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Subject of my tody~s report is n rticle ldquo;When your collegues become your subordintesrdquo; by Michelle Piere

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The subject of my today’s report is an article “When your colleagues become your subordinates” by Michelle Piere.

In the article most frequent mistakes of wrong behavior in this situation are shown.

Firstly, the author says that even if you know the whole world, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to reintroduce yourself when you had had a promotion. As a new boss you need to claim who you are, explain in details your mission and the strategy you have chosen. It is also important to behave like a boss. Even if you don’t understand all of your functions yet, behave like you do! Sometimes it is vital to make your subordinates feel that you know that you are doing.

What’s more, you have to avoid saying “Don’t worry, nothing is going to change after I had become the boss.” If nothing is going to change, why were you promoted? This is the most reasonable question your subordinates could be asking. In order not to let this happen take a symbolic step, for example, organize a meeting.

One more thing is that you should not make a bunker of your personal cabinet. Take some time to meet with your subordinates, especially those ones who not long ago have been your colleagues.

Finally the author advises to fix with your friends how you are going to behave at work. It is not the best thing to confuse friends’ relationship with the professional one.

In my opinion, this text clearly shows what one should or should not do when had been promoted. This may be a simple algorithm to follow once you are in the same situation.

The article I am going to talk about is called “The Interview”.

The author claims that even if you have impeccable references, high passes and a brilliant resume there is still one thing that could be lacking and that is the ability to put yourself across at an interview. The most frequent reason for that is lack of working experience, because you cannot adequately estimate what you can bring to the company. Lack of confidence also may be caused by a tendency not to push forward yourself and your skills. Obviously, all these leads to failed interviews and the growing amount of them doesn’t make the situation any better.

A potential employer is not looking for good grades, but for a person who is confident enough to handle the work load and add value to the company. It is also important for him/her to see that a candidate can get on with colleagues well and will fit in the staff.

Summing up, the author advises to take into account a lot of details from sitting up straight to positive mind-set in order to pass an interview successfully. All of these in his opinion matters a lot.

From my point of view, this article claims pretty obvious things not specifying the reasons of it or suggesting any solutions. That is why I don’t think it may be useful anyhow.

The topic of my today’s report is “4 ways of showing leadership at work”.

The author starts with bringing up the idea that a leader is not always a superior, it may be any of employees. The thing that makes the difference between a leader and others is whether he/she is able to motivate others to work towards achieving a common goal. After that he states four qualities that a leader should have.

Honesty is one way of showing leadership. A leader must be clearly honest with himself and others. To be a good leader, one also should learn to respect other people’s property and opinion.
This means to have a respect to other people, which starts within a leader and then spreads to others.
  One more essential thing is trust which entails two things. One it is being able to trust that the other person can handle the task assigned to him or her and produce quality results.
The second is the ability to keep secret information without disclosing it no matter the situation.
Being on ones best behavior is another way of showing leadership at work. Completing tasks on time, being polite, helpful and useful are among ways in which one can be a good leader. 

In conclusion the author admits his advice may seem to be useless, though these simple rules may distinguish the one who wants to be a leader from those who don’t. This is the reason why I find this text valuable.

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