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Вариант I 1 Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе

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Вариант I 

1. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе.
 выполнения: a table - tables
a pencil,
а map, a window, a dress, a watch, a glass, a party, a play, an army, a leaf, a man.
Поставьте личные местоимения, данные в скобках, в объектный падеж и переведите предложения.
1. My father helped (I) with this exercise.
2. You spoke to that man, I saw (you).
3. We asked (she) to come and see (we).
4.  They played very well and we were pleased with (they).
5. He did the exercise well and the teacher praised (he).
6.  Take the key but put (it) back into my bag.
Напишите следующие словосочетания в притяжательном падеже. Образец выполнения: the father of my friend-my friend's father
1)  the wife of our teacher
2)  the room of my sisters
3)  the house of Mr Green
4) the rights of women
5) the meeting of the students
6) the doll of their niece

4. Вставьте вместо точек местоимения:
a)  much, many, a lot of
1.  There isn't ..... water in the cup.
2.  They have..... friends.
3. Did you visit ..... countries?
4. He can give you ..... English books.
5. We didn't learn ..... new words.

b)  little, few
1. There are ..... magazines on the table.
2.  There is ..... milk in the glass.
3. I have ..... free time now.
4. He made ..... mistakes in the test.

5. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени, лице и числе (Present Indefinite or Present Continuous).
1. Many birds (to fly) South in autumn.
2. Look! Someone (to approach) the gate.
3. When you (to get) up in the morning?
4. Mr.Taylor (to use) the computer now?

5. He (not to study) at the institute.
5. They (not to discuss) this problem now.

6. Напишите следующие предложения в past Indefinite, добавив, если это необходимо по смыслу, нужное обстоятельстве времени.
1. These students often go to the theatre.
2. Does Ann usually come to see you?
3. He crosses the street in front of his house.
4. I don't like to watch football matches on TV.
5. The weather is fine today.
6. My parents are always at home at 7 o'clock.

7. а/ Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст.
б/ Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What universities are the oldest in Great Britain?
2. When were the so-called redbrick universities founded?
3. What is the main aim of redbrick universities?
в/ Перепишите и письменно переведите второй абзац текста.


There are more than forty universities in Britain, of which 35 are in England, 8 in Scotland, 2 in Northern Ireland and 1 in Wales. The two oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. These date from the Middle Ages. Oxford is the oldest of these two universities, it is more philosophical, classical, theological. The history of Oxford began in 1243, that of Cambridge in 1348. Among the English universities Oxford and Cambridge have a special eminence, and they are different from the others.

England had no other universities, apart from Oxford and Cartridge, until the nineteenth century. The universities which were founded between 1850 and 1930, including London University, are known as redbrick universities (they were called so because that was the favorable building material of the time).They are in London, Durham, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bristol, Nottingham, etc. The University of London is the largest of them. The division between Oxford and Redbrick is sharp. The division is essentially a class one. Redbrick universities were built to provide a liberal education for the poorer boys and to give technological training. Oxford end Cambridge graduates scorned them.
The universities which were founded after the Second World War are called “the new universities”. They  are in Staffordshire, Lent, Essex, Lancaster, Sussex, York. Some of them quickly became popular because of their modern approach to university courses.

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