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Кафедра иностранных языков


Сборник текстов и заданий для подготовки бакалавров заочного обучения

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120700 Землеустройство и кадастры

Уфа 2011

УДК 811.111

ББК 812 Англ

С 23

Рекомендовано к изданию методической комиссией факультета землеустройства и лесного хозяйства протокол №4 от 26 декабря 2011 г.

Составители: к.ф.н., доцент З.Н. Изимариева, ассистент Л.Р.Иванова

Рецензент:  к.ф.н., доцент А.Р. Шамратова

Ответственный за выпуск: зав. кафедрой английского языка к.фил.н., доцент О.Н.Новикова

От автора

Цель сборника − обучение бакалавров направления «Землеустройство и кадастры» развитию навыков самостоятельной и аудиторной работы над литературой по данному направлению, умению понимать и переводить научно-популярные тексты, что соответствует требованиям программы по английскому языку и рассчитано на бакалавров, имеющих начальную языковую подготовку.

Все тексты были подвержены адаптации и сокращению. Задания способствуют усвоению и закреплению лексики и дальнейшему развитию понимания текстов на английском языке.


1. Land categories of Russian Federation                                                                  4                                                                            

2. Agricultural land                                                                                                    6

3. Nature reserve land                                                                                                7

4. The land Code                                                                                                        8

5. The relations of landownership                                                                           10

6. Land ownership                                                                                                   11

7. The city-planning cadastre                                                                                  12

8. Urban areas                                                                                                          13

9. Cadastral report                                                                                                   14

10. The cadastral information                                                                                  15

11. The importance of cadastral surveys                                                                 16

12. Urban planning                                                                                                  18

13. Planned cities                                                                                                     19

14. Canberra                                                                                                            20

15. Brazil                                                                                                                 21

16. Ireland                                                                                                                22

17. Italy                                                                                                                    23

1.1 Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем:

Text 1

Land categories of Russian Federation

Land account (LA) is a system for registering the actual state and use of land. Land is registered by administrative units, land categories, land quality, and land tenants.

LA indicates all changes in land use at the moment of observation and records them in the land cadastre. 

Under Article 7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, all land in the country is divided into seven land categories:

1. Agricultural lands;
2. Settlement lands;
3. Lands of industry, power industry, transport, communications, radio broadcasting, television, informatics and other activities;
4. Specially protected territories;
5. Lands of forest fund;
6. Lands of water fund;
7. Reserve lands.

Land classified under a particular category may be used only for its designated purpose. Depending on the ownership of the land, the right to transfer land from one category to another is vested either in the Russian Government, executive authorities of Russian constituent entities, or in municipalities. Agricultural lands may be transferred from one category to another only by the executive authorities of Russian constituent entities.                                                                                            


1.2 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

земельная оценка, реальное состояние, административная единица, арендатор земли, земельный кадастр, земельный кодекс, сельскохозяйственные площади, земли населенных пунктов,  особо охраняемая территория, заповедник, земли лесного фонда, земли водного фонда, субъект Российской Федерации.

1.3 Переведите слова и выражения  в скобках:

1. Land (регистрируется) by administrative units, (земельными категориями), land quality, and land tenants.

2. (Согласно статье №7) of the Land Code of the Russian Federation land in the country (поделена на) seven land categories.

3. Land (классифицируемая по) a particular category (может быть использована) for its designated purpose.

1.4 Укажите в каком из приведенных значений данное слово употребляется в тексте:

1. account       a) счет

                      b) отчет

                      c) оценка

2. record         a) запись

                      b) отчет

                      c) протокол

3. to transfer   a) перевозить

                      b) переводить

                      c) передавать

Text 2

Agricultural land

Agriculture is one of the important branches of material production that includes the cultivation of crops and the breeding of animals and their primary processing. Agriculture produces foodstuff for populations and primary products for many branches of industry.

Land is the basic means of production for agriculture. Its special features affect the patterns of concentration and specialization of agricultural production. Living organisms such as plants and animals are also means of production. Both economic and biological laws control development of this branch. Means of production and labor are used seasonally. More than 20% of the gross output of agriculture (seeds, feeds, animal yield) is used in a subsequent production cycle.         


2.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

зерновые культуры, первичная переработка, пищевые продукты, средства, живой организм, объем валовой продукции, приплод.

2.2 Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is agriculture?

