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I wnt you to be hppy. Becuse it will mke you feel better.1

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Dearly Beloved,

I’ve got to say a lot of stuff to you but alright, let’s start with the formalities: “Happy New Year!”

I actually want this upcoming year to be happy for you. I want you to be happy. Because it will make you feel better.

I want you to know, that you’re very important to me. I suppose you don’t even know or understand how you changed my life. To better. You’ve made me go through my best moments in my life with the best bands in the world. Because of you I understood that, yes, music is my confession; that, that’s the thing that I want to have beside me all my life and after.

Because of you I understood that it’s okay to be different from others, to be yourself and not worry that somebody isn’t going to accept that, because there’s always Is going to be someone that won’t.

The time when we hang out together is stuffed with coolest moments that I’ll remember always, I’ll always have those light memories of our friendship. Whenever I feel fucked up, I remember them and the jokes we pulled and this might make me feel pissed, because I didn’t have enough time to drown in my bad emotions :D

You made my dream, you made me believe in the idea of my life – to start the band. And it’s not this cocky idea, ‘cause everyone who’s cool starts up a band, or it’s the age of psyched ideas that won’t work in the reality, when you’re in a grown up world, or ‘cause you’re simply bored. You have made this my life mission. I don’t even care if we become famous or successful, that’s not the goal. But it would surely indicate that we have been doing well, that this band means something to others. I want this band to save lives. I want this band to save Your life.

Yeah, I do want your life to be longer than the teenage concerns. I’m calling it like this because people have so much more fucked up lives than you do, yet they’re much happier. I’m calling your causes wanting to die quite ignoble and miserable because once you go through more difficult stuff, you’ll understand, that was all bullshit which shouldn’t have affected you so much but I don’t want to say that life will become shittier – you will become stronger. You all get to know by comparison. You don’t have to go far to get the examples for comparison, just go and ask your bro, or your parents. No, first, like, try to talk to them in a calm atmosphere with a reason just to talk and find out more about each other. And, what I’ve found, ‘cause I’ve done this, that people go through pretty fucked up shit, way more fucked up than yours. And I’m not saying that things, that you told me about aren’t important, it’s just, try to find a different approach, try to completely change the attitude (that’s the word I was looking for). [Yeah, I hate when people give me advices but I would name this rather a confession or sharing the stuff that I’ve realized.]

For all those things that I’ve written to make sense, I want you to realize how cool and special you are. You ARE someone. You’re full of ideas, that encourage creating more. You’re a cool person to hang out with, those jokes are genius! Your art is amazing and inspiring. But the coolest part – you can create music. I cannot do that. Once a friend told me that everyone writes lyrics, but only a few can create music and that is actually true. And you should use this gift, you should share it with others, because it is really priceless.

I really don’t want this story to end because we’ve got so much stuff to do! We’ve got to break the fucking system at last! Y’know what I’m sayin’?



[тамблєр батюшка сенсей]

P.S.S. I always have to fuck up things, so they wouldn’t look so nice. But seriously, mention it.
P.S.S.S. You know what, I have this dream. I want to read once a fan fiction about our band.
P.S.S.S.S. If you have read this till the end, Thank you <3 And Happy New Year!

All this is cool but I want you to always remember, if you need my help, I’ll always be by your side.
Sincerely and always sincerely
Yours, Sofy

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