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Sve little Mozrt Purpose- To develope cretivity of the children from n orphnge

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The Project «Save a little Mozart»

Purpose: To develope creativity of the children from an orphanage.

Orphans often lack of individual attention, many of their talents stay undeveloped. Besides, an orphanage often lacks money and experts to teach the children arts.


  •  Human. Volunteers who are knowledgeable in various fields of art and will be able to work with the children;
  •  Material. Paints, pensils, brushes, albums, musical instruments, scenery and costums;
  •  Financial. In case of need to hire a professional teacher for a child, or to send a child to a school of art, or to buy a ticket to a summer camp for creative children.

Term of the project: 2 years.

The project will be realized in several stages.

Target group: 15 children between the ages of 7 and 12 years.

Progress of the project:

  1.  Questioning.

A survey should be held in order to find out the children's talants. On the basis of the questioning to form the groups of musicians, artists and actors. The children can be involved in several groups at the same time, if they have enough time for it. A questioning repeats periodically (once a months) to determine the development of creative abilities. During a questioning it should be considered that sometimes a child really has no talents, but sometimes he or she is just tired.

  1.  Training.

Volunteers teach the children:

  •  for musicians: an individual lesson for an hour a week;
  •  for artists and actors: 2 hours of group studying a week (2 volunteers for a group of 4-6 children).

Every 3 months:

  •  report concerts and small perfomances;
  •  contests for the best picture.

Races attended concerts and competitions receive incetive prizes.

  1.  Summing-up.

A year after the start of classes the professional teachers are hired for the most gifted children. At will, the volunteers continue teaching the rest of the  children. In the future the best students can be sent to summer camps for creative kids.

Expected result:

Help in revealing talents of creative children.

But even if a child don't have any extraordinal abilities, the arts:

  •  develops the imagination;
  •   broadens the outlook;
  •  makes an socializing easier;
  •  reveals the potential in other areas;
  •  brings joy and pleasure and helps to relieve the nervous tension.

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