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методическом пособии находят отражение такие этапы обучения как постановка задачи практическая работа са

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Цель данного пособия – активизация и совершенствование речевых компетенций профессиональной направленности. Курс обучения опирается на коммуникативную лингвистику, психологию деятельности и отражает единую концепцию кафедры – формирование профессионального качества врача – речевую компетентность средствами иностранного языка.

В представленном учебно-методическом пособии находят отражение такие этапы обучения, как постановка задачи, практическая работа, самостоятельная работа, содержащая указания по выполнению творческих заданий, которые могут также являться проверкой качества знаний.

Данное учебно-методическое пособие является результатом обобщения педагогического и методического опыта преподавателей английского языка кафедры иностранных языков ОмГМА, а также может представлять интерес для преподавателей других гуманитарных дисциплин.  В пособии достаточно широко представлены современные научные взгляды на темы, представленные для обсуждения.

Поскольку язык является проявлением речевой деятельности человека, то фиксирование в языке значение слов, отражающий социальный опыт, приобретают  в связи индивидуальным опытом индивидуальность значение или смысл, отражающие личную позицию говорящего. Для осуществления результативной речевой деятельности будущему специалисту необходимо обладать такими профессиональным качествам как речевая компетенция. Речевая компетентность регулирует профессиональную речь, определяет её направленность, адекватность употребления речевых средств и индивидуальное своеобразие.

Целевое назначение учебного пособия состоит в том, чтобы опираясь на цели обучения иностранному языку в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования третьего поколения, Программой по иностранному языку для медицинских и фармацевтических вузов, и,  учитывая потребности, интересы и ценности будущих врачей, их представление о себе как о формирующимся профессионале, содействовать формированию базового профессионального качества – речевой компетенции.

В соответствии с ФГОС ВПО дисциплина «Иностранный язык» формирует следующие компетенции, в рамках которых осуществляется изучение предмета

для специальностей 060101 ЛЕЧЕБНОЕ ДЕЛО, 060103 ПЕДИАТРИЯ:

ОК-1 (способность и готовность анализировать социально-значимые проблемы процессы, использовать в практике методы гуманитарных, естественнонаучных, медико-биологических и клинических наук в различных видах профессиональной и социальной деятельности);

ОК-5 (способность и готовность к логическому и аргументированному анализу, к публичной речи, ведению дискуссий и полемике, к редактированию текстов профессионального содержания, к осуществлению воспитательной и педагогической деятельности, к сотрудничеству и разрешению конфликтов, к толерантности);

ОК-6 (способностью и готовностью овладеть одним из иностранных языков на уровне бытового общения, к письменной и устной коммуникации на государственном языке);  

ПК-31 (способностью и готовностью изучать научно-медицинскую информацию, отечественный и зарубежный опыт по тематике исследования),

ПК-32 (способностью и готовностью к участию в освоении современных теоретических и экспериментальных методов исследования с целью создания новых перспективных средств, в организации работ по практическому использованию и внедрению результатов исследований);

для специальности 060201 СТОМАТОЛОГИЯ:

все общекультурные компетенции указанные выше (ОК-1, ОК-5, ОК-6), а также

ПК-3 (способностью и готовностью к формированию системного подхода к анализу медицинской информации, опираясь на всеобъемлющие принципы доказательной медицины, основанной на поиске решений с использованием теоретических знаний и практических умений в целях совершенствования профессиональной деятельности)

для специальности 060301 ФАРМАЦИЯ:

все общекультурные компетенции указанные выше (ОК-1, ОК-5, ОК-6), а также

ПК-47 (способностью и готовностью к проведению информационно-просветительской работы по пропаганде здорового образа жизни и безопасности жизнедеятельности);

ПК-48 (способность и готовность работать с научной литературой, анализировать информацию, вести поиск, превращать прочитанное в средство для решения профессиональных задач (выделять основные положения, следствия из них и предложения). 

для специальностей 060105 МЕДИКО-ПРОФИЛАКТИЧЕСКОЕ ДЕЛО:

ОК-1 (способность и готовность анализировать социально-значимые проблемы процессы, использовать в практике методы гуманитарных, естественнонаучных, медико-биологических и клинических наук в различных видах профессиональной и социальной деятельности);

ОК-2  (владение письменной и устной речью на государственном языке Российской Федерации, знание одного иностранного языка как средства делового общения, умение вести дискуссии и полемики, способность и готовность к подготовке и редактированию текстов профессионального и социально значимого содержания)

ПК -5  (готовностью к работе с информацией, полученной из различных источников, к применению современных информационных технологий для решения профессиональных задач)

По завершении данного курса студенты должны:

  1.  знать все основные грамматические явления и конструкции; лексический минимум в объеме 4000 учебных лексических единиц общего  и терминологического характера; основную   медицинскую   и фармацевтическую терминологию на иностранном языке;
  2.  уметь читать и понимать литературу по специальности на иностранном языке, анализировать прочитанное, высказывать свое мнение и владеть грамматическим материалом; использовать не менее  900 терминологических  единиц  и терминоэлементов; участвовать в дискуссиях, вести беседы на иностранном языке;
  3.  владеть иностранным языком в объеме необходимом для возможности получения информации из зарубежных источников; навыками самостоятельного усвоения иностранного языка, используя определенные рациональные способы его изучения; навыками изложения самостоятельной точки зрения, анализа и логического мышления, публичной речи, морально- этической аргументации, ведения дискуссий и круглых столов, принципами врачебной деонтологии и медицинской этики.

Учебное пособие представляет собой целостную систему, образованную структурными компонентами, подразделяемые на две взаимосвязанные сферы: содержащие материал подъязыка медицины и языковый материал общеупотребительного уровня. Профессионально-ориентированное содержание учебника имеет объективные возможности: симулирование речемыслительной деятельности студента, формирование мотивационной, эмоциональной, ценностной сферы будущего врача.

Theme 1

About myself and my future profession

This year is the crucial one in my life because I have left school. Before people leave school, they should understand that the time to choose their future profession has already come. It's not an easy task to make the right choice.

Someone goes further in his education and enter an institute, university or college. Others can start their working career or go into business. Usually there are a lot of universities and institutes in every big city. Our city is not an exception.

There are a huge number of professions to choose. But we should take our time while choosing our future career. Some teenagers make their choice according to their parents will, others do it in their own way and there are some boys and girls, who want nothing. Anyway it is a dilemma for all the family.

Fathers usually want their children to follow their footsteps. Mothers don't want their sons and daughters to leave the native town or city. So, sometimes they persuade their kids to enter local colleges. But only hard work and personal life experience can help us to find out the best from the best that is to separate the wheat from the chaff.

To make the right choice, we should consider our possibilities, character traits and routine aspects of the future job. To become a good doctor, you must be patient, easygoing and smart. A graduate from the Medical Academy may choose his place of work and occupation from a number of possible ones. He can be either a therapeutist or a surgeon; he can also be a dentist, a paediatrician, an emergency doctor, etc. As for me, I always wanted to become a doctor. I think it is a very prestigious and noble occupation. I was good at biology and zoology at school. I want to help people, who have health problems. I know that a doctor should be kind and attentive to people, honest and prudent. A doctor who is selfish and dishonest can't be successful in his profession. So I’ll try to do my best to develop my personality this way.

More and more people realize now that every educated person should know a foreign language. That is why all students of our academy study one foreign language and Latin. For instance, I study English. I liked it from the first lesson we started learning it at school and it is still my favourite subject. English is to help us communicate with our foreign colleagues and comprehend English and American professional literature. Latin is considered to be the basis of international medical terminology so its importance for future doctors can scarcely be overestimated.

As a rule, young people should study five years at universities or institutes to become specialists. If you want a bachelor’s degree, you have to study four years. But medical student study six years. As your final exams have been passed, you get a diploma of a qualified specialist. Some students keep studying and enter post-graduate courses to follow an academic career. Some university graduates take up teaching and return to their Alma Mater as tutors.

So, choosing a career and then getting a job are two things any person does in his lifetime. If we don't think about the future, we won't have the one.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

to leave school


заканчивать школу





to go into business


заняться бизнесом

a huge number of


огромное число (количество) чего-л.

to take one’s time


не спешить



дилемма, затруднительное положение

to follow smb.’s footsteps


следовать по чьим-л. стопам

to persuade


убеждать, уговаривать

to consider


считать, полагать

patient (n, adj.)


пациент, больной; терпеливый



легко ладящий с людьми



разумный, умный






благородный, замечательный, выдающийся









благоразумный, предусмотрительный 







to develop


развивать, совершенствовать 



понимать, постигать, осмысливать

bachelors degree


степень бакалавра

post-graduate courses


зд. аспирантура 

to graduate from


заканчивать вуз

Alma Mater


альма-матер, университет, в котором обучался говорящий или тот, о ком идёт речь (букв.лат. «кормящая мать»)

tutor (n)


преподаватель, руководитель группы (в университете)

Task 2.Find the following words and word-combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

  1.  leave school
  2.  to make the right choice
  3.  enter an institute
  4.  working career
  5.  a huge number of professions
  6.  make their choice
  7.  to follow their footsteps
  8.  hard work and personal life experience
  9.  to become a good doctor
  10.  I was good at
  11.  kind and attentive to people
  12.  every educated person
  13.  foreign colleges
  14.  international medical terminology
  15.  a diploma of a qualified specialist

Task 3.Answer the questions:

  1.  When do people understand that the time to choose future profession has already come?
  2.  What are the opportunities for school leavers?
  3.  Why should we take our time while choosing our future profession?
  4.  Do all teenagers choose their future professions in their own way?
  5.  Why do some parents persuade their kids to enter local colleges and universities or institutes?
  6.  What should we consider to make the right choice of profession?
  7.  How can we characterise a good doctor?
  8.  Why do we study foreign languages at universities? How can they help us?
  9.  How long should a person study to get a diploma of a qualified specialist?
  10.  What are the career opportunities?

Task 4.Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

  1.  Young people should understand that the time to choose their future profession has already come.
  1.  Существует огромный выбор профессий.
  1.  Someone goes further in his education and enter an institute, university or college.
  1.  Можно стать терапевтом или хирургом, можно так же стать стоматологом, педиатром, реаниматологом.
  1.  There are a huge number of professions to choose.
  1.  Латинский язык считается основой международной медицинской терминологии, поэтому ее важность для будущих врачей вряд ли можно переоценить.
  1.  But only hard work and personal life experience can help us to find out the best from the best.
  1.  Молодые люди должны понимать, что уже пришло время выбирать профессию.
  1.  We should consider our possibilities, character traits and routine aspects of the future job.
  1.  Я хочу помогать людям, у которых есть проблемы со здоровьем.
  1.  He can be either a therapeutist or a surgeon; he can also be a dentist, a paediatrician, an emergency doctor, etc.
  1.  Чтобы стать специалистами, молодые люди должны проучиться пять лет в университете или институте.
  1.  I want to help people, who have health problems.
  1.  Кто-то продолжит свое образование и поступит в институт, университет или колледж.
  1.  Latin is considered to be the basis of international medical terminology so its importance for future doctors can scarcely be overestimated.

  1.  Мы должны учитывать свои возможности, черты характера и повседневные аспекты будущей работы.
  1.  Young people should study five years at universities or institutes to become specialists.
  1.  Некоторые студенты продолжают учиться и поступают в аспирантуру, чтобы продолжить научную карьеру.
  1.  Some students keep studying and enter post-graduate courses to follow an academic career.
  1.  Но только упорный труд и жизненный опыт могут помочь нам выбрать самое лучшее.

Task 5.
Translate the given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate them back into English.

  1.  This year is the crucial one in my life because I have left school. It's not an easy task to make the right choice.
  2.  Someone goes further in his education and enter an institute, university or college. Others can start their working career or go into business.
  3.  There are a huge number of professions to choose. But we should take our time while choosing our future career.
  4.  To become a good doctor, you must be patient, easygoing and smart. A graduate from the Medical Academy may choose his place of work and occupation from a number of possible ones.
  5.  I want to help people, who have health problems. I know that a doctor should be kind and attentive to people, honest and prudent. So I’ll try to do my best to develop my personality this way.
  6.  All students of our academy study one foreign language and Latin. English is to help us communicate with our foreign colleges and comprehend English and American professional literature. Latin is considered to be the basis of international medical terminology.
  7.  Medical student study six years. When your final exams have been passed, you get a diploma of a qualified specialist.
  8.  Some students keep studying and enter post-graduate courses to follow an academic career.
  9.  Choosing a career and getting a job are two things any person does in his lifetime.

Task 6.Retell the text.

Theme 2

Omsk State Medical Academy.

Russian Federation has always been a leader in world medical education. Nowadays a number of Russian Medical Universities are in top fifty Universities according to the UNESCO ratings. The ratings are based on three criteria: quality of teaching staff, quality of education and international recognition. For example Moscow Medical Academy has the 2nd place in this rating. Thus, the quality of Russian medical education goes without saying.

There are more than 40 medical academies, universities and institutions spread all over our vast country.

Omsk State Medical Academy (OSMA) was founded as the Medical Faculty of Siberian Institute of Veterinary and Zoology in 1920; the faculty was reorganized into the West-Siberian State Medical Institute in 1921. It was renamed into Omsk State Medical Institute in 1925 and into Omsk State Medical Academy in 1994. Now more than 40.000 graduates of OSMA are working as doctors in our country and abroad. At the moment over 4500 students are studying at 5 faculties:    •Medical, • Pediatric, • Stomatological, • Pharmaceutical and • the Faculty of Preventive Medicine.

Our Academy takes an active part in cooperation with educational institutions and research community of West European countries, the United States and some Asian countries. It is engaged in TEMPUS IV Project. Tempus is the European Union programme which supports the modernisation of higher education, mainly through university cooperation projects. In addition to promoting cooperation between institutions, Tempus also encourage a people-to-people approach. Tempus provides support to consortia of institutions composed mainly of universities or university associations. The Tempus programme is implemented in close coordination with the Erasmus Mundus programme which provides scholarships to students allowing them to participate in top-level Master courses and Doctorate programmes outside the EU.

