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Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов

коммерческого, учетно-финансового факультетов и факультета менеджмента

(заочное отделение)


                                                                                      Методическим советом ПИ (ф) РГТЭУ

                                                       Протокол №_______

                                                                  От «___»________200__г.

Пермь 2004

Методические указания составлены в соответствии с государственными образовательными стандартами второго поколения и программой по немецкому языку ГОУ ВПО «РГТЭУ» 2003г.


на заседании кафедры

иностранных языков

протокол №_4_ от «15. 11. 2002 г.

зав. кафедрой  С.В. Нестерова

Составитель Ярушина Н.И. – ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков  ПИ (ф) ГОУ ВПО «РГТЭУ»

Рецензенты: И.А. Авхачева – доцент,  к.п.н, зав каф. ин. языков ГОУ ВПО ПГИИК, Л.М. Лапп - доцент,  к.ф.н, ПИ (ф) ГОУ ВПО «РГТЭУ».

Требования к студентам на зачете и экзамене

На зачете и экзамене студент должен предъявить преподавателю:

  1.  тетрадь с выполненными упражнениями,
  2.  словарную тетрадь с лексикой проработанных текстов,
  3.  тетрадь с отрецензированными контрольными работами.

Для получения зачета студент должен уметь:

  1.  Прочитать со словарем текст на английском языке, содержащий изученный грамматический материал (чтение вслух и устный перевод). Норма перевода – 1000-1200 печатных знаков в час.
  2.  Прочитать про себя без словаря текст, содержащий изученный лексический материал и 5-8 незнакомых слов на 500-600 печатных знаков. Передать кратко содержание прочитанного на родном языке. Время подготовки – 8-10 минут.

Для получения итогового экзамена на 2-м курсе студент должен уметь:

  1.  прочитать со словарем текст по специальности, соответствующий профилю факультета (менеджмент, коммерция, бухучет). Форма проверки понимания – чтение вслух и письменный перевод (1000 – 1200 печатных знаков в час).
  2.  Читать (про себя) текст без словаря, содержащий изученный  лексико-грамматический материал и 8-10 незнакомых слов на 800 печатных знаков. Передать кратко содержание прочитанного на родном языке. Время подготовки – 6-8 минут.

Рекомендуемая литература:

  1.  Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. – Киев: Логос, 1997.
    1.  Израилевич Е.Е. Коммерческая корреспонденция и документация на английском языке. – С.-Петербург: Лениздат, 1992.
    2.  Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами. – Москва: ЮНВЕС ЛИСТ, 2000.
    3.  Миловидов В. Английский язык для работников сферы международного бизнеса. – Тверь, 1995.
    4.  Сальников Л.В. Английский язык для менеджеров. Агентство печати «В-Пресс», Москва, 1992.
    5.  Ступин Л.П., Ищук И.В. Как писать письма по-английски. СП: Грифон Интернешнл, 1992.


Вариант № 1

  1.  Найдите русские эквиваленты английским конструкциям.
    1.  в соответствии с другими базисными условиями поставки
    2.  именуемая в дальнейшем
    3.  общая стоимость оборудования, запасных частей, инструмента
    4.  в комплектации
    5.  цены твердые и не подлежат изменению
    6.  цены по позициям указаны в приложении I
    7.  заключили настоящий контракт о следующем
    8.  в полном соответствии

  1.  The prices per item are specified in Appendix 1
    1.  In full conformity with the technical characteristics
      1.  In accordance with other basic conditions of delivery
      2.  Hereinafter referred to as
      3.  The total value of the equipment, spare parts, tools
      4.  The prices are firm and subject to no alteration
      5.  In complete score of supply
      6.  Have concluded the present contract for the following

  1.  Переведите следующие статьи контракта на русский язык


The Parties shall co-operate and use their best efforts and good faith in the consummation of the barter, purchase and sale transactions contemplated by this agreement.

