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Hgrid nd Professor McGongll met ll future students

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Chapter 7 – 12

Chapter seven:  Harry and his friend Ron came to the Hogwarts. Hagrid and Professor McGonagall  met all future students. They  began to divide in different houses. There were four leads: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuf and Ravenclaw.  The old sorting hat divides student.  When Harry dress it the sorting hat divides him at Gryffindor

Chapter eight:  In this part you can see how Snape hated Harry and Gryffindor. He lowed points from Gryffindor. Snape was the potions master. He liked Slytherin. He was the main teacher of this house. He was a dark wizard.

Chapter nine:  Malfoy challenged Harry to a midnight duel.  Students couldn’t walk tonight and Harry with Ron outraged. Hermione went to them for telling how it was bad but the door to the Gryffindor bedroom quickly closed. It was very dangerous walking. They could lose all points of his house. But as a result they understood that Malfoy lied them and didn’t come. They saw a big three – headed dog in the secret hall.

Chapter ten: In this part students celebrated Halloween.  Troll came to a Hogwarts and students run to their bedrooms. Hermione was in the toilet and troll could to kill her. Harry and Ron saved her and killed the troll.

Chapter eleven:  There was a quiddich in this chapter. It was the first Harry’ s game. But Snape  was in his road. He told a bad charm and Harry began to fall from his broomstick. Hermione saved him.

Chapter twelve: In this chapter Harry found a magic mirror. It was the mirror of erised ( the mirror of desire) Harry saw his family in the mirror because it was his dream.

Chapter 7:

  1.  The entrance hall was so big you could have fitted the whole of the Dursleys house in it. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches like the ones at Gringotts, the ceiling was too high to make out, and a magnificent marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors. As for the great hall Harrry had never even imagined such a strange and splendid place. It was lut by thousands and thousands of candles which were floating in midair over four long tables. These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets. At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting.  There were ghosts in this hall.
  2.  The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. Triumphs of students earn house points. Rule breaking lose house points. At the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the house cup.
  3.  The hat asked in which house Harry wanted to be. It said that he would be a great wizard after Slytherin. But Harry answered that he wanted to be in Gryffindor
  4.  One of the ghosts was wearing a ruff and tights. One of the ghosts was without head. One of them was bloody. Every house had their own ghost. Ghosts were very noisy and liked to joke.
  5.  The sorting hat decided who would be in Hogwarts’s houses. Students wore it on their heads and the hat said its decision. Gryffindor was for brave and kind people. Hufflepuf was for not clever but hard working people. Ravenclaw was for very clever people.  Slytherin was for foxy and bad people. Neville told that parents found out that he had magic abilities when he fell  off the balcony and didn’t broke.
  6.  Harry’s scar pained because Snape looked at him. Hary felt how this teacher hated him
  7.  The Harry Potter. Article uses here because Harry is unusual boy. He is very important person

Percy the Prefect.  Article uses here because there is only one prefect in every house. There isn’t another prefect in Gryffindor. And another variant that Percy thinks he is the main person. He always important looking. Fred and George always joke about him.

  1.  Harry’s mouth fell open. The dishes in front of him were now pilled with food. He had never seen so many  things he liked to eat on one table: roast beef,  roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, chips, Yourkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup and for some strange reason mint humbugs. It was all delicious. Students got acquainted with each other and talked a lot.
  2.  There was Hagrid who was drinking deeply from his goblet. Professor McGonagall was talking to Professor Dumbledore. Professor Quirrel was in his absurd turban. Snape was with greasy Black hair, a hooked nose and sallow skin
  3.  Peeves was very peeve. His name means his character. He always appeared in bad time.   

Сhapter eight:

  1.  It was difficult because Hogwarts was very big and maze. There were halls like an labyrinth.
  2.  The ghost Professor Binns was the teacher of the history of magic

Professor Flitwick was the Charms teacher. Professor McGonagall was the tranfiguration’s teacher. Professor Flitwick was the teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Professor Snape was the potions master.

