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вариант. 1. His grndftherfrom his job yer go

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1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. His grandfather______from his job a year ago.

a) has retired                      c) retires  b) was retiring                    d) retired

2. The backpacker knew there was a lake because they ______ it earlier in the day.

a) have seen                       c) had seen  b) saw                                d) hadn't seen

3.______he______about the opera before?

a) had spoken                    c) has spoken  b) was speaking                  d) did speak

4. What time______it______?

a) did happen                     c) had happened  b) has happened                 d) was happening

5. Tomorrow at five he______football.

a) '11 play                           c) plays  b) '11 be playing                  d) play

6. This time last year he______in London.

a) lived                              c) '11 live  b) was living                       d) has lived

7 I______for you for more than one hour.

a) has waited                      c) was waiting  b) have been waiting           d) was waited

8. He______it for an hour before I came.

a) have been doing             c) had been doing  b) had been done                d) did

9- —_____he already______the doctor by that time?

a) has seen                         c) was seeing  b) did see                           d) had seen

10. She______her work already.

a) hasn't finished               c) finished  b) has finished                  d) is finished

11. When I______it______yesterday.

a) wake up, was raining       c) woke up, was raining  b) woke up, rained             d) 've woken up, was raining

12. Will you______the bank when you go out?

a) be passing                     c) have passed  b) pass                             d) to pass

13.  Last night I______home at 11. I______supper and then______to bed.

a) have come, had. went     c) came, have had, went  b) came, had, went            d) came, had, have gone

14. ______ you ______ many cities when you were in France.

a) did visit                        c) are visiting  b) have visited                   d) do visit

15. They______for 20 minutes when his mother came in.

a) talked                           c) have talked  b) were talking                  d) had been talking

16. The room looks very clean.______you______it?

a) Did, clean                    c) Have, cleaned  c) Do, clean                     d) Are, cleaning

17. Next year is my parents' tenth wedding anniversary. They ______married for 10 years.

a) have                             c) '11 have  b) are                               d) '11 have been

18. Next week he______to Paris on business.

a) is going                        c) goes  b) is going to go                 d) go

19. They______this article by 5 p.m. yesterday.

a) have translated              c) had translated  b) translated                     d) had been translated

20. While he______tennis, he______his arm.

a) played, was hurting         c) was playing, hurted  b) was playing, hurt            d) played, hurt

21. This time next week he______in the Black Sea.

a) swim                            c) '11 swim  b) '11 be swimming             d) swims

22.  Last night I______in bed when suddenly the phone rang.

a) read                             c) have read  b) were reading                 d) was reading

23. He______for Moscow by yesterday night.

a) had left                         c) has left  b) left                              d) was leaving

24. He______very fast when the accident______.

a) drove, happened b) was driving, has happened c) is driving, happened  d) was driving, happened

25. We______from her since June.

a) have heard                    c) had heard  b) haven't heard                d) weren't hearing

2. Applying for that Job

1 I would be very interested in ....... for that job.

(a) entering (b) working (c) applying (d) writing

2 Do you want to ....... as a candidate in the local elections?

(a) stand (b) sit (c) go (d) try

3 They are completely ....... up with all the noise in the centre of town.

(a) tired (b) fed (c) sick (d) ill

4 The reason there are no buses is because the drivers are on ........

(a) hit (b) stop (c) strike (d) leave

5 The government has changed its policy and had a complete change of ........

(a) view (b) opinion (c) mind (d) heart

6 This supermarket is trying to ....... young shoppers by offering fashionable clothes.

(a) target (b) persuade (c) encourage (d) trap

7 You should have ....... those shares when they were cheap.

(a) taken out (b) sold off (c) bought up (d) taken over

8 You must try and hurry up because my patience is ....... out.

(a) running (b) racing (c) pacing (d) turning

9 Have you ever tried your ....... at running a business?

(a) arm (b) finger (c) hand (d) leg

10 After all these years she has decided to take early ........

(a) leave (b) finishing (c) departure (d) retirement

3. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. She______her exam by two o'clock.