The Agreement

“The parties” agree to form an offshore company for the purpose of trading commodities between Russia and the rest of the world. The offshore company shall be responsible for procuring any commodity required by “The Purchaser” at prices most favorable to “The Purchaser”.

“The Purchaser” shall be responsible for acquiring raw materials commodities and technologies, which the offshore company will be required to sell at prices most favorable to “the Parties”.


Any of “the Parties” providing finance to the offshore company shall be entitled to the prime interest rate charged by Bank to its most favored customer plus four percent. As soon as the offshore company has finance available it must repay any loans provided by any of “The Parties” before it can declare a dividend. The offshore  company shall not borrow money from any source other than from “The Parties” without one hundred percent agreement between “The Parties”.

  1.  Перепишите письма и переведите их текст на русский язык.

Letter #1

V/O “Ross import”                                                                          London, 15th Oct., 2004

Smolenskaya-Sennaya, 32/34,

Moscow, 200


Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of the 10th October for which we thank you.


                                                                                   Yours faithfully, C. Brown&Co., Ltd.

Letter #2

Messrs. Smith & Brown, Ltd.,                                                            

12 High Street,

London, E.C.2,


Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of the 4th May sent by air-mail and thank you for information you sent us.


                                                                                                Yours faithfully, V/O “Ross export”                  

Letter #3

Air Mail

V/O “Ross import”

Smolenskaya-Sennaya, 32/34,

Moscow, 200


Dear Sirs,

                                                       s.s. “Clyde”

In reply to your telegram of the 17th June we are glad to inform you that the s.s. “Clyde” will arrive in Liverpool on the 2nd July next.

                                                                                  Yours faithfully, a. White & Co.

Letter #4


 Moscow, 16th August, 2003.

Dear Sirs,

                                                       M.V. “Neva”

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your telegram of today’s date informing us of the sailing of the m.v. “Neva”.

                                                                                        Yours faithfully, …

  1.  Вставьте, где требуется, предлоги и переведите на русский язык.
    1.  We have received your letter … the 16th … October.
    2.  Our letter dated … the 5th May was sent … airmail.
    3.  We acknowledge receipt … your letter … the 15th … March, which we thank you.
    4.  The m.v. “Neva” will arrive … Odessa … the 23rd … December.
    5.  The s.s.”Erevan” arrived … Poti yesterday.

V. Переведите на руский язык и составьте диалог подобный данному.

Telephone conversation

- Is that Brown & Co.?

- You’ve got the wrong number. This is Central 6708.

- So sorry… Is this Brown & Co.?

- Yes, it is.

- I want Mr. Soames, please.

- I beg your pardon?

- Mr. Soames.

  •  Sorry, I didn’t quite catch the name. How do you spell it?
    •  Soames: S for Sam, O for Orange, A for Andrew, M for Mary, E for Edward and S for Sam – Soames.
      •  Oh, Soames. I’m sorry, Mr. Soames is away from the office at the moment. Who is calling?
        •  This is Mr. A. from the Russian Trade Delegation. When will Mr. Soames be back?
        •  He’ll be back at three o’clock. Will you leave a message?
        •  No, thanks. I’ll ring up again at half past three. Good-bye.

Вариант №2

I. Найдите русские эквиваленты английским конструкциям.

  1.  оборудование соответствует качественным показателям, обусловленным контрактом,
  2.  у покупателя нет обоснованных претензий,
  3.  пятнадцать процентов стоимости поставленного оборудования должны быть выплачены по истечении гарантийного периода,
  4.  в течение пятидесяти дней со дня получения документов на инкассо,
  5.  все расходы банка продавца оплачивает продавец,
  6.  платежи должны быть произведены,
  7.  специфицированный счет продавца с указанием номера контракта.