67 Chairs provide the teaching process in the Academy. 73% of the staff has an academic degree. Their innovative work has shaped many of the Academy’s most successful courses and programs. Continuing education is essential for professionals in a rapidly changing field of medicine that is linked so closely to the well-being of society. The Academy offers an expanding slate of programs that enable health professionals to study also ethical issues as they are involved in the medical profession and in modern society.

Omsk State Medical Academy occupies six buildings and has three hostels providing accommodation for all out-of-town students. Clinical Departments and Chairs of the Academy are based in the largest municipal hospitals equipped with modern diagnostic facilities. Clinics are headed by the leading scholars of the Academy. Teaching process is being constantly improved exploiting up-to-date information technologies. Students Scientific Society is the pride of the Academy. The Academy's library is the largest one among the medical institutions of Russia. It has over 600 000 volumes in its collection and many unique publications are among them. The library has a fully equipped computer hall with the Internet access. Physical training is an integral part of the curriculum. Well-equipped gyms, ski-centre, a sport and recreation centres are available for the students.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

medical education

['medɪk(ə)l] [edju'keɪʃ(ə)n]

медицинское образование

international recognition

[ɪntə'næʃ(ə)n(ə)l] [rekəg'nɪʃ(ə)n]

международное признание

Preventive Medicine faculty

[prɪ'ventɪv] ['meds(ə)n] ['fæk(ə)ltɪ]

медико-профилактический факультет

to provide support


оказывать поддержку

to be implemented

[bi :]['ɪmplɪmənt(ə)d]

применяться, осуществляться

to be founded

[bi :][faund(ə)d]

быть основанным

continuing education

[kən'tɪnju:ɪŋ] [edju-'keɪʃ(ə)n]

продолжающееся образование

to provide the teaching process

[prə'vaɪd] ['ti:ʧɪŋ] ['prəuses]

обеспечивать учебный процесс

academic degree

[ækə'demɪk] [dɪ'gri:]

ученая степень




Internet access


доступ в Интернет

research community

[rɪ'sɜːʧ] [kə'mju:nətɪ]

научное сообщество

well-being of society


благосостояние общества




diagnostic facilities

[daɪəg'nɔstɪk] [fə'sɪlətɪz]



out-of-town students

[autəv'taun] ['st(j)u:d(ə)nts]

иногородние студенты

to be the pride of

[bi:] [ðə] [praɪd]

быть гордостью чего-либо



учебный план

ethical issues

['eθɪk(ə)l] ['ɪʃu:z]

этические проблемы

consortia of institutions

[kən'sɔːʃɪə] [ɪnstɪ'tju:ʃ(ə)nz]

консорциум учебных заведений

Task 2. Find the following words and word combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate them into Russian.

  1.  teaching staff
  2.  a people-to-people approach
  3.  consortia of institutions
  4.  expanding slate of programs
  5.  providing accommodation
  6.  municipal hospitals
  7.  up-to-date information technologies
  8.  unique publications
  9.  available for the students

Task 3. Answer the questions.

  1.  What place does Moscow Medical Academy have in rating of UNESCO?
  2.  How many medical institutions are there in our country?
  3.  When was the Omsk State Medical Academy founded?
  4.  How many faculties are there in OmSMA now? What are they?
  5.  What countries is OmSMA cooperating with?
  6.  What is the aim of TEMPUS Project?
  7.  What percentage of the staff has an Academic degree?
  8.  Where are the clinical departments of the Academy based in?
  9.  What is the pride of the Academy?
  10.  What is an integral part of the curriculum?

Task 4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

1. Russian Federation has always been a leader in world medical education.

a. Библиотека Академии является крупнейшей среди медицинских институтов России.

2. Clinics are headed by the leading scholars of the Academy.

b. Городские больницы оснащены современным диагностическим оборудованием.

3. The Academy is located in six buildings.

c. В настоящее время на пяти факультетах ОмГМА обучается более 4500 студентов.

4. Clinical chairs of the Academy are based in the largest municipal hospitals.

d. В Академии есть три общежития, обеспечивающих проживание  иногородних студентов.

5. At the moment there are more than 4500 students studying in 5 faculties of OmSMA.

e. Российская Федерация всегда была лидером в области медицинского образования в мире.

6. The Academy's library is the largest one among the medical institutions of Russia.

f. Академия расположена в шести корпусах.

7. Municipal hospitals are equipped with modern diagnostic facilities.

g. Клиники возглавляются ведущими учеными Академии.

8. The Academy has three hostels providing accommodation for all out-of-town students.

h. Клинические кафедры Академии базируются в крупнейших городских больницах.

9. The library has a computer hall with the Internet access.

i. В распоряжении студентов имеются хорошо оборудованные спортзалы, лыжная база, спортивно-оздоровительный центр.

10. Well-equipped gyms, a ski-centre, sport and recreation centres are available for the students.

j. При библиотеке имеется компьютерный зал с доступом в Интернет.

Task 5. Translate the given sentences into English.

  1.  Российские медицинские институты дают студентам высокую профессиональную подготовку.
  2.  В нашей академии пять факультетов: лечебный, педиатрический, медико-профилактический, стоматологический и фармацевтический.
  3.  Образовательные программы поддерживают модернизацию высшего образования.
  4.  Академия предлагает программы, которые дают возможность специалистам в области медицины изучать этические проблемы.
  5.  73% сотрудников ОмГМА имеют ученую степень.
  6.  67 кафедр обеспечивают учебный процесс в Академии.
  7.  В учебный процесс постоянно внедряются современные информационные технологии.
  8.  Студенческое Научное Общество – гордость Академии.
  9.  В библиотеке Академии хранятся уникальные книги.
  10.  Физическое воспитание является неотъемлемой частью учебного плана.

Task 6. Retell the text.

Theme 3

Health Service in Russia and in Great Britain

Health Service in Russia is controlled by the state. The public health service in Russia is free of charge as well as in many countries.

There is a wide network of medical institutions: hospitals, polyclinics, maternity homes, emergency aid stations and so on. In addition to those, there are many medical institutions which provide medical assistance for money.

30% of the population receive primary care through their work related clinics and hospitals. For certain employment groups such as police and railroad workers special health services exist.

In 2006, the Russian government launched a national project plan that aims to improve four sectors of Russian life, including healthcare. It approved additional $3.2 billion for healthcare to cover salary increases for doctors and nurses, the purchase of new equipment for clinics and the construction of eight high-tech medical centres in Russia’s outlying regions.

Prophylaxis is one of the basic principles of the Russian public health system. Annual medical check-ups are carried out with the aim of detecting diseases at the earliest stages of their development.

There are a number of different types of hospitals and healthcare clinics in use.  They include:

  •  Rural Health Posts offer basic health checks and facilities including routine examinations, immunizations and minor injuries. They cover a population of about 4,000 people.
  •  Health Centres cover larger rural population of approximately 7,000 people and offer a range of primary care services. They are able to perform minor surgeries and are normally staffed by a team of nurses together with a paediatrician, a therapist and a midwife/gynaecologist.
  •  Urban Polyclinics provide services which are normally considered general practice and include screening, treatment for chronic illnesses and on-going care. Depending on their size, urban polyclinics would also house approximately 3-4 specialists from fields such as cardio, oncology and obstetrics.  
  •  Special Focus Polyclinics are where paediatricians and other specialists treat children up to the age of 19.

The British National Health Service came into existence in 1948 to provide free medical treatment of every kind. If a person is sick he goes first to see his general practitioner (GP), who treats minor illnesses. Family doctors work alone or in partnerships with surgeons and bigger urban medical centres, and when necessary go to see patients at their homes. Everyone is normally on the list of a general  practitioner (or family doctor), who keeps full records of all treatments and over the years gets to know 2,000 or more people on his or her list.

General practitioners refer people to hospital, if necessary, for more specialized treatment, also free of charge both for outpatients and for those who have to stay in hospital.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

Health Service

[helθ] ['sɜːvɪs]

служба здравоохранения

free of charge

[fri:] [ʧɑːʤ]


wide network

[waɪd] ['netwɜːk]

широкая сеть

maternity home

[mə'tɜːnətɪ] [həum]

родильный дом

Rural Health Posts

['ruər(ə)l] [helθ] [pəusts]

сельские пункты здравоохранения

Health Centres

[helθ] ['sentəz]

медицинские центры

Urban Polyclinics

['ɜːb(ə)n] [pɔlɪ'klɪnɪks]

городские поликлиники

Special Focus Polyclinics

['speʃ(ə)l] ['fəukəs] [pɔlɪ'klɪnɪks]

специализированные поликлиники 

provide medical assistance

[prə'vaɪd] ['medɪk(ə)l] [ə'sɪst(ə)n(t)s]

оказывать медицинскую помощь




medical check-up

['medɪk(ə)l] ['ʧekʌp]








GP ( general practitioner)

['ʤen(ə)r(ə)l] [præk'tɪʃ(ə)nə]

врач общей практики



амбулаторный больной

emergency aid station

[ɪ'mɜːʤ(ə)n(t)sɪ] [eɪd] ['steɪʃ(ə)n]

станция скорой (неотложной) помощи

detect disease

[dɪ'tekt] [dɪ'zi:z]

диагностировать заболевание



скрининг (массовое обследование населения для выявления     больных или лиц с высоким риском того или иного заболевания).

Task 2. Find the following words and word combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate them into Russian.

  1.  medical institutions,
  2.  receive primary care,
  3.  certain employment groups,
  4.  launch a national projects plan,
  5.  cover salary increases,
  6.  basic principles,
  7.  routine examinations
  8.  on-going care,
  9.  minor illnesses,
  10.  specialized treatment.

Task 3. Answer the questions.

  1.  Is the public health service in Russia free of charge?
  2.  What are the main types of medical institutions?
  3.  What employment groups do special health services exist for?
  4.  What is the aim of the Russian government national projects plan?
  5.  What is one of the basic principles of the Russian public health system?
  6.  Why are annual medical check-ups carried out in Russia?
  7.  When did The British National Health Service come into existence?
  8.  Where do people who are ill go first?
  9.  What illnesses can GPs treat themselves?
  10.  Who can refer people to hospitals, if necessary?

Task 4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

1. Health Service in Russia is controlled by the state.

a. Британская Национальная служба здравоохранения появилась с целью обеспечения бесплатного медицинского лечения.

2. Prophylaxis is one of the basic principles of the Russian public health system.

b. Центры здоровья могут выполнять несложные операции.

3. Health Centres offer a range of primary care services.

c. Семейные врачи посещают своих пациентов на дому.

4. Rural Health Posts cover a population of about 4,000 people.

d. Cлужба здравоохранения в России контролируется государством.

5. Annual medical check-ups are carried out in Russia.

e. Здравоохранение в России бесплатно.

6. General practitioners refer people to hospital, if necessary, for more specialized treatment.

f. Профилактика является одним из основных принципов российской системы здравоохранения.

7. Family doctors see patients in their homes.

g. Сельские пункты здравоохранения охватывают население около 4000 человек.

8. The public health service in Russia is free of charge.    

h. В России проводятся ежегодные медосмотры.

9. The British National Health Service came into existence to provide free medical treatment.

i. Центры здоровья предлагают широкий спектр первичной медицинской помощи.

10. Health Centres are able to perform minor surgeries.

j. При необходимости врачи общей практики направляют людей в стационар для более специализированного лечения.

Task 5. Translate the given sentences into English.

  1.  Целью национального проекта правительства Российской Федерации является модернизация четырёх секторов, в том числе здравоохранения.
  2.  Широкая сеть медицинских институтов включает больницы, поликлиники, родильные дома, станции скорой помощи и т.д.
  3.  Одним из основных принципов системы здравоохранения в России является профилактика.
  4.  Согласно национальному проекту на здравоохранение выделяется дополнительное финансирование на повышение заработной платы врачей и медсестёр, а также на приобретение нового оборудования для клиник и создание высокотехнологичных медицинских центров в отдалённых регионах России.
  5.  При необходимости врачи общей практики посещают пациентов на дому.
  6.  Целью ежегодных медосмотров в России является выявление заболеваний на ранней стадии (ранняя диагностика).
  7.  Широкий спектр первичной медицинской помощи оказывают в Центрах здоровья.
  8.  Здравоохранение в России бесплатно.
  9.  Британская Национальная служба здравоохранения появилась в 1948.
  10.  Сельские медицинские пункты проводят текущие обследования и иммунизацию.

Task 6. Retell the text.

Theme 4

At the Polyclinic

Health services in Russia are represented by state, municipal and private medical units. Medical preventive units representing state and municipal health services include a wide range of medical institutions: hospitals, specialized hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinic, medical institutions of maternity and child protection, medical institutions of urgent and emergency aid, sanatorium and health resorts.

Outpatient medical units are divided into five groups according to the number of patients they can provide with medical care in one shift: local, district, municipal, regional hospitals and polyclinics. To receive medical care free of charge a person is to obtain the certificate of obligatory medical insurance. This certificate is given to each Russian citizen regardless of gender and age.  

Polyclinic is a medical preventive institution aimed to provide population with diseases’ preventive measures, medical aid at home, diagnostic services and examinations of temporary disability. In general, responsibilities of any policlinic are centered on prevention, prophylaxis and treatment of diseases among local people. People are assigned to the polyclinic according to the place they live, work or study and have their personal ‘patient’s card’ containing information about their visits to doctors, results of laboratory tests and other relevant information.

According to the age criteria there are polyclinics for children (up to fourteen years old) and for adults. Polyclinics have their own laboratories, X-ray rooms; physiotherapy, surgery and dental departments. Each polyclinic has a number of general practitioners (therapeutists), doctors specialized in some particular medical field (e.g. allergists, oculists, neuropathologists, surgeons etc.) and attached nurses.

