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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 11-х класів
Підтема: Святкування Нового року та Різдва.
Мета: Вчити учнів активно використовувати недавно вивчений матеріал, працюючи в групі, у парах, індивідуально.
Обладнання: підручник, картки для роботи в групах (HO,), "People and Behaviour" (HO2).
Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Т: Christmas and the New Year come close together. They are only a week apart. When people speak about the holidays in winter they mean both Christmas and the New Year. Today we are going to discuss the best ways of celebrating these holidays, but first let us listen to your stories about the New Year in Britain and Ukraine.
1. Контроль домашнього завдання.
2. Робота учнів у групах по обговоренню теми уроку.
1) Group work. Практикування учнів у спілкуванні. Робота учнів у групах по підготовці висловлювань, інсценуванню жартів. Перевірка виконання завдань.
Т: You know the proverb "Tastes differ", don't you? Speaking about celebrating the New Year and Christmas one can choose different ways. Which one is the best? We'll see but first let's practise using the pronoun "one (ones)" to avoid the repetition of the preceding noun.
2) Language work. Виконати впр. 10 (стор. 59).
T: Now you will break into three teams. Think which one you will join.
Team A think it is better to have a quiet family holiday.
Team В prefer celebrating at somebody's place without parents.
Team C choose to go to a disco, cafe or a club.
Have you decided which team to join?
Fine. Your task is to give your ideas proving that yours is the best way to celebrate the
New Year and Christmas. There will be one more task. You know that telling jokes and anecdotes is popular when people meet to celebrate a holiday.
Team A will retell jokes of ex. 3, p. 56.
Team В will do ex. 9, p. 58 and Team C will take up ex. 21, p. 62.
Start working in your teams. Here's some help (HO1).
Team A: а traditional way, the nearest and dearest people, to be ease, to quit when you feel like it, etc.
Team B: to be among your peers, to prepare everything yourselves, to play loud music, noisy games, to take responsibility, etc.
Team C: specialists take care of everything: food, music, decorations; you meet different people, make friends, no cleaning and washing up, etc.
Grammar Review 3. Повторення граматичного матеріалу «Прикметник».
1) Practising adjectives. Тренувальна вправа.
T: It is important to behave in a company. We are going to speak now about "People and Behaviour".
Choose the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.
people and behaviour
Key. a) rude; b) greedy: c) strict; d) lazy; e) shy; f) jealous; g) aggressive; h) thoughtful.
T: What part of speech are all your chosen words? (They are adjectives).
1. Домашнє завдання.
Розповісти про вечірку.
Виконати завдання 9 тексту для домашнього читання (стор. 120, 121) "The Time Machine", частина VI.
Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.
T: At home you are to develop the following situation: A friend of yours missed the New Year or Christmas party. Tell him (her) about it. Begin your story with expressing regret, e.g. It's a pity you couldn't come...