  1.  payments are to be effected
    1.  within sixty days of the date of receipt of the documents for collection
    2.  Seller’s specified invoice where Contract number is to be indicated
    3.  fifteen per cent of value of the delivered equipment are to be paid upon expiration of the guarantee period
    4.  the equipment corresponds to the qualitative index  stipulated in the Contract
    5.  there are no grounded claims from the Buyer
    6.  all expenses of the Seller’s bank are to be borne by the Seller

II. Переведите следующие статьи контракта на русский язык.

Inter-party Trade

Trade between “The Parties” shall be conducted with the almost good faith in the consummations of the transaction agreed upon from time to time.

“The parties” agree that “The Agreement” will suffice as the agreement between them for finance and that no other financial documents will be required for financing any trade between “The Parties”

Profit Utilization

“The Parties” agree that any Russian Rouble profits will be utilize firstly for purchasing raw materials and commodities for export and any roubles not required for such purchasing will be invested in real estate in Russia for the joint benefit of “The Parties”/ “The Parties” agree that any foreign currency or “valuta” profits generated by the offshore company in excess of that required to purchase commodities for trading in Russia will be equally divided between “The Parties” each as to its share.

Profit Utilization Exclusion

The first barter deal between “The Parties” (Appendix A) is specifically excluded from profit sharing under this agreement and all the profit from this first deal will accrue solely to “The Seller” is payment for commodities supplied to Russia under another contract.

III. Перепишите письма и переведите их текст на русский язык.



Bombay, 22nd Sept., 2003

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter dated the 18th September with which you send us your catalogue of compressors.

                                                                                                        Yours faithfully, …



                  Moscow, 2nd March, 2002

Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of the 28th February and send it to our Clients for their consideration. We will inform you of their decision in a few days.

                                                                                                       Yours faithfully, …


                                                                                                       Moscow, 10th Dec., 2000

Dear Sirs,

Moscvitch Cars, Contract dated 5th June, 2000

We are obliged for your letter of the 5th December. We are contacting the plant producing Moscvitch Cars on the questions raised by you and will write to you immediately upon receipt of their reply.

                                                                                                          Yours faithfully, …

IV. Вставьте, где требуется предлоги и переведите на русский язык.

  1.  Please inform … your decision immediately.
  2.  We will write … you … this question few days.
  3.  We are obliged to ask …  your letter … yesterday’s date … which you sent us your catalogue of Compressors.
  4.  We will write … you again … receipt … your catalogue.
  5.  Our letter … the 15th May was sent … reply … your telegram … the same.

V. Переведите на русский язык и составьте диалог, подобный данному.

Telephone Conversation

Mr. Brown: Is that Ross export? Put me through to Mr. Petrov, please.

Secretary: His number is engaged at the moment. Hold on a minute, please … Are you there? I’m putting you through now.

Petrov: Mr. Petrov speaking.

Mr. Brown: Good morning, Mr. Petrov. This is Mr. Brown of Smith & Company, Ltd, speaking. Can you tell me whether you’ve already chartered a steamer for the transportation of ore against Contract # 25?

Petrov: Yes, we have. The name of the vessel is “Pirogov”.

Mr. Brown: I can’t hear you. How do you spell the name of the steamer?

Petrov: P for Peter, I for Isaac, R for Robert, O for orange, G for George, O for orange and V for Valentine – Pirogov.

Mr. Brown – Will you, please, spell it again?

Petrov: P for Peter, I for Isaac, R for Robert, O for orange, G for George, O for orange and V for Valentine.

Mr. Brown: Thank you. I’ve got it now: Pi-ro-gov. please send us a copy of the Charter-Party for this boat.

Petrov: We sent it to you yesterday.

Mr.Brown: Thank you, Mr. Petrov. That’s all. Good-bye.

Petrov: Good-bye.

