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а leder in South fric. He fought ginst prtheid system where nonwhite citizens were segregted отделены from whites nd did not hve equl rights равные права

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Nelson Mandela

  1.  Occupation: President of South Africa and Activist
  2.  Born: July 18, 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa
  3.  Died: December 5, 2013 in Johannesburg, South Africa
  4.  Best known for: Serving 27 years in prison as a protest against apartheid


Nelson Mandela was a civil rights (гражданские права) leader in South Africa. He fought against apartheid, a system where non-white citizens were segregated (отделены)  from whites and did not have equal rights (равные права). He served (отбыть срок) a good portion of his life in prison for his protests, but became a symbol for his people. Later he would become president of South Africa.

Where did Nelson Mandela grow up?

Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa. His
birth name (имя при рождении) is Rolihlahla. He got the nickname (прозвище) Nelson from a teacher in school. Nelson was a member of Thimbu royalty (член королевской семьи) and his father was chief (вождь) of the city of Mvezo. He attended school and later college at the College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand. At Witwatersrand, Mandela got his law degree (юридическая степень) and would meet some of his fellow activists against apartheid.

What did Nelson Mandela do?

Nelson Mandela became a leader in the African National Congress (ANC). At first he
pushed hard (пробивался) for the congress and the protesters to follow Mohandas Gandhi's non-violence approach (ненасильственный подход). At one point he started to doubt that this approach (подход) would work and started up (запустил)  an armed (вооруженный)  branch of the ANC. He planned to bomb certain buildings, but only the buildings. He wanted to make sure (удостовериться) than no one would be hurt (пострадает). He was classified as a terrorist by the South African government and sent to prison. He spent 27 years in prison.

Mandela would spend the next 27 years in prison. His
prison sentence (тюремное наказание) brought international visibility (оповещение общественности) to the anti-apartheid movement. He was finally released (освобожден) through international pressure in 1990.

released (освобожден) from prison, Nelson continued his campaign to end apartheid. His hard work and life long effort (усилия) paid off (оправдали себя) when all races were allowed (было позволено) to vote (голосовать) in the 1994 election (выборы). Nelson Mandela won the election and became president of South Africa.

Fun facts about Nelson Mandela 

  1.  Nelson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.
  2.  July 18th is Nelson Mandela day. People are asked to devote (посвятить)  67 minutes to helping others. The 67 minutes represents the 67 years Mandela spent serving his country.
  3.  Invictus was a 2009 movie about Nelson Mandela and the South African rugby team.
  4.  He had six children and twenty grandchildren.

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