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№1. Family

  1.  Let’s talk about your family. What is family for you?
  2.  Are there any things that you do with your parents together?
  3.  What will you ask your British friend about his/her family relationships?
  4.  What can you advise a person who wants to have a close and happy family?
  5.  Nowadays an average family has one child. From your point of view, how many children should there be in a family?

2. Family traditions

  1.  Let’s talk about your family. Why is family important for you?
  2.  Are there any family traditions that you follow?
  3.  What will you ask your British friend about his/her relatives?
  4.  What can you advise a person who wants to have a good relationship with their parents and grandparents?
  5.  They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of generation gap. What do you think about this problem?

3. Family relationship

  1.  Let’s talk about your family. What role does it play in your life?
  2.  Are you on good terms with your parents and grandparents?
  3.  What will you ask your British friend about his/her family?
  4.  What can you advise people who want get on well with their parents?
  5.  They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of generation gap. What do you think about this problem?

№4.  Friendship and relationship with friends

  1.  Let’s talk about your friendship. What role do friends play in your life?
  2.  Can you rely on your best friend?
  3.  What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?
  4.  What can you advise a teenager who wants to make friends in a new school?
  5.  They say “If you haven’t learnt the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learnt anything”. What do you think about this?

5. Education

  1.  Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about the system of education in the Republic of Belarus?
  2.  Do you agree that Belarusian secondary school provides a person with good knowledge? Why (not)?
  3.  Ask me whether I liked school when I was a pupil.
  4.  What can you advise a student who is not very good at languages to do to achieve better results?
  5.  Today some young people think that having a good education is not very important. Do you agree with them?

6. Studying at school

  1.  Let’s talk about studying in school. What is your school like?
  2.  Do you agree that our school gives a person a good start in life? Why (not)?
  3.  Ask me what kind of pupil I was at school.
  4.  Which school club would you advise your classmate to join?
  5.  Today some young people think that having a good education is very important. Do you agree with them?

7. School traditions

  1.  Let’s talk about school traditions. Why are they important?
  2.  What can you tell me about the place where you study?
  3.  Ask me about my school life and school traditions.
  4.  You are talking to a British student. What you advise him/her to do to prepare for an exam well?
  5.  Nowadays some young people complain that they have lots of problems at school? Do you agree with them?

8. Choosing a career

  1.  Let’s talk about choosing a career. What would you like to become?
  2.  Does a person need to possess special qualities to become a good specialist in this or that particular field? Why?
  3.  What questions will you ask your future employer at a job interview?
  4.  Give me some pieces of advice on how to behave at a job interview to create a positive impression on the employer?
  5.  Some people think that it is necessary to have a good command of a foreign language to get a job. Do you agree with this?

№ 9 Life in the city and in the country

1. Let’s talk about advantages and disadvantages of living in the country and in a city.

2. Where would you like to live: in a city or in the country?

3. What questions would you like to ask your parents about the flat/house your family is going to move into?

4. Your friend wants to decorate his/her room. Give him/her some advice on how to furnish it.

5. They say that the room in which you live reflects your character and personality. What do you think about this idea?

№ 10 Different types of houses

1. Let’s talk about different types of houses. Describe your place.

2. Does the place where a person lives reflect his /her personality? Why (not)?

3. Ask me what my house looks like.

4. Your friend doesn’t know what to choose: to live in a city or in the country. Give him/her some advice.

5. How do you accept the idea of “a smart home”?

11 Belarusian national cuisine

  1.  Let’s talk about food. What can you tell me about eating habits in Belarus?
  2.  Do you personally follow the rules of a healthy way of life? Why (not)?
  3.  What questions can you ask a British friend about their national cuisine?
  4.  Can you tell me how to cook one of your favourite dishes?
  5.  Scientists say that fast food is unhealthy but teenagers can’t stop eating it. What do you think about it?

№ 12 National cuisine of an English-speaking country

  1.  Let’s talk about national cuisine of an English-speaking country. What do people eat in Britain?
  2.  Do you know many recipes?
  3.  What questions can you ask the owner of an English pub?
  4.  My friend wants to know more about national  cuisines. What national dishes would     you recommend him/her to taste?
  5.  A lot of pupils refuse to have meals at school .What do you think about it?

№ 13 Shopping

1. Let’s talk about shopping and money. Who does the shopping in your family and  where?

2.  Do you like shopping / Why (hot)?

3. What questions will you ask a shop-assistant of a big shopping mall?

4. What can you advice a person who has bought a faulty item?

5. Parents usually give pocket money to their children. How do you usually spend your pocket money?

14 Leisure time

  1.  Let’s talk about hobbies. What do you like doing in your leisure time?
  2.  Do you find it useful  to read books?
  3.  What questions can you ask your British friend about his /her free time?
  4.  Give me some advice on how to avoid boredom.
  5.  Many parents think that children should spend less time playing computer games, that they should play outside or do some sport instead. What do you think about this?

