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Hog who hd mnymny friends He ws very kind hedgehog nd liked his friends very much

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True Friends

Once there lived a little hedge-hog who had many-many friends. He was a very kind hedge-hog and liked his friends very much.

He always gave his friends wonderful presents, but they never thanked him.

“Maybe my presents are not good enough,” thought the little hedge-hog and gave even better presents.

He always invited friends to his parties, but they never invited him to their parties.

“Maybe my parties are not good enough,” thought the little hedge-hog and gave even better parties.

He always helped his friends with their problems, but they never even wanted to hear about his.

“Maybe I am not good enough,” thought the little hedge-hog and tried harder.

One day the little hedge-hog had a REALLY BIG problem.

He called the friends whom he gave wonderful presents and asked for help.

He called the friends whom he invited to his parties and asked for help.

He called the friends whom he always helped with their problems and asked for help.

But no one wanted to help the little hedge-hog. He was very-very sad. He understood that his friends were not good enough. They were not his true friends.

So the next time when his “friends” wanted to get a present, he didn’t give them any.

And the next time when his “friends” wanted a party, he didn’t invite them.

And the next time when his “friends” asked him for help, he didn’t help them.

Very soon his “friends” didn’t ask for his parties, presents or help anymore.

But the little hedge-hog was not sad because he didn’t need such “friends”. Soon he found true friends and was very happy with them because they really liked the little hedge-hog.

A Happy Snake

A long time ago there lived a beautiful snake. Her skin was gold, green and blue. She coiled and moved gracefully. She was a smart snake, too, but she was never happy.

The snake was very popular. Many animals admired the snake, but never really liked her. “She is smart and beautiful, but very cold,” they said behind her back.

The snake liked when others said good things about her and gave her wonderful presents. It warmed her a little bit, like the sun. But she envied others because they were happy.

The snake was never happy. Nothing was good enough for the snake.

Her nice house was not good enough.

The wonderful presents were not good enough.

The tasty food was not good enough.

Even the weather was not good enough – always too cold or too hot.

Nothing was good enough for the snake because she thought that she was TOO GOOD.

“I am so smart and beautiful,” thought the snake. “I deserve more. I deserve something special.”

So day after day she slept and waited for something special to come, but it didn’t.

Soon the snake became sad, angry and ill. She was not popular anymore. Some were even afraid of her.

“Why are others happy?” thought the snake. “They are not as smart and beautiful as me. Why do they have good things and I only have problems and illnesses?”

The snake didn’t see that the others had problems and illnesses, too.

One day the sad and angry snake met a happy little worm.

“You are ugly and you crawl in dirt,” said the snake, “What is your secret? What makes you happy?” She wanted to be happy like the little worm.

The little worm said, “I crawl in dirt because I make the soil better. It helps the plants grow better. The plants have better flowers and better fruit. This makes animals and people happy. Maybe people think that I am ugly, but they need me. I know it and I am happy.”

“Ah,” said the snake, “Your ‘happiness’ is not for me. I am too smart and beautiful to crawl in dirt. And I don’t care if animals and people are happy. I only want to be happy myself.”

And the sad and angry snake went back to sleep and wait for her happiness to come.

At that time a snake catcher was passing by. He saw the sleeping snake and thought, “What a beautiful snake! I can make a very special snakeskin bag for my dear wife. She will be very happy!”

And indeed she was.

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