Вариант №3

I. Найдите русские эквиваленты английским конструкциям.

  1.  эта упаковка нуждается в особом обращении
  2.  продавец несет ответственность за любое повреждение, вызванное неправильной упаковкой
  3.  товары должны отгружаться в экспортной упаковке, соответствующей типу каждого вида товара
  4.  из-за отправки не по адресу вследствие неправильной упаковки
  5.  предотвратите свободное перемещение товаров внутри упаковки
  6.  поставка должна быть произведена не позднее …
  7.  упаковка должна обеспечивать защиту товаров от любых повреждений

  1.  the delivery is to be effected not later than
    1.  the goods are to be shipped in export packing corresponding to the type of each item
    2.  the packing is to secure the safety of the goods from any damage
    3.  prevent free movement of the goods inside the package
    4.  the Seller is responsible for any damage to the goods caused by importer packing
    5.  the marking shall be made with indelible paint
    6.  this package requires special handling
    7.  … due to dispatch to a wrong address owing to the incorrect marking

II. Переведите следующие статьи контракта на русский язык.

Books of Account

“The Parties” books of account including any records of purchase and sale appertaining to any trade done by any of “The Parties” under this agreement shall be open to inspection by any of “The Parties” at any reasonable time.

Legal Assistance

“The Parties” shall render all possible legal assistance each to the other which “The Parties”  may require for importations, customs, duties, taxes etc. from time to time.


Delivery location of the commodities will be as agreed “The Parties” from time to time or as required by any customer of any “The Parties” hereinafter referred to as “Delivery”.


Any of “The Parties” supplying commodities to the other is responsible for all insurance prior to “Delivery” and the other shall be responsible for all insurances after “Delivery”.

III. Перепишите письма и переведите их текст на русский язык.

Letter #1

London, 12th Oct., 2000

V/O “Rossexport”,

Smolenskaya-Sennaya, 32/34,

Moscow, 200


Dear Sirs,

We shall be obliged if you will send us your latest catalogue of Passenger Cars and Motor Cycles.

Yours faithfully, A. Smith & Co., Ltd.

Letter # 2

Moscow, 15th Oct., 2000

Messrs. A. Smith & Co., Ltd.,

20, Mortage Street,

London, E.C.2,


Dear Sirs,

In accordance with your request, we have pleasure in sending you, under separate cover, our latest illustrated catalogue of Passenger Cars and Motor Cycles.

We hope that the catalogue will be of interest to you.

                                                                                                                                       Yours faithfully,

V/O “Rossexport”

Letter #3

London, 3rd January, 2001

Dear Sirs,

Order # 161

We enclose our cheques for £ 1.020 10s. 8d. in final settlement of your invoice dated the 20th December, 1999, for the goods shipped by S.S. “Svir” against our Order # 1016.

Yours faithfully,

Letter #4

Moscow, 6th January, 2002

Dear Sirs,

Order # 1061

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of the 3rd January enclosing your cheques for £ 1020. 10s. 8d. in final payment of our invoice dated the 20th December, 2002, for the goods shipped by S.S. “Svir” against Order # 1016.

Yours faithfully,

IV. Вставьте, где требуется предлоги и переведите на русский язык.

  1.  We have received your cheques … £ 2000 enclosed your letter … the 15th June.
  2.  We are sending you, … separate cover, our latest catalogue … Compressors.
  3.  We have pleasure … informing you that the goods … your Order # 225 were shipped … the s.s. “Neva” yesterday.
  4.  … accordance … your request we are sending you a copy … our invoice … these goods.
  5.  We acknowledge … thanks receipt … your catalogue … Gas Turbines.

V. Переведите на русский язык и составьте диалог, подобный данному.

Telephone Conversation

Mr. Smith: Is that the Trade Delegation of Russia?

Operator: Yes, it is.

Mr. Smith: Put me through to Mr. Petrov’s office, please.

Secretary: Mr. Petrov’s secretary speaking.

Mr. Smith: My name is Mr. Smith. I’d like to speak to Mr. Petrov.

Secretary: I am sorry, but Mr. Petrov isn’t available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message for him?