To receive medical care at polyclinic one should be registered there. This can be done by phone, personally or through the Internet. To register means to provide information about yourself and to book the date and time of visiting the doctor according to the polyclinic’s timetable.

A therapeutist working day consists of consultation hours and home visits. While consulting a therapeutist asks patients about any complaints they may have and makes notes in the patients’ card. Then he takes patients’ blood pressure, feels his pulse and listens to his lungs and heart. He may also check patients’ temperature. If it is necessary for making a diagnosis the therapeutist recommends his patient to undergo some special tests: urinalysis, X-ray examination, blood test, etc. Only after the diagnosis is proved, proper treatment is prescribed and recommendations are given.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.






municipal hospital

[mju:'nɪsɪp(ə)l] ['hɔspɪt(ə)l]

городская больница

district polyclinic

['dɪstrɪkt] ['pɔlɪ'klɪnɪk]

районная поликлиника







general practitioner (GP)


врач общей практики



регистратура (в поликлинике



карта амбулаторного больного

X-ray room


рентгеновский кабинет

dental department

['dent(ə)l] [dɪ'pɑːtmənt]

стоматологическое отделение



вне зависимости от чего-либо

to complain of


жаловаться на

to take blood pressure

[teɪk][blʌd] ['preʃə]

измерять кровяное давление

blood test

[blʌd] [test]

анализ крови

to undergo medical tests

[ʌndə'gəu]['medɪk(ə)l] [tests]

сдавать анализы

Task 2.Find the following words and word-combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

  1.  private medicine
  2.  institutions of maternity and child protection
  3.  outpatient clinics
  4.  urgent and emergency aid
  5.  certificate of obligatory medical insurance
  6.  diseases’ preventive measures
  7.  diagnostic services
  8.  consultation hours
  9.  proper treatment
  10.  to undergo some special tests

Task 3.Answer the questions.

  1.  By what criteria the outpatient medical units are divided into?
  2.  What groups do outpatient medical units form?
  3.  Which document is necessary to get medical care free of charge?
  4.  What is the main aim of any polyclinic?
  5.  What information is contained in the patients’ card?
  6.  What departments and specialists does a polyclinic have?
  7.  By what means a person can register to visit doctor at the polyclinic?
  8.  What does it mean to ‘register’ at polyclinic?
  9.  What does the therapist’s working day consist of?
  10.  Which tests may a therapeutist prescribe the patient to undergo?
  11.  Can a person receive medical help at home and in what case?

Task 4.Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

  1.  Each polyclinic has a number of general practitioners (therapeutists), doctors specialized in some particular medical field (for example, such as allergist, oculist, neuropathologist, surgeon etc.) and nurses.
  1.  Для получения бесплатной медицинской помощи необходимо иметь полис обязательного медицинского страхования.

  1.  To receive medical care at polyclinic one should register

  1.  Только после этого устанавливается диагноз, назначается лечение и предоставляются рекомендации.
  1.  According to the age criteria there are polyclinics for children (up to fourteen years old) and for adults.

  1.  Полис обязательного медицинского страхования выдается каждому гражданину России вне зависимости от его пола и возраста.
  1.  Health services in Russia are represented by state, municipal and private medical units.

  1.  В целом ответственность поликлиники сосредоточена на профилактике и выявлении заболеваний среди населения, проживающего на территории, которая находится в ведении поликлиники.
  1.  Only after that the diagnosis is made, proper treatment is prescribed and recommendations are given.
  1.  Система здравоохранения в России представлена государственной, муниципальной и частной медициной.
  1.  To be able to receive medical care free of charge a person is to obtain the certificate of obligatory medical insurance
  1.  На основании возрастного критерия поликлиники подразделяются на детские поликлиники (до 14-летнего возраста) и поликлиники для взрослых.
  1.  In general responsibilities of any policlinic are centered on prevention and revelation of diseases among people living on the territory the policlinic is responsible for.

  1.  Поликлиника включает лабораторию, рентгеновский кабинет, отделение физиотерапии, хирургическое и стоматологическое отделения.  

  1.  If the person is not sure what specialist to visit, then he is to register with a therapeutist (general practitioner) at his local polyclinic.
  1.  Для того чтобы получить медицинскую помощь в поликлинике необходимо записаться на прием.

  1.  Polyclinics have their own laboratories, X-ray rooms, physiotherapy, surgery and dental departments

  1.  Если нет уверенности, к какому врачу записаться на прием, то необходимо записаться на прием к терапевту своей поликлиники по месту жительства.
  1.  This certificate is given to every Russian citizen regardless of gender and age.  

  1.  Врачебный персонал поликлиники включает терапевтов (врачей общей практики), узких специалистов (к примеру, таких как аллерголог, окулист, невропатолог, хирург и др.), а также медсестер.

Task 5.Translate the given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate them back to English.

  1.  When I came to the polyclinic I went straight to look at the specialists’ timetable.
  2.  I called to the registry of the polyclinic I assigned to and asked whether Dr. Smirnova has consultation hours on Monday.
  3.  My therapeutist prescribed me to undergo a general blood test.
  4.  A part of his working day a general practitioner spends visiting patients at their homes.
  5.  The doctor recommended his patient to take a sick-leave for several days.
  6.  He was prescribed to follow a strict bed regime.
  7.  The patient was X-rayed and the results turned out to be normal.
  8.  The patient’s temperature was running high.
  9.  He registered by the internet for the oculist consultation on Friday at 9 a.m.
  10.  As he lost his certificate of obligatory medical insurance he had to go to the insurance office to obtain a new one.

Task 6.Retell the text.

Theme 5

The Human Body

All medical students must know the structure of the human body perfectly well. Human body is a very complex system consisting of three chief parts: the head, the trunk and the limbs or extremities.

The frame of the body is the skeleton which is composed of more than 200 bones of various sizes and shapes. They give firm but flexible support to soft tissues, muscles and organs.

The skull is composed of 26 cranial and facial bones. The cranial part contains the brain. The facial bones form the face which consists of the forehead, the eyes the nose, the mouth, the cheeks, the ears and the chin. The ear includes 3 main parts: the external, the middle and the internal ear. The mouth has the upper and the lower lips. There are 2 jaws with teeth, the tongue and the palate in the mouth. The head is connected with the trunk by the neck.

The skeleton of the trunk consists of the spinal column (the spine) and the chest (the ribs and the breastbone). The trunk is divided into two cavities. The upper cavity (the chest) contains the heart, the lungs and the gullet (esophagus). The principal organs of the lower (abdominal) cavity are the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the gall-bladder, the kidneys, the bladder and the intestines.

The spine of an adult consists of 32 or 34vertebrae.They are divided into the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral vertebrae and the coccyx.

The chest (thorax) is composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12pairs of ribs.

The upper extremity is connected with the chest by the shoulder and is divided into the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. Each hand has 4 fingers and 1 thumb. The parts of the lower extremity are: the thigh (hip), the leg and the foot.

The bones of the skeleton are connected together by the joints or by the cartilages and ligaments.

The skeleton is covered with more than 400 muscles. Each has an arterial, venous, lymphatic and nervous supply as well as a connective tissue framework.

The skin is the upper layer of the skeleton (body).

There are several main systems of the body: the skeletal, the muscular, the nervous, the digestive, the respiratory, the urinary, the endocrine, the excretory and the reproductive.

The vital activities of the cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism are based on metabolism.

The regulation between various systems of organs can be demonstrated by the coordinated changes in their activities. Intensification of the activity of one organ or system of organs is accompanied by the changes in the other system.


Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.




limb (extremity)

[ lim][ik΄streməti]


to be composed of


состоять из










spinal column

[΄spainəl ΄kɔləm]

позвоночный столб

chest (thorax)

[ʧest] [θɔ:ræks)]






[θɔ: ΄ræsik]


vertebra (vertebrae)

[΄və:təbrə] [΄və:təbrei]

позвонок (позвонки)










to contain






gullet (esophagus)

[gʌ΄lit]  [i΄sɔfəgəs]







желчный пузырь



мочевой пузырь



большой палец руки

hip (thigh)

[hip] [θai ]









[΄fɔ: rid]



[ t∫in]









[΄pæ lit]


to connect






Task 2. Find the following words and word- combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

  1.  the structure of the human body
  2.  chief parts of the body
  3.  the skeleton is composed of
  4.  firm but flexible support
  5.  the spinal column and the chest
  6.  the principal organs
  7.  32 or 34 vertebrae
  8.  is connected with the chest by
  9.  the parts of the lower extremity are
  10.  are connected by the cartilages and ligaments
  11.  each muscle has… supply
  12.  main systems of the body
  13.  are based on metabolism
  14.  the coordinated changes
  15.  is accompanied by

Task 3.Answer the questions.

  1.  What are the chief parts of the human body?
  2.  What is the skeleton composed of?
  3.  What parts of the skull do you know?
  4.  What bones form the trunk?
  5.  What organs does the upper cavity contain?
  6.  What are the principal organs of the lower cavity?
  7.  How many vertebrae are there in the spine?
  8.  How is the upper extremity connected with the chest?
  9.  What are the pats of the upper and the lower extremities?
  10.  What is the function of the cartilages and ligaments?
  11.  What is the skeleton covered with?
  12.  What are the main systems of the human body?
  13.  How can the regulation between the systems be demonstrated?

Task 4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

  1.  Human body is a very complex system consisting of three chief parts
  1.  Позвоночник взрослого человека состоит из 32-34 позвонков.
  1.  The base of the body is the skeleton
  1.  Шея соединяет голову с туловищем
  1.  The skull contains 26 cranial and facial bones.
  1.  Основа тела человека-скелет.
  1.  The head is connected with the trunk by the neck.
  1.  В организме есть несколько основных систем.
  1.  The skeleton of the trunk consists of the spinal column and the chest.

  1.  Кости скелета соединяются суставами.
  1.  The trunk is divided into two cavities.
  1.  Торс делится на две полости.
  1.  The spine of an adult consists of 32 or 34vertebrae.
  1.  Жизнедеятельность клеток, тканей, органов и организма в целом основана на метаболизме.
  1.  The upper extremity is connected with the chest by the shoulder
  1.  Скелет покрывают более 400 мышц.
  1.  The bones of the skeleton are connected together by the joints.
  1.  Взаимодействие между системами может быть продемонстрировано соответствующими изменениями в их деятельности.
  1.  The skeleton is covered with more than 400 muscles.
  1.  Скелет торса состоит из  позвоночного столба и грудной клетки.
  1.  There are several main systems of the body.
  1.  Череп состоит из 26 черепных и лицевых костей.
  1.  The vital activities of the cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism are based on metabolism.
  1.  Организм человека- сложная система, состоящая из 3 частей.
  1.  The regulation between various systems of organs can be demonstrated by the coordinated changes in their activities.
  1.  Верхняя конечность (рука)соединена с грудной клеткой плечом.

Task 5.Translate the given sentences into Russian, close you books and translate them back into English.

  1.  All medical students must know the structure of the human body perfectly well.
  2.  The bones of various sizes and shapes give firm but flexible support to the soft tissues, muscles and organs.
  3.  The ear includes 3 main parts: the external ear, the middle ear, the internal ear. In the mouth there are 2 jaws with teeth, the tongue and the palate.
  4.  The trunk is divided into two cavities.
  5.  The principal organs of the lower (abdominal) cavity are the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the gall-bladder, the kidneys, the bladder and the intestines.
  6.  The vertebrae are divided into the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral vertebrae and the coccyx.
  7.  The chest (thorax) is composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12pairs of ribs.
  8.  The parts of the lower extremity are: the thigh (hip), the leg and the foot.
  9.  The bones of the skeleton are connected together by the joints or by the cartilages and ligaments.
  10.  The skeleton is covered with more than 400 muscles.
  11.  The skin is the upper layer of the skeleton (body).
  12.  The vital activities of the cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism are based on metabolism.

Task 6. Retell the text.

Theme 6

Outstanding Foreign and Russian Doctors


From ancient time people studied human body and tried to treat various diseases. To begin with, it is worth mentioning an ancient outstanding physician and scientist Hippocrates. He was born in Greece in 460 or 459 B.C. and his name is still surrounded by an aureole of glory. Galen regarded him as “the wonderful inventor of all that is beautiful”.  Hippocrates freed medicine from superstition. He established the fact that disease was a natural process and its symptoms were the reactions of the body to the disease.  The chief function of the physician was to aid the natural forces of the body. Although we know very little of Hippocrates personality we have a complete exposition of his methods in the Hippocratic Collection or “Corpus Hippocraticum”. He created medicine on the basis of experience.

Our country is proud of its prominent doctors: N.I.Pirogov, I.P.Pavlov, S.P.Botkin, Bechterev, N.I.Burdenko. For centuries Russian medical science has accumulated knowledge in different brunches of medicine. The surgery is not an exception. The brightest representative of Russian surgery school is N.I.Pirogov. He was born in Moscow on November, 25, 1810. In1836 he became a professor of surgery. “There is no medicine without surgery and no surgery without anatomy” was his motto. The greatness of his work is in generalization of isolated ideas in surgery which he placed on a solid scientific basis.  Pirogov created the “Topographic Anatomy” atlas which is still helping to train generations of surgeons. N.I.Pirogov was the first performed osteoplastic operation, operation on the intestines in cases of bullet wounds. The great surgeon was also the initiator of the extensive use of anesthesia during operations.

In the field of medicine and health protection, S.P. Botkin was an outstanding public figure. He was born on September 17, 1832. He graduated from the Medical faculty of the Moscow University in 1853. At the age of 28 he began working at the Medico-Surgical Academy in Petersburg. He worked during the epoch of the most rapid progress in natural science and physiology. He made every effort to turn clinical medicine into an exact science. S.P. Botkin is known as an exceptional therapeutist and a brilliant diagnostician. He was the first to advance the idea of an infectious origin of hepatitis. The term “Botkin’s disease” was introduced into medicine in 1940. One of his greatest scientific achievements was the theory of nervism – the most progressive theory in clinical medicine.