  1.  The post delivered in Hogwarts with owls
  2.  It was a very bad and unsuccessful lesson. They did a simple potion of cure boils. They did it in pairs. Harry hadn’t  a success at this lesson because Snape asked him hard questions and lose points from Gryffindor. Harry felt that Snape hated him because Snaped showed it.
  3.  Hagrid sent Harry a letter with the owl. There was only one room inside his hut. Hams and pheasants were hanging from the ceiling; a copper kettle was boiling on the open fire and in a corner stood a massive bed with a patchwork quilt over it. He known about gringotts break in latest. It happened when they were in the bank. But Hagrid didn’t want to tell about it. It was a very strange situations

Сhapter nine:

  1.  Harry had never believed he would meet a boy he hated more than Dudley, but that was before he met Draco Malfoy. Malfoy was very angry towards Harry. He was from a family of dark wizards. He hated Harry a lot. His name was Draco. Draco means a fantastic bad animal with a great power. It breathes with a fire and has a terrible looking.
  2.  Students told a lot about broom – flying and Quidditch because it was only the one sport in a magic world. Students were interests in it. Boys liked Quiddich like boys in simple world liked football.
  3.  The lesson was into the ground. It was a clear, breezy day and the grass rippled under their feet. A teacher was Madam Hooch. She had short, grey hair and yellow eyes like a hawk. Everyone stood by broomsticks. Harry’s broom was old and some of the twigs stuck out at odd angles. It jumped into his hand at once when he said “Up”. Hermione Granger’s had simply rolled over on the ground and Neville’s hadn’t moved at all. Perhaps brooms like horses could tell when you were afraid, thought Harry. There was a quaver in Neville’s voice that said only too clearly that he wanted to keep his feet on the ground. Madam Hooch then showed them how to mount their brooms without sliding off the end, and walked up and down the rows correcting their grips. Harry and Ron were delighted when she told Malfoy he’d been doing it wrong for years. Not all students were successful. Neville was very nervous and before Madam Hooch whistled Neville was rising straight up like a cork short out of a bottle. Harry saw his scared white face look down and the next moment he fall and lay on the grass in a heap. She took his in a hospital.
  4.  Harry became the youngest seeker after the situation with Malfoy. Malfoy took Neville’s thing and Harry wanted to took it away. Malfoy started to fly with it on his broomstick and Harry flew on his broomstick too. Malfoy threw in in the air and Harry flew towards this round thing and caught it. It was the very rare case when a man, who the firstable on the broomstick, could fly so good and caught the round thing.
  5.  Malfoy didn’t want to see Harry in Hogwarts and he challenged a midnight duel. Harry’s second was Ron
  6.  The duel didn’t take place because Malfoy didn’t come in the trophy room. When Harry and his friends found the way from this room to their bedroom the met the big three – headed dog in the forbidden corridor.
  7.  The dog looked like a monster. The only reason why it didn’t eat them was their sudden appearance. The dog didn’t wait this surprise. Hermione noticed that it was on guard.
  8.  Гермиона была одета в розовую ночную мантию и имела хмурый вид. Нас могли убить или что ещё хуже исключить.

Chapter 10

  1.  Halloween is the holiday of witches. The main traditions are: come from home to home and present sweets, eat pumpkins and tell horror stories.
  2.  He thought that this package could be in Hogwarts
  3.  Harry got the parcel with his new broomstick Nimbus Two Thousands. Malfoy was shocked. His broom was older than this.
  4.  Because he thought about future quiddich trainings
  5.  There are seven players on each side. Three of them are called chasers. They throw the quaffle (a bright red ball about a size of football) to each other and try get it through one of the hoops to score a goal. Ten points every time the quaffle goes through one of the hoops. There is another player on each side who is call the keeper. He has to fly around hoops of his team and stop the other team from scoring. There are two beaters. They play with a small club and two identical, jet black, smaller than quaffle, balls. They call bludgers. The bludgers rocket around trying to knock players off their brooms. Beaters protect their side from bludgers. Seeker catches the ball snitch. It is very hard. If he catch it the team will win, because there are many points for the catching of the snitch

Harry’s first training was very interesting. Wood described Harry the rules of quidditch.