a) passed                           c) has passed  b) have passed                    d) had passed

2. A plate slipped out of my hands when I______the washing up.

a) was doing                      c) had done  b) did                                d) was done

3. It's nine o'clock. The pupils______a lesson.

a) will be having                 c) have  b) are having                     d) have had

4. He______ill twice so far this year.

a) is                                  c) was  b) has been                        d) is being

5. By summer you______English for two years.

a) '11 study                         c) '11 have been studying  b) have studied                   d) are studying

6. What______you______at this time yesterday?

a) was doing                      c) did do  b) have done                      d) were doing

7. We're late. The film______finished by the time we______ to the centre.

a) is finished, get  b) will be finished, '11 get c) will have finished, get d) finished, '11 get

8. The documents______by the time I come.

a)  '11 have been typed         c) '11 be typed  b) '11 have typed                 d) will be typing

9. Last year 1______ill only twice.

a) was                               c) am  b) have been                      d) has been

10.  By the 8th of April my mother_______at school for twenty years.

a) '11 work                          c) has worked  b) '11 be working                 d) '11 have been working

11.1______these sentences for one hour.

a) am writing                     c) have written  b)  've been writing              d) was writing

12. We______it for half an hour when the teacher entered.

a) have discussed                c) discussed  b) were discussing              d) had been discussing

13.  It______for three hours.

a) was snowing                   c) is snowing  b) snowed                          d) has been snowing

14. My sister learns French and she______very well.

a) does                              c) is doing  b) do                                 d) did

15. My nephew is at college now, and my son______to college next year.

a) is going                          c) '11 go  b) is going to go                 d) goes

16. His friend______two English articles into Russian.

a) translated                      c) has translated  b) have translated               d) translates

17. They______us several telegrams lately.

a) send                              c) sent  b) 've sent                          d) are sending

18. Don't worry! The child______better.

a) get                               c) have got  b) gets                              d) is getting

19. He______under treatment for two months but there are no signs of improvement.

a) 's been                         c) was  b) is                                 d) is being

20. Doctor Ivanov______people for heart trouble.

a) is treating                     c) treats  b) has treated                    d) treat

21. This dictionary______much and is very valuable to me.

a) costed                          c) cost  b) is costing                      d) had cost

22.1 wonder why John______a job yet.

a) finds                            c) didn't find  b) hasn't found                 d) found

23. The company______now for building workers.

a) advertised                     c) was advertised  b) has advertised                d) is advertising

24. The hard work______on his health.

a) tells                             c) is telling  b) is told                          d) was telling

25. Peter______up photography as a hobby.

a) took                             c) has taken  b) was taken                     d) takes

1. нет места такому понятию
2. практикум по бухгалтерскому учету Шаркаева О
3. Зенит именуемое в дальнейшем Товарищество создано в соответствии с положениями Гражданского кодекса Р
4. Б Булгак Приказ о мерах по защите интересов российских производителей телекоммуникационного о
5. Острый гастрит Этиология и патогенез В развитии острого гастрита велика роль раздражения слизистой обо
6. Формальная логика и мышление, вывод и рассуждение
7. Лекция 4-Фундаментальные свойства отношений Свойства- Отсутствие кортежейдубликатов следует из опре
8. Project This document describes the objectives for the second phse of the Smrt Client k the RI2 phse
9. Физическая химия Электрохимия
10. Попадание острого инородного тела в слизистую оболочку гортани вызывает боль
11. Научнопопулярная серия книг Мыслители России Экономическая часть выпускной квалифи
12. Сара Дессен Просто слушай1
13. СБЕРБАНК Введение
14. Доклад- ЛДПР
15. ТЕМА 1 Теории политических систем 2
16. на тему- Лизинг. Лизинговые отношения КП01
17. Философия Древнего Востока
18. словесный устный
19. Находка, клад и приобретение на них права собственности
20. Особливості нарахування митного тарифу в залежності від виду мита.html