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Peceful fctories nd towns cuse gret dmge to the environment.

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Ecological Problems in Belarus


            It goes without saying that the most serious environmental problem facing Belarus is the contamination arising from the accident at the Chernobyl power station. 23% of the country’s surface area is contaminated with radiation. Unfortunately, not only Chernobyl but many of our "peaceful" factories and towns cause a great damage to the environment. Dangerous dust and blow-outs of the enterprises are being carried out by winds for long distances destroying the life around. Belarus has significant air, soil and water pollution from industrial sources. It is a real tragedy. The beauty of our land is unique, but very often it is “decorated” with mountains of trash. We are running out of space in which to discard our garbage. One solution to this problem is recycling. In my opinion, all people must do everything to protect our   nature.


 After the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear station in April, 1986 Belarus has become a zone of the ecological disaster. 23% of the country’s surface area is contaminated with radiation and is unsuitable for agricultural use. The Chernobyl catastrophe has affected the destiny of millions of people. Radioactive elements can increase the risk of cancer and weaken the immune system.



What measures were taken to decrease the influence of radiation on people in our region? What problems does the environment of our region face today? What are you going to do to solve these problems? What are the most important ecological problems of Mogilev and region? What is being done to decrease the amount of garbage in our region?


         The forests are dying, rare plants and animals are disappearing, the water and the air are polluted. It’s time to open our eyes and act immediately to save the nature. There are simple things you can do:

1.  Don’t leave litter in the forests/parks and streets

2.  Don’t cut down trees. Plant a tree

3.  Don’t make fire in the forests

4.  Save water

5.  Save electricity

6.  Recycle and keep the earth beautiful


The health of the people and, especially, of the younger generation is seriously damaged by Chernobyl; this means that the nation's immunity has been weakened. Many people died and are still dying from cancer. The topic of the children of Chernobyl is most shocking and awful. The children's immune systems can't resist the invisible enemy, and the result is that the number of absolutely healthy children in Belarus does not exceed 20 per cent.

1 Let’s talk about ecological problems of Belarus.

2 Do you agree that after the Chernobyl accident Belarus has become the zone of the ecological disaster? Try to prove your point of view.

3 Imagine you are interviewing the head of your local executive council about measures in the field of nature protection. What questions would you ask him?

4 You have to prepare a project on ecological problems in your country. What recommendations will you give to your classmates to become more ecologically concerned?

5 Why did the Belarusian scientists alarm that the genetic fund of the Belarusian people is in great danger?

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