  1.  There was an incident during the Halloween dinner. A troll came at Hogwarts.  They nicknamed Hermione because she is very clever. And as a result she cried in girl’s toilet when troll came at Hogwarts. They decided to save her. They didn’t go in bedroom like other students and went upstairs. They won troll. The troll was twelve feet tall, its skin was a dull granite grey, its grey lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut. It had short legs thick as three trunks with flat horny feet. The smell coming up from it incredible. It was holding a huge wooden club, which dragged along the floor because its arms were so long.

Сhapter 11:

  1.  As they entered November, the weather turned very cold. The mountains became icy grey and the lake like chilled steel
  2.  Harry read the book “quidditch through the ages” and went to the trainings
  3.  Harry’s first match was very unusual. Harry waited his snitch in the air but when he saw in his broom began to shake a lot. The broom was trying to buck him off. Harry couldn’t turn it. It was a great incident. Snape jinxed it. Hermione saved Harry because she told a contrariety spell. Harry caught snitch by mouth. He nearly swallowed it.
  4.  Hagrid bought Fluffy for himself but he lent it to Dumbledore to guard a secret thing. Hagrid trusted Snape. Hermione didn’t trusted Snape.

Chapter 12

1)This chapter has the name “The mirror of erised” because e this mirror is the climax of this chapter. The word erised is the inversion of the word desire which means a dream. It was a mirror of each desire. A man could see his desires, dreams in this mirror.

2) There were snowy before Christmas. The lake froze solid. A bitter wind rattled the windows in the classrooms. Gryffindor common room and The Great Hall were comfortable places. Professor Snare’s classes  were uncomfortable places

3) The Great Hall had roaring fires, the draughty corridors had become icy. The Hall looked spectacular. Festoons of holly and mistletoe hung all around the walls and no fever than twelve towering Christmas tree stood around the room, some sparkling with tiny icicles, some glittering with hundreds of candles. Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were busy with the Chrismas decorations

4) He told about Harry’s family

5) They found books about Nicolas Flamel, in the library

6) They wanted to have a forbidden book about Nicolas Flamel because there were only a bit information about him in not forbidden books. I think that Flamel was an important person in this story about theft from Gringots and forbidden corridor.

Hagrid knew about it but didn’t want to tell it our characters.

  1.  They sat near the fire, ate tasty food and played chess
  2.  Harry got a flute from Hagrid, a coin from Dursleys, an emerald – green sweater and sweets from Ron’s mother, sweets from Hermione and invisibility coat from incognito (I think from Dumbledore)
  3.  They had a great Christmas dinner at Hogwarts. A hundred fat, roast turkeys, mountains of roast and boiled potatoes, platters of fat chipolatas, tureens of buttered peas, silver boats of thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce and stacks of wizard crackers every few feet along the table.  Flaming Christmas puddings followed the turkey. A turkey is a usual meal for English. As for Russia the most usual meal is a salad from different things “Olivie”, which is uncommon in England.
  4.  Everyone sat in the common room. Harry and Ron played chess, Fred and George ran from Persy because they stole his prefect’s badge.
  5.  Harry asleep that night because he thought about the strange present from incognito. He decided to go for a walk in this coat tonight.
  6.  He ran from Snape and Filch because they could noticed something strange and as a result he found himself in an old classroom and there was a mirror where he saw his family. A woman standing right behind his reflection was smiling at him and waving. She was a very pretty woman. She had dark red hair and her eyes were like Harry’s. She was crying but smiling. The tall, thin, black – haired man standing next to her. He wore glasses and his hair was like Harry’s.
  7.  Ron saw only his in the mirror because he wanted to be individual all his life. He was in the sidelines of his brothers everytime.
  8.  The mirror would be moved in another place. Dumbledore told Harry that it is very dangerous to look in dreams a lot.
  9.  Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi - I show not your face but your hearts desire.

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