Mr. Smith: I have an appointment with Mr. Petrov for 2 o’clock this afternoon, but I am sorry I can’t come today. I must go to Paris on business and I’ll be back only on Friday morning. Can Mr. Petrov see me at 2 o’clock on Friday afternoon instead of today?

Secretary: As far as I know, Mr. Petrov hasn’t got any engagement for Friday afternoon, but I must speak to him before I can give you a definite answer. Will you leave your telephone number with me?

Mr. Smith: Yes, certainly, I’ll leave you the telephone number on which you can contact my secretary. It’s London Wall 2230, extention 21.

Secretary: I beg your pardon. Will you spell the exchange, please?

Mr. Smith. – I’ll spell the first three letters that you must deal: L for London, o for orange, n for nobody.

Secretary: Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. Just to make sure I’d like to repeat the number. It’s Lon 2230 extension 21. I’ll contact your secretary when I’ve spoken to Mr. Petrov.

Mr. Smith: Thank you. Good-bye.

Secretary: Good-bye, Mr. Smith.

Вариант №4

I. Найдите русские эквиваленты английским конструкциям.

  1.  продавец обязан выплатить штраф по первому требованию покупателя
  2.  продавец обязан заплатить покупателю пени  в размере ноля целых пяти десятых процента
  3.  мы выплачиваем один процент стоимости не поставленных в срок товаров за каждую неделю задержки
  4.  не более восьми процентов стоимости оборудования, не поставленного в срок
  5.  товары не были поставлены в срок
  6.  в случае задержки поставок на срок более четырех месяцев покупатель приобретает право отказаться от контракта
  7.  в случае задержки поставок против сроков
  8.  данные восемь процентов будут удержаны при оплате счетов продавца

  1.  in the event of delay in the supply against the dates
    1.  the Seller is to pay to the Buyer penalty at the rate of zero point five per cent
    2.  the goods were not delivered in due time
    3.  we pay one per cent of the value of the equipment not delivered in due time for every week of the delay
    4.  … not more than eight per cent  of  the value of the equipment not delivered in due time
    5.  these eight per cent will be deducted from the Seller’s invoices
    6.  the Seller is obliged to pay the penalty at the first request of the Buyer
    7.  should the delay in delivery exceed four month, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract

II. Переведите следующие статьи контракта на русский язык.


Any of “The Parties” supplying commodities to the other is responsible for all storage and handling of the commodities prior to “Delivery” and relinquishes all responsibility for the commodity upon “Delivery”.

Packing Costs

Any of  “The Parties” supplying commodities to the other is responsible for payment of all costs associated with the packing and marking of the commodities.

Transport Costs

Any of “The Parties” supplying commodities to the other is responsible for payment of all transport and associated costs prior to “Delivery”, including all dues, taxes, customs and other duties or charges.


“The Parties” jointly accept full responsibility for obtaining shipping for the commodities from any agreed port to any agreed port, “The Point of Delivery”.

III. Перепишите письма и переведите их текст на русский язык.

Letter #1

London, 3rd January, 1999

Dear Sirs,

Order # 1016

We enclose our cheques for £ 1020 10 s. 8d. in final settlement of your invoice dated the 20th December, 1999, for goods shipped by S.s. “Svir” against our Order # 1016

Yours faithfully,

Encl.: Cheques

Letter #2

Moscow, 6th January, 2004

Dear Sirs,

Order # 1016

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of the 3rd January enclosing your cheques for 1020 10 8d. in final payment of our invoice dated the 20th December, 2004, for goods shipped by S.s. “Svir” against Order # 1016.

Yours faithfully,

Letter #3

Moscow, 2nd March, 2003

Dear Sirs,

S.S. “Clyde. Contract # 25

We attach a copy of the Charter-Party for the S.S. “Clyde” chartered by us for the transportation of 5000 tons of Manganese Ore sold to you CIF Manchester under Contract # 25

Please acknowledge receipt.

