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Шет тілі 5В130200 Стоматология маманды~ы Курс- І B де~гейі ~~растырушы- Никитина Т

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ҚММУ Ф 4/306/02

2007 ж. 14 маусымдағы

№6 НХ.

Қарағанды мемлекеттік медицина университеті

Шет тілдеркафедрасы

Тәжірбиелік семинарлық сабақтарға арналған әдістемелік ұсыныс

Тақырыбы: Қазақстан Республикасындағы медициналық білім жүйесі.

Зат есімнің тәуелдік септігі. Бұйрықты және хабарлы сөйлемдегі сөздердің реті.

Пәні «Шет тілі»

5В130200 -  Стоматология  мамандығы

Курс: І B деңгейі

Құрастырушы: Никитина Т.Н.

Қарағанды 2013ж.

Шет тілдер кафедрасының отырысында талқыланды және бекітілді

№ 11 хаттамасы  28.06. 2013ж.

Кафедра меңгерушісі ______________________ Бурмистрова В.А.

Тақырыбы: Қазақстан Республикасындағы медициналық білім жүйесі.

Зат есімнің тәуелдік септігі. Бұйрықты және хабарлы сөйлемдегі сөздердің реті.

Оқыту тапсырмалары: медициналық аударманың стилистикалық ерекшеліктерін үйрену; медициналық әдебиеттің негізінде грамматикалық құрылымдарды меңгеру; меңгерілген грамматикалық құрылымдар мен медициналық терминологиялардың қолдануымен өз ойын шет тілінде жеткізу.

  1.  Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары:
  2.  Грамматикамен жұмыс:

грамматикалық материалдарды енгізу «Зат есімнің тәуелдік септігі. Бұйрықты және хабарлы сөйлемдегі сөздердің реті.»

  1.  берілген жаттығулардың орындалуы
  2.  трансформациялық жаттығулардың орындалуы
  3.  ауызекі сөйлемде грамматикалық материалдардың қолданылуы
  4.  Лексикамен жұмыс:
  5.  дефиницияның қолданылуымен лексикалық материалдарды енгізу
  6.  мәтінде лексикалық материалдардың активтендірілуі
  7.  берілген жаттығулар
  8.  Мәтінмен жұмыс:
  9.  мәтінге жоспар мен сұрақтардың құрастырылуы
  10.  мәтін интерпретациясын оқытуға арналған жаттығу
  11.  оқылған мәтіннің негізгі мазмұнын түсінуді бақылауға арналған   жаттығулар
  12.  Оқыту және сабақ беру әдістері: кіші топтар , дискуссия, жұппен жұмыс істеу, презентациялар


  1.  Волмянская О.А. Профессиональный английский язык для студентовмедиков, Мн.: выш. Шк., 1984г.180с.
  2.  Маслова А.М. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. 2е изд. Испр. Доп. М.: Высш.шк., 1983г.352с.
  3.  Экерсли К.Э. Учебник английского языка.Харьков,1992г.250с.
  4.  Бушина Л.М. и др. Учебник немецкого языка медвузов. 1984
  5.  Бондарь С.Н. и др. Учебник немецкого языка для медвузов. 1977
  6.  Бондарь С.Н. и др. Пособие по немецкому языку для медвузов. 1977 на английском языке

  1.  Бақылау: лексикалықграмматикалық мәтіннің орындалуы


Task I. Read and translate the new words:

  1.  Establish     6. promotron 9. implement
  2.  aqua lifying category    7. Provide  10. transmission
  3.  advanced     8. exclude
  4.  healthcare    9. medical records
  5.  escort     10. Equip

Task ІI. Read and translate the text

Medical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Center for Introduction of Modern Medical Technologies at the Presidential Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan was establis bed in 1998.

The are 6 candidates of medical sciences, 2 doctors with the highest and 2 – with the first qualifying category working in the Center.

The main activities at the Center are: Employees at the Center are regularly trained abroad in order to get familiarized with, the advanced medical technologies and information systems. Grants for training are received from the organization “Health and medical care” (Japan), “Actual problems of organization of health care and public health” (Russia) etc. The Purposes of the Center are:

  1.  Escorting and development of health information and TV technologies along with introducing specialized modules and expert systems and advanced telemedicine.


  1.  Introduction of advanced scientific, educational and promotional activity methods;
  2.  Development of commercial service by providing feebased services, including disinfection, pest and rodent control ect.

Since 2010, an integrated health information system has been implemented in hospitals of the Presidential Affairs Administration which will allow fully automated work of a doctor and exclude routine completion of medical records.

