Поможем написать учебную работу
Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

Предоплата всего

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Предоплата всего
Чтобы проиллюстрировать вышесказанное, хочу привести пример работы с текстом из раздела Reading For Pleasure из учебника Way Ahead 3.
Ход урока
Teacher: Today at the lesson we are going to read an interesting story about a sea animal. Can you guess what is it? Ask me the questions.
Pupils: Is it a shark? Is it a whale? Is it a seal? Is it a penguin? etc. Is it a dolphin?
Teacher: Yes, it is. What interesting facts do you know about dolphins?
Pupils: They live in the sea. They are very friendly. They are very clever animals. etc.
Teacher: I see that you know a lot of interesting facts about dolphins and now we are going to read about them. Please, open your books at page 82 and listen to the text [1]:
Dolphins live in water but they are not fish. They need air to breathe. They can stay under the water for many minutes but then they come up to the surface. Some dolphins live in the sea; some dolphins live in rivers. They like warm water the best.
Sometimes dolphins swim close to ships. They jump out of water again and again. They can swim very fast up to 55 kilometers an hour. A number of dolphins swimming together is called a school.
There are small dolphins and big dolphins: some are two or three metres long. Dolphins are not dangerous. They are very clever animals and they love playing. Dolphins have smiling faces. They speak with high squeaks and clicking sounds.
Teacher: Please, look at the board. I know that there were some unfamiliar words for you in the text. Now we are going to work with them. Lets read and translate the following words:
need [ni:d] нуждаться
speak [spi:k] говорить
squeak [skwi:k] пищать, скрипеть
breathe [bri:ð] дышать
together[təgeðə] вместе
high [hai] высокий
click [klik] щелкать
air [εə] - воздух
surface [sə:fis] - поверхность
dangerous - опасный
sound [ saund] - звук
again [əgen] - снова
meter kilometer
minute - hour
Teacher: Now Im going to give you lists of paper with the task which consists of these words for you to know them better. (Учитель закрывает слова на доске.)
1. Реши анаграммы
POLDHNI - ______________________
IGHH - __________________________
DSUON - _________________________
2. Вставь пропущенные буквы
S ….. rf ….. ce
D …. ng …. ro…. s
Br ……. t …. e
3. Найди ошибку и напиши верный вариант
NEAD - …………………………..
EIR - …………………..
SQWEAK - ……………………..
Teacher: Now look at the board and check yourself. (Учитель открывает слова на доске, и ученики проверяют себя. Можно чередовать самопроверку и взаимопроверку.)
Teacher: Now we are ready to read the text loudly. But before it, you should look at the board and repeat after me:
need air
need air to breath
come up
come up to the surface
swim close to ships
swim together
speak with high squeaks
Teacher: Now lets read the text together with me. (Ученики повторяют за учителем, правильно расставляют паузацию и повторяют интонацию.) Now read one by one.
Teacher: Next, I want to see how you understood the text. So, Ill give you the cards and your task is to fill in the gaps. Close your books and be ready to fulfill the task.
1. Dolphins are not…………….because they need…………………………..
2. They can stay under water for many minutes but finally they………………………………………
3. Dolphins like ………………..water so they live ……………………………………………………………….
4. They are very friendly so they swim………….. ships.
5. They are very clever and they can speak with……………………………………..
Teacher: So, its time to pass your lists of paper and answer my questions.
1. Where do dolphins live?
2. Are they fish? Prove it.
3. Can they swim fast? How many kilometers can they swim in an hour?
4.How do they call a number of dolphins swimming together?
5. Do they like people? Why?
6.Are they clever? Prove it from the text.
Teacher: Now you are ready to retell the text to each other. I am going to give you the cards with the words which you must use in your retelling.
Card A
dolphins are not fish
live in the sea
like warm water
swim close to ships
swim very fast
a school
small and big dolphins
not dangerous
can speak
Card B
dolphins are not fish
need air to breath
can stay under water but . . . . . .
sea, river, warm water
close to ships
again and again
swim very fast up to 55 . . . . . .
a school
small and big
not dangerous
smiling faces
can speak
clicking sounds and squeaks
Teacher: We are finishing our lesson. Do you like the text? What facts about dolphins were new for you? Were the tasks easy or difficult?
В конце учащиеся оценивают себя самостоятельно, учитель выставляет суммарную оценку за урок, учитывая работы на листках и пересказ.
Домашним заданием может быть написание красочного сообщения о китах, акулах и других рыбах на выбор на английском языке.