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Scientists: for a successful career should thank secondary school teachers

Students who were in school at least one outstanding teacher when they were about 9 to 13 years are more likely to enter higher education and subsequently earn more money than their peers who had no luck with the teachers.

Scientists from Harvard University (Harvard University, USA) analyzed data on more than one million students in over 800 schools in one area of ​​the United States. The analysis included information on tests performed by students of grades 4-8 , as well as data on college attendance and income of graduates aged 28 years.

Scientists have concluded that the success of the student predicts the level of his income in adulthood.

At school, once enrolled in good teachers at college and had the best performance, and attendance. Most likely, this is due to the qualities of teachers who are not reflected in the standard tests: teachers give his players life skills that lead to success. Education in a good teacher, and also led to an increase in annual income students aged 28 years. However, the increase is around 1%. Unfortunately, the study does not understand what the teacher quality affect future students.

Self on the Internet: the pros and cons

One has to grow and evolve every day. In this thought all scientists agree .Especially now with the opportunities provided by new technologies, particularly the Internet, it is a snap.

Today, the network has accumulated considerable weight training video and audio course that can learn all sorts of science and art, without leaving home. In YouTube example, you can get detailed video instructions, to build Kalashnikov or listen to a lecture by the famous physicist.

In short, the choice - the sea. We're just determine which field you would like to reach a certain level , run the web search engine, choose the appropriate quality source of information and - forward.

However, apart from the obvious advantages, which we will explain later, the Internet has self and cons. Let us examine them in detail.


So if self on the Internet - Your only source of knowledge, one should remember that the network - is, first and foremost , " World Wide Web ", and therefore it than useful, and a lot of unnecessary information.

Learn to distinguish beneficial from flood , meticulously Filter proposed search engine information. Thus, you will save yourself much time. Freed from substandard articles and websites.

Another significant negative network - loneliness. Expanding horizons through the Internet, people have to literally dig themselves in a large stream is not always better information. And because really there is no live communication, networking jungle walk alone soon tired , and therefore nothing rises and the pursuit of knowledge.

It's no secret that the Internet - Klondike for all sorts of scams and fraudsters. So take your time "driven" at an attractive offer to learn a foreign language for two days and pay only $ 100. From the information provided will be worthwhile only 10 %, the rest, to put network language elementary " Divorce ".Usually most educational websites offer significant list of courses. Remember, the main thing for you - not the quantity but quality. So, it is better to pay attention to resources that specialize in any one - specific - direction. Typically, most qualitative information provided there.

Now, as promised, the pros

The first and absolute - freedom of choice. No one is forcing a program approved unclear who is not inclined: if you want to learn French - please Japanese - no problem .But do not forget: live communication, somehow, must be present . So from time to time, contact teacher (specialist) that it helped you to go straight to the goal, not stumbling out of the way .Another important advantage - video tutorial . They contain the same information as the book, but the presentation - visually , and therefore much faster. In five minutes you can learn that will read an hour.

It is also important that engaging in self-education via the Internet , you will significantly save on Tutoring services are always are expensive as well as time - do not waste it on meeting the teacher , the road back and forth and so on.

So, we found you, whether you are ready, you can find something online. The only important note in the right direction, discard unnecessary information, and be patient. Good Luck!

Adaptation of the child at school: critical issues

Adaptation period lasts an average of about two months, but sometimes stretched the entire first year. Parents can not leave the child alone under the auspices of "the child must cope alone" , but also do not need to intercept and stifle the initiative of the child.

Attention Parents should focus primarily on the various nuances, subtleties:

Where you sit or away from the front row?

You do not have a headache?

What games do you play at recess?

Who do you like, there is someone in the class who are you afraid of? Why?

Is there a class flowers?

What is the teacher 's voice?

Who in the class received an " excellent"?

Who makes noise in class?

And at the break?

Who reads well?

