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Work here is public sector employment

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индустрия, промышленность, отрасль

Ireland is now a European center for light industry.



The growth in the number of home computers has boosted the electronics sector.

public sector

государственный сектор

The main source of work here is public sector employment.

private sector

частный сектор

The private sector often complains about public enterprise.

manufacturing sector

производственный сектор

Most people in the area work in manufacturing sector.

service sector

сектор обслуживания

Most of the service sector jobs taken by women are in cleaning and catering.

Task 1. Match the words A - F with their definitions 1 – 6.

  1.  sector
  1.  activities connected with production of goods
  1.  private sector
  1.  the companies, organizations and activities in an economy that are owned and controlled by the government
  1.  industry
  1.  companies and activities involved in banking, tourism, transport rather than manufacturing goods
  1.  public sector
  1.  the industries and services that are not owned by the government
  1.  service sector
  1.  the organizations or companies in a particular area of activity
  1.  manufacturing sector
  1.  the production of basic materials and of goods




They sold their shares at a higher price.



Some shareholders are unhappy with the new management of the club.


дочерняя компания

Sharp Electronics is the U.S. subsidiary of Japan's Sharp Corporation.



IBM will look at acquisitions including small service companies.



In this sector, he also thinks software concern Davidson & Co. might make an interesting takeover play.

joint venture

совместное предприятие

Some analysts also said that a joint venture with Canon is possible.


союз; альянс

The companies have formed an alliance to market the product.


слияние, объединение

There has been a lot of talk about a merger with another leading bank.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the sentences 1 – 6 with the following words:

acquisitions, shareholders, merger, takeover, subsidiary, joint venture

  1.  Encouraged by growing global competition, Renault of France and AB Volvo of Sweden are exploring a possible ___ that would create the world’s fourth largest auto company.
  2.  Finding a local partner and creating a ___ could be a good way of entering a new overseas market.
  3.  Tokay, the world’s oldest wine producer, was bought by a Japanese distiller and a French insurance group. It was one of the most important ___ in this industry.
  4.  Dividends are paid to the ___ each year if adequate profits are made.
  5.  The managers wanted to remain an independent concern and were strongly against any ___.
  6.  Chase Manhattan Bank is a ___ of Chase Manhattan Corporation.

Task 3. Read and translate the text.

Bringing two companies together is an enormous task. There are big questions that need to be resolved, such as the new group’s strategy and direction. There are also administrative, logistical and technical challenges. Will new contracts be necessary? Where the headquarters of the combined operations will be located? How can the information technology systems be integrated?

Work on bringing the partners together should start before the public knows about the merger. All the plans should be discussed confidentially and employees in both companies must be informed about future changes as early as possible.

Everything should be done to avoid the worst consequences of mergers. Managers should recognize cultural differences between the companies by studying their history. They should explain the employees why the change is necessary as any merger means that hard work is to begin.

Active Vocabulary






сложная задача, проблема






осознавать, признавать

Study the text again, match the words and then use your word pairs to complete the sentences 1 – 5 below.







the worst




  1.  We can see very real historical and ___ ___ between our two countries.
  2.  I am afraid the company debt will result in ___ ___.
  3.  Keep it a secret. We will ___ it ___.
  4.  The ___ ___ department is installing new software.
  5.  We have planned ___ ___ in the budget.

1. Захаров АД
2. Public reltions Поведения специалиста по СО основываются на том что любые действия должны соответствовать мора
3. контрольная работа по дисциплине Гражданское право Курс ~ 4
4. тематических средств выявляются свойства систем автоматического управления и разрабатываются рекомендаци.html
5. тема Следовательно техника начинается с присоединения минухин 1974 к семейной системе для того чтобы стать
6. Тактический план
7. 29 декабря~ 2013 го~да
8. либо разыскиваемый экземпляр
9. Пирамида потребностей по Маслоу
10. Компетентностный подход к профессионализму Рассмотрению проблемы формирования профессиональн
11. Советская Россия
12. XX вв почти одновременно во многих европейских странах
13. Реферат- Физиологическая основа ощущений
14. Лекция по теме 5 ldquo;Предпосылки условия формирования и концептуальные основы теории судебной экспертизыrdqu
15. Учет и анализ услуг в рекламной сфере на примере ООО ПромоСпейс г. Москва
16. ЛАБОРАТОРНАЯ РАБОТА 1 ЗНАКОМСТВО С MS VISUL STUDIO 2008 Цель работы- познакомиться с MS Visul Studio 2008 научиться со
17. Язычество. 2
18. Инфраструктура товарного рынка
19. УстьКулом С
20. Варианты ответа- 1 2 3 4 н