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He is pcking the presents Children from ll over the world re witing for them

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Действующие лица: Father Frost, the Hare, the Fox, the Squirrel, the Bullfinch, the Mouse, the Deer, the Witch


Ведущий:  Dear children!  Would  you like to listen to a story that happened once to Father Frost?  Well, the story starts like this …

New Year is coming and Father Frost is busy making the last preparations for the holiday. He is packing the presents. Children from all over the world are waiting for them.  

Now he is ready to start his journey. His bag is full of presents. Father Frost is happy. He looks at the watch. He must hurry up!

 Well, now Father Frost is walking through the wood. Oh! His mobile phone is ringing. Somebody is calling him! Father Frost puts his bag on the snow and starts talking.

At that very moment an ugly witch appears from behind the tree. She is wicked. She doesn’t like Father Frost, she doesn’t like children. Oh, no! The witch takes the bag with the presents and runs away.

Father Frost has finished his talk at last. He turns round but he cannot  believe his eyes! His bag has disappeared!

Father Frost is very unhappy! Children will not  get their New Year presents. How awful!

Suddenly Father Frost  sees a Hare.

The Hare: ”Hello, Father Frost! Why are you so sad?”

Father Frost: “Somebody has stolen my bag with the presents. I’m so unhappy. What shall I do?”

The Hare: ”Don’t worry, Father Frost. I’ll help you. Look! I’ve got a carrot. It is small, but  very tasty.  You may give is as a present to children.”

Father Frost: “Thank you, Hare. You are so kind. Good bye.”

The Hare: “Good bye, Father Frost!”

Ведущий:  Father Frost goes on and on through the wood and sees a fox.

The Fox: “Hello, Father Frost! Why are you so gloomy? Where is your bag? Where are your presents for children?

Father Frost: “I don’t know what has happened to them. I simply put the bag on the ground. Then I had a call, and then … no bag, no presents! I can’t believe it!”

The Fox: Oh, what a misfortune! But, look!  What a beautiful ribbon I’ve got! Give it to children as a present!”

Father Frost: “Thank you, Fox. You are so kind!”

Ведущий: On and on goes Father Frost and he sees a squirrel.

The Squirrel: “Hello, Father Frost! I’m so glad to see you! But why are you so sad?  

Father Frost: “My dear friend! Somebody has stolen my bag with presents! You see, I only have two presents from the Hare and the Fox. Two nice little presents for two children.”

The Squirrel: “Cheer up, Father Frost! Look! I’ve got a box with nuts. I collected them in autumn.  You know,I like nuts very much, but I feel pity for the children. They will be so unhappy on a New Year’s morning. Give these nuts to them, Father Frost!”

Father Frost: ”Oh, thank you very much, my dear squirrel. You are very kind!”

The Squirrel: “Good bye, Father Frost! And give my best wishes to children!”

Father Frost: “Good bye, squirrel! I will never forget your kindness!”

Ведущий: Father Frost goes on and on. Suddenly he sees a bullfinch, sitting in the tree.

The Bullfinch: “Hello, Father Frost! Where is your bag? Why are you carrying presents in your pockets?”

Father Frost: “You see, Bullfinch, somebody has stolen my bag.  And these are the presents from the Hare, the Fox, and the Squirrel. They do not want children to be unhappy on New Year’s Eve”.

The Bullfinch: “I can’t believe that! But who could  have stolen your  bag? Oh! I think I can guess. I saw the Witch some time ago. She had something red in her hands!”

Father Frost: “That was my bag! She has stolen the presents!

The Bullfinch: “Don’t worry, Father Frost! You will  soon find her! She will have to give the presents back to you. But now, look, I’ve got a wonderful necklace made of berries. Let it be my New Year present to one of the children.”

Father Frost: “Thank you, Bullfinch! Thank you, dear friend!”

Ведущий:  Father Frost is walking very fast. He must get the presents back!  Suddenly he sees a mouse.

The Mouse: “Hello, Father Frost! I can’t see your bag! Where is it?

Father Frost: “The ugly Witch has stolen it. But I‘ve got many other presents, as you see. My dear friends, animals and birds gave their favourite things to children as presents.”

The Mouse: “Oh, Father Frost! I have got a present, too. Look! It’s a piece of cheese. It’s the best cheese in the world! Believe me! Children will like it very much!”

Father Frost: “Thank you, my little friend! It’s so nice of you! I must hurry on! Goodbye!”

Ведущий: Father Frost goes on and he sees a deer.

The Deer: “Hello, Father Frost! You look so strange today!  What’s up? Where is your bag?

Father Frost: “The Witch has stolen it! But my friends have given me so many presents that it’s difficult to carry them.”

The Deer: “Father Frost! Look! I’ve got a big nice sledge. You may put your presents on it and I will carry them for you!

Father Frost: “Thank you, Deer! I hope the children will get their presents on time! I’m so happy! “

Ведущий: Father Frost puts the presents on the sledge and they travel fast in the woods. Suddenly they see the Witch. She is very tired and unhappy.

Father Frost: ”Stop, the Witch! How wicked you are! You stole the children’s New Year presents!”

The Witch: “Yes, I did that, Father Frost.  But do you know why? Nobody has ever given me a small present  because I’m ugly, because I am old. I feel so lonely on New Year’s Eve! Nobody likes me!”

Father Frost: “ It’s true! But have you ever done something good for children? They don’t like you because you are wicked!”

The Witch (crying): “Father Frost! Please, forgive me! I don’t want to be wicked. I want to be good!  Here is your bag! Take it and give the presents to children. They are waiting for you!”

Ведущий: Now Father Frost is very,very happy! The witch is not wicked any longer! And he has got even more presents than before! Children will be happy, too!


The last scene  Father Frost and the animals are standing on the stage and singing the song “We wish you a Merry Christmas!”

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