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Cn live in cmel ~ desert monkey ~ jungle n octopus ~ n ocen cheeth ~ grsslnds Послетекстовые упражнения p

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net:

а camel

а monkey

аn octopus

а cheetah

a desert

a jungle

an ocean

a grasslands

Look at the board.

You can see animals and places where they live. Please, join animal with place:

«…can live in …»

A camel – a desert

A monkey – a jungle

An octopus – an ocean

A cheetah – a grasslands

Послетекстовые упражнения p.72

Find in this text:

Однажды он пришел к своему папе;

Но ты очень маленький;

Я могу плавать и нырять;

Он бежал очень быстро;


Can I go swimming in the sea alone today?;

Flippy cried loudly;

It was a little penguin;

The penguin didn’t answer;

Complete sentences:

1) Flippy could swim and drive …. ….

2) But his father thought that Flippy is very ……

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy cried loudly and … to the sea.

1) Flippy could swim and drive (очень хорошо).

2) But his father (думал) that Flippy is very (маленький).

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy сried (громко) and (побежал) to the sea.

True or false

Flippy is a little penguin (t)

Flippy could fly very well (f)

Dad say that Flippy is very little (t)

Find in this text:

Однажды он пришел к своему папе;

Но ты очень маленький;

Я могу плавать и нырять;

Он бежал очень быстро;


Can I go swimming in the sea alone today?;

Flippy cried loudly;

It was a little penguin;

The penguin didn’t answer;

Complete sentences:

1) Flippy could swim and drive …. ….

2) But his father thought that Flippy is very ……

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy cried loudly and … to the sea.

1) Flippy could swim and drive (очень хорошо).

2) But his father (думал) that Flippy is very (маленький).

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy сried (громко) and (побежал) to the sea.

True or false

Flippy is a little penguin (t)

Flippy could fly very well (f)

Dad say that Flippy is very little (t)

Find in this text:

Однажды он пришел к своему папе;

Но ты очень маленький;

Я могу плавать и нырять;

Он бежал очень быстро;


Can I go swimming in the sea alone today?;

Flippy cried loudly;

It was a little penguin;

The penguin didn’t answer;

Complete sentences:

1) Flippy could swim and drive …. ….

2) But his father thought that Flippy is very ……

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy cried loudly and … to the sea.

1) Flippy could swim and drive (очень хорошо).

2) But his father (думал) that Flippy is very (маленький).

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy сried (громко) and (побежал) to the sea.

True or false

Flippy is a little penguin (t)

Flippy could fly very well (f)

Dad say that Flippy is very little (t)

Find in this text:

Однажды он пришел к своему папе;

Но ты очень маленький;

Я могу плавать и нырять;

Он бежал очень быстро;


Can I go swimming in the sea alone today?;

Flippy cried loudly;

It was a little penguin;

The penguin didn’t answer;

Complete sentences:

1) Flippy could swim and drive …. ….

2) But his father thought that Flippy is very ……

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy cried loudly and … to the sea.

1) Flippy could swim and drive (очень хорошо).

2) But his father (думал) that Flippy is very (маленький).

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy сried (громко) and (побежал) to the sea.

True or false

Flippy is a little penguin (t)

Flippy could fly very well (f)

Dad say that Flippy is very little (t)

Find in this text:

Однажды он пришел к своему папе;

Но ты очень маленький;

Я могу плавать и нырять;

Он бежал очень быстро;


Can I go swimming in the sea alone today?;

Flippy cried loudly;

It was a little penguin;

The penguin didn’t answer;

Complete sentences:

1) Flippy could swim and drive …. ….

2) But his father thought that Flippy is very ……

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy cried loudly and … to the sea.

1) Flippy could swim and drive (очень хорошо).

2) But his father (думал) that Flippy is very (маленький).

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy сried (громко) and (побежал) to the sea.

True or false

Flippy is a little penguin (t)

Flippy could fly very well (f)

Dad say that Flippy is very little (t)

Find in this text:

Однажды он пришел к своему папе;

Но ты очень маленький;

Я могу плавать и нырять;

Он бежал очень быстро;


Can I go swimming in the sea alone today?;

Flippy cried loudly;

It was a little penguin;

The penguin didn’t answer;

Complete sentences:

1) Flippy could swim and drive …. ….

2) But his father thought that Flippy is very ……

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy cried loudly and … to the sea.

1) Flippy could swim and drive (очень хорошо).

2) But his father (думал) that Flippy is very (маленький).

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy сried (громко) and (побежал) to the sea.

True or false

Flippy is a little penguin (t)

Flippy could fly very well (f)

Dad say that Flippy is very little (t)

Find in this text:

Однажды он пришел к своему папе;

Но ты очень маленький;

Я могу плавать и нырять;

Он бежал очень быстро;


Can I go swimming in the sea alone today?;

Flippy cried loudly;

It was a little penguin;

The penguin didn’t answer;

Complete sentences:

1) Flippy could swim and drive …. ….

2) But his father thought that Flippy is very ……

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy cried loudly and … to the sea.

1) Flippy could swim and drive (очень хорошо).

2) But his father (думал) that Flippy is very (маленький).

3) But then father agreed.

4) Flippy сried (громко) and (побежал) to the sea.

True or false

Flippy is a little penguin (t)

Flippy could fly very well (f)

Dad say that Flippy is very little (t)

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