore often the only available means of transport for countless passengers and bulk commodities. Russia’s highly developed railway system is essential to the country’s economic and social life and will continue to dominate transport for the foreseeable future, playing a vital role in virtually every segment of the economy.

The rail network connects 85 of Russia’s 89 regions, provides services to most major cities and has a direct impact on growth, industrial development and regional integration. Russian Railways is a 100% state-owned rail monopoly with 987 enterprises and 165 subsidiaries. And with 1.3 million employees, it is the biggest employer in the country and one of the world’s leading freight carriers.

The human resources policy at Russian Railways is firmly based on long-term investment in staff. The Company makes substantial investments in its employees by supporting a large educational and training network specialising in the railway industry and providing scholarships to students. Through its charity and sponsorship programmes, Russian Railways also maintains its reputation as a most attractive and appealing place to work for all of its employees.

Russian Railways makes every effort to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment. In recent years the company has successfully reduced harmful emissions into the air, water and ground. Russian Railways also enables the country to decrease CO2 emissions on a larger scale by attracting many passengers from air to rail.

In 2014, Russia will host its first ever Winter Olympics, which will be held at the Black Sea resort of Sochi. Preparations are already in full swing for the Games, and Russian Railway is making a major contribution to ensure that Sochi will be ready to cope with the large number of expected visitors. The company is building a special railway link to connect the Olympic Park, the airport and the sporting venues at Krasnaya Polyana. It is also modernising stations for people with disabilities. The line is able to carry 64,000 people a day in each direction. Four pairs of trains operate every hour at 15 minute intervals during busy periods.

In 2008, about 150 mln roubles was spent on this project, which entails the construction of more than 2.7 km of single-line track, two 500 m long tunnels, 800 m of overpasses, etc. Russian Railways is also considering improving access to Sochi by establishing a high speed link between Moscow and Adler with high-speed trains. As a result, travel time between the two will take only 15.5 hours.

High speed track and electrification contract awarded

05 April 2013

MOROCCO: A consortium of Colas Rail, local subsidiary Colas Rail Maroc and Egis Rail has been awarded a design and build contract covering track, overhead electrification and facilities at two work sites on the 183 km high speed line being built between Tanger and Kénitra.

Announcing the contract on April 4, Colas said its share of the €136m deal is worth €124m.

The high speed line is being designed for 320 km/h operation, with completion scheduled for the end of 2015.

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