2. What does agriculture produce?

3. What is “land” for agriculture?

4. What is used seasonally?

Text 3

Nature reserve land

A nature reserve is a protected area  for wildlife, flora, fauna or features of geological or other special interest. Nature reserves are designated by government institutions in some countries, or by private landowners. There are around 100 nature reserves (Russian:  zapovednik) in Russia, covering some 330,000 km² (~127,400 sq mi), or about 1.4% of the country's total area. A few of them predate the October Revolution of 1917, but most have been created during the Soviet Union era. There are also natural protected areas where only certain species are protected. They are zakazniks.

The status of the protected areas in Russia is governed by the laws of the Russian Federation

The law establishes the following categories of protected areas:

  •  State nature zapovedniks, including biosphere reserves (biosphere zapovedniks)
  •  National parks
  •  Nature parks
  •  State nature zakazniks
  •  Natural Monuments
  •  Dendrological parks and botanical gardens
  •  Health recuperation areas and health resorts                             


3.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

природоохранная территория, государственная структура, землевладелец, виды, лечебно-оздоровительные местности.

3.2 Переведите слова и выражения в скобках:

1. Nature reserves (определяются) by government institutions (в некоторых странах).

2. A few of them (появились до) the October Revolution of 1917.

3. The status of (охраняемых территорий) in Russia (устанавливается) by the laws of the Russian Federation.

3.3 Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is a nature reserve?

2. How many nature reserves are there in Russia?

3. What categories of protected areas do you know?

     Text 4

The Land Code

The Land Code of the Russian Federation is a document passage into law effectuated by the Federal law. The Land Code consists of 18 chapters. This document regulates the procedure, conditions, principles and other important issues of legal land relationship in the Russian Federation.

 General provisions contained in the Code determine principles and elements of land legislation specify the participants of legal land relationship, objects of legal land relationship, contain the list of categories of lands in the Russian Federation.

The Code establishes different mechanisms of operations with different plots, different legal regime of their use. The Code defines the concept "protection of land", determines purposes and content of such protection.  The Code specifies the kinds of control in accordance with the land legislation, protection and use of lands (state, municipal, social, industrial control). Besides, the Code contains responsibility for offences in the area of protection and use of lands.                                        


4.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

земельный кодекс, приводить в исполнение, земельные отношения, положения, участок (земли), земельное законодательство, правонарушение.

4.2 Укажите в каком из приведенных значений данное слово употребляется в тексте:

condition               a) состояние

                              b) условие

                              c) обстоятельство

operation                a) разработка

                              b) эксплуатация

                              c) действие

plot                         a) план

                              b) участок

                              c) проект

4.3 Что регулирует земельный кодекс?

a) The Land Code regulates participants of legal land relation?

b) The Land Code regulates the procedure, conditions, and principles of legal land relationship.

c) The Land Code regulates law effectuated by the Federal law.

Text 5

The relations of landownership

The relations of landownership have always been the central part of social and economic relations.

The Earth represents the unique natural resource. It is a unique place of mankind’s existence, main and unique factor of creation of its productive forces.

At the same time, in market economy the land acquires the form of goods and is a subject to the property agreements. Introduction of the market relations shows demands to a system of the state registration of land lots, control over their legal status and turnover of land and its rational usage.

And, at last, land is a basic compound of any real estate. According to article 130 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation we refer to real things (real property, real estate) land lots, sites of subsoil, isolated aquatic plants.

Now it is impossible to isolate such plants of the real estate, as sites of subsoil, forest and long-term green plants.                            


5.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

землевладение, природный ресурс, рыночная экономика, договор владения имуществом, рыночные отношения, оборот, недра.

5.2 Что гласит статья 130 Гражданского Кодекса РФ?

a) According to article 130 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation it is impossible to isolate such plants of the real estate.

b) According to article 130 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation land

is a subject to the property agreements.

c) According to article 130 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation we refer to real things (real property, real estate) land lots, sites of subsoil, isolated aquatic plants.

5.3 Ответьте на вопросы?

1) What does the Earth represent?

2) What does the land acquire in market economy?

3) Is the land a basic compound of any real estate?

