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1The hedline of the rticle 2The uthor of the rticle 3The rticle is tken from the newspper 4The centrl ide of the rticle 5Give summry of the rticlenot more thn 1020 sentences

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The Plan of Rendering a Newspaper Article

1)The headline of the article

2)The author of the article

3)The article is taken from the newspaper…

4)The central idea of the article

5)Give a summary of the article(not more than 10-20 sentences).

6)State the main problem discussed in the article and mark off the passages of the article that seem important to you.

7)Look for minor peculiarities of the article.

8)Point out the facts that turned out to be new for you.

9)Look through the text for figures, which are important for general understanding.

10)State what places of the article contradict your former views.

11)State the questions, which remained unanswered in the article and if it is possible add your tail to them.

12)Speak on the conclusion the author comes to.

13)Express your own point of view on the problem discussed.

Useful vocabulary

1)The headline of the article is…

The article is headlined…

The headline of the article I’ve read is…

2) The author of the article is….

3)The article under review is from (the Morning Star) of the 15th of November 2007.

The article is taken from the newspaper

4)The main idea of the article is…

The central idea can be worded in the following way

The article is devoted to…

The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on…

The aim of the article is to provide a reader with some material on…

5)I want to single out the key points on which the article is based.

The article opens with the statement that…

The author starts by telling the reader about…

The article discusses/expresses the view that…

The article concentrates on…/ focuses the reader’s attention on…

The article highlights/ points out/stresses…

The  article suggests that/summarizes…

The  article criticizes/condemns/denounces…

The  article reveals/considers…

The  article comes out against/in support of….

The  article blames/is in favour of/approves of…

The  article deals with./ The  article touches upon…

Further the author reports that…

Then(after that, further on, next) the author passes on to, goes on to say that, gives a detailed(through) analysis (description)

The author depicts/dwell(up) on/analyzes/comment on/to enumerates, emphasizes/underlines/generalizes about…

The author makes a few critical remarks on/accuses/mocks smth/to ridicules/praises…

6)The main problem discussed in the article is…

7) The  article is pretty-packed, expressive, and very emotional: contains(very) important facts about…

The author preaches/imposes on the reader…

It should be noted that…

The author quotes on smb…

8)I want to point out the following facts that turned out to be new for me

The  article provides much information on…

The essence of news is…

The author has his/her fingers on the pulse of current events, public opinion

I’ll turn to advantage the information I’ve received…

9) The  article contains a lot of key, important words(terms)

Let’s look through the text for figures, dates(or data)which are very important for the general understanding the problem discussed…

10)What struck me most…

As far as I can judge…

11)Still… remained unanswered in the article…

As for me, I’m sure that…

12)At the end of the article the author draws the conclusion that…

In conclusion the author touches upon/covers the events/concludes by  saying/draws public attention to/refers to/confirms that…

The  article ends with…

We find the conclusion that…

To finish the article the author describes…

At the end of the article the author sums it all up(by saying…)…

13)In conclusion I want to add that…

From my point of view…

As far as I can judge…

What struck me most…

Needless to say that…

I find the article amusing/unbelievable/worth reading…

Finally I would recommend …

The article appeals to a wide readership

The information is very acute and important not only for … but for…(average men)

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