One of the priorities of the Center is introduce innovative technologies into the practice of subordinate organizations. The Center constantly monitors innovative activities among pharmacists, doctors, bacteriologists and chemists.

In 2010 the Center organized distant training courses, which were taken by over 500 medical experts from the Hospitals of the Presidential Affairs Administration and medical Institutions of the Republic.

The Center is equipped with the best telemedicine equipment channel for high speed data transmission between Asian and Pacific was setup.

III. Answer the questions

  1.  When was the Center for Introduction of Modern Medical Technologies at the Presidential Affairs Administration established?
  2.  What are the main activities at the Center?
  3.  Where are the grants for training received from?
  4.  What are the purposes of the Center?
  5.  When has an integrated health information system been implement?
  6.  What is one of the priorities of the Center?
  7.  In what year did the Center organize distant training courses?
  8.  How many medical experts took the distant training courses?

IV. Complete the sentences:

  1.  The Center of Introduction of Medical Technologies at the Presidential Affairs Administration of the RK was established in …
  2.  In the Center work …
  3.  The main purposes of the Center are …
  4.  The main purposes of the Center are ..
  5.  The integrated health information system will allow …
  6.  One of the priorities of the Center is …
  7.  The Center constantly monitors ..
  8.  In 2010 the Center organized …
  9.  The Center is equipped with …

V. Say true or false

1) There are 16 candidates of medical sciences. 2 doctors with the highest and 12with the first category working in the Center.

2) The Center has 3 main purposes.

3) Since 2000 an integrated health information system has been implemented.

4) One of the priorities of the Center is to introduce innovative technologies into practice.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into proper tense and voice.

  1.  Employees at the Center (train) regularly abroad.
  2.  Grants for training (receive) from several organizations.
  3.  Since 2010 an integrated health information system (implement) in hospitals. Which (allow) fully automatic work of a doctor.
  4.  In 2010 Center (organize) distant training courses.
  5.  They (take) by over 500 medical experts.
  6.  The Center (equip) with the best telemedicine equipment channel.

VII. Retell the text

VIII. Do the revision test

  1.  Give the synonym to modern
  2.  moderate
  3.  moral
  4.  contemporary
  5.  advanced
  6.  progressive

2.Choose the synonym to “main”

  1.  common
  2.  usual
  3.  chief
  4.  mandatory
  5.  constant

3.Choose the synonym to “receive”

  1.  take
  2.  grant
  3.  get
  4.  recall
  5.  remote

4.Choose synonym to “actual”

  1.  usual
  2.  common
  3.  general
  4.  modern
  5.  real

5.Choose the synonym to “advanced”

  1.  actual
  2.  modern
  3.  progressive
  4.  common
  5.  integrated

6.Choose the synonym to “allow”

  1.  get
  2.  gain
  3.  let
  4.  advance
  5.  activate

7.Find synonym to “affair”

  1.  action
  2.  deed
  3.  matter
  4.  problem
  5.  license

8.Find the synonym to “along with”

  1.  hear
  2.  beside
  3.  together with
  4.  next to
  5.  apart from

9.Choose the synonym to “fee”

  1.  faith
  2.  salary
  3.  charge
  4.  packet
  5.  free

10.Find the synonym to “routine”

  1.  modern
  2.  common
  3.  real
  4.  every day
  5.  usual

11.Choose the antonym to “establish”

  1.  get
  2.  set up
  3.  destroy
  4.  erect
  5.  die

12.Choose the antonym to “along with”

  1.  near
  2.  apart from
  3.  beside
  4.  next to
  5.  far from

13.Choose the antonym to “abroad”

  1.  far away
  2.  home country
  3.  in the country
  4.  in a distance
  5.  at home

14.Choose antonym “best”

  1.  better
  2.  good
  3.  bad
  4.  worst
  5.  worse

15.Find the antonym to “include”

  1.  install
  2.  exclude
  3.  exchange
  4.  consist of
  5.  separate

16.Find the antonym to “advanced”

  1.  real
  2.  modern
  3.  backward
  4.  progressive
  5.  common

17. Give definition to “employee”

  1.  an illed person
  2.  a healthy person
  3.  a hired person
  4.  an introduced person
  5.  a happy person

18.Civ definition to “advanced”

  1.  modern
  2.  actual
  3.  progressive
  4.  leading
  5.  outstanding

19. Give definition to “constantly”

  1.  every day
  2.  from time to time
  3.  regularly
  4.  In time
  5.  little by little