An outstanding English physician Alexander Fleming was born in 1881.He performed his research work at one of the hospitals in London and became interested in bacterial action and antibacterial drugs. Accidentally he discovered a substance which was not toxic to the tissues and stopped the growth of the most common pathogenic bacteria. Fleming called it “penicillin”. He was in the middle of his career when World War I began. He served in the Royal Army Medical Corp. In 1942 Fleming tried his own experiment. His friend was very ill, even dying. After several injections of penicillin the man was cured. It marked the beginning of penicillin treatment. Fleming received the Nobel Prize for his great discovery.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.



ореол, сияние


[ri΄g a:d]











to aid
























carbonic acid


угольная кислота













Task 2. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

  1.  to be worth mentioning
  2.  a profound investigator
  3.  natural process
  4.  a complete exposition
  5.  accumulated knowledge
  6.  Russian surgery
  7.  isolated ideas
  8.  osteoplastic operation
  9.  health protection
  10.  rapid progress
  11.  an exceptional therapeutist
  12.  a theory of nervism
  13.  bacterial action
  14.  pathogenic bacteria
  15.  the man was cured

Task 3.Answer the questions:

  1.  Who was Hippocrates?
  2.  What facts did Hippocrates establish?
  3.  What do we have in Hippocratic collection?
  4.  What do you know about N.I.Pirogov?
  5.  What did the greatness of Pirogov’s work consist in?
  6.  What kind of operations did Pirogov perform the first?
  7.  During what epoch did S.P.Botkin work?
  8.  Is he known as an exceptional therapeutist or a brilliant surgeon?
  9.  Where did A.Fleming do his research work in bacterial action?
  10.  What substance did he discover accidentally?
  11.  What for did he receive the Nobel Prize?

Task 4.Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

  1.  Galen regarded him as “the wonderful inventor of all that is beautiful”.
  1.  Он знал пользу различных лекарств и был хорошим хирургом.
  1.  Hippocrates freed medicine from superstition.
  1.  Он был первым, использовавшим угольную кислоту для  профилактики инфицирования ран.
  1.  He knew the use of many drugs and was also a good surgeon.
  1.  Гиппократ освободил медицину от предрассудков.
  1.  For thousand of years Russian medical science accumulated knowledge in different brunches of medicine.
  1.  Боткин известен как выдающийся терапевт и блестящий диагност.
  1.  The greatness of his work consisted in that he generalized isolated ideas.
  1.  Ценность его работы состоит в обобщении разрозненных знаний.
  1.  N.I.Pirogov was the first performed osteoplastic operation.
  1.  Гален считал его прекрасным изобретателем всего красивого.
  1.  Botkin is known as an exceptional therapeutist and a brilliant diagnostician.
  1.  Пирогов был первым, кто провел операцию по остеопластике.
  1.  He was the first to use carbonic acid to prevent germs from gaining access to wounds.
  1.  Тысячелетиями российская медицинская наука аккумулировала знания в различных областях медицины.
  1.  Alexander Fleming became interested in bacterial action and antibacterial drugs.
  1.  Он открыл вещество, названное «пенициллин».
  1.  He discovered a substance called “penicillin”.
  1.  А.Флеминг начал интересоваться действием бактерий и антибактериальными препаратами.

Task 5. Translate the given sentences into Russian, close you books and translate them back into English.

  1.  An ancient outstanding physician and scientist Hippocrates was born in Greece in 460 or 459 B.C.
  2.  He was the most profound investigator and acute observer; he was the head of the most flourishing medical school of his time.
  3.  He established the facts that disease was a natural process, that its symptoms were the reactions of the body to the disease.
  4.  He created medicine on the basis of experience.
  5.  The brightest representative of Russian surgery is N.I.Pirogov.
  6.  “There is no medicine without surgery and no surgery without anatomy” was his motto.
  7.  Pirogov created the atlas “Topographic Anatomy” which helped to train several generations of surgeons.
  8.  In the field of medicine and health protection, S.P. Botkin was an outstanding public figure.
  9.  He worked during the epoch of the most rapid progress in natural science and physiology.
  10.  The term “Botkin’s disease” was introduced into medicine in 1940.
  11.  Alexander Fleming became interested in bacterial action and antibacterial drugs.

Task6. Retell the text.

Theme 7

Childhood diseases

From the medical point of view a child is a person who has not reached puberty. And from the legal point of view a child is a person who has not attained majority. In Russia, for example, a child attains majority at eighteen years old.

In the period between the time of birth and adolescence children may experience some diseases. The term “childhood disease” is sometimes subjective, and does not refer to an accepted, categorical list. Nearly all the diseases in this list can also be contracted by adults, and, of course, all children can contract diseases not categorized as "childhood diseases". Classification of all childhood diseases is extensive and includes several groups:

  •  common infectious diseases (chickenpox, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, mumps, etc.);
  •  upper respiratory tract infections (adenoviral infection, influenza,  herpes simplex, etc.);
  •  intestinal infections (dysentery, rotavirus infection, polio, typhoid, etc.);
  •  diseases caused by parasites.

Some of childhood diseases are vaccine-preventable. Childhood vaccination schedule contains information about vaccine-preventable diseases. In Russia such schedule is officially named as National Vaccination Calendar and issued by the Ministry of Health. This calendar lists diseases and recommended ages they should be done at. Against some diseases a child must be vaccinated two or three times at the definite age. According to this schedule, children in RF should be vaccinated against: Haemophilus influenzae type B, tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus (lockjaw), poliomyelitis (polio), measles, rubella (German measles), mumps and acute viral hepatitis B.

Any person must be prepared to recognize if a child is ill and care of him. This is just an everyday part of providing quality child care. Symptoms of illness can appear very rapidly. Care of an ill child who begins with making the child comfortable. Every child care facility needs a quiet place where an ill child can have a rest and can be closely supervised by an adult. Notify the parent or alternate as soon as you have determined that their child is ill. The parent can then begin to make alternate work arrangements or call for a doctor’s appointment as soon as she/he learns of the illness. If a child is seriously ill, ask the parent or alternate to come immediately. It is important to be knowledgeable in first aid and CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) in the event of a true emergency.

WHO and UNICEF have drawn up a list of essential drugs to treat the most common childhood diseases. They include: oral antibiotics, an antimalarial drug, oral rehydration salts, vitamin A, treatment for intestinal worms, and treatments for eye and skin infections and mouth ulcers. Meanwhile improved training of health workers would help ensure rapid diagnosis of life-threatening diseases - especially where children are suffering from more than one condition.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.



половая зрелость



период полового созревания

to attain majority


достигнуть совершеннолетия



ветряная оспа

whooping cough (pertussis)











эпидемический паротит, свинка

herpes simplex


простой герпес

to vaccinate against a disease


делать прививку против какой-либо болезни



уход, медицинское наблюдение

first aid


первая медицинская помощь



экстренный случай, критическое положение

CPRcardiopulmonary resuscitation



реанимация, включающая искусственное дыхание и непрямой массаж сердца

WHOWorld Health Organization

[wɜːld][helθ] [ɔːg(ə)naɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n]

Всемирная Организация Здравоохранения (ВОЗ)

UNICEF - The United Nations Children's Fund

[ju:'naɪtɪd] ['neɪʃ(ə)nz] ['ʧɪldr(ə)nz][fʌnd]

Фонд ООН помощи детям (ЮНИСЕФ)

tetanus (lockjaw)


столбняк (тризм, спазм жевательных мышц)

to suffer


страдать, испытывать

Task 2. Find the following words and word-combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

  1.  childhood disease
  2.  can also be contracted by adults
  3.  vaccine-preventable diseases
  4.  National Vaccination Calendar
  5.  should be vaccinated against
  6.  child care facility
  7.  to make a call for a doctor’s appointment
  8.  the parent or alternate
  9.  to be knowledgeable in first aid
  10.  a list of essential drugs
  11.  ensure rapid diagnosis
  12.  life-threatening diseases

Task 3. Answer the questions.

  1.  How is a child defined from the medical point of view?
  2.  What types of childhood diseases can you name?
  3.  Can adults be also contracted by the childhood diseases?
  4.  How is the childhood vaccination schedule officially named in Russia?
  5.  What does this schedule list?
  6.  What diseases must children be vaccinated against in Russia?
  7.  How can the symptoms of illnesses appear in children?
  8.  Who should be notified first when a child is ill?
  9.  What organizations have drawn up a list of essential drugs?
  10.  Whose training would help ensure rapid diagnosis?

Task 4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

  1.  Some of childhood diseases are vaccine-preventable.
  1.  Этот календарь включает перечень заболеваний с указанием возраста, в котором должны быть сделаны прививки против них.
  1.  Symptoms of illness can appear very rapidly.
  1.  Расписание детских прививок включает информацию о заболеваниях.
  1.  Against some diseases a child must be vaccinated two or three times at the definite age.
  1.  С медицинской точки зрения, ребенок – это тот, кто не достиг половой зрелости.
  1.  In Russia, for example, a child attains majority at eighteen years old.

  1.  ВОЗ и ЮНИСЕФ составили список наиболее важных медицинских препаратов для лечения самых распространенных детских болезней.
  1.  According to this schedule children in RF should be vaccinated against: Haemophilus influenzae type B, tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus (lockjaw), poliomyelitis (polio), measles, rubella (German measles), mumps and acute viral hepatitis B.
  1.  Против вируса гриппа ребенка можно прививать с шестимесячного возраста.
  1.  Classification of all childhood diseases is extensive and includes several groups.
  1.  Некоторые из детских болезней можно предупредить при помощи вакцинации.
  1.  Upper respiratory tract infections include such infections as adenoviral infection, influenza, herpes simplex and others.

  1.  К инфекциям верхних дыхательных путей относят такие инфекции как аденовирусная, грипп, простой герпес и другие.
  1.  WHO and UNICEF have drawn up a list of essential drugs to treat the most common diseases of childhood
  1.  Согласно этому календарю, в РФ дети должны проходить вакцинацию против: гемофильной инфекции, туберкулеза, дифтерии, коклюша, столбняка, полиомиелита, кори, краснухи, эпидемического паротита (свинки), вирусного гепатита B.
  1.  From the medical point of view a child is a person who has not reached puberty.
  1.  К примеру, в России ребенок становится совершеннолетним в восемнадцать лет.
  1.  Against influenza children may be vaccinated beginning from 6 months’ age.
  1.  Классификация детских болезней обширна и включает несколько групп заболеваний.
  1.  Childhood vaccination schedule contains information about vaccine-preventable diseases.
  1.  Симптомы болезни могут проявиться очень быстро.

12. This calendar lists diseases and recommended ages they should be done at.

  1.  Против некоторых заболеваний ребенок проходит ревакцинацию в определенные возрастные периоды.

Task 5. Translate the given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate them back to English.

  1.  Pertussis is more commonly known as whooping cough.
  2.  Symptoms of diphtheria include sore throat, high temperature and breathing difficulties
  3.  The mumps virus causes fever, headaches and swollen salivary glands under the jaw.
  4.  The rubella virus usually causes mild sickness with fever, swollen glands and a rash.
  5.  Symptoms of measles include a rash, fever, cough and watery eyes.
  6.  Tetanus is caused by a poison produced by a germ that can enter the body through any break in the skin.
  7.  Whooping cough is characterized by long fits of coughing followed by wheezy breathing and possibly vomiting.
  8.  The chickenpox virus usually causes a rash, itching, tiredness and fever.
  9.  Haemophilus influenzae causes serious health problems in young children, including the most dangerous type of meningitis.
  10.  Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial disease which commonly affects the lungs.

Task 6. Retell the text.

Theme 8

Influenza and Other Infectious Diseases

Infectious disease is understood in medicine as a process caused by microorganisms impairing a person’s health.  An infection is the invasion of and replication in the body various microbial agents.

Influenza, more commonly known as flu, is a viral infection that's most common during the winter months and can cause fever, headache, cough, sore throat and muscle aches - as well as more dangerous complications. It occurs when people breathe in liquid droplets containing the influenza virus that has been sneezed or coughed into the air, or when people touch objects contaminated with the virus.  Influenza viruses cause the flu and are divided into three types, designated A, B, and C.  Most people who get the flu recover completely in one or two weeks, but some people develop serious and potentially life-threatening medical complications which can occur at any age.

Influenza is different from the common cold, in which the symptoms tend to come on gradually, usually affecting only the nose. Cold is characterized by a “running nose”, coughing, and sneezing. The illness may be accompanied by laryngitis or bronchitis, and may predispose to bacterial infections of the ear, particularly in children (“otitis media”). Cold weather does not “cause” colds but infected people do.

An influenza vaccine is not 100% effective and it must be re-administered every year to maximize protection. The best way to avoid flu or cold is to keep your immune system strong by eating a healthy diet, taking regular exercise, getting enough rest and relaxation and avoid smoking. If it is possible, you should stay away from people who are coughing and sneezing. Antibiotics are of no use in treating the flu. Anti-viral medication is usually prescribed by a GP for some people of risk groups. It is to be taken early to stop the virus multiplying, and may only reduce the symptoms rather than treating the infection.

Germs called viruses and bacteria can cause different diseases e.g. meningitis, scarlet fever and others. Inflammation of the meninges, the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, is known as meningitis. While viral infection causes a relatively mild illness, bacterial meningitis is a life-threatening condition that demands immediate antibiotics treatment.

Scarlet fever, also called scarlatina, is an acute infectious disease caused by streptococcal bacteria. It is called so because of the red skin rash that accompanies it. A sore throat is the main characteristic of this disease. Scarlet fever can affect people of all ages, but it is most often seen in children.  Before the antibiotics were invented, scarlet fever was an extremely serious, long lasting disease with many dangerous complications, and even death. Children with scarlet fever used to be immediately isolated and quarantined. Recovery is rapid and complete when antibiotics are administered promptly.

