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Our ct to be too ft to ctch mice

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Lexical Grammar Test

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

         1. Our cat ______ (to be) too fat to catch mice.


         2. The teacher ______ (to forget) to mention the test last time.

3. I think he will win the competition if he ______ (to train) a lot.

         4. He ______ (not to see) this film yet.

         5. Nick ______ (to have) long hair by that time.

         6. She ______ (to be) to many places since she arrived.

7. - What ______ (to happen)? Why is the room full of smoke?

              - I am cooking your dinner, dear.

8. Nick often ______ (to fight) with Linda in the past.

         9. We ______ (to be) friends for a long time.

         10. When Sue came to the cinema the film ______ (already/to start).


II. Put in the correct pronoun.

         11. ____ is a pity you are not here.

         12. Fred was speaking to a girl standing next to ____.

         13. A ninety-year-old woman was no longer able to look after ____.

         14. We looked up and saw a wild animal in front of ____.

         15. To be successful in career, you must believe in ____.


III. Put in the right article where it is necessary.

         16. ___ lion is ___ king of animals.

 a) a; the

 b) the; the

 c) the; a

17. Susan has never been to ___ British Museum.

 a) a

 b) the

 c) –

18. ___ time will show who is right.

 a) a

 b) the

 c) –

19. They saw ___ light in ___ distance.

 a) a; the

 b) -; a

 c) the; a

20. ___ British Isles is ___ beautiful place to visit.

 a) the; the

 b) -; a

 c) the; a


IV. Make up questions to the underlined words.

         21. This dress is too big for her.

         22. The best chocolate is made in Switzerland. 

         23. They`ll go to the south next summer.

         24. The girls promised to make sandwiches for lunch.


V. Find the mistakes and write down the sentences correctly.

         25. Nobody never saw him without his beard.

          26. She can pay for her.

 27. He will call you back as soon as he will come.

         28. They were in Chicago in last year.


Test on Listening Comprehension

Скачать аудиофайл с аудированием для заданий 29-43 (для прослушивания вы можете использовать компьютер, аудиоплэйер или просто телефон)

I. Mark the sentences as ‘false” or “true”.

29. It was a very rainy day in London.

30. People could easily find their way.

31. Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons. 

32. The stranger had no difficulty in finding the way. 

33. Mr. Smith and the stranger arrived at the Houses of Parliament after about an hour`s walk. 


II. Answer the questions using the right variant.

34. What kind of weather was in London that day?

 a) rainy

 b) stormy

 c) foggy

 d) sunny

35. How were people trying to find their way in such weather?

 a) by taxi

 b) by car

 c) by bus

 d) on foot

36. What did Mr. Smith have at the House of Commons?

 a) an interview

 b) not a very important meeting

 c) a meeting with his friends

 d) a very important meeting

37. Who helped Mr. Smith to find the way?

 a) a stranger

 b) a policeman

 c) a taxi driver

 d) a passerby

38. How much time did it take Mr. Smith and his helper to arrive at the Houses of Parliament?

 a) an hour

 b) half an hour

 c) two hours

 d) an hour and a half


III. Complete the sentences. (При вводе 2 и белее слов, между ними ставить строго ОДИН ПРОБЕЛ!)

         39.  People were losing their way ___  ___  _____.

         40. Suddenly he bumped into ____  ____.

         41. Mr. Smith thanked him and they started ____  ____there.

         42. The fog was getting thicker___  ___  _____.

         43. “It is no trouble at all to me, sir”. “I`m ______”.   

1. 30000 2 38791 41247
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4. небольшой экскурс в историю портала
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18. Мотив и мотивация
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20. Тема- Основні поняття теорії множин