20. Give definition to “pharmacist”

  1.  an operating person
  2.  a selling person
  3.  a treating person
  4.  making drugs person
  5.  a teaching person

21.Give synonym to “purpose”

  1.  a reason
  2.  a reaction
  3.  a goal
  4.  principle
  5.  service

22.Give synonym to get “familiarized”

  1.  to hear
  2.  to learn
  3.  to get acqucinted
  4.  to emerge
  5.  to found

23.Give antonym to “feebased”

  1.  paid
  2.  beneficial
  3.  charitybased
  4.  free
  5.  useful

24.Give definition to “integrate”

  1.  interact
  2.  to gather
  3.  to enter
  4.  to join together
  5.  mix

25.Choose the right ending

Employees at the Center are regularly trained abroad in order to …

  1.  have a rest
  2.  exchange knowledge
  3.  get familiarized with advanced methods
  4.  by new equipment
  5.  to introduce new technologies

26. Find the right variant to:

One of the purposes of the Center is ….

  1.  to help illed people
  2.  to exchange experience
  3.  to introduce advanced methods
  4.  to do investigations
  5.  to sell modern medical equipment

27.Choose the proper ending:

One of the priorities of the priorities of the Center is …

  1.  to train young specia lists
  2.  to sell new equipment
  3.  to introduce innovative technologies
  4.  to exchange new methods
  5.  to show new methods

28.Choose the right ending:

The Center is equipped with ….

  1.  bad devices
  2.  old equipment
  3.  the best telemedicine equipment
  4.  a lot of various devices
  5.  with surgeonary instruments

29.Choose the noun’s suffix:

  1.  ous
  2.  ful
  3.  ist
  4.  ize
  5.  ly

30.Define the verb’s suffix:

  1.  al
  2.  enly
  3.  ture
  4.  ty

31.Define the adverb’s suffix:

  1.  ness
  2.  ent
  3.  en
  4.  ly
  5.  dom

32.Define the adjective suffix:

  1.  ship
  2.  ing
  3.  en
  4.  ize
  5.  ly

33.Define the part of speech of scientific

  1.  noun
  2.  verb
  3.  adjective
  4.  participle
  5.  preposition

34.Define the part of speech of


  1.  adverb
  2.  adjective
  3.  echnology
  4.  noun
  5.  conjunction

35.Find Participle II

  1.  train
  2.  training
  3.  trained
  4.  trains
  5.  trainer

36.Find Participle I

  1.  provide
  2.  provided
  3.  providing
  4.  provider
  5.  provides

37.Choose the right preposition:

To get jamiliarized ….

  1.  by
  2.  at
  3.  with
  4.  in
  5.  into

38.Choose the right preposition: along …

  1.  by
  2.  at
  3.  under
  4.  with
  5.  in

39.Insert the right preposition: … has been implemented … hospitals … Presidential Administration

  1.  at/in
  2.  in/in
  3.  in/of
  4.  by/of
  5.  o/of

40.Define Past Indefinite Active

  1.  trains
  2.  trained
  3.  were trained
  4.  are training
  5.  will train

41.Define part of speech of Presidential

  1.  adverb
  2.  verb
  3.  noun
  4.  adjective
  5.  participle

42.Define tense and voice: are trained

  1.  Present Simple Active
  2.  Past Simple Passive
  3.  Present Simple Passive
  4.  Present Continuous Active
  5.  Present Continuous Passive

43.Define Passive Voice

  1.  are taking
  2.  were taking
  3.  will take
  4.  have taken
  5.  were taken

44.Define tense and voice: were taken

  1.  Past Simple Active
  2.  Present Perfect Passive
  3.  Past Simple Passive
  4.  Future Simple Active
  5.  Past Perfect Active

45.Insert the right verb: The Center … (equip) with the lust Telemedicine equipment

  1.  equips
  2.  are equipped
  3.  is being equipped
  4.  is equipped
  5.  has been equipped

46.Define modal verb:

  1.  let
  2.  allow
  3.  may
  4.  need
  5.  should

47.Define modal equivalent:

  1.  can
  2.  may
  3.  must
  4.  have to
  5.  have

48.Define the tense and voice:

has been implemented

  1.  Present Perfect Active
  2.  Past Perfect Active
  3.  Present Perfect Passive
  4.  Present Continuous Passive
  5.  Past Continuous Active

49.Define part of speech of working

  1.  noun
  2.  adjective
  3.  verb
  4.  Participle
  5.  adverb

50.Define the part of speech of constantly

  1.  noun
  2.  adjective
  3.  verb
  4.  adverb
  5.  Participle

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