Text 6

Land ownership

Land may be private, state, social, municipal, and "other property." Private land belongs to citizens or organizations. Lands that are not owned by citizens, legal entities, or municipal structures are in the state property category. State land consists of Russia property and property of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Land that belongs to urban and rural settlements and other municipal formations is known as municipal property. State property is in the charge of government bodies at the federal or republic level. The state statistic accounts are based on the state land cadastre information, which is accumulated and stored by regional bodies of the Federal land cadastre service of Russia (Roszemkadastr).                                                                                (721)

6.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

частный, юридическое лицо, субъект, собственность, статистические данные, накапливать, региональная организация.

6.2 Ответьте на вопросы?

1. What categories of land can you name?

2. What lands are in the state property category?

3. What is municipal property?

Text 7

The city-planning cadastre

City-planning cadastre of the city contains the information about terms and conditions of implementation of the city-planning activities at any part of the city territory. Information resources of the city-planning cadastre subdivide into operational and referential.

Operational information resources comprise the data about city-planning regulations, protection zones of historical and cultural monuments. Referential information resources comprise documents and data necessary for implementation of the city-planning activities.

The city-planning cadastre is the only official source of operational information. If normative legal acts of the city prescribe compulsory use of the information of the city-planning cadastre it is necessary to order official document — cadastral report.

Plans, maps and schemes that belong to the unified state cartographic base of the city serve as cartographic base for the formation of the information resources of the city-planning cadastre.              


7.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

осуществление, включать, защитная зона, обязательное использование, унифицированная государственная картографическая база.

7.2 Переведите слова и выражения в скобках:

1. (Городской кадастр) of the city contains (информацию) about terms and (условиями) of implementation of the (градостроительной деятельности) at any part of the city territory.

2. The city-planning cadastre is the (единственный официальный) source of operational (информации).

3. Plans, maps and schemes (служат) cartographic (базой) for the formation of the information resources (городского кадастра).

Text 8

Urban areas

An urban area is characterized by higher population density and vast human features .Urban areas may be cities and towns

A town is a large area with houses, shops, offices etc, where people live and work.  It is a settlement of a few hundred to several thousand inhabitants. Usually, some people think that town is larger than a village but smaller than a "city", though there are exceptions to this rule.

A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement. Cities generally have advanced systems for sanitation, utilities, land usage, housing, and transportation. The concentration of development greatly facilitates interaction between people and businesses, benefiting both parties in the process.

A big city, or metropolis are usually associated with metropolitan areas and urban sprawl.                                                                      


8.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

плотность населения, поселение, житель, исключение, передовая система, жилищное строительство, предприятия.

8.2 Что называется городской территорией?

1. An urban area is a village.

2. An urban area may be cities and towns.

3. An urban area is a metropolis.

8.3 Ответьте на вопросы?

1. What is an urban area?

2. What is larger: a city or a town?

3. What facilitates interaction between people and businesses?

Text 9

Cadastral report

Cadastral report contains official information on the urban cadastre of the city on the basis of the operating Master Plan of the city. It represents a normative document on location, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and rebuilding of objects in the city. All the information in the cadastral report is public and accessible to any customer without limitation. The information resources are formed on the basis of the town-planning and project documentation.

Cadastral report is not permission but a document, which provides both the government bodies and investors with the information base. This information base is necessary for taking justified decisions and it protects the investors against biased actions of authorities.               


9.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

восстановление, доступный, ограничение, градостроительство, оправданное решение, необъективные действия властей.

9.2 Что такое кадастровый отчет?

1. Cadastral report is the operating Master Plan.

2. Cadastral report is a document which provides both the government bodies and investors with the information base.

3. Cadastral report is biased actions of authorities.

Text 10

                            The Cadastral information

Cadastral Information is formed on the basis of the approved materials of the Master Plan of the city development prospects. It contains norms and data necessary for decision-making on distribution, construction, reconstruction, restoration and legal registration of rights to the land plots and property objects related to them.

The Cadastral Information includes fragments of town-planning documentation registered in the State Urban Cadaster (SUC) of the city.

Information resources for the SUC are formed on the basis of the approved town planning documentation.

The SUC information resources are subject to constant supplementation and actualization.

Cadastral Information is a document which provides government bodies and customers with the information.                                     


10.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

утвержденный материал, принятие решения, регистрация прав, земельный участок, объект собственности, государственный градостроительный комитет.

10.2 Ответьте на вопросы?