Yours faithfully,

IV. Ответьте на вопросы к письмам 1 и 2.

  1.  What is the amount of the cheques?
  2.  Was the cheques sent under separate cover or was it enclosed with the letter?
  3.  What was the name of the steamer by which the goods were shipped?
  4.  Against which order were the goods shipped?
  5.  What purpose were the cheques sent for?

V. Поставьте, где необходимо, соответствующие предлоги.

  1.  We have received your cheques … 2000 enclosed … your letter … the 15th June.
  2.  We are sending you … separate cover, our latest catalogue … Compressors.
  3.  We have pleasure … informing you that the goods … your Order # 225 were shipped … the s.s. “Neva” yesterday.
    1.  Переведите на русский язык и составьте диалог, подобный данному.

A: You’ve probable received the telegram I sent you from Paris on Tuesday, haven’t you?

B: Yes, we have. We were expecting you the day before yesterday.

A: I’m sorry, I was detained in Paris on business.

B: How is business in general?

A: I must say that we aren’t quite satisfied with our present sales. We used to get reular large orders from a number of the largest hotels and restaurants in England but lately we have been doing less business with them.

B: I’m surprised to hear it. How do you account for this decline in the amount of your orders? We don’t feel here at all that the demand for caviar is weaker than before. On the contrary, we are getting now more enquiries than ever.

A: I wouldn’t say that there is a big decrease in the volume of our business, but many hotels are inclined to use, instead of caviar, cheaper stuffs like lobsters or oysters, for instance. I hope you are not going to raise your prices this year.

B: As a matter of fact, our prices now about 10 per cent higher than last year.

A: What are you prices now? We’ve written to you that we need altogether about 20 tons of caviar.

B: Our prices today are … shillings for beluga caviar, … shillings for osetrova and … shillings for pressed per pound FAS St. Petersburg. The terms of payment would be the same as in our old contract.

A: Can’t you reduce your increase from 10 per cent to 5 per cent.

B: I’m sorry, it’s impossible.

A: I think I’ll have to cable my Board of Directors and ask them if they agree to your present prices. I’ll call here against as soon as I get their answer.

B: All right. But I must tell you that we can hold these prices open for your acceptance till the 3rd February only.

A: I’ll send the cable at once. Good-bye.

Вариант №5

I. Найдите русские эквиваленты английским конструкциям.

  1.  так как оборудование оказалось неисправным, продавец должен устранить неполадки или заменить неисправные части
  2.  все транспортные расходы несет продавец
  3.  покупатель вправе требовать от продавца уплаты штрафа в размере 8% от цены, уплаченной покупателем
  4.  вышеуказанный период будет продлен в случае задержки пуска оборудования
  5.  период бесперебойной работы оборудования – один год
  6.  если дефекты не могут быть устранены, покупатель имеет право отказаться от неисправного оборудования
  7.  оборудование было возвращено продавцу за его счет
  8.  оборудование было произведено в полном соответствии с условиями контракта
    1.  the equipment has been manufactured in full conformity with the conditions of the Contract
    2.  the period of the trouble-free operation of the equipment was one year
    3.  the above period will be extended if the start-up of the equipment is deferred
    4.  if the defects cannot be eliminated the Buyer has the right to rejecet the defective equipment
    5.  the equipment was returned to the Seller for his account
    6.  as the equipment proved to be defective the Seller has to eliminate the defects or to replace the defective parts
    7.  the Buyer is entitled to demand from the Seller payment of penalty at the rate of 8% of the price paid by the Buyer
    8.  all the transport charges are to be born by the Seller

II. Переведите следующие статьи контракта на русский язык.

Discharge Costs

Any of “The Parties” receiving commodities from the other is responsible for payment of all discharge costs levied after “Delivery”, including all dues, taxes, customs, and other duties or charges.


Dispatch for “Delivery” of the commodities must commence immediately upon written confirmation and acceptance of the deal between “The Parties”.

