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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
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Outline for the lesson of English for 11th-graders. Lesson 20
План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 11-х класів
Урок 20
Тема: Наука і культура
Підтема: Винаходи та винахідники.
Мета: Узагальнити у вправах вживання дієслова "to be" у різних функціях. Розвивати мовну інтуїцію, пізнавальні інтереси учнів, уміння логічно мислити.
Обладнання: підручник, "True or False" (HO1).
1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Т: Today we are going to continue our talk about inventors and their inventions. 11 you have heard the words a raglan, a cardigan, a mackintosh. You are right: they related to clothes. But do you know that they are actually the names of the peoplel invented those things?
2. Тест.
T: Here is a test. Match the people and the items of clothing. На дошці:
Do you know why a sandwich is called a sandwich?
1. Практикувати учнів у читанні пізнавальних текстів за темою з метою :
вірної версії.
True or False?
[A] Only one of these stories is true. Which is it? Put a tick in the box next to the true story.
English people love picnics. They like eating in the countryside, in parks and І on the beach. The only problem about eating on the beach is that the sand often gets into the food. One day someone had the very good idea of putting the mea cheese between two slices of bread. This stopped the sand from getting onto the food. It is because of this that today we call sandwiches 'sandwiches'.
[B] The town of Sandwich is situated between Dover and Canterbury in south-east England. Sandwich is a very small town when you compare it with either Dover or Canterbury but the people who live there have always considered that it is a more important and better town to live in than either of the other two larger towns. One day a Sandwich man was sitting having lunch with a man from Dover and a man from Canterbury. The Sandwich man put a thick slice of bread on the table and said, "This piece of bread is Canterbury". Then he put another thick slice of bread on top of the first slice and said, "And this is Dover". Then he picked up a piece of cheese, put it between the two slices of bread and said, "But this tasty piece of cheese is Sandwich". It is because of this man that today we call sandwiches "sandwiches".
[C] An eighteenth-century English aristocrat, the Earl of Sandwich, loved playing cards. He used to play cards all day and night and hated having to stop a game for his meals. One day he thought of a way of putting meat between two slices of bread. In this way he could eat while at the same time continue playing cards. It is because of the Earl of Sandwich that today we call sandwiches "sandwiches".
Учні читають про себе варіанти А, В і С та називають вірний, на їхню думку. Учитель підбиває підсумки: вірний варіант С, і просить дати відповідь на запитання: Why is a sandwich called a sandwich?
OraІ Practice
2. Актуалізація опорних звань учнів.
1) Check on homework. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
Учні читають відповіді на запитання впр. 4 (стор. 36), розповідають про винахідників.
2) Vocabulary practice. Актуалізація в мові учнів нової лексики шляхом перевірки знання виписаних у словнички слів, перекладу речень, наприклад: Чи вмієш ти грати на саксофоні? Коли винайшли дизельний двигун? Рахівник Гейзера використовувався в Чорнобилі, щоб виявити радіоактивність.
а) Тренування учнів у репродуктивному вживанні лексики. Виконати в парах впр. 8а, в (стор. 36).
б) Закріплення лексики в читанні та інсценуванні жартів. Виконати впр. 8, 9 (стор. 37).
Grammar Review 3. Пред'явлення граматичного матеріалу: різні функції дієслова "to be".
1) Discussing grammar. Пояснення учителя про різні функціональні особливості дієслова "to be":
як дієслова-зв'язки (І am a teacher. You are students. It was autumn. They will be glad, etc.);
як допоміжного дієслова у всіх видочасових формах "Continuous" і "Passive Voice" (What are you doing? Computers are widely used nowadays. When was radio invented, etc.)
з модальним значенням to be + infinitive, що вживається тільки в "Present Indefinite" і "Past Indefinite" і означає необхідність, що витікає з домовленості, плану.
What exams are we to take this year? (Які іспити ми повинні складати в цьому році?)
The meeting is to begin at seven. (Зібрання повинно розпочатися о сьомій.)
The congress was to meet at one o'clock. (З'їзд повинен був розпочатися о першій.)
2) Language work. Тренування учнів у вживанні структур із дієсловом "to be" у різних
функціях шляхом перекладу речень, наприклад:
What am I to do?
Ann was to arrive on Saturday.
What were we to prepare for today?
Jane was to go home with her sister.
Виконання впр. 11 (стор. 38) на відпрацювання різних функцій дієслова "to be" впр. 12 (стор. 38) на диференціацію "Present Indefinite" "Present Continuous",
1. Домашнє завдання.
Підготуватися до словникового диктанту. Виконати впр. 13 (стор. 38), впр. 14 (стор. 38).
2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.
Т: At home you are to do ex. 14, p. 38 and to review the words of ex. 2, p. 35. I hope you remember our today's proverb "Necessity is the mother of invention"?' be inventive in your work.
[A] Only one of these stories is true. Which is it? Put a tick in the box next to the true story.
English people love picnics. They like eating in the countryside, in parks and І on the beach. The only problem about eating on the beach is that the sand often gets into the food. One day someone had the very good idea of putting the mea cheese between two slices of bread. This stopped the sand from getting onto the food. It is because of this that today we call sandwiches 'sandwiches'.
[B] The town of Sandwich is situated between Dover and Canterbury in south-east England. Sandwich is a very small town when you compare it with either Dover or Canterbury but the people who live there have always considered that it is a more important and better town to live in than either of the other two larger towns. One day a Sandwich man was sitting having lunch with a man from Dover and a man from Canterbury. The Sandwich man put a thick slice of bread on the table and said, "This piece of bread is Canterbury". Then he put another thick slice of bread on top of the first slice and said, "And this is Dover". Then he picked up a piece of cheese, put it between the two slices of bread and said, "But this tasty piece of cheese is Sandwich". It is because of this man that today we call sandwiches "sandwiches".
[C] An eighteenth-century English aristocrat, the Earl of Sandwich, loved playing cards. He used to play cards all day and night and hated having to stop a game for his meals. One day he thought of a way of putting meat between two slices of bread. In this way he could eat while at the same time continue playing cards. It is because of the Earl of Sandwich that today we call sandwiches "sandwiches".
[A] Only one of these stories is true. Which is it? Put a tick in the box next to the true story.
English people love picnics. They like eating in the countryside, in parks and І on the beach. The only problem about eating on the beach is that the sand often gets into the food. One day someone had the very good idea of putting the mea cheese between two slices of bread. This stopped the sand from getting onto the food. It is because of this that today we call sandwiches 'sandwiches'.
[B] The town of Sandwich is situated between Dover and Canterbury in south-east England. Sandwich is a very small town when you compare it with either Dover or Canterbury but the people who live there have always considered that it is a more important and better town to live in than either of the other two larger towns. One day a Sandwich man was sitting having lunch with a man from Dover and a man from Canterbury. The Sandwich man put a thick slice of bread on the table and said, "This piece of bread is Canterbury". Then he put another thick slice of bread on top of the first slice and said, "And this is Dover". Then he picked up a piece of cheese, put it between the two slices of bread and said, "But this tasty piece of cheese is Sandwich". It is because of this man that today we call sandwiches "sandwiches".
[C] An eighteenth-century English aristocrat, the Earl of Sandwich, loved playing cards. He used to play cards all day and night and hated having to stop a game for his meals. One day he thought of a way of putting meat between two slices of bread. In this way he could eat while at the same time continue playing cards. It is because of the Earl of Sandwich that today we call sandwiches "sandwiches".