1. What does the Cadastral information include?

2. What are information resources for the SUC formed on?

Text 11

                       The importance of Cadastral surveys

City, town and village governments conduct cadastral surveys which identify the property owner, type of land. Cadastral surveys also include the preparation of maps and books. The cadastral maps and cadastral books are prepared from the results of cadastral surveys. They are submitted to official registration offices where they replace old maps under the Property Registration Law.

Through cadastral surveys, the cadastre (the most fundamental level of information on land) is clarified. Cadastral surveys also contribute to the protection of land-based assets.

It is necessary to promote cadastral surveys as a matter of urgency, and to produce cadastres (the most basic level of information about land) in order to promote effective land use.

The "Cadastral Information System" provides digitized information for areas where cadastral surveys have been completed. The "Cadastral Information System" also maintains and manages land configuration information. The system provides land and housing surveyors, surveying companies and the general public with cadastral maps on land-lots, integrated cadastral maps.                                                                


11.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

кадастровая съемка, закон о регистрации прав на имущество, цифровые данные, землеустроитель.

11.2 Укажите в каком из приведенных значений данное слово употребляется в тексте:

1. survey             a) осмотр

                            b) топографическая съемка

                            c) обзор

2. property            a) имущество

                             b) хозяйство

                             c) вещь

11.3  Переведите слова и выражения в скобках:

1. Cadastral surveys also include (подготовку) of maps and (книг).

2. (Кадастровая информационная система) provides digitized information (для территорий, где кадастровые съемки) have been completed.

Text 12

                                   Urban planning

Urban systems are built up from a network of subsystems. Transportation is an example.  Food, water, and materials move into a city through subsystems. Unlike natural systems, urban systems have the opposite tendency.

One subsystem works in isolation from all other subsystems. The one-sided development of highways leads to the neglect of transportation as a whole.  Builders of suburban tracts work without consideration of the effect of their community on transportation, sewage disposal, water supply, schools, and all of the other parts of the broader urban community. It is the job of the metropolitan planners. But many planners are not trained, and they are ruled by politicians, who often reflect special interest pressures.

Perhaps the greatest failure in urban planning and development is the tendency to forget that the city is the home for the human being. Thus the new housing developments are commonly hated by those who live in them. They seldom function in the way the designers had intended.                                                                                          


12.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

транспортировка, одностороннее развитие, пригородный район, водоснабжение, недостаток.

12.2 В чем самый большой недостаток градостроительства и городского развития?

1. The greatest failure is the tendency to forget that the city is the home for the human being.

2. The greatest failure is many planners are not trained.

3. The greatest failure is politicians reflect special interest pressures.

Text 13

Planned cities

A new town, planned community, or planned city is a citytown, or community that was planned from its inception. It is constructed in a previously undeveloped area.

Navi Mumbai, a planned city near Indian city of Mumbai is the largest planned township in the world. Several of the world's capital cities are planned cities, including Washington, D.C., in the United StatesCanberra in AustraliaBrasília in Brazil, New Delhi in India, Abuja in Nigeria and Islamabad in Pakistan. It was common in the European colonization of the Americans to build according to a plan either on fresh ground or on the ruins of earlier Amerindian cities.


13.1  Где строится спроектированный город?

1. A planned city is constructed on the ruins of earlier Amerindian cities.

2. A planned city is constructed near the largest planned township in the world.

3. A planned city is constructed in a previously undeveloped area.

Text 14

  1.  Canberra

Canberra was established in 1908. It was planned as the capital city of Australia. Canberra is Australia's most notable and ambitious example of civic planning. The city was designed to be the Federal Capital. The new nation required a capital that was located away from other major settlements such as Melbourne and Sydney.  Canberra was nothing more than farming land and forest. In 1912 the vision of American Walter Burley Griffin was chosen as the winning design for the city. Unlike some other Australian cities, the road network, suburbs, parks and other elements of the city were designed in context with each other. Notable buildings include the High Court, Federal Parliament, Government House, War Memorial and others.                                                     


14.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

выдающийся, нуждаться, сельскохозяйственная земля, проект, дорожная сеть, пригород.

14.2 Ответьте на вопросы?

1. When was Canberra established?

2. What did the nature require?

3. Who was the author of the winning design?

Text 15

B. Brazil

The country's capital, Brasília, was a planned city. It was built in four years. The former capital of Brazil was Rio de Janeiro. The city was built because there was a need for a neutrally-located federal capital. The main reason was to promote the development of the entire territory of Brazil. Brasília is approximately at the geographical center of Brazilian territory.

