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Notebook nd write exmples sentences phonetics nd trnsltions in it

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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

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The questionnaire

Think about all the experiences that have helped you to learn English. How successful were they? How to become a more effective language learner?

Look at these ways of studying and learning. Tick the methods you currently use. Put an asterisk (*) next to the method you’d like to use in the future.

Ways of studying

Ask your teacher questions you don’t understand

Keep a vocabulary notebook and write examples sentences, phonetics, and translations in it.

Write new words on a flash-card – English on one side, Russian/Belarusian on the other. Learn three every day.

Put lists of English words on your bedroom wall use headings, e.g. “job”, “environment”.

Regularly ask yourself “How would I say that in English?”

Regularly review your vocabulary notebook

Review the material of the last lesson before the next lesson.

Watch films and TV programmes in English

Practice English with other people via email or the Internet.

Listen to the radio, music, tapes in English.

Read in English, (websites, magazines, newspapers in English).

Keep a diary of your language learning progress in English

Write something in English every day.

Talk to other students.

Use an English-English dictionary

Share your tips on how to study effectively with other people.


The assessment

This part will help you identify your language abilities and show you where you need more practice.


language abilities

with great difficulty

with difficulty



I can understand the social role and importance of the mass media.

I can understand the main points of the interview about making a good language learner.

I can understand the interview about Esperanto.

I can understand the comparative description of Esperanto and English as world languages.


I can read authentic newspaper articles (tabloids).

I can read authentic newspaper articles (broadsheets).

I can understand the main points in the factual article about the British press.

I can understand the opinions expressed in the article on the social role of television.

I can understand the article about the Open University.

I can identify the prevailing musical genres of British classical music.

I can identify the reasons for the popularity of classical music in Great Britain.

I can understand differences in variants of English.

I can guess the meaning of words and phrases in the articles.


I can express myself in clear and structured text on familiar topics or of a personal interest.

I can write a description on a suggested topic (e.g. the educational potential of the mass media; music in my life, etc.).

I can write a reflection on a suggested topic (e.g. Variety is the spice of life).

I can write a report on a suggested topic.

I can compile a questionnaire.

spoken production

I can express myself in a clear way.

I can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

I can describe a problem under study.

I can explain the reasons of a problem under study.

I can report.

spoken interaction

I can ask and talk about learning foreign languages.

I can ask and talk about the mass media in Great Britain.

I can ask and talk about music in our life.

I can complete a questionnaire.

I can take part in discussion in familiar context accounting for and sustaining my view.

1. Дипломная работа- Аудит расчётов с бюджетом по налогу на добавленную стоимость
2. Учебное пособие по курсовому проектированию
3. справочного аппарата формирование макета документальной публикации работу с издательством
4. Сущность понятия социокультурный эталон здоровья
5. Добавление к Классу
6. Семья как источник возникновения страхов у детей.html
7. при старом порядке.html
8. за кадром большинства публикаций в прессе
9.  Содержание местных финансов Местное самоуправление является уровнем власти наиболее приближенным к нас
10. Принцип наслаждения и интимные отношения
11. Лабораторна робота 1 Сировинні матеріали мартенівського виробни
13. Польский вопрос в Российской империи в ХVIII столетии
14. Тема сюжет композиция поэмы
15. на тему- Развитие речи детей дошкольного возраста в условиях введения ФГОС в ДО
16. Реферат- Языковые конструкции деловых писем- письмо-просьба
17. реферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук3
18. 5.1 1Який метод зйомки підземних комунікацій найбільш ефективний Виконавча зйомка в відкритих траншеях ві.html
19. Алгоритмизация расчётов химико-технологических процессов
20. Введение10