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В этом нет никакой необходимости произнес молодой человек но господин Мартин настаивал

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Lesson 6

  1.  Translate into English.

Зайдя в кафе выпить чашечку кофе, господин Мартин решил занять место у стойки. Через несколько минут в кафе вошли девушка и молодой человек. У стойки было только два свободных места – слева и справа от господина Мартина. Девушка села справа, а молодой человек собирался занять пустое место слева, но господин Мартин тут же предложил юноше поменяться с ним местами, для того, чтобы он смог сидеть рядом с девушкой. «В этом нет никакой необходимости», - произнес молодой человек, но господин Мартин настаивал. Когда юноша сел около девушки, он улыбнулся и сказал: «Этот джентльмен очень хочет, чтобы мы сидели рядом. Могу представиться. Меня зовут Том, а как Вас зовут?» 

  1.  Translate into Russian. Choose a correct variant of the answer in the sentences below the text giving the most precise information about it. Explain in English the meaning of the words underlined.


Tired? Want something to drink? Get a Coke or another fizzy drink and feel the effect on your mind and body!

We all do it, but for many English school kids, this is breakfast. More than 50 000 children who are 8-10 years old don’t eat anything in the morning and come to school tired, empty and irritable. And what are the hoped for healthy eating at school? Many schools now have a canteen where kids have a choice. And so they decide to take pizza and chips instead of salad and fish. When you are young, you think you will never die and don’t care about ‘adult’ problems like ‘obesity’ and heart disease.

The Heart Foundation has just started a campaign to show that bad eating habits from our childhood are often the most important cause of heart problems when we are older.

Modern eating habits are very destructive. Today’s children are in more danger of heart diseases and some forms of cancer than their parents and grandparents. They also have to decide which food to choose, genetically modified or organic. In Britain today, the second option is becoming more and more popular.

So where do we start if we ant to eat in a healthy way?

First, we should eat normally, but do a lot of physical exercises. It is very hard to keep to a diet, and it’s all too easy to start getting fat again. The best idea is to exercise in the morning and not eat snacks, especially late at night!

Second, if you eat meat, chicken and fish are much better than red meats. They’re good for your body and mind, too.

Third, we should remember that fizzy drinks, tea and coffee are all ‘diuretics’, which means that they take water away from the body. Fizzy drinks also reduce the amount of healthy substances which the body can take from food. So if you suffer from headaches or a general lack of energy, try putting away all those drinks and having lots of water instead. Sometimes your skin gets clearer and your eyes start shining – so healthy lifestyle means prettier looks, too!

(adapted from Neale Anderson, ‘Food, dangerous food’)


  1.  Find the derivatives of the following words.

To defend               Fashion Destructive  Irritable

  1.  Paraphrase the following sentences using a key word printed in capitals so that a new sentence has the same meaning.
  2.  This book of Anatoly Ivanov is less interesting than his others.

AS  This book by Anatoly Ivanov ____________________________________________his others.

  1.  We all told you not to do it, but you still did.

OUGHT  You ____________________________________________________________  done that.

  1.  Because the company’s UK office closed, Mike was made redundant.

DUE TO  Mike ____________________________________________ the closure of the company’s UK office.  

  1.  Could you change seats with us?

Changing  Would __________________________________________________________seats with us?

  1.  Jane will hardly ever help them again.

UNLIKELY  Jane __________________________________________________help them again.

  1.  You are going too fast for me.

KEEP UP  I __________________________________ you!

  1.  I am so sorry I ignored your warning.

REGRET  I ____________________________________________ your warning.

  1.  He can’t decide what to spend his money on.

MIND He can’t  ___________________________________ to spend his money on.

  1.  Add the prefix to the correct form of the word at the end of each line and use the word in the space on the same line.

Attempts to communicate in a foreign language can easily 1__________ .

I am always  2_________ by the attempts to get speak Greek.

The waiter on Mykonos  3 ___________ what I wanted and instead

of beetroots brought me mushrooms. I  4__________ mushrooms intensely

but when I asked him to  5 _____________ them with beetroots he smiled,

went into the kitchen and  6 _____________with a plate of aubergines.

He also 7 _____________ my friendly attitude towards everyone I meet

And when I complained that they had  8 ____________the meat,

Manuel (that was his name) if I am not 9 ___________grinned and

Twirled his moustache. To cap it all, I 10 ____________ the bill and accused

the poor man of 11____________ me! It was just my awful Greek again.












  1.  In the sentences given below the part of them is given in Russian. You should translate them into English to get lexically and grammatically correct sentences in English. You mustn’t change anything in the English part of the sentences.
  2.  He has a class of 30 students (половина из которых) _________________________________ are artistically talented.
  3.  If I start today (я закончу писать это сочинение)________________________________________________ by Saturday.
  4.  They are the worst behaved children (за которыми ей когда-либо приходилось присматривать) __________________________________________________________.
  5.  (Едва ли кто-либо из ее друзей) ___________________________________ have come to see her in hospital.
  6.  Jack can’t come to the party (и Джил тоже) __________________________.
  7.  I am looking for a shop where (я могу починить очки) ___________________________________.
  8.  If the tickets (еще не оплачены) ____________________________________, the booking will be cancelled.
  9.  The team leader (обвинил его в) ___________________________ leaving him alone on the mountain.
  10.  She (извинилась за то, что не сказала мне) _____________________________________________ she was coming.

  1.  Translate these sentences into Russian. Before doing it study the meaning of the verb to come.

1. As they came down the track, the car skidded.  

2. Jess came flying round the corner and banged straight into me.

3. Ah, here comes the bus at last!

4. It should be good fun. Why don’t you come along?

5. Legend has it that the tribe came from across the Pacific Ocean?

6. At last the day came for us to set off.

7. The water came up as far as my chest.

8. The rope came loose.

9. The pain comes and goes.

10. He takes life as it comes.

11. Public speaking does not come easily to most people.

12. This is a moment that will be remembered and celebrated for years to come.

13. Space technology didn’t really come of age until the 1950s

14. You came right out and told him? I dont know how you dared!

15. I think you should come clean about where you were last night.

16. Don’t worry; It’ll all come right in the end.

17. How come you’ve ended up here?

18. Come spring, you’ll have plenty of colour in the garden.

19. The whole trip, including fares, comes out at $900.  

20. Come a bit closer and you’ll be able to see better.

1. реферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук К
2. Без многого может обойтись человек только не без человекаЛ
3. комплекс мероприятий направленных на восстановление основных жизненных функций организма находящегося в
4. Контрольная работа по дисциплине Информационные системы в экономике Направление контрольн
5. МК АЗОВСТАЛЬ ТЕМЫ для исследования в курсовых и дипломных работах Улучшение качества очистк
6. Научная периодизация всемирной истории
7. задание Вариант 6121 Компаратора для однополярных напряжений с гистерезисной характеристикой
8. Региональная экономика
9. Контрольная работа- Врачебный контроль спортсменов
10. Введение 3 Применение дорожных знаков в различных условиях движения 4 Список использованной
11. Реферат- Текущий бухгалтерский учет затрат на производство и выпуск продукции
12. 2 Warp Connect 4
14. Реферат З дiсциплiни ldquo;ОБТКСrdquo; Основнi вимоги системи якостi QoS Виконав- Перевір
15. Вступление приглашение к разговору; определение темы проблемы текста; представление авто
16. Тема- Розвиток розумових здібностей та психологічних особливостей учнів молодших класів у процесі в
17. Personl Home Pge Tools14 3
18. Інноваційні технології в бізнесі
19. Вальтер Беньямин
20.  2013 г