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Topics genertion gp nd flse friendship using the exmples from the ply

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  1.  Characterize the Renaissance literature in Great Britain.
  2.  Describe the nature of conflicts in the play "Hamlet".
  3.  Can you prove that Hamlet was lonely and full of doubts?
  4.  What are the reasons for his doubts? How can you interpret the alternative to be or not to be?
  5.  Disclose the topics generation gap and false friendship using the examples from the play.
  6.  What are the main characteristic features of his tragedies? "Hamlet" is a play modeled after a Greek tragedy; written as a psychological drama.
  7.  Who are the addressees of Shakespeare's sonnets?
  8.  What can you say about the formal and thematic structure of his sonnets?
  9.  Speak about the thematic organization of the cycle of his sonnets (Love triangle, love, friendship, betrayal, breaking up the relations, reunion)
  10.  Disclose the main themes of the sonnets
  11.  Innovations of Shakespeare's sonnets. His portrayal of the Dark Lady
  12.  Spiritual and physic love as objects of Shakespeare's sonnets. His attitude to the beloved and his friend and patron. Contrast (antithesis) as the main stylistic device
  13.  What were Swift's political views like?
  14.  What are his political pamphlets about?
  15.  The objects of criticism in Part 1. Describe the political system of Lilliput and the institute of monarchy.
  16.  Describe the foreign policy of Lilliputians.
  17.  Gulliver's adventures in the country of Lilliput.
  18.  Why was Gulliver a burden for the Lilliputians?
  19.  Why did they want to get rid of him?
  20.  Why and how did he escape from Lilliput?
  21.  How did he get to the second imaginary country?
  22.  Who were his first hosts?
  23.  How did he get to the King's palace?
  24.  Why was his stay in the country so dangerous? What threatened him there?
  25.  Characterize the King of giants and his attitude to Gulliver's countrymen.
  26.  Speak about Laputa. What is it like and what are its functions?
  27.  Describe the social position, interests and occupations of people who lived on Laputa.
  28.  Whom did Gulliver encounter in the fourth part of the book?
  29.  How did he behave when he returned home?
  30.  Speak about Byron's political views and his political poetry.
  31.  What did he write during his London period?
  32.  Why did Byron leave his native country?
  33.  Describe the character of Childe Harold.
  34.  What do young Byron and Childe Harold have in common?
  35.  What countries did Childe Harold visit and what did he see there?
  36.  Why did Byron decide to part with his lyrical character and address his reader directly?
  37.  How can you define the genre of the poem?
  38.  Why did Byron call himself a soldier?
  39.  Give examples of his lyrical poetry.
  40.  What periods can Dickens's writings be divided into?
  41.  What kind of realism does he represent?
  42.  Define the genre of the short novel (novella) "A Christmas Carol". What makes it complicated and hybrid?
  43.  What fantastic elements make the plot a fairy-tale? Who paid Scrooge a visit?
  44.  What factors shaped the main character's personality in his childhood?
  45.  Prove that he became a different person on December, 25?
  46.  What made Scrooge change his attitude to life and people?
  47.  What is the main idea of the novel?
  48.  What social problems are raised by the author?
  49.  The role of woman in the 19th century as disclosed by Ch. Bronte.
  50.  Describe the personality of Jane Eyre. What makes her untypical?
  51.  Prove that Mr. Rochester was a romantic hero
  52.  What elements of the plot make it somewhat incredible?

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