Lúcio Costa, the city's principal architect, designed the city in the shape of an airplane. Houses and offices are situated on giant superblocks, everything following the original plan. The plan specifies which zones are residential, which zones are commercial, where industries can settle, where official buildings can be built, the maximum height of buildings, etc.                                                                      


  1.  Переведите слова и выражения в скобках:
  2.  It was built (за 4 года).
  3.  (Главная причина) was to promote (развитие) of the entire territory of Brazil.
  4.  Lúcio Costa (спроектировал) the city in the shape of (аэроплана).
    1.  Что определяет оригинальный план?
  5.  The plan specifies the development of the entire territory.
  6.  The plan specifies which zones are residential and which zones are commercial.
  7.  The original plan specifies a need for a neutrally-located federal capital.

Text 16

C. Ireland

Northern Ireland

Derry was the first ever planned city in Ireland. Work began on building the new city across the River Foyle from the ancient town of Derry in 1613. The walls were completed five years later in 1618. The central diamond within a walled city with four gates was a good design for defense. In 1963 according to the Matthew Plan the new city of Craigavon was founded out of the original towns of Portadown and Lurgan. This town today lies mostly incomplete because the troubles halted construction.

Republic of Ireland

In the Republic of Ireland the term "new town" is referred to planned towns built after World War II. The term "new town" in Ireland was also used for some earlier developments.

In 1961 the first new town of Shannon was commenced and a target of 6,000 inhabitants was set. Shannon is an important economic centre (with the Shannon Free Zone and Shannon International Airport).

The most recent new town in Ireland is Adamstown in County Dublin.


16.1  Ответьте на вопросы?

1. What happened in 1613?

2. When was the new city of Craigavon founded?

3. What was the term “new town” used for?

16.2  Переведите слова и выражения в скобках:

1. (Стены) were completed (5 лет спустя) in 1618.

2. This town lies (незавершенный) because the troubles (прекратили) construction.

3. The term (“новый город”) in Ireland was also used for (более ранних) developments.

                                                    Text 17

D. Italy

In the past centuries several new towns have been planned in Italy. One of the most famous is Pienza, close to Siena, a Renaissance city. Between 1459 and 1462 the most famous architects of Italy worked there for the Pope Pius II and built the city centre of the small town.

Another example of renaissance planned cities is the walled star city of Palmanova.

In early 20th century, during the fascist government of Benito Mussolini, many new cities were founded. The most prominent was Littoria. The city was inaugurated on December 18, 1932. Littoria was populated with immigrants from Northern Italy.

The great Sicilian earthquake of 1693 forced the complete rebuilding on new plans of many towns.

Other well known new cities are located close to Milan in the metropolitan area.  In the 1970s in the eastern metropolitan area of Milan a new city was built by Silvio Berlusconi. It is called Milano Due.


17.1 Ответьте на вопросы?

1. What is one of the famous cities?

2. What can you say about Littoria?

3. What did the Sicilian earthquake of 1693 force?

Список использованной литературы

Долинская Л.Д., Киткова Н.Г. Человек и земля. М.: Изд-во МГУ, 2011. – 119с.

A.Goltsblat A guide to land transactions in Russia.M.2009, 100p.

Agricultural Land Market in Russia http://ideas.repec.org/a/pal/compes/v47y2005i1p127-140.html

Cadastral report http://www.gradkadastr.ru/eng/certificates/

Land Resources of Russia. Glossary. http://www.iiasa/ac/at/Research/FOR/russia_cd/gloss.

Land Ownership in Russia http://www.lexuniversal.com/en/articles/887

Land Code of the Russian Federation http://www.jurinfor.ru/library/B5891581388.php

Observations on Russia's New Agricultural Land Legislation /Eurasian Geography and Economics/Volume 43, Number 8 / December 2011

1.  В работе с людьми я предпочитаю чтобы они беспрекословно выполняли мои распоряжения
3. по теме Эластичность спроса и предложения
4. Информация для прогнозирования и планирования
5. Курсовая работа- Контроллинг
6. В.Г.Короленко Общие сведения о школе Средняя общеобразовательная школа ’14 ~ среднее муниципальное о.html
7. Кандидамикоз
8. реферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата сільськогосподарських наук2
9. і При автоматизації машини вже не тільки замінюють фізичну працю людини але і виконують функції управління
10. Состязательность в уголовном процессе