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Plte cpcitor. When you pull the pltes prt to lrger seprtion nd bttery remins connected to the cpcitor Decreses The resonnt ngulr frequency of series RLC circuit

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net:

  1.  Three identical capacitors connected in series. What single capacitance C is “equivalent” to this combination?
  •   (1/3)C
  1.  You charge parallel-plate capacitor. When you pull the plates apart to a larger separation and  battery remains connected to the capacitor
  •  Decreases
  1.  The resonant angular frequency of series RLC circuit is
  •  1/(LC)1/2
  1.  A wire of area 2 mm2 carries a current of 0.4mA. The average current density is
  •  200 A/m2

  1.  A square loop of side 0.1m carries 2A current. The magnetic dipole moment of the loop is
  •  2*10-2 Am2
  1.  Current 0.5A flows in square wire loop of 10 cm side. What is magnetic dipole moment of the loop?
  •  0.005 Am2
  1.  Of the three chief kinds of magnetic materials (diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic), which are used to make permanent magnets?
  •  Only ferromagnetic
  1.  In a photoelectric experiment at a frequency above cut off, the stopping potential is proportional to:
  •  The energy of the most energetic electrons after it is ejected
  1.  What is the maximal number of electrons at shell with n=3
  •  18
  1.  For the serial circuit work out the readings on the voltmeters V1 and V2 given the following values for R1=2Ohm and R2=10 Ohm, I1=1A, I2=1A
  •  V1=2V; V2=10V;
  1.  What is a good insulator of electricity?
  •  Rubber
  1.  Induction current opposes the reason causing it. It is the shortest formulation of
  •  Lentz law
  1.  Potential energy of current carrying loop with magnetic dipole moment µ=1Am2 in magnetic field B of 0.1T, when B and µ make angle 600 is
  •  -0.05J
  1.  Paramagnetism is closely associated with
  •  The tendency of electron dipole moments to align with an applied magnetic field
  1.  In an electromagnetic wave E0=3*106V/m. B0 equals
  •  10-2T
  1.  What is an insulator of electricity?
  •  A material that doesn’t allow the free electrons to easily travel through it.
  1.  Ohm’s law in differential form is
  •  j=γE, where j is a current density, γ is a conductivity
  1.  The total number of electron states with n=3 and l=1 for an atom is:
  •  six
  1.  The thermal conductivity is the analog to:
  •  Diffusivity
  1.  On what picture you can see non –uniform electric field?

  1.  Resistance of metals in classical theory of electric conductivity is caused by
  •  Collision of free electrons with ions of crystal structure

  1.  Which relation defines equipotential surface:
  1.  Electric theory of dispersion was evaluated by:
  •  Lorentz
  1.  Formula for energy density of electric field is
  1.  Loop is uniformly rotating with angular velocity ω in uniform magnetic field. Loop has N coils and area of the loop is S. Rotating axis lies on loop’s plane and perpendicular to induction. What is the maximal EMF appeared in the loop:
  •  NBSω

  1.  Current I=1A goes through the inductance with inductivity L=10-3H. What is the magnetic flux through inductance:
  •  10-3Wb
  1.  A toaster is rated at 600W when connected to a 120V source. What current does the toaster carry?
  •  5A
  1.  Charge carries in metals are
  •  only electrons
  1.  An electrton traveling with speed v around a circle of radius r is equivalent to a current of:
  •  ev/2πr
  1.  The emf inducted in an isolated circuit when the current in the circuit is changing by 10 A/s is 0.3 V. What is the self-inductance?
  •  30 mH
  1.  The magnetic field for a given electromagnetic wave has Bmax = 10-6T. Emax equals
  •  3*102 V/m
  1.  An electromagnetic field propagates in +x direction. The electric field at a point in space is momentarily oriented in –z direction. The magnetic field at that point is momentarily oriented in
  •  –y direction
  1.  In RLC circuit angular frequency of AC source rises. Inductive reactance
  •  Increases
  1.  Magnetic flux through closed conducting loop changed from 10Wb to 5Wb in 10ms. The average EMF induced in the loop is  
  •  -500V
  1.  The magnitude of emf induced in an isolated circuit when the current in the circuit is changing by -10A/s is 0.2 V. What is the self-inductance?
  •  20mH
  1.  The rapid exponential decay in just a few cycles of the charge on the plates of capacitor in an RLC circuit might be due to:
  •  a large resistance
  1.  Intrinsic semiconductors are
  •  Pure elemental materials without impurities
  1.  In a charge-free region of space, closed container is placed in an electric field. A requirement for the total electric flux through the surface of the container to be zero is that
  •  The requirement does not exist – the total electric flux is zero no matter what

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