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Body of Civil Lw nd lso the Justinin Code

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| Практический английский для студентов-юристов

of the day. This was done under the sponsorship of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I (from AD 529 to 565). This collection of laws and legal interpretations was called Corpus Juris Civilis («Body of Civil Law») and also the Justinian Code.

French Emperor Napoleon made some modification of the Justinian Code at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Napoleon Code is still the model for the legal codes governing most of the modern nation-states of Europe today.

gj Answer the foHowing questions:

  1.  What did the ancient Greek system of law emphasize?
  2.  What was typical of legal systems until the time of
    the Greeks

Ш Vocabulary

to represent представлять

to emphasize придавать особое значение; подчеркивать

prosperity процветание

Draco ['dreikou] Драконт, афинский законодатель

trivial 1) обычный, тривиальный 2) незначительный

to repeal аннулировать, отменять закон

to retain сохранять

homicide убийство

sponsorship покровительство

natural law естественный закон

 trial jury ['traial 'фиэп] суд

присяжных to enslave делать рабом,

порабощать to appeal обжаловать to carry over переносить to handle справляться с

чем-л. corpus лат. свод законов,

кодекс Roman Empire fempaia]

Римская империя Justinian Code [djAs'tmjan

'ksud] Кодекс Юстиниана Emperor Napoleon ['етргэ

ns'pauljan] император


 Basic course. Lesson 1 I     9

  1.  What does the word 'draconian' mean and what is the
    origin of this word
  2.  What have the Greeks contributed to the Roman sys
    tem of laws
  3.  What is the concept of 'natural law'? What is its basic
  4.  What was Solon? What contribution to ancient law
    did he make



In early medieval England, there was no written law. Each feudal lord or baron administered justice personally. Although these baronial courts had similarities, the laws were different in different places. Disputes were settled on the basis of local customs and the baron's judgment. In time, the king was able to establish a system of courts, which enforced a common law throughout England. The rules of law, which were stated in these early cases, became precedents (examples) for settling future, similar cases. In the beginning, few decisions were recorded, and so the early common law was sometimes known as «unwritten law.» Finally, the principles and rules announced by the courts were preserved in writing. Thus, particular rules became fixed, and people knew what to expect if similar problems arose in the future. This resulted in what has come to be known as the Common Lawjudge-made case law that has its origin in the traditions, customs, and trade practices of the people.

The English common law began to develop after the conquest of England by William the Conqueror in 1066. To keep order and peace, the Kings of England tried to

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