Rubella (German measles) is not usually considered as a serious illness in children or adults, but it can cause birth defects or the loss of a fetus if a mother becomes infected in the early stage of pregnancy. Rubella was distinguished from more serious infectious diseases in the early 19th century. The rubella virus was first isolated in 1962, and a vaccine became available in 1969.

Only in certain individuals natural immunity to infectious diseases may exist. An artificial immunity is known to result from prophylactic vaccination, which is carried out against a number of infectious diseases in our country.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

 various microbial agents




liquid droplets


жидкие капельки

common cold


обычная простуда

vaccine must be




вакцина должна назначаться неоднократно



мягкие мозговые оболочки







to cough and sneeze


кашлять и чихать










to be resistant


быть устойчивым

scarlet fever  






to be isolated


быть выделенным (хим.)



плод (гинеколог.)

Task 2.Find the following words and word- combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian:

  1.  infectious diseases,
  2.  cause dangerous complications,
  3.  may be accompanied by,
  4.  the best way to avoid flu or cold
  5.  bacterial infection of the ear,
  6.  anti-viral medication
  7.  people of risk groups
  8.  inflammation of the meninges,
  9.  caused by streptococcal bacteria,  
  10.  antibiotics are administered promptly
  11.  an artificial immunity

Task 3.Answer the questions:

  1.  What is understood as an infectious disease in medicine?
  2.  What agents can an infection be caused by?
  3.  What types of influenza can you name?
  4.  What complications can flu cause?
  5.  What is the best way to avoid getting cold or flu?
  6.  What germs cause meningitis?
  7.  Why scarlet fever was a very dangerous disease before the advent of antibiotics?
  8.  When was the rubella virus first isolated?
  9.  When did the rubella vaccine become available?
  10.  What methods help to prevent the spread of infectious diseases?

Task 4.Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents:

  1.  An infection is the invasion and replication in the body by any of various microbial agents.
  1.  Грипп вызывает вирус гриппа и он подразделяется на три типа: A,B,C.
  1.  The real significance of bacteria comes in the fact that we are living in a world filled with them.
  1.  Известно, что искусственный иммунитет  вырабатывается в результате профилактической вакцинации, которая в нашей стране проводится против многих инфекционных заболеваний.  
  1.  Influenza viruses cause the flu and are divided into three types, designated A, B, and C.  
  1.  Холодная погода не вызывает простуду, ее причиной являются инфицированные люди.
  1.  An artificial immunity is known to result from prophylactic vaccination, which is carried out against a number of infectious diseases in our country.
  1.  Истинное значение бактерий вытекает из того факта, что мы живем в мире, наполненном бактериями.
  1.  Cold weather does not ‘’cause’’ colds, infected people cause colds.
  1.  Инфекция- это внедрение и размножение в организме каких-либо микробов.
  1.  Viral and bacterial meningitis enter the body through the upper respiratory tract.
  1.  Вирус краснухи впервые был выделен в 1962г, а вакцина была создана в 1969.
  1.  We can often meet scarlet fever with children and only sometimes in grown-ups.

  1.  Вирусный и бактериальный менингит проникает через верхние дыхательные пути.
  1.  Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease caused by streptococcal bacteria.
  1.  Инфекционное заболевание – это процесс, вызываемый микроорганизмом, который повреждает здоровье людей.
  1.  The rubella virus was first isolated in 1962, and a vaccine was made available in 1969.
  1.  Скарлатина- это острое инфекционное заболевание, которое вызывает стрептококковая бактерия.
  1.  Infectious disease is a process caused by a microorganism that impairs a person’s health.

  1.  Скарлатина часто встречается у детей и очень редко у взрослых.

Task 5. Translate he given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate them back into English:

  1.  Respiratory infections stand as the third death cause.
  2.  Tuberculosis is still a life-threatening infectious disease in the world.
  3.  Flu-related complications can occur at any age. However, the elderly and people with chronic health problems are much more likely to develop serious complications.
  4.  Cold is characterized by a ‘’running nose”, coughing, and sneezing and may be accompanied by laryngitis or bronchitis.
  5.  The best way to avoid getting flu or cold is to keep your immune system strong eating a healthy diet and taking regular exercise.
  6.  Inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord is known as meningitis.
  7.  Scarlet fever can affect people of all ages, but it is most often seen in children.  
  8.  Children with scarlet fever used to be immediately isolated and quarantined.
  9.  Rubella (German measles) is a viral disease with a mild and benign activity in most people.
  10.  Symptoms of both viral and bacterial meningitis are the same: muscle pain,f ever, stiff neck, nausea and a headache.

Task6. Retell the text.

Theme 9

Oral Health and Hygiene

Good oral health is important not only for our appearance but also for our overall health. Cavities and gum diseases may influence many serious conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases, etc. Untreated cavities can also be painful and lead to serious infections. Proper oral hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth and teeth clean in order to prevent dental problems and bad breath. Good oral health should be a priority at all life stages, in order to keep the teeth till old age. Smoking is a major risk factor for oral and dental disease; it may cause oral cavity cancer.

There are 5 steps to keep oral health:

  •  see your dentist regularly; some pre cancerous lesions often are detected by dentist when the patient comes for check up.  
  •  clean your teeth twice a day.  Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque and bacteria causing cavities, periodontal and gum diseases. Fluoride makes the surface of teeth more resistant to acids during the process of demineralization. The use of dental floss is an important element of the oral hygiene, since it removes the plaque between teeth. Make flossing your habit and do it regularly.  
  •  eat a well-balanced diet. Healthy food is good for your general health and your oral health. Bread and cereals are rich in vitamin B while fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, both of which contribute to healthy gum tissue.  Lean meat, fish, and poultry provide magnesium and zinc for teeth. Drink fluoridated water.
  •  check your mouth regularly. Be aware of warning signs of periodontal disease. Gum disease is one of the main reasons why adults lose their teeth.
  •  don’t smoke or chew tobacco.

Dental caries is another name for tooth decay where bacterial infection affects the hard outer layer lining of the teeth which consists of enamel, cementum and dentin.  The bacteria live in plaque and break down sugars from diet to produce acid. Diagnosis for tooth caries is quite simple.   Less obvious decays can only be detected by an X-ray test.  The decayed part of the tooth is removed using a dentist’s drill and is filled in with paste. If the decay is beyond repair, the tooth will be extracted.

Periodontal disease also called Periodontitis or Gum Disease is a bacterial infection that destroys the supporting structures holding the teeth in their place. The main etiologic agent is bacterial plaque.  Left untreated, this disease can lead to bone grafts, gum grafts, and ultimately tooth loss.  Some of the early warning signs are slight bleeding when you brush, gums are getting softer and are changing their colour from pink to red.

Thrush of mouth is a yeast infection that may appear in an individual’s mouth that is caused by uncontrollable growth of an organism known as Candida albicans. One of the leading and primary reasons of oral thrush is gorge of antibiotics.  Candidiasis is not generally a critical condition. The exception is that it enters the blood and then multiplies in organs particularly in people with weakened immune systems. For this reason an antifungal prescription can be administered.

The best way to prevent dental diseases is to practice good oral and to make your check up regularly.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.







caries=tooth decay





не вылеченный

resistant to


резистентный; устойчивый; невосприимчивый



полость, пазуха



зубной камень, налёт

dental floss


зубная нить









пломба (в зубе)







thrush of mouth

[θrʌʃ][əv] [mauθ]

кандидозный стоматит

oral diseases


заболевания полости рта

periodontal disease

[pɛrɪədɒntəl] [dɪ'zi:z]

заболевание парадонта




Task 2. Find the following words and word-combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

  1.  oral health,
  2.  untreated cavities,
  3.  proper oral hygiene,   
  4.  to keep the teeth till old age,
  5.  a major risk factor,
  6.  to brush  teeth,
  7.  dental floss,
  8.  contribute to healthy gum tissue,  
  9.  fluoridated water,
  10.  dental caries,  
  11.  to be filled in with paste,  
  12.  gum disease,  
  13.  leading to inflammation,
  14.  an antifungal prescription,
  15.  a way to prevent dental diseases.

Task 3. Answer the questions:

  1.  Why is good oral health important?
  2.  What serious conditions of health can cavities and gum diseases influence?
  3.  How can we define a proper oral hygiene?
  4.  What should people do to practice proper oral hygiene?
  5.  Can you name bad habits being  risk factors for oral diseases?
  6.  What causes dental caries?
  7.  Which sings are the early warnings of periodontitis?
  8.  What is oral thrush caused by?  
  9.  What is the main reason of oral thrush?
  10.  What is the best way to prevent dental diseases

Task 4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

  1.  Most dental disorders arise directly or indirectly from two basic diseases of the teeth and their supporting tissues –caries and periodontal diseases.
  1.  Здоровье ротовой полости  должно стать приоритетом на всех этапах жизни, чтобы сохранить зубы до старости.
  1.  Oral thrush is a kind of yeast infection that is caused by uncontrollable growth of an organism known as Candida albicans.
  1.  Гигиена полости рта состоит из содержания зубов без пищевых зубных отложений, таким образом предотвращая образование налета, который приводит к заболеваниям зубов.   
  1.  Good oral health should be a priority in all stages of life, in order to sustain the teeth till old age.
  1.  Стоматологи считают, что зубной кариес  вероятно  является самым распространенным заболеванием в современном обществе.
  1.  The main etiologic agent is bacterial plaque.  
  1.  Для лечения кандидоза может быть назначена противогрибковая терапия.
  1.  Unremoved plaque forms a porous deposit that is called tartar.
  1.  Как правило, чем раньше будет выявлен кариес зуба, тем легче будет проведено лечение для его восстановления.  
  1.  An antifungal prescription can be administered to treat candidiasis.
  1.  Основным источником заболевания является бактериальный налет.
  1.  Dentists state tooth decay or caries to be probably the commonest disease of civilization.
  1.  Здоровая пища полезна для вашего общего здоровья и здоровья ротовой полости.  
  1.  Oral hygiene consists simply of keeping the teeth free of food debris, thus preventing plague formation which leads to dental diseases.
  1.  Большинство заболеваний зубов возникает непосредственно или косвенно из-за двух основных видов заболевания - заболевания зубов и поддерживающих их тканей.
  1.  As a general rule, the earlier a decaying tooth is detected, the easier the treatment would be to fix it.
  1.  Кандидозный стоматит – это разновидность грибковой инфекции, которая возникает в результате чрезмерного роста организма, известного как  Candida albicans.
  1.  Healthy food is good for your general health and your oral health.
  1.  Неудаленный налет образует пористое отложение, которое называется зубной камень.

Task 5. Translate the given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate them back into English.

  1.  Dental caries is characterized by demineralization of the mineral portion of enamel and dentine followed by disintegration of their organic material.
  2.  In order to maintain a good oral hygiene you need to keep the teeth free of plaque.
  3.  Some pre cancerous lesions often are found by dentist when a patient comes for checking up.  
  4.  You can use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush your teeth and brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque and bacteria.
  5.  Make flossing your habit and do it regularly.  
  6.  A proper nutrition is important for strong teeth and gums that can resist diseases.
  7.  Smoking is a major risk factor for oral and dental disease, it may even cause oral cancer.
  8.  Dental caries is another name for tooth decay where bacterial infection affects the hard outer layer of the teeth.
  9.  Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection that destroys the supporting structures holding the teeth in their place.
  10.  Tobacco reduces blood flow to the gums therefore, the gums are deprived of proper oxygen supply and nutrients needed to stay healthy and prevent bacterial infections.

Task 6. Retell the text.

Theme 10

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle is defined as the state giving a person the optimal level of physical or mental health. It implies the absence of disease. Health status can be assessed by measuring life expectancy, mortality rates, illnesses and disabilities.

Nowadays our life is getting tougher. People live under the press of different problems, such as social, ecological, economic ones. They constantly suffer from stress, noise and pollution in big cities, diseases and instability. A person should be strong and healthy in order to overcome all difficulties. To achieve this aim people should take care of their physical and mental health. There are several ways to do it. The state of the human organism depends on time people spend doing sports. At least everybody should do morning exercises every day. The healthiest kinds of sports are swimming, jogging and cycling.

Healthy food is also a very important factor. Obesity is the main health hazard nowadays and it causes many dangerous diseases. The daily menu should include meat, fruit and vegetables, milk product, which are rich in vitamins, fat, proteins and etc. There is no universal food product containing all nutrients in optimum quantity and in proper ratio. Healthy nutrition is possible only having a variety of different food to maintain the required balance of nutrients. On the other hand, modern diets are very popular especially among women. But some diets may be harmful for health.

Physical inactivity also arise substantial public health problems. It has been estimated that between 9 and 16% of deaths can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle. People who are physically active tend to be healthier than their lazy peers: they experience fewer chronic degenerative diseases, especially coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke and osteoporosis. It is estimated that exercise is associated with improved immune function and decreased risk of cancer.

To be healthy, people should get rid of bad habits. Everyone should consider that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain. Cigarette smoking in combination with alcohol intake significantly increases the risk of oral cancer. Alcohol abuse is one of causative factors for liver cirrhosis. And it may result in consequential social and mental problems. Besides according to statistics most of crimes are committed by people under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

In addition it is recommended to watch TV less, avoid stress and observe proper daily routine. Unfortunately it's hard to follow all these recommendations, but every person should make his choice.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

to imply  


означать, подразумевать

life expectancy


ожидаемая продолжительность жизни

to suffer


испытывать, страдать

to depend on


зависеть от чего-либо

to overcome  



to take care of  


заботиться, ухаживать



бег трусцой

health hazard


угроза здоровью


[əu'bi:sɪtɪ ]

переедание, тучность; ожирение



питательные вещества



соотношение, пропорция

healthy nutrition


здоровое питание

to get rid of

[get][rɪd] [əv]





to destroy





прием, потребление

alcohol abuse


чрезмерное употребление алкоголя

sedentary lifestyle


сидячий (малоподвижный) образ жизни




proper daily routine


правильный распорядок дня

Task 2. Find the following words and word-combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

  1.  to achieve this aim
  2.  to depend on
  3.  to do morning exercises
  4.  important
  5.  the daily menu
  6.  to be rich in
  7.  harmful
  8.  to stop smoking and drinking much
  9.  excessive alcohol consumption
  10.  a sedentary lifestyle
  11.  improved immune function
  12.  to avoid stress
  13.  to follow all these recommendations

Task 3. Answer the questions:

  1.  What does a healthy lifestyle mean?
  2.  What should people do to take care of their physical and mental health?
  3.  Is sport an integral part of a healthy lifestyle?
  4.  What kinds of sports are the healthiest?
  5.  What should the daily menu include?
  6.  What should a person do to be healthy?
  7.  What may alcohol abuse result in?
  8.  Can you name any dangerous habits?
  9.  Why is physical activity so important?
  10.  What decreases the cancer risk?

