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16th of My 2014. The bsic objective of the conference ~ to bring together reserchers scientists for corporte scientific discussion bout the ongoing chnges in economics nd mngement occurring throug

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The 8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”

May 15, 2014 – May 16, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania

We would like to invite you to participate in the 8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014” that will be organized in Faculty of Business Management of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University on 15-16th of May, 2014. The basic objective of the conference – to bring together researchers, scientists for a corporate scientific discussion about the ongoing changes in economics and management occurring throughout businesses and studying processes in the context of nowadays globalisation.

The conference is focused to discuss up-to-date problems of business and management. The Conference will provide an opportunity for scientists, managers and professionals from around the world to sum up the achievements and to highlight the problems. Such a Conference would be an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues, to exchange knowledge and experience, and to extend your list of contacts.

The papers the conference will be published and included in the international ISI proceedings database (ISSN 2029-4441 print / 2029-929X online).

Selected articles will be published in these peer-review scientific journals, referred on international data bases:

  1.   Science – Future of Lithuania. Business in XXI century (more information: http://www.mla.vgtu.lt/).
  2.   Business: Theory and Practice (more information:  http://www.btp.vgtu.lt/).
  3.  Journal of Business Economics and Management (more information: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/TBEM/).
  4.  Business, Management and Education (more information: http://www.bme.vgtu.lt/).

Contact persons: 
Dr. Ignas Dzemyda Tel. +370(5)27448 85 
MSc Marina Vitkauskaitė Tel. +370(5)27448 89


15th of January, 2014 – Abstract and application submission

22th of January, 2014 – Notification of abstract acceptance

15th of February, 2014 – Submission of full papers

30th of February, 2014 – Notification of papers acceptance

15th of March, 2014 – Submission of final full papers (corrected according to reviewer’s remarks)

31st of March, 2014 – Deadline for registration payment

15-16th of May, 2014 – Conference



Prof. dr. V. Davidavičienė (Chairman)
Assoc. prof. dr. I. Dzemyda (Secretary)
Prof. dr. V. Davidavičienė

Assoc. prof. J. Raudeliūnienė

Assoc. prof. dr. I. Lapinskaitė

Assoc. prof. dr. I. Skačkausienė

Assoc. prof. dr. R. Korsakienė
Assoc. prof. dr. R. Tamošiūnienė
Assoc. prof. dr. Ž. Tunčikienė

Assoc. Prof. D. Jurevičienė

Assoc. Prof. R. Drejeris

Lecturer K. Peleckis

MSc R. Labanauskis
MSc M. Vitkauskaitė


Prof. R. dr. Ginevičius, Lithuania (Chairman)
Prof. A. V. dr. Rutkauskas, Lithuania (Chairman)
Prof. dr. A. Adekola, USA
Prof. dr. B. Aktan, Turkey
Prof. dr. R. Alas, Estonia
Prof. dr. D. Attias-Bonnivard, France
Prof. dr. D. Baran, Slovak Republic
Prof. dr. J. Bivainis, Lithuania
Prof. dr. V. Burkov, Russia
Prof. dr. I. Dakov, Bulgaria
Prof. dr. K. Didenko, Latvia
Prof. dr. T. Doliegowski, Poland
Prof. dr. V. Gerasimciuk, Ukraine
Prof. dr. A. Insel, Turkey
Prof. dr. N. Lace, Latvia
Prof. dr. M. Lisinski, Poland
Prof. dr. H. Lošťáková, Czech Republic
Prof. dr. K. Luhto, Finland
Prof. dr. D. Marciniak - Najder, Poland
Prof. dr. B. Melnikas, Lithuania
Prof. dr. J. Mitra, UK
Prof. dr. P. Němeček , Czech Republic
Prof. dr. N. Paliulis, Lithuania
Prof. dr. R. Počs, Latvia
Prof. dr. T. Põlajeva, Estonia
Prof. dr. M. Radovic Markovic, Serbia
Prof. dr. B. Reihelt, Germany
Prof. dr. J. Saee, Germany
Assoc. prof. dr. J. Stankevičienė, Lithuania
Prof. dr. A. Temicev, Belarus
Prof. dr. M. Tvaronavičienė, Lithuania


1.  The articles to the Conference shall be written in English. The volume of an article is 6-8 pages. Articles will be not edited; therefore Authors are responsible for preparation of articles according to the guidelines. The deadline for submissions of complete papers is the 15th of February, 2014.

2.  Authors should submit a short (approximately 100 words) abstract and application form not later than 15th of January, 2014.  Further information on site http://www.bm.vgtu.lt/index.php/bm/bm_2014

3. All conference articles will be reviewed. After the Conference date all the peer-reviewed Conference papers will have been published by Elsevier in open-access Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (no subscription needed). This will result in the maximum exposure and high worldwide visibility of the authors and their papers. Published papers will also be sent to Thomson Reuters Conference Proceeding Citation Index (ISI) and SCOPUS for possible indexing.

4. Conference participation fee – EUR 250 (expenses related to organizational and publishing activities, social program). Fee for PhD students – 200 EUR. Fee paid by accompanying persons – EUR 150. The participation fee must be paid by 31st of March, 2014.

Contact persons: 
Assoc. prof. dr. Ignas Dzemyda, Phone. +370(5)27448 85 
MSc Marina Vitkauskaitė, Phone. +370(5)27448 89

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