Therefore, you as a parent puts emotional accents and translates a child certain values. Try not to criticize the school, teacher and program at school, even if there is something that deserves such treatment . A child should not hear it and accept , because it is extremely important to learn how to follow all school rituals to create and maintain a respectable distance with teachers, adults. Any thing negative about the school, the more the parents will destroy the value of rules and regulations.

Learning to learn. Homework - One of the major problems faced by parents, and then they tend to make the first mistake - do these tasks for the child or with your child. Better not even begin this practice, otherwise you have to do it the next 11 years. The responsibility of parents is primarily to ensure the child provided an opportunity to do your homework, build system. Target child is using this system.

Install the child workspace (room, table) and the time when the child makes lessons (some do early in the morning before school , every child has his period of activity).Pre- distribution for baby items in order of importance or difficulty to move from lighter to more complex tasks.

Agree with your child, will break when she will do the lessons, and if they are, then how many minutes and how it will light up. Optimally take breaks every half hour for 15 minutes. The child should not be strongly excited (run, jump, play computer games). However, it is individual - some children prefer to do their homework without interruption.

Turn off the TV, if you watched the music, close your computer, do not talk loudly on the phone - baby nothing should distract while she does homework.

Before you plan for a child should begin to do their homework, take out of her backpack all textbooks, pens, pencils, warns that the working hours will start in a few minutes, before the end - remind the child how much is left. If a child asks for help, you help within reason, not doing the task for her.

If a child says she does not understand something in the job, ask her leading questions that she could not think.

Motivate children to do their homework on time, independently and efficiently, for example, she can earn points that can be used to "purchase " any privileges or create rewards in the form of her favorite games.

This system homework helps your child develop behavioral patterns and mental habits that will serve it, in fact, all my life.

In particular, it helps the child learn to plan and organize homework, manage time , make choices and solve problems , in short, a procedure for developing all the skills that contribute to effective adaptation of the child in the future in the adult world.

It is important that in the first weeks of school life next child was a member of the family with whom she is closest. Even if you want that your child will continue to be the nanny or grandmother, try to leave at least two to three weeks to help get crumbs in the normal rhythm of school life

Study abroad exchange

Studying in another country is always considered very prestigious and talked about the success of students in learning, his extraordinary abilities and ambitions there. For study abroad send only the best students who have achieved excellent academic excellence. And even if the student studied for a while not at Harvard or Oxford, and the usual national universities in the European countries and U.S. states, it gives him a distinct advantage in the form of new knowledge and in the summary line during recruitment.

In most cases, the opportunity to spend some time in another country to study a subject that you are interested in receiving students in higher education permanent learning. Only the hospital allows the student to show all his skills, participate in seminars, workshops and conferences, drawing the attention of teachers who will determine lucky candidate that receives a grant to study at a university with a worldwide reputation.

If the student is going to study from the university, he did not have to pay for anything - only need to carry a passport and other documents, money down the road and quickly assemble. If a student has never traveled outside the country, the issue passport he hardly has time . After the Grant reported a short time. So will either have to pay a large sum to make a passport in the shortest time, or lose the opportunity. Therefore, if a student suggests the possibility of studying in a foreign country, a passport is best done in advance.

Most students go to study abroad for common sharing scheme - it was popular in the days of the Soviet Union. The student is sent to another country and the training it provides room and board family students of local universities. Once the student returns home, he too in turn allows for the accommodation of one of the foreign students.

There is a practice that students take at home those whose family lived during his stay abroad. Still, people already familiar. Cases when students begin to make friends with foreigners to travel to each other's homes. Indeed, it is enough to have a passport and some money for the trip - students, many companies provide significant discounts stop is where meals are also provided.

Studying abroad can be a short duration (a few weeks to a month ) and long enough ( half a year ). Practice shows that those students who are held in a different country for over a year, rarely returning home, searching for jobs and continuing education in a prestigious university.

In recent years, began to appear more and more schools of foreign languages, which immediately reach a high level and give students opportunities. Most students go abroad to study and to improve speech among the media plays host to guests.

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