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representtion of person plce or thing performing trditionlly humn ctivities or functions in work of fiction Protgonist The chrcter the story revolves round

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Билет №30

  1.  Dwell on basic elements of text analysis.

Character - representation of a person, place, or thing performing traditionally human activities or functions in a work of fiction

  1.  Protagonist - The character the story revolves around.
  2.  Antagonist - A character or force that opposes the protagonist.
  3.  Minor character - Often provides support and illuminates the protagonist.

Figurative language - the use of words to express meaning beyond the literal meaning of the words themselves

  1.  Metaphor - without using like or as  
  2.  You are the sunshine of my life.
  3.  Simile - using like or as  
  4.  Hyperbole - exaggeration
  5.  I have a million things to do today.

Plot - the arrangement of ideas and/or incidents that make up a story

  1.  Foreshadowing - When the writer clues the reader in to something that will eventually occur in the story; it may be explicit (obvious) or implied (disguised).
  2.  Suspense - The tension that the author uses to create a feeling of discomfort about the unknown
  3.  Conflict - Struggle between opposing forces.
  4.  Exposition - Background information regarding the setting, characters, plot.
  5.  Rising Action - The process the story follows as it builds to its main conflict
  6.  Crisis - A significant turning point in the story that determines how it must end
  7.  Resolution/Denouement - The way the story turns out.

Point of View - pertains to who tells the story and how it is told. The point of view of a story can sometimes indirectly establish the author's intentions.

  1.  Narrator - The person telling the story who may or may not be a character in the story.
  2.  First-person - Narrator participates in action but sometimes has limited knowledge/vision.
  3.  Second person - Narrator addresses the reader directly as though she is part of the story. (i.e. “You walk into your bedroom.  You see clutter everywhere and…”)
  4.  Third Person (Objective) - Narrator is unnamed/unidentified (a detached observer). Does not assume character's perspective and is not a character in the story. The narrator reports on events and lets the reader supply the meaning.
  5.  Colloquial style.

The colloquial type of the language is characterized by the inofficiality, informality of the communicative situation. Sometimes the colloquial type of speech is called “the colloquial style”. An informal expression that is more often used in casual conversation than in formal speech or writing.

  1.  Distinguish between logical comparison and simile. Analyse the stylistic effect gained in the given sentences.

          It’s not just a yard. It is like an extended living room (A. Walker).

The intensification of some one feature of the concept in question is realized in a device called simile. Ordinary comparison and simile must not be confused. They represent two diverse processes. Comparison means weighing two objects belonging to one class of things with the purpose of establishing the degree of their sameness or difference. To use a simile is to characterize one object by bringing it into contact with another object belonging to an entirely different class of things. Comparison takes into consideration all the properties of the two objects, stressing the one that is compared. Simile excludes all the properties of the two objects except one which is made common to them. For example: boy seems to be as clever as his mother' is ordinary comparison. 'Boy' belong to the same class of objects—human beings—so this is not a simile but ordinary comparison.

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