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Ry I hve splitting hedche my stomch is upset ll I wnt to do is sleep nd my right elbow is hurting I'll hve look t your throt

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net: 2016-03-05

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Must I stay in bed? 
Will you give me a prescription? 
What medicine should I take?

Must I follow a diet?

I would like to make an appointment to see the doctor 
I am not feeling well 
I am feeling very sick (ill) 
What are the symptoms? 
I've got a terrible (earache, stomach ache, headache, toothache)

I've got a terrible (flu, cold, sore throat, cough) 
I've got a broken (fractured, dislocated) arm (leg) 
My whole body hurts 
I have a pain in my back (chest) 
I have chills (nausea, diarrhea, fever, allergy)

I have a burn (a cut, an insect bite) 
I have been feeling dizzy and sweating a lot 
I will check your blood pressure 
Is it serious? 
Must I follow a diet?


 I have a splitting headache

 my stomach is upset, all I want to do is sleep, and my right elbow is hurting

I’ll have a look at your throat.

Take a pill three times a day for seven

days. You’ll probably start to feel better in a couple of


Story 1


Doctor: Good afternoon. How can I help you today?

Patient: My son doesn’t feel very well.

Doctor: That’s too bad. What symptoms does he have?

Patient: He has an earache and a fever.

Doctor: Sit on the table please, young man, so I can look in your ear. (pause)

He has an ear infection.

Patient: What do I need to do?

Doctor: You need to put drops in his ear twice a day. Here is a prescription.

Patient: Now maybe we can get some sleep again! Thank you, doctor.

Doctor: You’re welcome.


Question 1: What symptom does the patient have?

Question 2: What health problem does the patient have?

Question 3: What does the patient need to do? Story 2

Patient: Good afternoon, Doctor. I have a terrible toothache.

Doctor: Which tooth is bothering you?

Patient: This one on the bottom left.

Doctor: Open wide so I can look in your mouth. (pause) I see. You have a cavity.

Patient: What do I need to do, Doctor?

Doctor: You need a filling. I can do that today. But remember, you should brush and floss your teeth two or three times a day. Okay?

Patient: Okay, Doctor. But I can still eat candy, right?


Question 1: What symptom does the patient have?

Question 2: What health problem does the patient have?

Question 3: What does the patient need to do?

Listening Assessment

Patient: Doctor, please help me. My ankle hurts.

Doctor: What happened?

Patient: I twisted it when I was playing soccer.

Doctor: Let me have a look. (pause) It is very swollen. You need an X-ray.


(one hour later)


Doctor: I have your X-rays back.

Patient: What’s the matter with my ankle?

Doctor: It’s broken. I’m sorry. You will need to wear a cast for three months.

Patient: That’s too bad. I guess that means no more soccer this summer!


Question 1: What symptom does the patient have?

Question 2: What health problem does the patient have?

Question 3: What does the patient need to do?

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