Sever ability

If, as a result of arbitration or judicial proceeding before a court of competent jurisdiction, any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be considered severed from this Agreement. All other provisions, rights and obligations shall continue without regard to the severed provision, provided that the remaining provisions of this Agreement are in accord with intentions of “The Parties”


“The Agreement” may only be modified or amended if done so in writing and such document of amendment is signed by “The Parties”.

III. Перепишите письма и переведите их текст на русский язык.

Letter #1

Moscow, 2nd March, 2004

Dear Sirs,

S.S. “Clyde”. Contract # 25

       We attach a copy of the Charter-Party for the S.S. “Clyde” chartered by us for the transportation of 5000 tons of Manganese Ore sold to you CIF Manchester under contract # 25.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Yours faithfully, …

Letter #2

Manchester, 3rd March, 2004

Dear Sirs,

Manganese Ore. Contract #25

     With reference to Contract # 25 for the sale to us of 5000 tons of Manganese Ore CIF Manchester, we would ask you to inform us whether you have already chartered a vessel for the transportetion of the ore from Poti to Manchester.

Yours faithfully, …

Letter #3

Moscow, 5th March, 2004

Dear Sirs,

S.S. “Clyde” Contract # 25

     In reply to your letter of the 3rd March, we refer to our letter of the 2nd March in which we advise you of the chartering of the S.S. “Clyde” and with which we sent you a copy of the Charter-Party for this vessel

Yours faithfully, …

Letter #4

Manchester, 5th March, 2004

Dear Sirs,

5000 tons Manganese Ore. S.S. “Clyde”

         We thank you for your letter of the 2nd March enclosing a copy of the Charter-Party for the S.S. “Clyde”. We request you to keep us informed of the position of the vessel. We should also be obliged if you would advise us by cable of the date of the vessel’s sailing from Poti and the quantity of ore loaded.

Yours faithfully, …

IV. Ответьте на вопросы к письму № 2.

  1.  Had the Buyers already received the Seller’s letter of the 2nd March when they wrote their letter of the 3rd March?
  2.  Which contract did the Buyers refer to?
  3.  Which port was the port of loading and which was the port of discharge under the contract?

V. Поставьте, где необходимо, соответствующие предлоги.

  1.  As the goods were sold … CIF terms, the Sellers were obliged to charter a vessel … transportation … the goods.
  2.  The goods were shipped … Odessa … London … accordance … § 3 … the contract.
  3.  We are sending you two copies … Contract #225 … sale … you … 10000 tons of Wheat.
  4.  We have received your letter … the 16th … October.
  5.  Our letter dated … the 5th May was sent … air-mail.

Переведите на русский язык и составьте диалог, подобный данному.


Broker: Hello, is that Rossexport? This is Mr. Simpson speaking. Is Mr. Ivanov there?

Manager: Mr. Ivanov speaking.

Broker: We have enquiry for about 5000 tons of wheat on sample 4 but it is impossible to obtain your price limit.

Manager: What figure can you get?

Broker: I think not more than 32 pounds although we are doing our best.

Manager: This parcel is of special quality. Don’t sell this wheat below 33 pounds, please.

Broker: But this means the shillings above the price of the last parcel.

Manager: The difference is quite reasonable considering the high quality of the wheat.

Broker: There’s another difficulty. Buyers want December shipment instead of January.

Manager: Offer them, please, 15th December – 15th January. Should they insist on December shipment, call us again and we’ll see in the meantime whether we can arrange tonnage. And what about barley?

Broker: There’s little demand just now, as there are large stocks of maize in Liverpool. Besides, large shipments of maize are expected from the States.

Manager: But you’ve heard of our sales of barley in Rotterdam and Antwerp, haven’t you?

Broker: Yes, I have, but the situation is different here. I’m expecting a bid from a large manufacturer of feeding stuffs. May I agree to January shipment?

Manager: Yes, you may.

Broker: All right. I’ll call you up again tomorrow. Good-bye.

Manager: Good-bye.

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