Task  4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

  1.  Health implies the absence of disease.

  1.  Чтобы быть здоровым, людям следует избавиться от вредных привычек.
  1.  Nowadays our life is getting tougher.

  1.  Каждый человек должен выбрать между здоровым образом жизни и многочисленными болезнями.
  1.  People should do morning exercises every day.

  1.  Переедание становится причиной многих опасных заболеваний.

  1.  Overeating causes many dangerous diseases.

  1.  Сейчас наша жизнь становится более напряженной.

  1.  Diets may be harmful, if they are used in the wrong way
  1.  Здоровье означает отсутствие болезней.
  1.  To be healthy, people should get rid of their bad habits.

  1.  Сигареты, алкоголь и наркотики разрушают тело и мозг.
  1.  Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain.

  1.  Упражнения связывают с улучшенной работой иммунитета.
  1.  Most of crimes are committed by people under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

  1.  Большинство преступлений совершаются людьми, находящимися под воздействием наркотиков и алкоголя.
  1.  Exercises are associated with the improved immune function.

  1.  Людям следует делать утреннюю зарядку каждый день.
  1.  Every person has to choose between healthy lifestyle and numerous illnesses.

  1.  Диеты могут быть вредными, если их использовать неправильно.

Task  5. Translate the given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate them back into English.

  1.  Health status can be assessed by measuring life expectancy, mortality rates, illnesses and disabilities.
  2.  People live under the press of different problems, such as social, ecological, economic and others.
  3.  A person should be strong and healthy in order to overcome all difficulties.
  4.  The state of the body depends on how much time people spend doing sports.
  5.  Healthy nutrition is possible only by eating a variety of different foods to maintain the required balance of nutrients.
  6.  Diets may be harmful, if they are used in the wrong way.
  7.  To be healthy, people should get rid of their bad habits.
  8.  Excessive alcohol consumption is one of a number of causative factors for liver cirrhosis.
  9.  People who are physically active tend to be healthier than their sedentary peers: they experience fewer chronic degenerative diseases, especially coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke and osteoporosis.
  10.  It's hard to follow all these recommendations, but every person has to choose between healthy lifestyle and numerous illnesses.

Task 6. Retell the text.

Theme 11

Outstanding Dentists

With the demise of the Western Roman Empire about the year 475 AD (Christian Era), medicine in Europe declined into a torpor. Monasteries became the only places where medicine or surgery was still practiced. The only people who had any rudimentary knowledge of surgery were the barbers. They helped monks in their surgical ministrations. They stepped into the breach, calling themselves barber-surgeons. They practiced simple dentistry, including tooth extractions and cleaning of teeth. In the 1600s a number of barber-surgeons restricted their activity and dropped the word “barber,” simply calling themselves surgeons. By the early 1700s, dentistry was considered a lesser part of medicine. By the end of the 18th century, it began to emerge as an independent discipline. In the late 1750s the term “dentist”, borrowed from the French, started to be used in Britain to describe tooth operators. The 20th century saw an explosion of new materials, techniques and technology in dentistry thanks to great scientists.

Implantology did not start yesterday. We can trace the origin of mini implants in Europe with the work of Dr. Chercheve in 1963. Chercheve, in his efforts to improve on earlier spiral designs, proposed several theories on the relationship of the metallic endosteal implant to its osseous environment.  After that, it seemed that the use of mini- implants was limited to temporary situations as a stabilizer and support for prosthesis. Due to their short-term success, some dentists decided to test their limits by manufacturing implants with the same material as the standard implant and start using them for longer-term anchorage. However, their use spread slowly to stabilization of partials and in some cases, fixed teeth.

Dr. Leonard I. Linkow graduated from NewYork College of Dentistry in 1952 and soon after began pioneering the modern field of implant dentistry. He developed and introduced to the profession many different implant systems and transformed them into elegant and practical realities. Dr. Linkow placed his first complete unilateral subperiosteal implant to support a posterior unilateral fixed restoration, soon after his graduation from dental school. He published his first article about implantology in Dental Digest Magazine in 1953. Since that time, Linkow dedicated his life to the dental implantology furthering. Dr. Linkow is the author of multiple textbooks on oral implantology. Each of these books is prefaced with words of admiration from other respected leaders in the field. Dr. Linkow is considered as the father of modern implantology by his colleagues throughout the world.

Morrison (Dec. 5, 1829 -Dec. 22, 1917) began his study of dentistry as a 19-year- old apprentice in Steubenville. Morrison invented the first adjustable dental chair and acquired both British and United States patents for it. He also marketed the chair throughout Europe and continued to make improvements to its design which he also patented. In 1870 he made his first major contribution to restorative dentistry with the invention of power-driven dental tools. His dental engine consisted of a moveable arm and hand piece onto which a drill was attached and was powered by a foot treadle. He acquired a patent for this invention, continually making improvements to it. At the same time he was also inventing a variety of dental accessories and instruments.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations

decline into a torpor

[dɪ'klaɪn] ['tɔːpə]

остановиться в развитии



элементарный, зачаточный



оказание помощи

barber -surgeon

['bɑːbə] ['sɜːʤ(ə)n]

парикмахер (брадобрей, отворяющий кровь)



закат (цивилизации)

restorative dentistry

[rɪ'stɔrətɪv] ['dentɪstrɪ]

терапевтическая стоматология




endosteal implant

\en-ˈdäs-tē-əl\ [ɪm'plɑːnt]

эндостальный имплант

longer-term anchorage

[lɔŋə'tɜːm] ['æŋk(ə)rɪʤ]

долгосрочная опора

unilateral subperiosteal implant



односторонний поднадкостничный имплант

posterior unilateral fixed restoration

[pɔs'tɪərɪə] [ju:nɪ'læt(ə)r(ə)l] [fɪkst] [restə'reɪʃn]

задний односторонний несъемный протез

adjustable dental chair

[ə'ʤʌstəbl] ['dent(ə)l] [ʧɛə]

регулируемое  стоматологическое кресло

power-driven dental tools

['pauə] ['drɪv(ə)n] ['dent(ə)l] [tu:lz]

стоматологические инструменты с приводом



наконечник для бормашины

foot treadle

[fut] ['tredl]

педаль с ножным приводом




Task  2. Find the following words and word combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate them into Russian.

  1.  extraction-удаление
  2.  knowledge of surgery
  3.  a lesser part of medicine
  4.  saw an explosion
  5.  earlier spiral designs
  6.  manufacturing implants
  7.  stabilization of partials
  8.  began pioneering
  9.  elegant and practical realities
  10.  implant dentistry
  11.  adjustable dental chair
  12.  apprentice
  13.  moveable arm

Task  3. Answer the questions

  1.  Where was dentistry practiced in the Middle Ages?
  2.  Who were barber-surgeons?
  3.  When did dentistry emerge as a discipline?
  4.  What is the origin of the term “dentist”?
  5.  What theories did Chercheve propose?
  6.  Which implants were started to use for longer-term anchorage?
  7.  What is Dr. Leonard I. Linkow famous for?
  8.  What was Dr. Linkow’s first implant prosthesis?
  9.  What did Morrison invent?
  10.  What was Morrison’s first major contribution to restorative dentistry?
  11.  What did Morrison’s dental engine consist of?

Task 4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

  1.  With the demise of the western Roman Empire about the year 475 AD (Christian Era), medicine in Europe declined into a torpor .
  1.  Мини-импланты появились в Европе в 1963г. благодаря работе доктора Черчива.
  1.  Dr. Leonard I. Linkow graduated in 1952 from NewYork College of Dentistry and soon after began pioneering the modern field of implant dentistry.
  1.  Его стоматологическое устройство, состоявшее из двигающейся ручки и наконечника для бормашины, к которому крепилось сверло, приводилось в движение ножным приводом.
  1.  We can trace the origin of mini implants in Europe with the work of Dr. Chercheve in 1963.
  1.  С упадком западной Римской Империи (475 год от Рождества Христова), медицина в Европе остановилась в своем развитии.
  1.  However, their use spread slowly to stabilization of partials and in some cases, fixed teeth.

  1.  Доктор Леонард Линков закончил Нью- Йоркский стоматологический колледж в 1952 году и вскоре после окончания начал разрабатывать современное направление стоматологии - имплантологию.
  1.  Dr. Linkow placed his first implant prosthesis, a complete unilateral subperiosteal implant to support a posterior unilateral fixed restoration, weeks after his graduation from dental school.
  1.  В начале XVII века ряд брадобреев, занимающихся кровопусканием,  стали заниматься только хирургией; таким образом слово “цирюльник” из названия профессии исчезло, и они стали называть себя хирургами.
  1.  He also marketed the dental chair throughout Europe and continued to make improvements to its design which he also patented.
  1.  Постепенно их начали использовать для стабилизации частично съемного протеза и в некоторых случаях для стабилизации несъемного протеза.
  1.  His dental engine consisted of a moveable arm and hand piece onto which a drill was attached and was powered by a foot treadle.
  1.  Благодаря великим ученым, в  XX веке в стоматологии появилось множество новых технологий, материалов и методов.
  1.  By the early 1700's, dentistry was considered a lesser part of medicine
  1.  К началу XVIII века стоматологию стали считать частью  медицины.
  1.  In the 1600s a number of barber-surgeons began restricting their activity and dropped the word “barber,” simply calling themselves surgeons. 
  1.  Вскоре после окончания обучения на стоматологическом факультете Доктор Линков установил первый имплант (односторонний поднадкостничный имплант) для поддержания заднего одностороннего протеза.
  1.  The 20th century saw an explosion of new materials, techniques and technology in dentistry thanks to great scientists.
  1.  Он также занимался продажей стоматологических кресел в Европе, и продолжал совершенствовать запатентованный им дизайн.

Task 5. Translate the given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate them back into English.

  1.  The only places where medicine or surgery was practiced were monasteries.
  2.  The local barbers helped monks in their surgical ministrations.
  3.  By the end of the 18th century, dentistry had begun to emerge as an independent discipline.
  4.  He acquired a patent for this invention, continually making improvements to it.
  5.  They practiced simple dentistry, including extractions and cleaning of teeth.
  6.  It seemed that the use of mini- implants was limited to temporary situations as a stabilizer and support for prosthesis.
  7.  Chercheve proposed several theories on the relationship of the metallic endosteal implant to its osseous environment.
  8.  Some dentists decided to test their limits by manufacturing implants with the same material.
  9.  In 1870 he made his first major contribution to restorative dentistry with the invention of power-driven dental tools.
  10.  Each of these books is prefaced with words of admiration from other respected leaders in the field.

Task 6. Retell the text.

Theme 12

A Future Pharmacist

Pharmacy (from the Greek word φάρμακυ = drug) is a transitional field between health sciences and chemical sciences. Pharmacist is a professional charged with ensuring the safe use of medication. Traditionally, pharmacists (chemists) have compounded and dispensed medications by practical physicians’ orders. Recently, pharmacy became involved in patient care including clinical practice, medication review and information about new drugs launch. So, pharmacists are experts in medicines who can help their customers to make the right choice and provide them with necessary information.

Pharmacists must know the use, clinical effects, and compositions of drugs, including their chemical, biological, and physical properties. Compounding - the actual mixing of ingredients to make powders, tablets, capsules, ointments, and solutions – is a small part of pharmacist’s practice, because most medicines are produced by pharmaceutical companies in a standard dosage and mass production form. Pharmacists are responsible for the accurate fulfillment of every prescription given.

Moreover, pharmacists are engaged not only in their traditional work but gradually some of them are being involved in research work for pharmaceutical manufacturers. They help develop new drugs and therapies, and test their effects on people. Other may work in marketing or sales, providing expertise of drugs use effectiveness and possible side effects. They may also cooperate with health insurance companies. Moreover, some pharmacists are employed as full time or part time college tutors teaching classes and performing research in a wide range of areas.

Pharmacists work in clean, well-lighted, and well-ventilated premises. Many of them spend most of the workday standing on their feet. While working with sterile or dangerous pharmaceutical products, chemists wear gloves and masks and use other special protective equipment. Many municipal and hospital pharmacies are open day and night. Consultant pharmacists may visit hospitals, nursing homes and other medical institutions to monitor drug therapy and its effects.

The personnel of an average pharmacy consists of a manager, a dispensing chemist who takes prescriptions and delivers drugs; a chemist who controls the prescriptions, (i.e. physical, physico-chemical and pharmacological compatibility of the ingredients of the compound prescribed by a physician); a chemist-analyst, who controls effectiveness of the drug.