№ 15 Belarusian customs and traditions

1. Let’s talk about Belarusian customs and traditions.

2. What can you tell me about your favourite holiday?

3. What questions can you ask a British teenager about  their national holidays?

4. What national souvenirs will you recommend a British tourist to buy?

5. Do you think it is important to follow our grandparents’ traditions ? Why?

№ 16 Customs and traditions of an English speaking country

1. Let’s talk about customs and traditions of an English-speaking country. What can you tell me about British customs and traditions.

2. Are there any superstitions in which British people believe ?

3. What questions can you ask a British teenager about good manners in their country?

4. What good manners will you recommend a Belarusian  tourist  to follow in Britain?

5. Nowadays more and more people are getting interested in customs and traditions of different countries . Is it so important, what do you think?

№ 17. Modern means of communication

  1.  Let’s talk about modern means of communication: TV, newspapers, radio. Which of this does your family prefer?
  2.  Is there any means of communication you can’t live without? Why (not)?
  3.  What questions will you ask people who live without a TV set, computer or radio?
  4.  Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to surf the net, but I’d like to do it. Which sites would you recommend visiting?
  5.  Can the internet replace all the other means of mass media? What is your point of view?

18. Healthy way of life

  1.  Let’s talk about healthy way of life. What influences a person’s health?
  2.  Do you agree that bad habits, like smoking, can be dangerous? Why (not)?
  3.  What questions will you ask a dietician?
  4.  What can you advise a person who wants to lose weight?
  5.  What health problems does fast food lead to? What should you do to avoid them?

19. Sport

  1.  Let’s talk about sport. What do you do to keep fit?
  2.  Is sport paid much attention in Belarus?
  3.  What questions will you ask a professional sportsman?
  4.  What can you advise a person to do to stay young?
  5.  Why is a balanced diet important for your health?

20. Fashion

  1.  Let’s talk about fashion. What style in clothes do you prefer and why?
  2.  Do you prefer fashionable clothe to comfortable ones? Why (not)?
  3.  What questions would you ask a fashion designer?
  4.  What would you advise your friend who wants to buy some new clothes?
  5.  What is “beauty” in your opinion?

21. Travelling and tourism

  1.  Let’s talk about travelling. What role does it play in modern life?
  2.  How do you like to travel?
  3.  What questions should you ask a travel agent to learn more about a tour?
  4.  What can you advise a person who doesn’t know where to spend his/her holiday?
  5.  Today people are tired of exotic countries and prefer to spend holidays in the countryside in Belarus. What can attract people to it?

22. Environment

  1.  Let’s talk about environment. People say that our planet is in danger. Do you share this opinion?
  2.  What do you think people should do to protect the environment?
  3.  What would you like to ask an environmentalist?
  4.  A friend of yours wants to become environmentally-friendly. Give him a piece of advice.
  5.  They say men shouldn’t master the nature, they should learn how to work. What is your opinion?

23. Weather and climate

  1.  Let’s talk about weather and climate. What is happening to weather and climate nowadays?
  2.  Are you weather-dependent?
  3.  What questions would you ask a meteorologist?
  4.  What can you advise a person who wants to become a meteorologist?
  5.  Every season is good in its own way. What do you think about it?

24.  The republic of Belarus

  1.  Let’s talk about our country. What can you tell about our Motherland?
  2.  Do you know any symbols of our country?
  3.  What questions about Belarus do you expect to hear from a British teenager?
  4.  What Belarusian sights would you advise a foreigner to visit?
  5.  They say famous people of a country make its pride. Do you share this opinion?

25. Great Britain

  1.  Let’s talk about Britain. What do you know about the country?
  2.  Would you like to visit Britain? Why (not)?
  3.  What would you like to ask a British teenager about Britain?
  4.  Give me a piece of advice on what sights to see in London.
  5.  Do British traditions and customs differ from Belarusian ones?


1. Пожарная безопасность религиозных организаций
2. Этическая мысль эпохи эллинизма
3. Вирусный гепатит A
4. Лекция 12 Уважаемые коллеги Согласно той позиции которую вы для себя избрали я вижу правое и левое крыло
5. Роль транснациональных банков в обслуживании международной торговли и производства
6. Социальная стратификация российского обществ
7. расселявшегося на огромных пространствах Европы и Азии от лазурной Адриатики до берегов Тихого океана и от
8. тема лечебноэвакуационного обеспечения войск направлена на проведение последовательных и преемственных ле
9. Реферат- Республика Грузия
10. вступу в силу ldquo;Закону про медичне страхування громадян у Російській Федераціїrdquo;.html
12. Задание 1 Сравнить между собой естественное и стандартное числа обусловленности матрицы а также точное з
13. Двухфакторная производственная функция Кобба-Дугласа
14. ВВЕДЕНИЕ Во многих странах сегодня уделяется повышенное внимание совершенствованию структур нацеленных
16. Золотым веком химии в России называют 60е начало 70х годов XIX в
17. аДатаГруппа Алгорит
18. О местном самоуправлении в Краснодарском крае
19. Задание- Определить расчётные нагрузки на распределительных шинопроводах ШРА1 ШРА3 на питающих магистралях
20. Договор хранения.html