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Typing the text Wp phone Wht is Wp Wp stnds for Wireless ppliction protocol which llows users to send emils nd ccess informtion from the Internet on mobile phone

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Task 1.  Typing the text

Wap phone

What is Wap? Wap stands for Wireless application protocol which allows users to send emails and access information from the Internet on a mobile phone. This has been made possible by technological advanced in “bandwidth”, the amount of data that can be received or sent with in a fraction of a second. This means that it can be used for many more purposes than were previously imagined, including video transmission.

Spread. Some analysts reckon that Wap phones will overtake PCs as the most common way of surfing the Internet, although PCs will still be used for more complex application such as spreadsheets and video players.

Lifespan. Some industry experts believe that Wap will have a limited lifespan and will quickly be replaced by more sophisticated technology, such as General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS). GPRS increases the bandwidth still further and allows you to send up to ten times more information’s than Wap technology. However, users will still be limited by the size and  resolution of the screen on which the data is received. One analyst, Jackob Nielsen, advises companies to forget Wap and plan, instead, for the next generation of phones. He believes that mobile phones are going to become more like palmtop computers.

Language. A Wap phone cannot dial into every website. The language of the Web is HTML – hypertext markup language. Wap operates on WML – wireless markup language, so Wap phone can only read pages written in WML. Because the screen on a  Wap phone is so small that you are  unable to read a normal webpage, WML pages tend to consist of small chunks of information’s. Soon, however, most web pages will be written in XML – extensible markup language. This can be programmed to ensure that every phone or PC receives transmissions in the language it understands.

Завдання 2. Переклад тексту:

Завдання 3. Перекласти слова   

Bandwidth –

A fraction –

To reckon-

Surfing –

Lifespan –

To scroll down –

Gambling -

Завдання 4. Give paradigms:

The words:

To reckon:

To scroll:



Завдання 5. Знайти синоніми:

An amount –

A palmtop computer –

To download –

To stream –

Завдання 6. Знайти антоніми:

Able –

Regular –

Tiny –

Input –

Slow -

Завдання 7. Розшифрувати терміни:





HTMLHyperText Markup Language  Мова розмітки гіпертексту

XML -  Extensible Markup Language - Розши́рювана мо́ва розмі́тки




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