There are pharmacists which are in charge of supplying customers with medicines. All of them are highly trained in all aspects of medicines and their professional code ensures that any information the customers share remains confidential. Any pharmacist can supply medicines for a range of problems and can advise the buyers about the best way of treating minor problems such as coughs and colds, sprains and bruises, skin problems and others. If you have questions about your medicine after you leave the doctor’s office, the pharmacist can answer many of them. For example, a pharmacist can tell you how and when to take your medicine, whether this drug may affect another medicine you are taking, and any side effects you might have. Also, the pharmacist can answer questions about over-the-counter medications.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations

charged with ensuring

['ʧɑːʤd][wɪð] [ɪn'ʃuərɪŋ]

ответственный за обеспечение

side-effects of medications

[saɪd] [ɪ'fekts] [əv] [ֽmedɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]

побочные эффекты лекарственных препаратов

compositions of drugs

[ֽkɔmpə'zɪʃ(ə)n] [əv] [drʌgz]

состав лекарств




new drugs launch

[nju:] [drʌgz] [lɔːnʧ]

выпуск новых лекарств

drug delivery form

[drʌg] [dɪ'lɪv(ə)rɪ] [fɔːm]

форма доставки лекарственного вещества                                                      

pharmacy technicians

['fɑːməsɪ] [tek'nɪʃ(ə)nz]

сотрудник аптеки

accurate fulfillment of every prescription

['ækjərət] [ful'fɪlmənt] [əv] ['evrɪ] [prɪs'krɪpʃ(ə)n]

точное исполнение рецепта

to be involved in research

[bi:] [ɪn'vɔlvd] [ɪn] [rɪ'sɜːʧ]

быть вовлеченным в научные исследования

health insurance companies

[helθ] [ɪn'ʃuər(ə)n(t)s] ['kʌmpənɪz]

медицинские страховые компании

nursing homes

['nɜːsɪŋ] [həum]

дома престарелых

compatibility of the ingredients

[kəmֽpætə'bɪlətɪ] [əv] [ɪn'gri:dɪənts]

сочетаемость компонентов

sprains and bruises

[spreɪnz] [ænd] [bru:z]

растяжения и синяки

over-the-counter medications

[ֽəuvəðə'kauntə] [ֽmedɪ'keɪʃ(ə)nz]

лекарства, которые продаются без рецепта

Task 2.Find the following words and words combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

  1.  the safe use of medication,
  2.  compounded and dispensed medications
  3.  clinical effects
  4.  providing expertise
  5.  dangerous pharmaceutical products
  6.  to monitor drug therapy
  7.  a dispensing chemist
  8.  professional code
  9.  the best way of treating
  10.  another medicine you are taking

Task 3.Answer the questions.

  1.  What is the origin of the word “pharmacy”?
  2.  What are the main duties of a pharmacist?
  3.  What information has a pharmacist to provide customers and health practitioners with?
  4.  What specific characteristics of every drug must pharmacists know?
  5.  What does the notion “compounding” mean?
  6.  Where can pharmacists work besides the pharmacy?
  7.  What conditions do pharmacists have to work in?
  8.  What specialists does the personnel of an average pharmacy consist of?
  9.  Must any information the customer share remain confidential?
  10.  Can pharmacists advise the buyers about the best way of treating any minor problems?

Task 4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

1. Pharmacist is a professional charged with ensuring the safe use of medication.

a. Составление – это, собственно, процесс смешивания ингредиентов для производства порошков, таблеток, капсул, мазей и растворов.

2. Pharmacists are experts in medicines who can help their customers to make the right choice and provide them with necessary information.

b. Фармацевты-консультанты могут приходить в больницы, дома престарелых и другие медицинские учреждения, чтобы осуществлять мониторинг воздействия лекарственного препарата.

3. Pharmacists must know the use, clinical effects, and compositions of drugs, including their chemical, biological, and physical properties.

c. Фармацевты работают в чистых, хорошо освещенных и хорошо проветриваемых помещениях.

4. Compounding is the actual mixing of ingredients to form powders, tablets, capsules, ointments and solutions.

d. Фармацевт– это специалист, отвечающий за обеспечение безопасного использования лекарственных препаратов.

5 Pharmacists are responsible for the accurate fulfillment of every prescription given.

e. Фармацевты должны знать применение, лечебный эффект и состав лекарственных препаратов, включая их химические, биологические и физические свойства.

6. Consultant pharmacists may visit hospitals, nursing homes and other medical institutions to monitor drug therapy and its effects.

e. Фармацевты должны знать применение, лечебный эффект и состав лекарственных препаратов, включая их химические, биологические и физические свойства.

6. Consultant pharmacists may visit hospitals, nursing homes and other medical institutions to monitor drug therapy and its effects.

f. Людой фармацевт может посоветовать покупателю наилучший способ лечения таких простых заболеваний как кашель и простуда, растяжения и синяки и т.д.

7. Many municipal and hospital pharmacies are open day and night, so pharmacists have to work at nights, weekends, and holidays.

g. Фармацевты – это специалисты, которые могут помочь клиентам сделать правильный выбор и предоставить необходимую информацию.

8. A chemist controls the prescriptions, i.e. physical, physicochemical and pharmacological compatibility of the ingredients of the compound prescribed by a physician.

h. Многие городские  и больничные аптеки открыты круглосуточно, так что фармацевтам приходиться работать по ночам, в выходные и праздничные дни.

9. Any pharmacist can advise the buyers about the best way of treating minor problems such as coughs and colds, sprains and bruises and others.

i.  Химик контролирует предписания, т.е. физическую, физико-химическую и фармакологическую совместимость ингредиентов состава, прописанного врачом.

10. Pharmacists work in clean, well-lighted, and well-ventilated areas.

j.  Фармацевты несут ответственность за точность исполнение каждого рецепта.

Task 5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

  1.  Слово «фармация» произошло от греческого слова «φάρμακυ».
  2.  В обязанности фармацевта входит не только приготовление, распределение и отпуск лекарственных средств, но и помощь покупателям в их правильном выборе и использовании.
  3.  Фармацевты несут ответственность за точность заполнения рецептов, поэтому им следует быть очень внимательными и даже скрупулезными.
  4.  В настоящее время приготовление лекарств по предписанию врача составляет лишь малую часть фармацевтической практики.
  5.  Огромное количество лекарств выпускается фармацевтическими компаниями в стандартной дозировке и упаковке.
  6.  Многие фармацевты работают экспертами в медицинских страховых компаниях, занимаясь разработкой страховых пакетов и выполняя анализы выгодности затрат для различных лекарственных средств.
  7.  Как известно, многие фармацевты участвуют в научно-исследовательских проектах, разрабатывая новые лекарства и проверяя их терапевтическое воздействие на пациентов.
  8.  При работе со многими лекарственными средствами фармацевт должен строго соблюдать меры  безопасности, пользоваться маской и перчатками.
  9.  Фармацевту необходимо постоянно повышать свой профессиональный уровень, быть в курсе новинок, уметь грамотно порекомендовать их покупателям.
  10.  В аптеке покупателю помогут не только выбрать нужное лекарство, но разработать удобную схему приема, соответствующую его обычному распорядку дня.

Task 6. Retell the text.

Theme 13

Medicinal Plants

Plants have always been of interest to man. The collection and the use of medicinal plants began many thousands years ago. At an early period men distinguished and named some kinds of plants they found.

Hippocrates, the father of medicine who described drugs made of such medicinal plants as hemlock, gentian and many others.

The word drug itself comes from the Dutch word “droog” (via the French word “drogue”), which means “dried plant”. Some examples are quinine (from the cinchona [siηkounə]), morphine and codeine (from the poppy) and digoxin (from the foxglove).

Many of the pharmaceuticals currently available to physicians have a long history of use as herbal remedies e.g. opium, aspirin, digitalis (foxglove) and quinine. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 80 percent of the world’s population presently uses herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care.

In addition to the use in the developing world, herbal medicine is used in industrialized countries by alternative medicine practitioners such as homeopaths.

All plants produce chemical compounds as part of their normal metabolic activities. These are divided into primary metabolites, such as sugars and fats, found in all plants, and secondary metabolites, compounds not essential for basic function found in a smaller range of plants, some useful ones found only in a particular genus or species.

Many plants synthesize substances that are useful to the maintenance of health in humans and animals. These include aromatic substances, most of which are phenols or their oxygen-substituted derivatives such as tannins. In many cases, substances such as alkaloids serve as defense mechanisms against microorganisms, insects. Many herbs and spices used by humans yield useful medicinal compounds.

The functions of secondary metabolites are varied. For example, some secondary metabolites are toxins used to deter predation, and others are pheromones used to attract insects for pollination. Today many drug plants are cultivated and many are collected from fields and woods. Some drugs are made from fruits, leaves, flowers, roots and seeds of the plants.

Here are some medicines made of plants and their use:  

Rhubarb [ru:ba:b]: The rhizomes [raizəmz] of the rhubarb are collected from six to seven year old plants just before the flowering season. The rhizomes are dried either in the sun or in ovens. After the drying operation the rhizomes are peeled. Rhubarb was used in China more than 4000 years ago. It was used by the Greek and Roman physicians and was used in Europe in the Middle Ages. Rhubarb was used for its purgative action.

Althaea[ǽlθiə]: The generic name, Althaea, is derived from the Greek altho (to cure), from its healing properties. The name of the family, Malvaceae, is derived from the Greek malake (soft), from the special qualities of the Mallows in softening and healing. Biennial roots of this plant are collected, dried and peeled. After peeling it is cut into small pieces. Althaea is used as a sedative in the form of mucilage or in the form of syrup. Famous Marshmallow is a confection that has been softened in hot water and whipped to a spongy consistency. This is the modern version of a medicinal confection made from Althaea, the marshmallow plant.

Interesting facts.

The 16th-century French diplomat Jean Nicot being in Portugal saw a miraculous plant imported from America and brought tobacco leaves to France to treat Catherine de Medici for her migraines. Nicot believed that the plant could cure cancer, headaches and many other diseases. But time showed that he was absolutely wrong. We owe Nicot the word “nicotine”.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations

medicinal plants


лекарственные растения

herbal remedies


лекарство растительного происхождения

primary health care


первичный уход (помощь) за здоровьем

to distinguish and name the kinds of plants



различать и  называть виды растений

chemical compounds


химические соединения



существенный, важный




secondary metabolites


вторичные метаболиты



определять, устанавливать, оценивать

defence mechanism


механизм защиты

to deter predation


зд. отпугивать вредителей




to yield medicinal compound s

[ji:ld] [mə'dɪs(ə)n(ə)l] ['kɔmpaundz]

давать (производить) лекарственные соединения

herbs and spices


травы и специи




2.род (ед. и мн.число без изменений)

purgative action


слабительное действие



растительная слизь

Task 2. Find the words and word-combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate into Russian:

  1.  medicinal plants
  2.  the collection and use
  3.  all kinds of drugs
  4.  the father of medicine
  5.  the word drug comes from
  6.  means “dried plant”
  7.  currently available
  8.  herbal remedies
  9.  WHO
  10.  pharmaceuticals

Task 3. Answer the questions:

  1.  When did the collection and use of medicinal plants begin?
  2.  What does the word drug come from and what does it mean?
  3.  Do herbal remedies have a long history of use?
  4.  What part of the world’s population uses herbal medicine for primary health care?
  5.  What do all plants produce?
  6.  What substances do many plants synthesize?
  7.  What useful synthesized substances can we name?
  8.  How many secondary metabolites have been isolated?
  9.  What role do alkaloids play?
  10.  What do herbs and spices used by humans yield?
  11.  The functions of secondary metabolites are varied, aren’t they?
  12.  Are drug plants cultivated and collected today?
  13.  What are some drugs made from?
  14.  What is rhubarb used for? What part of the plant is used for medicinal purpose?
  15.  Althaea is used as a sedative and what forms is it used in?

Task 4. Mach English sentences to their Russian equivalents:

  1.  After peeling Althaea is cut into small pieces.
  1.  Корневище растения “ревень” собираются от растений возрастом 6-7 лет.

  1.  All plants produce chemical compounds as part of their normal metabolic activities.
  1.  После процедуры высушивания с корневищ снимают кожуру.
  1.  The rhizomes of the rhubarb are collected from six to seven year old plants.
  1.  После очистки алтей разрезают на мелкие кусочки.

  1.  The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 80 percent of the world’s population presently uses herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care.

  1.  Кроме использования в развивающихся странах, лекарство растительного происхождения применяется и в промышленно развитых странах врачами альтернативной медицины, такими как гомеопаты.
  1.  Plants have always been of interest to man.
  1.  Все растения продуцируют химические соединения, как часть своей метаболической деятельности.

  1.  In addition to the use in the developing world, herbal medicine is used in industrialized countries by alternative medicine practitioners such as homeopath.
  1.  Многие растения синтезируют вещества, которые полезны для поддержания здоровья людей и животных.
  1.  The functions of secondary metabolites are varied.
  1.  По оценкам ВОЗ, 80% населения мира в наше время использует лекарства растительного происхождения с целью первичной заботы о здоровье.
  1.  After the drying operation the rhizomes are peeled.
  1.  Растения всегда представляли интерес для человека.

  1.  Some drugs are made from fruits, leaves, flowers, roots and seeds of the plants.

  1.  Функции вторичных метаболитов разнообразны.

  1.  Many plants synthesize substances that are useful to the maintenance of health in humans and animals.
  1.  Некоторые лекарства готовятся из фруктов, листьев, цветов, корней, семян растений.

Task 5. Translate the given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate then back into English:

  1.  The collection and the use of medicinal plans began many thousands years ago.
  2.  Such names of drugs as hemlock, gentian and others were mentioned by Hippocrates in his book about drugs.
  3.  The word drug comes from the Dutch word “droog”, which means “dried plant”.
  4.  The pharmaceuticals that are currently available to physicians were used as herbal drugs many years ago.
  5.  These herbal remedies are opium, morphine, codeine, aspirin, digitalis, quinine, etc.
  6.  80 percent of the world’s population presently uses herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care.
  7.  Herbal medicine is used both in developing countries and industrialized world.
  8.  Alternative medicine practitioners all over the world consult population and give their recommendations on the use of medicinal plants.
  9.  Today many drug plants are cultivated and many are collected from fields and woods.
  10.  Some drugs are made of fruits, leaves, roots, flowers, seeds of the plants.

Task 6. Retell the text.

