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ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ CTIVE VOICE to spek ~ spoke ~ spoken ~ speking Simple.html

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I (you, we, they) speak

he (she, it) speaks

Do I (you, we, they) speak?

Does he (she, it) speak?

I (you, we, they) don’t speak

He (she, it) doesn’t speak

usually, always, sometimes, hardly ever, never, often, rarely, every day, every Sunday, every morning, in the morning(s), on Sunday(s)

to be + Participle I (Ving)

I am speaking

he (she, it) is speaking

you (we, they) are  speaking

Am I speaking?

Is he (she, it) speaking?

Are  you (we, they) speaking?

I am not speaking

he (she, it) isn’t  speaking

you (we, they) aren’t  speaking

now, at the moment, today, this week, this evening, always (вечно)

to have +  Participle II

I (you, we, they) have spoken

he (she, it) has spoken

Have I (you, we, they) spoken?

Has he (she, it) spoken?

I (you, we, they) haven’t spoken

He (she, it) hasn’t spoken

just, already(+), yet (?,-), never, ever, today, this week/month/year/term/morning, so far, in the last few days, lately, recently, since, for. It’s the first time…

to have been + Participle I (Ving)

I (you, we, they) have been speaking

he (she, it) has been speaking

Have I (you, we, they) been speaking?

Has he (she, it) been speaking?

for a long time, for 5 hours, for many years, for years, since 4 o’clock, since early morning

How long…? Since when…?


Если прав. глагол + ed (to ask - asked)

Если неправ. глагол см. табл. 2 ст.

I (you, we, they) spoke

he (she, it) spoke

Did I (you, he, she, it, we, they) speak?

I (you, he, she, it, we, they) didn’t speak

yesterday, the day before yesterday, ago,        last week/ month/year/Sunday/evening,

in 1999, the other day, last time.   When…?

I (he, she, it) was speaking

you (we, they) were speaking

Was I (he, she, it) speaking?

Were you (we, they) speaking?

I (he, she, it) wasn’t speaking

you (we, they) weren’t speaking

at 5 o’clock (yesterday), at that time yesterday, from 5 till 7 o’clock (yesterday), when he came…

I (he, she, it,you,we,they) had spoken

Had I (he,she,it,you,we,they) spoken?

I (he, she, it,you,we,they) hadn’t spoken

by 5 o’clock (yesterday), by the end of the year, by the 10th of November, when (before) he came…

I (he, she, it,you,we,they) had been speaking

Had I (he,she,it,you,we,they) been speaking?

since the time when, before…


I (we) will speak

You (he, she, it, they) will speak

Shall I (we) speak?

Will you (he, she, it, they) speak?

I (we) shall not (shan’t) speak

You (he, she, it, they) will not (won’t) speak

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow,

in a week, one of these days,

next week/month/year/Sunday/summer

I (we) will be speaking

You (he, she, it, they) will be speaking

Shall I (we) be speaking?

Will you (he, she, it, they) be speaking?

I (we) shall not  be speaking

You (he, she, it, they) will not be speaking

at 5 o’clock (tomorrow), at that time tomorrow, from 5 till 7 o’clock (tomorrow), when he comes…

I (we) will have spoken

You (he, she, it, they) will have spoken

Shall I (we) have spoken?

Will you (he, she, it, they) have spoken?

I (we) shall not have spoken

You (he, she, it, they) will not have spoken

by 5 o’clock (tomorrow), by the end of the year, by the 10th of November, when (before) he comes…

I (we) will have been speaking

You (he, she, it, they) will have been speaking

Shall I (we) have been speaking?

Will you (he, she, it, they) have been speaking?

Future in the past

I (we) should speak

You (he, she, it, they) would speak

I (we) should be speaking

You (he, she, it, they) would be speaking

I (we) should have spoken

You (he, she, it, they) would have spoken

I (we) should have been speaking

You (he, she, it, they) would have been speaking

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