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Ing m-is-re sking Длительное действие процесс протекающее в данный момент

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Времена английского глагола

English Tenses (Active)




Perfect Continuous


verb 1


Регулярное повторяющееся действие.

Usually/generally; often/seldom; always/never; sometimes


Будущее действие по расписанию, графику.

Be+ V-ing

Am/is/are asking

Длительное действие (процесс), протекающее в данный момент.

Now, at present, at the moment

Будущее запланированное действие.

Have + V3

Have/Has asked

Действие закончилось к определенному моменту в настоящем. Результат.




This week/ today; by now.

Have been + V-ing

Have/Has been asking

Длительное действие, которое началось в прошлом и все еще протекает в данный момент.

For a month/for a long time; since 5 o’clock;

How long/since when//?


Ved (2)

Asked, took, went

Действие в прошлом

Yesterday, last week, last month, 3 days ago


Was/were asking

Длительное действие (процесс), совершавшееся в момент или период в прошлом.

At 5 yesterday,

from 5 to 6 yesterday,

for 6 days last week,

all day long/the whole day when we came.

Had + V3

Had asked

Действие закончилось к определенному моменту в прошлом.

By 5 o’clock yesterday

Before he came

By the end of the last year

При согласовании времен.

Had been +V3

Had been asking

Длительное прошедшее действие, которое началось до определенного момента в прошлом и все еще протекает в данный момент.

He had been working for two hours when my brother came.


Will +V1

Will ask

Действие в будущем


Next week

In 3 days

In 2017

Shall/Will be + Ving

Will/shall be asking

Длительное действие, которое будет совершаться в определенный момент или период в будущем.

At 5 tomorrow, from 5 to 6 tomorrow, for 3 days next week, all day long tomorrow, when he comes.

Shall/will have + V3

Shall/will have asked

Действие закончится к определенному моменту в будущем.

By 5 o’clock tomorrow

When he comes

By next summer.

Shall/will have been + Ving

Shall/will have been asking

Длительное будущее действие, которое начнется ранее момента в будущем, и будет еще совершаться в этот момент.

When you come I’ll have been working for 2 hours.

Задание №1 Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время.

  1.  I’m afraid it (to be foggy) tomorrow.
  2.  Wait a moment. I (to call) my chief
  3.  This time tomorrow he (to lie) on the beach and (to swim).
  4.  What your family (to do) at this time tomorrow?
  5.  Father usually (to drink) coffee in the morning but today he (to drink) tea.
  6.  Kate (to make) herself a new dress. She (to make) all her own closes herself.
  7.  “A watched pot never (to boil)” says the proverb. But look, the kettle (to boil) already, shall I make tea?
  8.   Hurry up. The train (to start) at six thirty.
  9.   I always (to buy) lottery tickets but unfortunately I never (to win). I (not to buy) any more tickets.
  10.   we (to have) visitors tonight, so I must get the dinner ready. When at last I reached her house Anne just (to leave) and therefore we only had time for a few words.
  11.   When I (to reach) her home, Anne (to go away) at once, that is why I had no time to speak with her.
  12.   As he (to get) into the tram, it (to start) suddenly and he (to fall) backwards to the pavement.
  13.   As soon as he (to get) into the bus, the bus (to start).
  14.  This young man (to write) books since he was
  15.  He (to write) 10 books so far.
  16.   John (to choose) clothes for two hours. He (to choose) only two suits.
  17.  . It (rain) since morning.
  18.  . Mary (to pain) the walls in the room all morning.
  19.  . She (stand) in front of the mirror for an hour but her hair isn’t done yet.
  20.   Dinner is not ready though Jane (cook) it all morning.
  21.  He looked at the man and understood that he (see) him somewhere before
  22.   My friends are hungry because they (have) nothing to eat since morning.
  23.   We just (walk) in the park
  24.   The girl (to be) happy that she (to find) the seat near the window.
  25.   Suddenly he (to remember) that he (not to call) her this evening.
  26.  By the time his parents (to come to see him) he (to make) friends with many children
  27.  We (translate) this article by 5 o’clock.

Задание №2 Замените в данных предложениях обстоятельства времени на данные в скобках, измените соответственно время глагола.

1) It rained yesterday (now, all day long yesterday, at this time yesterday, tomorrow, says the weather forecast, when we left home, all the time while we were working in the garden).2) John regularly writes letters to his parents (seldom, the day before yesterday, tonight, when we called on him last night, at present, never). 3) Fillip staid with his friends during his vacation (when he was in Moscow, whenever he comes to Moscow, for the time being, still, no longer –he lives in the student’s hostel). 4) Mrs. Stuart is going shopping today (on Saturdays, after her children returned from school, while her children had classes, as soon as she finished doing the room). 5) The family will be watching TV when I come home (the whole evening, from 7 till 9, after dinner, every night, still). 6) Professor Clark will be giving a talk on Greek sculpture at the same time next week (at the same time last week, last Monday, next Friday, from 9 till 11 a.m., when the term is over, already, when we entered the lecture hall, at this very moment).

Задание №3 Поставьте перед данными предложениями He thought..., изменив время сказуемого согласно правилу согласования времен.

I am planning to take a trip.

His wife works hard.

She doesn’t like chocolate.

They will come to the meeting.

The manager has been working for his company for 10 years.

He has seen her somewhere.

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