Theme 14

At the Pharmacy

Pharmacy is a specialized shop, where medicines and items for medical care are sold. There are usually two departments there: prescription department and chemist’s department and also there are some working rooms for the stuff. At the prescription department medicines are made up according to the doctor’s administration.  At the chemist’s department medicines and medicinal plants may be bought without any prescriptions. The working areas of a pharmacy include rooms for glassware washing, drying and sterilization; an analytical laboratory, special rooms for medicines storing and dispensing.

At the pharmacy medicines are kept either in special drug cabinets or on the open shelves or in refrigerators. For instance, strong medicines and toxic agents must be kept separately and locked. The drugs prepared at the pharmacy for the immediate use should be stored in a refrigerator. Powders, galenical preparations, and medicines made of medicinal plants are usually held at a constant room temperature on the shelves protected from light. Medical care items (hot-water bottles, medicine droppers, thermometers, bandages etc), and some goods which are not connected directly to medicine (cosmetics, shampoos, tooth pastes and others) are kept and displayed separately from drugs.

Every bottle or box with a medicine should be labeled indicating its name, dosage, intake directions, indications or contraindications information about the manufacturer and the expiry date. It’s very important for sick people as well as for those who take care of them to know all necessary information before using a particular medicine.

There are various kinds of packages and production forms of medicines: boxes and parcels of different powders, ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous injections; tubes of rubbing ointments , various pills, , tablets, etc. As a rule all medicines are classified and arranged in the pharmacy’s glass cases according to their therapeutic use: drugs for cough, cardiac medicines, pain or fever relievers and so on. For exampled:

  •  analgesics  - to kill pain;
  •  antiarrhythmics - to control irregular heartbeat;
  •  antibiotics - to fight bacteria;
  •  anticoagulants - to prevent blood clotting;
  •  antidepressants - for changing mood;  
  •  antihistamines - to fight allergies;
  •  antihypertensives - to lower blood pressure;
  •  anti-inflammatories - to reduce inflammation;
  •  diuretics - to get rid the body of excess fluids;
  •  immune suppressants - to prevent the body from rejecting organ transplants;
  •  laxatives - to increase bowel movements;
  •  sedatives - to suppress anxiety and relax the muscles;
  •  vitamin supplements - for inadequate diet and digestive disorders.

To protect the public, all medicines must be tested and officially authorized to make sure that they are safe i.e. produced in accordance with quality standards. Pharmacists are regarded as experts in pharmacology and can help their customers to make the right choice.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations

pharmacy / drugstore / chemist’s shop

['fɑːməsɪ] ['drʌgstɔː]['keməsts] [ʃɔp]


prescription department

[prɪs'krɪpʃ(ə)n] [dɪ'pɑːtmənt]

рецептурный отдел

chemist's  department


отдел готовых лекарств

working areas


производственные помещения

galenical preparations

[gə'lenɪkəl] [prep(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)nz]

галеновы препараты (настойки, экстракты, сиропы, полученные обработкой растительного или животного сырья)



стеклянная посуда; стеклянная тара

drug cabinet

[drʌg] ['kæbɪnət]

шкафчик для лекарств

expiry date

[ɪk'spaɪərɪ] [deɪt]

срок годности      







to be arranged

[bi:] [ə'reɪnʤd]

размещать, располагать

glass case

[glɑːs] [keɪs]


hot-water bottle

[hɔt] 'wɔːtə] ['bɔtl]




диуретик, мочегонное средство



антиаритмические препараты

Task 2.  Find the following words and words combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

  1.  working room
  2.  to make up according to the administration
  3.  to be bought without prescriptions
  4.  the pharmaceutical plants
  5.  to be kept in special drug cabinet  
  6.  drugs for the immediate use
  7.  to be stored at the constant room temperature
  8.  to know all necessary information before using
  9.  according to their therapeutic use
  10.  different pills and tablets for internal use
  11.  pain or fever relievers
  12.  officially authorized
  13.  to make the right choice

Task 3.  Answer the questions.

  1.  What goods can you buy at a pharmacy?
  2.  How many departments are there at every pharmacy?
  3.  What things can be bought at the chemist department?
  4.  How are different drugs kept at the pharmacy?
  5.  What drugs should be kept in a refrigerator?
  6.  At what conditions should drugs be kept at a pharmacy?
  7.  Where are the dose and administration indicated?
  8.  How are all medicines classified and arranged in the pharmacy’s glass cases?
  9.  Who can help the customers to make the right choice at the pharmacy?
  10.  What should be done for the public protection?

Task 4.  Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

1. Pharmacy is a specialized shop, where medicines and items for medical care are sold.

a. В настоящее время на рынке существует огромное количество лекарственных средств: анальгетики для избавления от боли, антибиотики для борьбы с бактериями, седативные препараты для снятия состояния тревожности и т.д.

2.The working premises of a pharmacy include rooms for washing, drying and sterilization of glassware.

b. Фармацевты считаются специалистами по лекарственным средствам и могут помочь своим клиентам сделать правильный выбор.

3. Strong and poisonous drugs are kept in the special drug cabinets.

c. Все лекарственные препараты размещают в аптечных витринах согласно их терапевтическому действию.

4. Every bottle or box with a medicine should be labeled indicating its name, dosage, directions for administration, as well as information about the manufacturer and the expiry date.

d. Сильнодействующие и ядовитые препараты хранятся в специальных шкафчиках  для лекарств.

5. All medicines are arranged in the pharmacy’s glass cases according to their therapeutic effects.

e. Аптека – это специализированный магазин, в котором продаются лекарственные препараты и предметы ухода.  

6. At present there is  a huge number of medicines on the market: analgesics to kill pain; antibiotics to fight bacteria; sedatives to suppress anxiety etc.

f. В целях безопасности населения все лекарственные препараты должны быть протестированы и официально зарегистрированы.

7. At the chemist’s department medicines may be bought without prescriptions.

g. Производственные помещения аптеки включают специальную комнату для мытья, сушки и стерилизации стеклянной посуды.  

8. Medicines produced from the pharmaceutical plants are usually held on the shelves protected from light.

h. В отделе готовых препаратов лекарства можно купить без рецептов

9. To protect the public, all medicines must be tested and officially authorized.

i. Лекарства, изготовленные из лекарственных растений, обычно хранятся на полках, защищенных от света.

10. Pharmacists are regarded as experts in pharmacology and can help their customers to make the right choice.

j. Каждый флакон или коробочка с лекарством имеет специальную наклейку с указанием названия лекарства, дозировки, показаний по применению, производителя и срока годности.

Task  5.  Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

  1.  В каждой аптеке, как правило, два отдела (рецептурный отдел и отдел готовых лекарств) и такие производственные помещения как: аналитическая лаборатория, специальные комнаты для мытья и стерилизации стеклянной посуды, для фасовки и хранения лекарственных средств.
  2.  В отделе готовых препаратов можно купить лекарства без рецепта, а так же разнообразные предметы по уходу за больными: грелки, пипетки, бинты и т.д.
  3.  В рецептурном отделе лекарства могут быть куплены или изготовлены
  4.  по рецепту.
  5.  Известно, что сильнодействующие и ядовитые лекарственные средства должны храниться в специальных шкафчиках.
  6.  Лекарственные препараты, несомненно, должны быть защищены от солнца  и храниться при температуре не выше комнатной.  
  7.  Во многих аптеках, помимо лекарственных средств, продаются товары, не связанные с медициной (косметика, шампуни, зубная паста и т.д.).
  8.  Очень важно, чтобы пациент тщательно изучил инструкцию к лекарственному препарату перед употреблением.
  9.  Фармацевт является высококвалифицированным специалистом, который может помочь в выборе лекарства и его использовании.  
  10.  Антигипертензивные препараты прописывают пациентам для того, чтобы снизить давление.
  11.  Каждое лекарственное средство должно иметь информацию об изготовителе и сроке годности.

Task 6.  Retell the text.

Theme 15


Vitamin is an organic compound required by the organism as a nutrient in tiny amounts. In other words, an organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. Thirteen vitamins are universally recognized at present.

The discovery dates of the vitamins and their sources

Year of discovery


Food source


Vitamin А (Retinol)

Cod liver oil


Vitamin В1 (Thiamine)

Rice bran


Vitamin С  (Ascorbic acid)

Citrus, most fresh foods


Vitamin D   (Calciferol)

Cod liver oil


Vitamin В2 (Riboflavin)

Meat, eggs


Vitamin Е   (Tocopherol)

Wheat germ oil, unrefined vegetable oils


Vitamin В12 (Cobalamins)

liver, eggs, animal products


Vitamin К1 (Phylloquinone)

Leafy green vegetables


Vitamin В5  (Pantothenic)

Meat, whole grains, in many foods


Vitamin В7  (Biotin)

Meat, dairy products, eggs


Vitamin В6 (Pyridoxine)

Meat, dairy products


Vitamin В3 (Niacin)

Meat, eggs, grains


Vitamin В9  (Folic acid)

Leafy green vegetables

Vitamins are classified according to their biological and chemical activity, but not to their structure. Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions. Some have hormone-like functions as regulators of mineral metabolism (e.g., vitamin D), or regulators of cell and tissue growth and differentiation (e.g., some forms of vitamin A). Others function as antioxidants (e.g., vitamin E and sometimes vitamin C). The largest number of vitamins (e.g., B complex vitamins) function as precursors for enzyme cofactors, that help enzymes in their work as catalysts in metabolism. Vitamins may also be less tightly bound to enzyme catalysts as coenzymes, detachable molecules that function to carry chemical groups or electrons between molecules. For example, folic acid carries various forms of carbon group–methyl, formyl, and methylene– in the cell. Although these roles in assisting enzyme-substrate reactions are vitamins’ best-known function, the other vitamin functions are equally important.

The term vitamin was derived from “vitamine”, a combination word made up by Polish scientist Casimir Funk from vital and amine, meaning amine of life, because it was suggested in 1912 that the organic micronutrient food factors that prevent beriberi and perhaps other similar dietary-deficiency diseases might be chemical amines. This proved incorrect for the micronutrient class, and the word was shortened to vitamin.

Vitamins are classified as either water-soluble or fat-soluble. There are 13 vitamins in humans: 4 fat-soluble (A, D, E and K) and 9 water-soluble (8 B vitamins and vitamin C). Water-soluble vitamins are dissolved easily in water and, in general, are readily excreted from the body. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of lipids (fats).

Vitamins are essential for the normal growth and development of a multicellular organism. Humans must consume vitamins periodically but with differing schedules, to avoid deficiency. Being overdosed, some vitamins cause side-effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations












смесь, соединение, составной






недостаток, недостаточность, дефицит












существенный, важный, необходимый, основной




intestinal tract


желудочно-кишечный тракт






питательное вещество






клетка- предшественник









требовать (ч.-л)






побочное действие




Task 2.Find in the text the following words and word combinations, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

  1.  organic compound
  2.  tiny amounts
  3.  sufficient quantities
  4.  biological and chemical activity
  5.  biochemical functions
  6.  hormone-like functions
  7.  detachable molecules
  8.  best-known function
  9.  derive
  10.  shorten
  11.  water-soluble
  12.  fat-soluble
  13.  normal growth
  14.  periodically
  15.  differing schedules

Task 3.Answer the questions.

  1.  What is vitamin?
  2.  Can vitamins be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism?
  3.  Where are vitamins obtained from?
  4.  How many vitamins are universally recognized at present?
  5.  How are vitamins classified?
  6.  What biochemical functions of vitamins do you know?
  7.  What does the term vitamin mean?
  8.  Who is the author of this term?
  9.  How many fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins are there in humans?
  10.  What are vitamins essential for?
  11.  How must humans consume vitamins to avoid deficiency?
  12.  What happens when vitamins are overdosed?

Task 4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

  1.   An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet.

а) Витамины, возможно, менее тесно связаны с катализаторами ферментов

2. Some vitamins have hormone-like functions as regulators of mineral metabolism (e.g., vitamin D).

б) Витамином называют такое органическое химическое соединение, которое не может быть синтезировано организмом в достаточных количествах, и поэтому должно быть получено из пищевых продуктов.

3.Others function as antioxidants (e.g., vitamin E and sometimes vitamin C).

с) Другие функции витаминов также нужны.

4. The largest number of vitamins (e.g., B complex vitamins) function as precursors for enzyme cofactors.

d)Другие функционируют так антиоксиданты  (витамин Е и иногда витамин С).

5. Vitamins may also be less tightly bound to enzyme catalysts.

е) Жирорастворимые витамины абсорбируются в желудочно-кишечном тракте с помощью липидов.

6. Folic acid carries various forms of carbon group – methyl, formyl, and methylene–in the cell.

f) Наибольшее число витаминов (например, витамины комплекса В) функционируют как клетки-предшественники для кофакторов ферментов.

7. The term vitamin was derived from vital and amine, meaning amine of life.

g) Некоторые витамины функционируют подобно гормонам, регулируя минеральный обмен (витамин D).

8. This proved incorrect for the micronutrient class, and the word was shortened to vitamin.

h)Термин витамин (vitamine) был образован отvital и amine, что означает амин жизни.

9. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of lipids (fats).

i) Фолиевая кислота переносит в клетке различные формы углеводородов–метил, формил и метилен.

10. The other vitamin functions are equally important.

j) Это оказалось неверным в отношении класса микроскопических питательных элементов, и слово было сокращено до «витаминов».

Task 5. Translate the given sentences into Russian, your book and translate them back into English.

  1.  Vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism.
  2.  Thirteen vitamins are universally recognized at present.
  3.  Vitamins are classified by their biological and chemical activity, not by their structure.
  4.  Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions.
  5.  The term vitamin was derived from “vitamine”, meaning amine of life.
  6.  Vitamins are classified as either water-soluble or fat-soluble.
  7.  Water-soluble vitamins are dissolved easily in water.
  8.  Vitamins are essential for the normal growth and development of a multicellular organism.
  9.  Humans must consume vitamins periodically but with differing schedules, to avoid deficiency.
  10.  Being overdosed, some vitamins may cause side-effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Task 6. Retell the text.


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